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PC 8150 15” TFT Touch Panel Computer User’s Manual[...]
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1 Disclaimers The information i n this manual has been carefully che cked and is be lieved to be acc urate. ACNODES Co., Ltd. assumes no resp onsibilit y for an y infringements of patents or other rights of third p arties, w h ich may result from its use. ACNODES assumes no responsibilit y for any inaccuraci es that may be contained in this documen[...]
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m CE Marking m FCC Class A Safety Approvals FCC Compliance This equipment has bee n tested and complies wit h the limits for a Class A digital device, pu rsuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are de signed to provide reasonable protectio n against harmful interference in a residential installation . If not installed and used in accordanc[...]
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1 Safety Precautions Before getting started, read the follo wing important cautions . 1. The PC 8150 does not come equipped with an operating system. An operating system must be loaded first before installing any software into the compute r . 2. Be sure to ground yourself to prevent static charge when installing the i nternal comp onents. Use a gro[...]
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5. Do not open the system’s back cover. If opening the cover for maintenance is a must, onl y a trained technician is allowed to do so. Integrated circuit s on computer boards are sensitive to static electricity. To avoid damaging chips from electrostatic discharge, observe the following p recaution s: Before handling a board o r integrated c[...]
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3 This p a ge does not cont ain any information.[...]
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Table of Contents Disclaimers....................................................................... ii Safety Approvals ................................................................ iii FCC Compliance .................................................. ........... iii Safety Precautions ...........................................................[...]
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Driver Installation ............................................................. 19 3.1 System ............................................... ................... 19 3.2 Touch Screen ....................................................... 20 3.2.1 Specificatio n ................... .............. ............. .......... 20 3.2.2 Driver Installati[...]
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Introduction 1 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l C h a p t e r 1 Introduction This chapter contain s the general information and the detail s p e c i f i c a t i o n s o f t h e PC 8150. C h a p t e r 1 i n c l u d e s t h e following sections: f General Description f System Sp ecification f Dimensions f Back View & I/O Out lets f Package List 1.1 Gen[...]
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2 Introduction PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 1.2 Specifications 1.2.1 Main CPU b oard f CPU: Socket M (478-pin) for Intel ® Core 2 Duo/ Core Duo/ Core Solo Processor with 533/667MHz. f Sy ste m Chipset: Intel ® 945GM+ICH*7M. f BIOS: Phoenix-Award 4Mbit with RPL/PXE L AN boot ROM Smart View and Customer CMOS Backup f Sy stem Memory : 2 x 240-pin DDR2[...]
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Introduction 3 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 1.2.3 System Specificati on f 15” TFT LCD f Disk drive housing: 1 x 3.5” or 2 x 2.5” PAT A/SATA dr ive f AC pow er supply f Heat dispensing design f Net w eight: 8.8 Kgs f Dimension (main bod y size): 420x 335 x 86.4mm f Operating temperature : O° to 45°C ; Relative umidity:50% f Relative humidity: [...]
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4 Introduction PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 1.3 Dimensions The following diagram s show the dimensions and outlin es of PC 8150.[...]
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Introduction 5 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 1.4 Front View and I/O Outlets 1.4.1 Fro nt Vi ew The figure below shows the fea tures and controls on the PC 8150 f r o n t b e z e l . SEL- SEL+ Backlight ON/OFF[...]
