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7283659 (Rev. B 6/8/06) Produc t No. 8562921 - - A Model W HES20 Model W HES30 How to install, operate and maintain your Dem and Controlled W ater Softener If you have ques tions or c oncerns when installing, operat ing or maint aining your soft ener , call our toll f ree number: 1 - - 866 - - 986 - - 3223 Monday - - F riday , 8 am - - 9 pm EST Do [...]
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2 Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s W ater Softener Saf ety 3 .......................................................................... Before Y ou Start 3 ............................................................................... Inspect Shipment 4 .............................................................................. W ater Softener Dime[...]
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3 T rou bles hootin g Guide 29 ......................................................................... Automati c Electro nic Diagno stics 30 ............................................................. Manual Advance Diagnosti cs - - - Model WHES20 30 ................................................. Manual Advance Regeneration Check - - - Mode[...]
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4 The w ater so ftene r re quire s a minimum wa ter flow of 3 gallons per minute at the inlet. Maximum allow able inle t water pr essur e is 125 psi. If da ytime pr essur e is ove r 80 psi, nighttime p ressur e may exceed t he m axim um . Use a pressu re reduci ng valv e if necess ary . (Ad din g a pressu re reducin g val ve may re duce the f low .[...]
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5 For f uture r eferenc e, enter t he following inf ormat ion. Model No. no Code n *W ater hardness gpg Seri al No. no Inst all ati on date ** Ir on content ppm n on regi str ation dec al ( locat ed under sal t hole c over ) o on shi pping car ton * A har dness test strip is provided with your wa ter softe ner . ** Kits are a vaila ble at re tail h[...]
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6 How a W ater Sof tener W orks Soft ening Cycle When t he water soften er is provi din g soft wat er , it is cal led “servi ce” or the “soft enin g cycle”. Duri ng this cycle, ha rd water f lows from the main water pipe in the house hold into the water softe ner . I nside the re sin tank is a bed made up of thousa nds of tiny , plastic re [...]
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7 Factor into your diet the amount of sodium or potassium shown below , base d on your water hardne ss and consumption. Sodium Adde d to W ate r f rom Ca t ion Exc ha nge Sof te ni ng Initial W ater Hard ness Sodium adde d by Ca ti on Ex chan g e So ftenin g o f W ater* Pota s si um a dded by Ca t ion Ex chan g e So ftenin g o f W ater* * Gra i ns [...]
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8 Ferric (red w ater) , and ba cteria l and organica lly bound irons a re insoluble. This water sof tener will not re move f er ric or bacte ria l iron. T his iron is visible imme diate ly when dr awn fr om a fau cet becaus e it has o xi dized b efore reachin g the ho me. It ap pears as smal l cl oudy yellow , ora nge, or re ddish suspe nded pa rti[...]
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9 Location Requ irements Conside r all of the f ollowing w hen se lec ting an insta llation loc atio n for the wa ter sof tene r . • Do no t locat e the wat er soft ener where freezin g tem peratu res occur . Do not att empt to trea t w ater over 120 _ F . Freezin g, or ho t wat er damage vo id s the warran ty . • T o condition a ll wate r in t[...]
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10 V alve Drain Re quirements Use the f lexible drain hose, t hat is included, measure and c ut to the length neede d. Flexible drain hose is not allowe d in all localitie s (che ck your plumbing c odes). I f loca l code s do not a llow use of a fle xible dra in hose , a rigid v alve d rain r un must be use d. Buy a c ompre ssion fitting ( 1/4 NPT [...]
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11 Plan the Installation Inlet - - - Outlet Plumbing Opt ions Always install eithe r a single bypass valve ( provided) or , if de sired, pa rts for a 3 valve bypa ss system (not included) c an be pur chase d and asse mbled, as shown in Figure 4. Bypass valve s allow you to turn off water to the softe ner for ma intena nce if nee ded, but still have[...]
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12 Installa tion T urn Off W ater Supply 1. Close the main water supply valve, nea r the well pump or wa ter meter. 2. O pen all fa ucets to dr ain all wa ter fr om the house pipe s. NOTE: Be su re not t o drain w ater from the water heat er , as damage to th e water heater elem ent s coul d resu lt . Install t he Brine T ank Overflo w Elbo w Insta[...]
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13 Move the W ater Soft ener into Place 1. Mov e the wat er soften er int o in st allat io n pos it io n. Set it o n a l evel surface. If n eeded, p lace t he water sof tener on a se ction of plywood, a minim um of 3/4” thick. The n, shim under the plywood to level the water softene r , se e Figure 7. IMPOR T ANT : Do not pl ac e shims directly u[...]
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14 Assemble Inlet and Outle t Plumbing Mea sure , cut, a nd loose ly assemb le pipe a nd fittin gs from the ma in wa ter p ipe to the inlet and outlet ports o f the wa ter softe ner va lve. Be sure to keep f ittings fully togeth er , and pipe s squa re d and straigh t. Be sure hard wa ter supply pipe goe s t o the water softene r valve inlet side. [...]
