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© 2005 So ny Corporation 2-655-762- 15 (1) Data Projector Oper atin g Instr uctio ns VPL-FX52/FX52L[...]
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2 WARNING WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or e lectric shock, do n ot expose th is apparatus to rain or mois ture. To avoid el ectrical shock, do no t open the ca binet. Refer servic ing to qualified pe rsonnel only. THIS APPARATUS MUST BE EARTHED. WARNING: THIS WARNING IS APPLICABLE FOR USA ONLY. If used i n USA, us e the UL LIS TED power cord [...]
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3 WARNING For safety Be sure to atta ch the air filter to the proje ctor. For the cus tomers in Europ e The manu facturer o f this produ ct is Sony Corpora tion, 1 -7-1 Ko nan, Mi nato-ku , Toky o, J apa n. The Authori zed Representati ve for EMC and pr oduct s afety is Sony Deutsc hland GmbH , Hedelfi nger Strasse 61, 70 327 Stuttgart, Germany. Fo[...]
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4 Table of Contents Table of Content s Over vi ew Precautions ........... ................. ........... .. 5 Notes on Installation and Usage ......... 7 Unsuitable Inst allation ................ .. 7 Usage in High Altitude ................. 8 Unsuitable Con ditions ................ .. 8 Features ................ ................. ............. 9 Lo[...]
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5 Precautions Over view B Overvi ew Precautions Warning The Instal lation Manual cont ained i n the CD-ROM is for dealers. If customers perfor m the installa tion describ ed in this ma nual, an acci dent may occur, causing serious injury. Neve r install it by you rself. For insta llation, be su re to consult with a Sony deale r. On safety • Check[...]
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6 Precautions Please re ad throughly this Safety Regulatio ns and Insta llation Ma nual contained in the CD-ROM for safe installa tion. On safety • Avoid using an extensio n cord with a low voltage limite d since it may cause the short- circuit an d physica l inci dents. • To car ry the pro jector , be sur e to use the carryin g handl e. Do not[...]
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7 Notes on Inst allation and Usage Over view Notes o n Installation and U sage Do not in stall the pro jector in the followin g situation s. These install ations may ca use mal func tio n or da ma ge to the projector. Poorly ventilated • Allow adequa te air circul ation to p revent internal heat bu ild-up. Do no t place the unit on surface s (rug[...]
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8 Notes on Inst allation and Usage When us ing the p rojector a t an altitu de of 1,500 m (4, 921 fe et) or hi gher, turn on “Hig h Altitude Mode ” in the INSTALL SE TTING menu. F ailing to set t his mode whe n using the projector at high altitudes could have advers e effects, such as redu cing the reliability of certa in components. Note on th[...]
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9 Features Over view Features High brig htness, high picture quality • High br ightness The high aper tur e rati o LCD panel wi th a microlens and the 300 W lamp provide high bright ness (lig ht outp ut 6000 ANSI lume n) and ex celle nt unifor mity on the picture . •H i g h r e s o l u t i o n By ad opting th ree 1.3- inch hi gh defini tion pan[...]
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10 Location and Function of Controls Location a nd Function of Cont rols a Fron t remo te c ontr ol det ect or b Lens Remove the lens cap before projec tion. * The le ns for VPL- FX52L are n ot su pplie d. c Lens cover d Contro l panel For det ails, see “Contr ol Pa nel” on page 1 1. e AC IN socket Connect s the supp lied AC powe r cord. f Conn[...]
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11 Location and Function of Controls Over view l Adjuster Use the adjusters to ke ep the proj ector level if it is installed on an une ven surface. Adjust the heigh t so that the pro jector beco mes level. Th e projec tor is raised by turning th e adjusters clockwise , or it is lowered b y turning them counte rclockwise. m Air filter For detai ls, [...]
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12 Location and Function of Controls b Arrow keys ( M / m / < / , ) Used to adjust focu s, zoom and shift, or to mov e the cu rsor or m ake va rious adjustments in the menu. c Indicators TEMP (Temperatu re)/FAN • Lights up wh en tempera ture insid e the proje ctor be comes unusu ally hi gh. • Flashes when the fan is broken. LAMP/COVER • Li[...]
