Sony HTSS360 manual


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Bom manual de uso

As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto Sony HTSS360. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoSony HTSS360 vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual Sony HTSS360 você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual Sony HTSS360, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual Sony HTSS360 deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo Sony HTSS360
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo Sony HTSS360
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo Sony HTSS360
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque Sony HTSS360 não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos Sony HTSS360 e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço Sony na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas Sony HTSS360, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo Sony HTSS360, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual Sony HTSS360. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    ©200 9 Son y Corp ora tion 4- 130- 033 - 41 (1 ) Home Th eatr e System Operating Inst ructions HT -SS360[...]

  • Página 2

    2 US T o reduc e the ri sk of fire or e l ec tr ic shock, do not expos e this app aratus to ra in o r m ois tur e. To reduce the risk o f fire, d o n o t cover the ve ntila tion open ing of th e a ppar atus wit h newsp apers, ta bleclot hs, curt ains, etc . Do not plac e the nak ed flame sour ces such as lighted can dles on the app aratus. Do no t [...]

  • Página 3

    3 US 10) Pro tect the po wer cord from bei ng walk ed on or p in che d pa rt ic ul arl y at pl u gs, conve ni enc e rece ptacles, and the point w here t hey e x it fro m the ap paratus. 11) Only us e attach ments/acc essori es specif ied b y th e m a nu fa ct ure r . 12) Use onl y wi th th e c art, st and , tr ipod , bra cket, or tabl e specif ied [...]

  • Página 4

    4 US About This Manual • The instr uc tion s in th is manu al a re fo r mo del HT- SS360 . • I n this manua l, mod el s of area c ode U is used f or illustration purposes unless st ated otherwise. Any diff erence in operat ion is clear ly indicat ed in the text , fo r ex ample, “Model s of ar ea co de CA on ly”. The HT -SS360 consists of: ?[...]

  • Página 5

    5 US T abl e of Co nte nt s Des crip t ion and l oca tion of p arts ..... .. ...... ... .. 6 Gettin g Star ted 1: I nsta ll ing the s pea kers .... ... ..... ... ... ..... ... ... 13 2: C on nec tin g t he s pea ke rs ... .. ...... ... .. ...... ... 15 3: C on nec ting t he T V ...... ... ..... ... ... ..... ... ... ... 1 6 4: Conn ecti ng the aud [...]

  • Página 6

    6 US Des crip tion and l ocat ion of pa rts Front pane l ACTIVE STANDBY INPUT SELECTOR MASTER VOLUME ?/1 2 5 6 4 1 7 3 Name Function A ? / 1 (on/ standby ) Press t o t ur n t he r eceiver on or off (pag e 21, 28 , 29). B A CT IVE ST ANDBY lamp Lig hts up in am ber when the Control for HDMI i s set to on and t he receiv er is on stan dby m ode. Note[...]

  • Página 7

    7 US Indicators on t he display 2 4 5 1 3 6 8 7 9 q; qa qs Name Fun ction A LFE Lights up when th e disc being pla yed back con tains an LF E (L ow Frequen cy Effec t) channe l and the LFE ch annel si gnal is ac t ual ly b eing r eproduc ed. B SLEEP Lights up when the s leep ti mer is ac tiv ate d (pa ge 4 7). C Play ba ck cha nn el indic ato rs L [...]

  • Página 8


  • Página 9

    9 US Yo u can us e the sup plie d remot e RM- AAU057 t o o perat e the re ceive r and to cont rol t he Sony a udio/ video componen ts tha t the re mo te i s as sign ed to op er ate (p age 48 ). RM-AA U057 Basic op eratio ns Remote commander 123 46 78 0 ENTER 9 SYSTEM STANDBY TV INPUT DMPORT VIDEO1 VIDEO2 BD DVD RETURN/EXIT TV CH – PRESET – TV C[...]

  • Página 10

    10 US T uner opera tions DMPORT operati ons T o control th e component 1 Press o ne of the i n put buttons C (TV, BD, DVD, o r SAT) to select th e compo nent you w ant to operate. Th e co mp one n t assi gn ed to th e sele ct ed input but ton b ecomes op erable. 2 Referring t o the foll owing table, press the co rrespondi ng button fo r the oper at[...]