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15 Thr eaded pipe 1. A pply pipe joint c ompound or T eflon R tape t o al l m ale pi pe t hread s. 2. T ight en all thr eaded jo in ts and m ake all so lder con nect ion s. IMPOR T ANT : Secure ground cla mp to metal pipes. CPVC pl astic pi pe 1. Clea n, prime an d ceme nt all joints, f ollowing th e man ufac ture r ’s instruc tions supplie d w i[...]
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16 Add W at er and Salt to th e Salt Sto rag e T ank 1. Using a conta iner , add about three ga llons of cle an water int o the salt stora ge tank. 2. Add salt to the storage tank. Use nugget, pe llet or coarse solar s alts with les s than 1% impurities . NOTE: See “Routi ne Maintenanc e Section” for addit ional inform ation on salt. Persons wh[...]
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17 Program th e W ater Softener - - Mod el WHES20 UP button DO WN Button PRO GRA M button RE CHA RGE bu tton Display PRESS TO SCHEDULE HO LD TO STAR T + − PRO GRAM RECHARGE Figu re 10 If you ha ve questions a bout installation, progr amming, oper ating and r outine maintena nce... call 1 - - 866 - - 986 - - 3223, Monda y - - Friday , 8 am to 9 pm[...]
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18 Set W ater Hardn ess Nu mber 1. Pre ss the PROGRAM button once again to display a f lashing 25 a nd the wo rd “HARDNESS”. HARDNESS 2. Pre ss the + Up or − Down buttons to set your w ater ha rdness numbe r . NOTE: Be sur e to enter the gr ains per ga llon (gpg) har dness of your wa ter supply on page 5, for future refe renc e. If your water[...]
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19 Program th e W ater Softener - - Mod el WHES30 UP button DO WN Button PRO GRA M button RE CHA RGE bu tton Display PRESS TO SCHEDULE HO LD TO STAR T + − PRO GRAM RECHARGE SET SAL T LEVEL CHECK SAL T LEVEL S E TS A L TL E V E Lb u t t o n Figu re 11 If you ha ve questions a bout installation, progr amming, oper ating and r outine maintena nce...[...]
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20 Set W ater Hardn ess Nu mber 1. Pre ss the PROGRAM button once again to display a f lashing 25 a nd the wo rd “HARDNESS”. 2. Pre ss the + Up or − Down buttons to set your w ater ha rdness numbe r . NOTE: Be sur e to enter the gr ains per ga llon (gpg) har dness of your wa ter supply on page 5, for future refe renc e. I f your wa ter suppl [...]
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21 Customizi ng F eatures/Options - - Model W HES20 Rech arge Rec harge b utton is used to in itiate a n immedia te re cha rge. • Press and hold the RECHARGE bu tton unt il th e words “RECHAR GE NOW” flashes in t he di spl ay , and t he sof tener enters t he fil l cycl e of regenerat io n right aw ay . “RECHARGE NOW” will f lash during th[...]
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22 Salt Efficiency When this fe ature is ON , the wate r softener will operate a t salt efficiencie s of 4000 grains of hardness per pound of sa lt or higher . (May re charge more of ten using smaller salt dosage a nd less wa ter). The softene r is shipped in the OFF setting. 1. Pre ss and hold the PROGR AM button until the f ollowing sc re en is d[...]
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23 Customizi ng F eatures/Opti ons - - Mod el WHES30 Rech arge Rec harge b utton is used to in itiate a n immedia te re cha rge. • Press and hold the REC HARGE butto n until the words “RECHARGE”, “S ER VICE” and “F ILL” flas h in t he dis pl ay , and t he soft ener ent ers th e fill cycle of regenerat ion ri gh t awa y . The word “ [...]
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24 ‘‘Power - - - Ou tage M emory’’ If e lec trica l power to the w ate r soften er is lost, ‘ ‘me mory’ ’ built into the timer c ircu itry w ill keep all settings for up to eight hours. W hile the power is out, the display is blank a nd the w ater softener w ill not rege nerate . When ele ctrica l power is restor ed, the following w[...]
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25 Clean / Clear W ater Iron Remova l This featur e is benefic ial on water supplies containing iron and/or high amounts of sediments (sand, silt, dirt, e tc.) . Whe n set to “ON” , an additiona l bac kwa sh and f ast rinse c ycle will oc cur first, preceedi ng t he norm al regen erati on seq uence. T his p rovi des ex tra cleani ng of the resi[...]
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26 Maximu m Days Between Regenerations The wa ter sof tener a utomatically c ontrols regene ration f requenc y . This pr ovides the gre atest oper ating efficien cy , and unde r most conditions, this fea tur e should be le ft in this mode. Howev er , modify this fea ture if you want to force a r egene ration ever y set number of da ys. For example,[...]