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13 Location and Function of Controls Over view h ENTER key Enters the se ttings of items in the menu system. i RESET key Resets the value o f an item back to its factory preset va lue. This key functio ns when the m enu or a se tting item is displayed on the sc reen. a INPUT A connectors (HD D-su b 15-pin, female) Conn ects to the mo nitor ou tput [...]
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14 Location and Function of Controls e VIDEO IN connectors Conn ect to ext ernal vide o equipme nt such as a VCR. S VIDEO (mini DIN 4-pin): Co nnects to th e S vide o outpu t (Y/C vide o output) on v ideo equ ipment . VIDEO (BNC ty pe): Co nnect s to the composi te vid eo out put. f TRIG (trigger outpu t) jack (monaural minijack) The sign al is tra[...]
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15 Location and Function of Controls Over view e (Memory Stick) key This ke y does not wo rk in the unit. f FREEZE key This key freezes the p rojecte d imag e. Press again to u nfreeze the imag e. (ava ilable fo r comp uter signa ls only ) g AIR SHOT key This ke y does not wo rk in the unit. 8 Keys that emulate a mouse This ke y does not wo rk in t[...]
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16 Location and Function of Controls Battery installation 1 Push and slide to open the lid, then install the two size AA (R6) batteries (supplied) with the correct polarity. 2 Replace the lid. Notes on batte ries • Make sure that the ba ttery orienta tion is correct when inse rting batterie s. • Do not mix an ol d battery with a new on e or dif[...]
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17 Installation Example Settin g Up and Pr ojecting B Setti ng Up a nd Proje cting Installation Example • The fo llowing table indicates an example of installing the standard lens supplied with VPL-FX52. • When you us e VP L-FX 52L ( Len s are not su ppli ed), b e sure refe r to th e operating instru ctions of "I nstallation Manua l for De[...]
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18 Connecting the Projector Connecting the Projector When you connect the project or, make sure to: • Turn o ff all eq uip ment be fore mak ing any con nectio ns. • U se the proper cables for each connection. • I nsert the cable plugs firmly; loose connections m ay incre ase noise and reduce performanc e of picture signals. When pulling out a[...]
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19 Connecting the Projector Settin g Up and Pr ojecting • W hen co nnec ting a Mac intos h 1) compute r eq uipped with video outp ut con nect or of a type hav ing tw o rows of pins to th e conn ecto r, use a co mmer cially a vailab le pl ug adap tor. Note INPUT C R/R-Y/P R INPUT A RGB NEWTWORK B/B-Y/P B G/Y SYNC/HD MONITOR OUT VIDEO IN VIDEO OUT [...]
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20 Connecting the Projector • When you co nnect t he unit to a vide o GBR outpu t connec tor, se lect vi deo GBR or com po ne nt w ith the Inpu t- C Si gn al Se l. se tt ing in t he S ET SE T TIN G m enu . • Use th e compo site sync si gnal when you in put t he ex terna l sync signal from vide o GBR/c ompone nt equi pment . To conne ct to a vi [...]
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21 Selecting the Menu Language Settin g Up and Pr ojecting Selecting the Menu Langu age You ca n selec t one of nine la nguage s for di splaying the menu and oth er on- screen displays. The factory setting is English. 1 Plug the AC power cord into a wall outlet. 2 Press the I / 1 ke y to tu rn on t he proje ctor. 3 Press the MENU key. The menu appe[...]
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22 Selecting the Menu Language 4 Press the M or m key to select th e MENU SETTI NG menu, th en press the , or ENTE R key. The selected menu app ears. 5 Press the M or m key to select “Language,” th en press the , or ENTER key. 6 Press the M or m key to select a language, then press the < or ENTE R key. The menu chang es to the sele cted lang[...]
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23 Projecting Settin g Up and Pr ojecting Projecting 1 Plug the AC power cord into a wall outlet, then connect all equipment. The ON/STANDBY indicator lights in red and the projector goes into standb y mode. 2 Press the I / 1 key. The ON/STANDBY indicator lights in green after it flashe s for about several seconds . 3 Turn on the equipment connecte[...]