  • Página 11

    11 US T o contr ol the D VD recor der/ Blu-ray Disc r ecorde r Remote But ton Fu nction K MUTI NG Press t o turn o ff the sound. L TV +/– Press t o adjus t the volu me. M MENU/HOME P res s to a llow yo u to se le ct chann els o r inp ut sour ces and cha nge the sett ings for your TV. N TV CH +/– Sel ects the next (+) or pr evious (–) ch annel[...]

  • Página 12

    12 US T o contr ol t h e D VD pla yer/ Blu-ra y Disc play er T o contr ol the HDD/D VD COM BO T o contr ol the SA T * T h e nu m be r 5 , M A S T E R V O L + a n d H butto ns have tac tile d ots. U se t he t act ile d ots a s re ferenc es wh en operat i ng t he receive r . Notes • Som e fu nct i ons e xpl ai ne d in t his sec t ion ma y n ot wor [...]

  • Página 13

    13 US Gett i ng Started 1: I nstal ling the spea ke rs This rec eiver allows you to u se a 5.1 channe l sp eaker syste m. To full y enjoy thea te r-like mul ti channe l surr ound sou nd, be sur e to conn ect all t he speak ers (tw o front spe akers , a cent er s peake r, a nd t w o s urrou nd sp eaker s) and a su bwoof er (5.1 cha nnel) . Yo u can [...]

  • Página 14

    14 US You ca n install your spe akers on the wa l l . 1 Prepare screw s (not supplie d) that are suitab le for t h e hook o n the back of each sp eaker. See the il lustrati ons belo w . 2 Fasten the screws to the wall. The screw s should pro trude 7/32 to 9/32 inch. For the cent er speaker For the fr ont speaker s and surr ound speaker s 3 Hang the[...]

  • Página 15

    15 US Gett i ng Started 2: Co nnect ing t he sp eakers Be fore conne cting the cord s, b e sur e t o d iscon nect the AC po wer c ord ( mains lead ). A Fro n t sp ea ker (l ef t) B Front speak er (right ) C Cen ter sp eaker D Su rround s peake r ( left ) E Su rround s peake r ( right ) F Subw oofe r No te o n spea ke r co rd s The co nnector of the[...]

  • Página 16

    16 US 3: Conn ecti ng the TV You can wat ch th e sel ecte d inpu t im age wh en you connect the HDMI OUT jack to a TV. It is no t neces sary t o conn ect all th e cords. Connect audio an d video co rds acc ordin g to th e jacks of you r compo nents . Before c onnect ing the cor ds, be s ure to disco nnect the A C power cor d. Notes • Be sure to t[...]

  • Página 17

    17 US Gett i ng Started 4: Co nnect ing t he a udi o/ video c ompo nen ts This sec tion de scrib es how to hoo k up your com ponent s to t his r ecei ver. Bef ore y ou begi n, ref er to “Compone nt to be con necte d” below for the pa ges whic h describe how to conne ct the audi o/vid eo co mponent s. Be fore conne cting the cord s, b e sur e t [...]

  • Página 18

    18 US Notes on c onne cting DIG IT AL MEDIA PORT a dapter • Do n ot con nect o r disconn ect the DI GIT AL MEDIA PORT adapt er w hile th e rece iver is turn e d o n. • Be sure t o m ake DMPORT conne ction s firm l y, i ns ert th e c onn ecto r st raig ht in . • As the co nnector of t he DI GITAL M EDIA PORT ad apter is fra gile, be sure to ha[...]

  • Página 19

    19 US Gett i ng Started a) If you connec t a DVD player, be sure to change the factory setting of the DVD b utton on the remote so that you can use the bu tton to control your DVD playe r. For detai ls, see “Chang ing th e input but ton assi gnments” ( page 48). b) C onn ect at le ast one of the au dio cor ds ( B or C ). Notes on HDMI c onnecti[...]

  • Página 20

    20 US The foll owing i llustr ation shows h ow to connect video components such as DVD player, DVD recorder, VCR, et c . It is no t neces sary t o conn ect all th e cords . Connect audio an d video co rds acc ordin g to th e jacks of you r compo nents . Notes • To input multi channel digital audio from the DVD playe r, se t th e d igita l au dio [...]