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27 Routine M aintenance Refilling With Salt Lift the salt hole cove r and chec k the s alt storage level fre quently . If the conditioner uses all the s alt bef ore you r efill it, you w ill ge t har d w ater. Until y ou have es tablishe d a re filling r outine, c hec k the salt eve ry two or thre e wee ks. Always add if less than 1/4 full. Be sure[...]
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28 Cle aning th e Noz zle and V entur i A clea n nozzle a nd venturi ( see Figure 13) is a must f or the c onditioner to w ork proper ly . This small water sof tener cr eates the suction to move brine f rom the brine tank, into the resin ta nk. If it should bec ome plugged w ith sand, silt, dirt, etc ., the conditioner will not wor k, and you will [...]
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29 T roubleshooti ng Guid e Nee d help troubleshooting? Call 1- - 866 - - 986 - - 3223, Monday - - Friday , 8 a m to 9 pm, ES T . T ools Need ed For Most Repairs: 5/16 H ex Driver , Phillips S crewdriver , N eedle - - - nose Pliers PROBLEM CAUSE SOL UTION No So ft Wa ter 1. No sal t in the stor age tan k. a. Refi ll wi th s alt. b . U s eR e c h a [...]
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30 Au tomati c Elec tronic Di agnos tics This water softener has a se lf- - diagnostic f unction for the elec trical system ( except input pow er and/or water me ter). The wate r softener monitors elec tronic components and circuits for cor rect oper ation. If a malfunction occ urs, an er ror code appe ars in the display . The troubleshooting cha r[...]
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31 • Pre ss + Up to display the numbe r of days this elec tronic control has ha d electr ical power a pplied. • Pre ss − Dow n to display the numb er of re gen era tions initia ted by this elec tron ic control since the SR c ode number was entere d. 6. Pre ss and hold the PROGRAM button unt il LE20 shows in the display . This code identifies [...]
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32 4. Pre ss the RECHARGE button to move the sof tener into fa st rinse. Again look f or a fa st drain flow . Allow the sof tener to rinse for a few minutes to flush out any br ine t hat may remain in the re sin tank f rom the br ining cy cle te st. 5. T o return the softe ner to servic e, press the RECHARGE b utto n. Manual Advance Di agno stics -[...]
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33 • Pre ss − Dow n to display the numb er of re gen era tions initia ted by this elec tron ic control since the LE code number was enter ed. 6. Pre ss and hold the PROGRAM button unt il LE31 shows in the display . This code identifies the softener mode l. If the wrong number shows, the softener will opera te on incorre ct progra mming. 7. Retu[...]
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34 4. Pre ss the RECHARGE button to move the sof tener into fa st rinse. Again look f or a fa st drain flow . Allow the sof tener to rinse for a few minutes to flush out any br ine t hat may remain in the re sin tank f rom the br ining cy cle te st. 5. T o return the softe ner to servic e, press the RECHARGE b utto n. Prod uct S pec ifi cati ons WH[...]
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35 Wi ri n g Sc hem a ti c 24 vac Dir ect plug- - in tr ansfor mer NC NO Back of e lectronic b oard Po sition switch M 24V Tu r b i n e sen sor 120 vac W arranty W A TE R SOF TENE R W ARRANTY W a rr ant or : Ecodyne W at er Sys te ms LLC, 1890 W oodl ane D ri ve, W oodbury , M N 55125 W a rr ant or gua ra nte e s, t o the or igi na l owner , tha t:[...]
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36 Softener Components 25 26 28 29 31 32 27 34 35 37 14 24 10 12 13 9 8 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 30 33 36 38 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 11 15 16 39 8 7 6 5 40 41 42[...]
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37 Softener Components Key No. Part No . Des criptio n 1 7170296 O - -R in g , 2- -7 / 8 ” x 3- -1 / 4 ” 2 7170254 O- - Ring, 13/16” x 1 - - 1/16” 3 7077870 T op D istr ibutor 4 7170270 O- - Ring, 2- - 3/4” x 3” 5 7105047 R ep’l Bo ttom Dis tributo r 6 7176292 C l a m pS e c t i o n( 2r e q . ) 7 7088033 R etainer Clip (2 r eq.) 8 71 [...]
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38 Softener Components 47 46 45 44 43 42 39 38 37 36 34 33 31 29 35 32 28 26 20 27 19 18 17 16 25 24 23 22 21 15 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 41 40 3 10 30 cros s- - section view seal wear- - strip[...]
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39 Softener Components Key No. Part No. Descrip tion 1 7224087 S c r e w , # 8 - 3 2x1 ”( 2r e q . ) 2 7286039 Motor (incl. 2 ea. of Key No. 1) 3 0900857 Screw , #6-20 x 3/8 (2 re q.) 4 7231385 Moto r Plate 5 0503288 Bearin g 6 7284964 Cam and G ear 7 7142942 Clip (D rain) 8 7024160 Drain Hose Adaptor 9 0900431 Tubing Clamp 10 7170327 O-Ring, 5/8[...]