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24 Projecting 4 Press the INPUT key to select the input source. Smart APA (Auto Pi xel Align ment) adjust s the pictur e of the conn ected equipm ent so that it is projecte d clearly. • If “Auto Input Search” is se t to “O n”, the proje ctor search es fo r the s igna ls from the conn ecte d equipm ent and disp lays the input ch anne l whe[...]
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25 Projecting Settin g Up and Pr ojecting 7 Press the LE NS key o n the R emote Com m ander or LE NS CONTRO L key on the control panel repeatedly to display “LENS ZOO M.” Then press the arrow keys to adjust. 8 Press the LE NS key o n the R emote Com m ander or LE NS CONTRO L key on the control panel rep eatedly to display “LENS FO CUS.” The[...]
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26 Projecting You w ill no t be abl e to use t he pro jector if you fo rg et your passwo rd and the pa sswor d administrator is not available. Be p lease aware that us ing the security lock ca n prevent vali d usag e in such c ases . 1 Press the MENU key and then, in the I NSTALL SETTI NG menu, turn on the security lock setting. 2 Enter the passwor[...]
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27 Projecting Settin g Up and Pr ojecting 2 Enter the password. Enter the p assword that was set. If you call the custom er serv ice c enter be caus e you ha ve forgo tten the pass word, you will need t o be able to v erify the p rojector’s serial number and your id entity. ( This process may dif f er in oth er countries. ) Once your identity ha [...]
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28 Projecting To enlarge the image ( Digital Zoom function) You can select a point in the image to enlarge. This function works when a signal from a computer is input. 1 Press the D ZOOM + key on the Remote Commander. The digital zoom ico n appears the cente r of the image . 2 Move the icon to the point on the ima ge you want to enlarge. Use th e a[...]
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29 Using the MENU Adjus tments an d Settin gs Using the M enu B Adjust ments and Setting s Using the Men u Usin g the M ENU The projector is eq uipped w ith an on-s creen menu f or making v arious adjustm ents an d settings. The setting items a re displayed in a pop-u p menu or in a sub menu . If you sele ct an it em name f ollowe d by dot s (... )[...]
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30 The PICTUR E SETTING Menu 4 Make the setting or adjustment on an item. • Whe n changi ng the adjus tment leve l: To increase the number, press the M or , key. To decrease t he number, press the m or < key. Press the ENTER key to rest ore the previo us screen. • When ch angi ng the s ettin g: Press the M or m key to cha nge the setting. Pr[...]
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31 The PICTUR E SETTING Menu Adjus tments an d Settin gs Using the M enu Adjust Picture... When the video sign al is input When the RGB sign al is input Contrast Adjusts t he picture cont rast. The higher the sett ing, th e gre ater th e contr ast betwe en a dark po rtion and a bri ght portion of the picture. The low er the settin g, the lowe r the[...]
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32 The INPUT SETTING Menu DDE (Dynamic Detail Enhancer) Selects the repro duction format of the inpu t vide o sign als a ccord ing t o the v ideo s ource s. Off: Plays back the vid eo si gnal in an interlace fo rmat without c onverting. Progressive: Con verts an interlace fo rmat video signal to a progr essive format . Film: Rep roduces the 2-2 , 2[...]
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33 The INPUT SE TTING Menu Adjus tments an d Settin gs Using the M enu an inf ringem ent of the righ ts of aut hors or prod ucers, which ar e lega lly prot ected . Adju st Sign al... Men u Items Dot Phase Adjusts t he dot phase of the LCD pa nel and the sign al output from a compu ter. Adjust the picture further for finer picture after th e pi ctur[...]
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34 The SET SETTI NG Menu The SET SETTING Menu The SET SET TING menu is used for changi ng th e set tings of t he proje ctor. Smart APA Activat es or deactivates the Smar t APA 1) . On: Normally select th is setting. W hen a signal is input from a comp uter, the APA functions a utomatica lly so that t h e picture can be seen clearly . Once the speci[...]
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35 The MENU SE TTING Menu / The INSTALL S ETTING Menu Adjus tments an d Settin gs Using the M enu The MENU SETTI NG Menu The MENU SETTING menu is used for changing th e settings of the projec tor. Status (on- screen display) Sets u p the on -scree n disp lay. On: Shows all of the on -screen disp lays. Off: Turns off the on-s creen displa ys excep t[...]