  • Página 21

    21 US Gett i ng Started 5: Co nnect ing t he antenn as Conne ct the su pplie d AM loop an tenna and F M wire an tenna. Befo re conne cting t he a ntenna s, b e sur e t o d iscon nect the AC po wer c ord ( mains lead ). * Th e shape of the conne ctor var ies dep ending on the area cod e of this rece iver. Notes • T o pr event noi se pi ckup, ke ep[...]

  • Página 22

    22 US Ins e rt two R6 (s ize- A A) ba tter ie s in the RM-AAU057 Re mote Commande r. Obse rve the cor rect p ola rity whe n inst alli ng ba tte rie s. Notes • Do not leav e t h e remot e in an extr emely hot or humi d place. • Do not us e a new bat t e ry with ol d ones. • Do not mix manganes e batt eries and other kinds of ba t ter ies. • [...]

  • Página 23

    23 US Gett i ng Started Befo re you per form the Au to Calibr ation , set u p and conne ct the s peaker s (page 13, 15 ). • The AUTO CAL MIC jac k is u se d f or the suppl ied opt imize r micr ophone on ly. Do n ot conn ect other microp hones to thi s jack. Doi ng so may d amage t he r ecei ver a nd the mic r op hone. • Dur ing t he ca libr ati[...]

  • Página 24

    24 US 4 Press to start the me asu r emen t. Meas urement star ts in 5 sec onds. Whil e the time is counti ng down, sta nd awa y from t he me asure ment ar ea to avoid meas uremen t error . Th e me as ur em ent p ro ces s w ill tak e appro xima t e ly 30 seco nds to comp lete. The tabl e below sh ows the di splay wh en meas urement star ts. Note If [...]

  • Página 25

    25 US Gett i ng Started Wh en error code s ap pe ar T r y the r emedies and perf orm the Aut o Ca libr atio n ag ain . When y ou select “WRN CHK” If a war ning on t he mea suremen t resu lt is p resen t, d etai led inf ormat ion is disp layed. Press or B to return to step 2 of “C onfirming/saving the measu rement res ults”. When you s elect[...]

  • Página 26

    26 US 8: Adj usti ng the sp eaker leve ls (TEST TONE) You ca n adjust th e speake r level s whil e list ening to the test t one f rom y our l ist ening posit ion. 1 Press AM P ME NU. “SE T HDMI” appe ars on th e displ ay. 2 Press V / v re peatedly until “LEVEL ” appear s, then pr ess or b . 3 Press V / v re peatedly until “T. T ONE” app[...]

  • Página 27

    27 US Pl ayb a ck Select ing a co m ponent 1 Press the i nput button to selec t a compo nent. Yo u can also use INPU T SELECTOR on the re ce ive r. T he sele cted i nput ap pears on th e displ ay. 2 Turn o n the component and start playback. 3 Pre ss MAST ER VOL + /– to adjust th e volume. You ca n also use M ASTER VOLUME on th e recei ver. T o a[...]

  • Página 28

    28 US E njoyi ng s oun d/im ag es from the co mp one nts con necte d to the rec eive r 1 Turn o n the TV and choose a pro gra m. Fo r deta il s, r ef er to th e ope ra ting ins tr uct ions of th e T V. 2 Turn the r eceiver on. 3 Press TV. 4 Adjust th e volume of t h e re ceiver. Tips • When you co nnect a Sony TV, the au dio inpu t of the TV is s[...]

  • Página 29

    29 US Pl ayb a ck 1 Tur n on the T V. 2 Turn the Bl u-ray Disc or DVD player (recorder ) and the receiver on. 3 Press DVD or BD. Yo u can also use INPU T SELECTOR on the receiver t o select “DVD” or “BD”. Be sur e to chan ge the fa ctory set ting of the DVD input b utto n o n the r e mote so tha t you can us e the butt on to cont rol your D[...]

  • Página 30

    30 US Nav igat ing t hrough menus By using t he ampli fier me nus, you can m ake vario us adj ustm ents to c ustomi ze the recei ver. 1 Press AM P ME NU. “SE T HDMI” appe ars on th e displ ay. 2 Press V / v repeated ly to select th e menu yo u want . 3 Press or b to enter th e menu. 4 Press V / v repeated ly to select the p arameter you want to[...]