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36 The INFORMATION Menu Lamp Mode Sets the la mp bright ness in the pro jection. High: Illuminates the pro jected imag e brightly . Standard: Re duce s fan n oise and powe r consump tion. The brigh tness of th e projected image wil l be lower com pared with the “High” setting. Lens Contr ol When set to “Off,” the L ENS key on the Remote Com[...]
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37 Accessing t he Projector from a Computer / Checking t he Status of the Projector Operat ion a nd Ad minist ration u sing a Netw ork B Opera tion and Adm ini strat ion us ing a Ne twor k Accessing th e Projector from a Comput er You ca n check th e present stat us of the proje ctor on a co mput er disp lay and co ntrol the proje ctor from a compu[...]
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38 Controlling the Projector from a Com puter / Setting Up the Projector Controlling the Projector from a Compute r Click “Control.” You can perf orm v ariou s adju stments and settings o f the pr ojector on a comput e r disp lay. The func tion of the buttons in the wind ows are the same as those on the remot e control supp lie d wi th th e pr [...]
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39 Setting Up the Projector Operat ion a nd Ad minist ration u sing a Netw ork Memo Enter a memo, if required. Settin g the date and ti me This setting is required fo r the Regular Report function. Time Zone Select the region in which you are using the proje ctor. Date/Time Set the da te and t ime. Time Server Enter the address of the time server w[...]
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40 Setting Up the Pr ojector Settings fo r the Mail Report function You can do the followin g with the Mail Repor t functi on. • Periodic ally report the installatio n status of the projector, own er information, et c. You can sp ecify t he transmissi on days and times of e-ma il messages (Reg ular repo rt). • Immediately report if any error oc[...]
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41 Setting Up the Projector Operat ion a nd Ad minist ration u sing a Netw ork mail t o 4 di fferent addres ses. Yo u can en ter up to 64 char acters for each ad dress. Rep or t Ti mi ng Reg ula r: Select this check b ox to arrang e the s ending o f the Re gular Re port. Maintena nce: Select this ch eck box to arrange the sendi ng of an e-mai l mes[...]
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42 Replacing the Lamp B Maint ena nce Replacing th e Lamp The lamp use d as a light so urce is a consumab le prod uct. When th e lamp has burnt out or dims, or “Please rep lace the LAMP.” appea rs on the screen, replace t he lamp with a new one. Use LMP-F3 00 Projecto r Lamp as the rep lacement lamp. The lam p life varies de pendin g on condi t[...]
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43 Cleaning the Air Filter Main tenance 6 Insert the new lamp all the way in until it is securely in place. Tighten the two screws. Fold down the handle. • Be c aref ul not to t ouch the glas s surfa ce of the lamp. • The power wi ll not turn on if t he lamp is not secu red pr oper ly. • When attaching th e lamp, be car eful not to overti ght[...]
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44 Cleaning the Air Filter 5 Clean the air filter with a vacume cleaner. 6 Insert in order of the air filter and the sheet into the six tabs of the air filter cover, a nd then a ttach the a ir filter cover t o the project or. • If you neglect to clean the air fi lter, dust may accumulate, clogging it . As a result , the temperature may rise insid[...]
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45 Troubleshooting Main tenance Trou bleshooting If the proje ctor appea rs to be ope rating erratic ally, try to diagnose and correct the problem using the follo wing instructions. If th e problem pe rsists, consult with qu alifi ed Sony per sonnel. Power Picture Symptom Cause and Remedy The power is not turn ed on . • The power ha s been t urne[...]
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46 Troubleshooting Remote Command er The pictur e from INPUT C connect or is co lore d strang e. • Setting fo r Input-C Sign al Sel. in the SET SETTING menu is incorr ect. c Select C omp uter, V ide o GB R o r Com ponen t for In put-C Signa l Sel. in the SET SETTING menu a ccording to the input signal (se e page 3 4). “Pleas e chec k INP UT -C [...]
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47 Troubleshooting Main tenance Indicators Warning Messages Use the li st below to check the meaning of the messages display ed on the screen. Symptom Cause and Remedy The LAMP /CO V ER indicato r flashes. • The la mp cove r or the air f ilter c ov er is deta ched. c Attach the cover se cure ly (see p age 42) . The LAMP /CO V ER indicator l ights[...]