  • Página 31

    31 US Amp lif ier O per ation s Th e follo wing opt ions ar e av ail able in eac h me nu. For det ails on na viga ting thro ugh me nus, see pag e 30. Over view of t he menus Men u [Display] Pa r am et e rs [Display] Settin gs Initial se tting HDMI settings [SET HDMI] (pag e 33) Control fo r HDMI a)b) [CONTROL FOR HDMI] CTRL ON, C TRL OFF CTRL OFF c[...]

  • Página 32

    32 US a) For deta ils , refe r t o th e pag e in the par enthe ses . b) “C ONTROL FOR HDMI ” scroll acr oss the dis play, then “CONTROL ” appears. c) The init ial s etti ng fo r the mo del o f M X ar ea c ode i s “ CTRL ON” . d) This pa ram eter is on ly availab le w hen the res ult o f the Auto Cali br ation i s s av e d. e) Whe n th e[...]

  • Página 33

    33 US Amp lif ier O per ation s Sett ings for th e HD MI (SET H D MI menu) Yo u can us e the SET HDMI menu t o make vari o us ad ju stm e nts fo r H DMI se tt ing s. S elect “S ET HDMI ” in the a mplif ier m enus. F or deta ils on ad just ing the pa ramet ers , see “Navi gating th rough men us” (page 30) a nd “Over view of t he menus ” [...]

  • Página 34

    34 US F:S ONY SEMMod els_200 9Data_ HT - SS360 JC081738_ 41300 33411 SS360_US 4130033411 US06 AMP_HT -SS36 maste rpage: Le ft [ HT -S S36 0] 4-1 30- 033- 41 (1) Sett ings f or the Spea ke r (SP SETUP menu) You ca n use the SP SETUP menu to set the dist ance of t he speak ers con nec ted to this recei ver. Se le ct “ S P S ETUP ” i[...]

  • Página 35

    35 US Amp lif ier O per ation s Adjust ing th e level (LEVEL m enu) Yo u can us e the LEVEL menu to adj ust the lev el of eac h speake r. S elect “L EVEL” in th e amplif ier m enus. F or deta il s o n adju s ting t he p ara m ete rs , se e “Navi gating th rough men us” (page 30) a nd “Over view of t he menus ” (pag e 31). LEVEL menu pa [...]

  • Página 36

    36 US Sett ings for th e Custom Menu (CUSTOM menu) You ca n use the CUSTOM menu t o m a ke sett ings fo r the aud io to sui t your pref erenc e. Selec t “CUSTOM ” in th e amplif ier m enus. Fo r deta il s on ad ju sti ng t he p a ram ete rs , s e e “Nav igat ing thr ough menus ” (page 30 ) and “Ove rview of the me nus” (pa ge 31). CUSTO[...]

  • Página 37

    37 US Enjo ying Sur round Sound Select ing th e so und field Th is re ceiv er c an cr eate mult i ch annel sur round so und. You ca n sel ect one of th e o ptimi zed s ound f ields from the rec eiver’s p repro grammed sou nd fiel ds. Press S OUND F IELD re peatedly to selec t th e so und field you want. For det ails , see “Typ es of sound fi el[...]

  • Página 38

    38 US Notes • The ef fects prov ided by the virt ual spe akers may caus e i n creased noi se in the pl ayback si gnal. • When l isteni ng with so und fields that empl oy the virt ual speak ers, you wi ll not be ab l e to he ar a ny sou nd coming di r ect ly from the surr ound spea kers. • Thi s fu nction do es not wor k when: – signa ls wi [...]

  • Página 39

    39 US T uner Opera tions 2 Press TUNING + or TUNING –. Pre s s TUNING + to scan from low to hig h; pr ess TUN ING – to s can fr om hig h to lo w. T he rece iver stops scanni ng whe never a st atio n is r ec eiv ed . T o st op the autom atic tun ing manua lly, press TUNING + or –. If an FM program is noi sy If an FM pr ogram is nois y, you can[...]