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48 Troubleshooting Caution Messages Use the li st belo w to che ck the meanin g of the messages disp laye d on the scr een. Messa ge M eaning a nd Remed y No Inpu t • No inp ut signa l c Chec k conne ction s (see pag e 18). Not ap plicab le! • Y ou have presse d the wr ong key . c Press t he approp ria te key .[...]
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49 Specifications Others B Others Specification s Optical characteristics Projec tion system 3 LCD pane ls, 1 lens, 3 prima ry colo r sh ut ter sys tem LCD panel 1.3-inch TFT SONY LCD p anel with micro -lens array 2, 359,296 pixels (1,02 4 × 768 pixe ls × 3) Lens 1.3 times zoom lens (powere d) f 50.8 to 64.0 m m/F 1.7 to 2.0 * The l ens fo r VP L[...]
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50 Specifications VD: Vertical sync inp ut: 1-5 Vp-p high impeda nce, posi tive/ ne gati ve INPUT B Digital RGB: DVI-D (TM-DS) INPUT C Analog RGB /com ponen t: 5BNC (fema le) R/R-Y: 0 .7 V p-p ± 2 dB (75 o hms ter minated) G: 0.7 Vp-p ±2 dB (75 ohms term inat ed) G with sync/Y: 1 Vp-p ±2 dB syn c nega tive (75 ohm s term inat ed) B/B -Y: 0.7 Vp [...]
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51 Specifications Others SIC10 (5 × BNC (f emal e) y 5 × BNC (female)) Proj ection L ense Long focus zo om lens VPLL -ZM101 F = 2.0 to 2.6 f = 89 to 133.5 mm Manual focu s/zoom Proj ection screen size 40 to 300 i nches Proj ecti on di stanc e 100 inches : 6810 to 1003 0 mm 200 inches : 13840 to 2027 0 mm 300 inches : 20870 to 3050 0 mm Maximum ex[...]
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52 Specifications Input signals and adjustab le/ setting items PICTURE SETTING menu z : Ad just ab le/ can be se t – : Not adj ustable/cannot be set INPUT SETTING menu z : Ad just ab le/ can be se t – : Not adj ustable/cannot be set 3 T .M.D.S. Data2/4 Shield 16 Hot Plug Detect 4 NC 17 T .M.D.S. Data0 – 5 NC 18 T .M.D.S. Data0 + 6 DDC Clock 1[...]
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53 Specifications Others Preset signals Memory No. Preset sign al fH (kHz) fV (Hz) S ync SIZE 1 V ide o 60 Hz 15.734 59 .940 H-n eg, V -neg 2 V ide o 50 Hz 15.625 50 .000 H-n eg, V -neg 3 15k RGB/C ompone nt 60 Hz 15.734 59 .940 S on G/Y or Compo site s ync 4 15k RGB/C ompone nt 50 Hz 15.625 50 .000 5 HDTV 33.750 60 .000 6 640 × 350 VGA mode 1 31.[...]
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54 Specifications • W hen a s ignal other than the prese t sign als show n abo ve is inpu t, th e pict ure m ay n ot appea r prop erly. • Mem ory num bers 22 a nd 34 ar e interla ce signa ls. • When an SXGA+ si gnal is input, the image may extend be yond the edge of the screen. In this event, in put a signal in whi ch the image is not surroun[...]
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55 Index Other Index Nume rics 5BNC i nput co nnec tors ..13 A Adjust Si gnal ............... ...33 Adjuster ........ ........... .......11 Adjusting memory of the settings 30 the pic ture ............ .25, 30 the pict ure size/shi ft ... .33 Air filter ............ ........... ...43 APA (Aut o Pixe l Alignme nt) key .......12 Auto Inpu t Search . [...]
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56 Index Supplied ac cessories ...... 50 T Test Patt ern ..... ........... .... 35 Troubles hooting .. ........... 45 U Using th e MENU .......... . 29 V V Keysto ne .......... .......... . 35 Ventilation holes exhaus t ......... ........... .... 10 intake .... ........... ........... 10 W Wide Mo de ............. ........ 32[...]
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Sony Corporation[...]