  • Página 40

    40 US 5 Press or b . A pre set numbe r appea rs in the dis play. 6 Press V / v to select the preset num ber y o u want . You can se lect the p reset number dire ctly by pres sing th e number but tons . 7 Press . “COMPLETE ” appear s i n the dis pl a y, an d th e stat io n is sto re d. 8 Press M ENU/HOME. 9 Repeat 2 to 8 to sto r e other station[...]

  • Página 41

    41 US Using “BRA VIA” Sync feat ures 6 Create a name by using V / v / B / b . P ress V / v t o sel ect a char acte r, t hen pr ess b to m ove the cur sor to the n ext posit ion. L etters, numbers a nd other sym bols can be input for a r adio stati on name . If y ou enter a wrong character P ress B / b rep eatedl y unti l the c haract er to b e [...]

  • Página 42

    42 US Prepar in g for the “BRA VIA” Sync To use th e “B RA VI A” S ync , se t t h e Con tro l fo r HDMI funct ion to on for both the r eceiv er and the con nec ted c omponent . Th e rec eiver i s co mp at ible wi th the “ Co ntro l for HD MI- Eas y Se tt ing” fu ncti o n. When your TV is c ompatible wi th th e “Co nt rol for HDM I-E a[...]

  • Página 43

    43 US Using “BRA VIA” Sync feat ures Notes • You cannot pe rfor m One-Tou ch Play an d Syst em Audio C ontrol durin g C o ntrol fo r HDMI -Easy Sett ing oper ation. • Before yo u do the C ontrol for HDMI-Easy Setting from t he TV, be s ure t o turn on the TV , c onnected componen ts an d recei ver . • When you unpl ug th e HDMI cabl e or [...]

  • Página 44

    44 US En joyi ng the TV s ound from the sp eak ers con necte d to the rec eive r (System Audio Control) You can e njoy the TV sound from t he s peaker s con necte d to the re ceive r by a simpl e opera tion. You ca n operate Sys tem Audio Contr ol fu nction usi ng the TV me nu. For det ails, re fer to th e oper atin g ins tructi ons su pplie d wit [...]

  • Página 45

    45 US Using “BRA VIA” Sync feat ures T ur nin g off the rec eiver with the TV (Sy st em Po wer Of f) Whe n you turn the TV off by us ing the P O WER but ton on the TV’s remo te, the rec eiver a nd the con necte d compo nents tur n off au to ma tica ll y . Yo u can al so use the re ceive r’s re m o te to turn of f the T V. Press TV a nd TV ?[...]

  • Página 46

    46 US Notes • Th e po w er sa vi ng f u ncti on m ay n o t w or k fo r s om e TVs comp atib le wi th the “ BRA VIA” Syn c. I n th is case , set “P. S AVE ” to “SAVE OFF.” • Depe nding on your c omponen ts, i t may t ake t ime be f or e image or s ound is out put. • Thi s fu nction i s avai lable on ly when t he Control for HDM I f[...]

  • Página 47

    47 US Other Operations Changi ng the dis play se ttin g (D IS PLA Y ) Yo u can c hange th e display se tti ng. 1 Press AMP MENU. “SE T HD MI ” a pp ear s on th e di spla y . 2 Press V / v repe a ted ly un til “CUSTOM ” appears, then press or b . 3 Press V / v repe a ted ly un til “DISPLAY” app ears, then pres s or b . 4 Press V / v repe[...]

  • Página 48

    48 US Swit chin g betwee n digi tal an d analog audio (IN MO DE) You ca n select th e audio inpu t mode set ting wh en y ou c o nne ct sa tell ite tun er or se t- top b ox to bot h digi tal and analo g audio input jack s on th e rece iver a nd SAT inp ut has b een se le cted. 1 Press AM P ME NU. “SE T HDMI” appe ars on th e displ ay. 2 Press V [...]

  • Página 49

    49 US Using the Remot e/Additi onal Inf ormation 2 Refe rring to the fo llow in g ta ble, pres s th e co rres pon ding button for the category you want. E xample: Press 3. Now you can use the DVD button to cont rol t he Blu-r ay Disc play er. Categori es and the corre s ponding but tons for BD, DVD, and S AT a) The defa ult setting of the DVD butto[...]

  • Página 50

    50 US x DTS Digital Surro u nd Digit al a udio encoding/ decod ing t echno logy fo r t h eater s devel oped by DTS, Inc. It co mp re sses a udi o less t han Do lb y D i gita l, deli verin g a h igher qual ity so und repro duction. x HDMI ( High-Defini tion Multimedia Interface) HD M I (Hig h-D efi n iti on Mu lti me dia In terface ) is an in terf a[...]

  • Página 51

    51 US Addi ti ona l Info rm atio n Precaut ions On sa fe ty S hould any sol id obje ct or liqui d fall in to the cabi net, unpl ug the re ceive r and have it chec ked by q ualifi ed pe rsonne l be fore o peratin g it any fu rther . On power s ources • Bef ore ope rating t he re cei ver , che ck tha t the opera ting v olt age i s iden tical wi th [...]

  • Página 52

    52 US If color i rregularit y is observed aga in.. . Pl ac e the sp eak e r fu rt he r a w ay f ro m t h e TV se t. If howling oc curs Repo siti on the sp eaker s or turn do wn the volum e on the r eceiv er. On clea ning Clean t he cabin et, panel , and con trols w i t h a so ft clo th slig h tly mo is tene d w ith a mi ld deter gent so luti on. Do[...]

  • Página 53

    53 US Addi ti ona l Info rm atio n There i s no sound from one of the front speaker s. • Make su re you h ave con necte d to bot h the L and R jac ks of an an alog comp onent, and n ot only t o eithe r the L or R ja ck. Use an audi o cord (n ot suppl ied). There i s no sound from digital sour ces (fr om OPTI CA L i nput jac k). • Ch eck that th[...]

  • Página 54

    54 US HDMI The vo lume turn s down w hen t he output method changes fr om the TV speaker to th e speaker s con nected t o the r eceiver . • The Vol ume Limit func tion is wor king. Fo r deta ils , s ee “ Us in g th e V olu me Lim i t f unc ti on ” (pa g e 44) . The source sound inp ut t o the HDMI jac k o n the rece ive r is not ou tput f ro [...]

  • Página 55

    55 US Addi ti ona l Info rm atio n Radio st ations cannot be tune d in. • Check that th e antenn as are co nnect ed secu rely. A djust t he a ntenna s and conne ct an external antenn a, if ne cessa ry. • The si gnal st rength of th e stati ons is too we ak (when t uning in wi t h aut omatic tuni ng). Chang e to monaur al rec eption (pag e 39). [...]

  • Página 56

    56 US Sp ec if ic at ion s A UDIO PO WER SPEC IFI CA T IONS PO WER OUTPUT AND TO T AL HARMONIC DIST O RTI ON: (Models of ar ea code U onl y) Wit h 3 o hm loa ds, both channe ls d r i ven, from 170 – 20,0 00 Hz; rat ed 84 watt s per channe l minimum RM S power, w it h no more than 1% tota l harmoni c distor tion f rom 250 mill iwatts to r ated out[...]

  • Página 57

    57 US Addi ti ona l Info rm atio n Powe r consum ption Po wer con sumptio n (during standb y mode ) 0. 3 W (When Con trol for HDMI is off) Dime nsions (w /h/d) (A pprox.) 17 × 2 5/8 × 13 1/8 i nche s (430 × 66.5 × 333 mm ) in cluding proj ectin g parts and c ontro ls Mass (A pprox .) 3.4 kg (7 lb 8 oz) Speaker secti on • Front s peaker (SS- M[...]

  • Página 58

    58 US Inde x A A UTO CALIBRA TION 22 B Blu-r ay disc play er con necti ng 18 playba ck 29 C CD pla y er con necti ng 17 playba ck 29 Cont rol fo r HDMI con necti ng 18 prepar ing 4 2 D Digit al Cine m a Sound (D CS) 37, 49 DIMMER 46 DISPLA Y 47 Dolby Di gital 49 DTS 50 DVD pl ay er con necti ng 20 playba ck 29 D VD recor der con necti ng 20 playba [...]

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    Son y Corpor atio n Pr inted in M alays ia (1)[...]