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6 Introduction PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 1.4.2 I/O Outlet T h e f o l l o w i n g f i g u r e s h o w s t h e I / O l o c a t i o n s o f t h e PC 8150.[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 1.5 Package list When you receive the PC 8150 there are following items in the package. If you can not find it, please contact ACNO DES distributors. 1. PC 8150 x 1 2. AC power cord x 1 3. Panel mount kit x 7 4. CD dr iver x1 5. Wall / VESA mount bracket kit x 1 (Optional) 6. Rack mount bra cket kit x 1 (Optional) 7. Smal[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 8 Hardwar e Inst allat i on C h a p t e r 2 Hardware Installation T h e PC 8150 p r o v i d e s l o t s o f f l e x i b l e w a y s f o r u s e r t o s e l e c t d i f f e r e n t configuration such as CP U, Hard Disk and more. The chapter will show you how to inst all the hardware. It includes: m CPU m DRAM m Hard Dis k [...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Hardware Installation 9 2.1 CPU and DRAM Installation T h e s t a n d a r d PC 8150 s y s t e m i s d e s i g n e d f o r C o r e 2 D u o l e v e l CPUs. Th e CPU boa rd provides two 24 0-pin DDR2 DIMM socket that support s system memory up to 3GB. When upgrading the CPU, DRAM, please refer to the following instructions a[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 10 Hardwar e Inst allat i on 2. Install the CPU and DDR DRAM in the PC 8150.[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Hardware Installation 11 2.2 HDD Installation The PC 8150 offers a convenient drive bay modul e for users to install HDD. The PC 8150 offers one 3.5” HDD drive for users to inst all. If you want to install one or two 2. 5” HDD, the PC 8150 also provides the 3.5” to 2.5” drive holder to meet your requireme nt. Plea[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 12 Hardwar e Inst allat i on 3. Installation complete.[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Hardware Installation 13 In addition, inst allin g the 2.5” HDD, please follow the step s: 1. Changing HDD ru bber from 3.5” HDD bracket to 2.5” HDD bracket. 2. Installation complete.[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 14 Hardwar e Inst allat i on 2.3 Serial Port Interface The P C 8 1 5 0 has four onboard serial port s , COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4 are RS-232 Port Connector . The connector , COM1, COM2, COM3 are DB-9 connector , and the following t abl e shows the pin assignme nts of this co nnector . Pin Signal Na me Pin Signal Name 6 1 DCD[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Hardware Installation 15 2.6 Mountings: Panel / W a l l / Rack / VESA / Desktop mount There are four application options for the P C 8 1 5 0 , Panel / Wall / Rack & VESA mountings. 2.6.1 Pan el Mount The P C 8 1 5 0 is designed for panel mount application. T o mount the PC 8150, t h e s t a n d a r d s e t o f m o u n[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 16 Hardwar e Inst allat i on 2.6.2 Wall Mount T h e PC 8150 i s d e s i g n e d f o r Wa l l m o u n t a p p l i c a t i o n . T h e w a l l m o u n t k i t is optional. Please refer to the following figure. 1. Screw 6 screws to fix wall mount bracket. 2. Complete.[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Hardware Installation 17 2.6.3 Rack Mount The P C 8 1 5 0 also support rack mount. The rack mount kit is optional. Please refer to the following pro ce du r e. 1. Screw 5 screws e ach side. 2. Complete.[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 18 Hardwar e Inst allat i on 2.6.4 VESA Mount The P C 8 1 5 0 provides two ways for VESA mount: 75x75 mm and 100x100 mm. The VESA mount bracket is the same as wall mount bracket. Please refer to the following ste p s. 1. Assemble wall / VESA mount bracket. 2. Fix VESA arm.[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 20 Dr i v er Insta l l ation C h a p t e r 3 Driver Installation 3.1 S ystem PC 8150 could support with Wi ndows Vista/ XP. To facilitate installation system driver, you should read the instructions in this chapter caref ully before you attempt installation. 1. Panel series P C 8150 Driver 2. Select all files and follow[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Dr i v er Installation 21 3.2 Touch Screen 3.2.1 Sp ecifi cation 5-wire Analog Resistive type Touch Screen: Touch Sc reen Contr oller: DMC9000 Communicati ons: RS-232 19200 baud rate fixed Baud Rate: 1024 x 1024 (10 bit A/D converter inside) Resolution: 5V to 12V DC Power Input: Power Consumpt ion: 12V: 27mA+ i where (i =[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 22 Dr i v er Insta l l ation 3.2.2 Driver Inst allation- Window s Vista/XP The touch screen of PC 8150 provides a driver for use with Windows Vist a/XP. To facilitate installation of the tou ch screen dri ver, you should read the instruction s in this chapter carefully before you attempt installation. 1. Insert Driver CD [...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Dr i v er Installation 23 4. Select the “Standa rd Calibrate” tab[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 24 Dr i v er Insta l l ation 5. Calibration: To adjust the display with touch panel, click “Cali b ration” and follow the calibrate point to do ca libration; there are five points on screen for calibration. 6. Press OK. 3.2.3 Driver Install ation- DOS Using “INSTALL. EXE” utility to install PenMount software dr i [...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Dr i v er Installation 25 Identify the communication port and I RQ number 1. For the first time installa tion, or changing PenMount Touch Screen’s COM port, use PMDETECT (e.g. C:PENMOUNTPMDETE CT) to che ck the COM port and IRQ number. PMDETECT will save the correct data to P MOUSE.CFG file for further use. The driver[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 26 Dr i v er Insta l l ation mapped resul ts by choose “3” DRA WING TEST under PM.BAT Initializ ing the PenMount driver If you don’t have the init ializ ation commands in AUTOEXEC. BAT, initialize PenMount C:PENMOUNTP MINIT) controller before you use the PenMount Touch Screen. The display will show the initializat[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Dr i v er Installation 27 This p a ge does not cont ain any information.[...]
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28 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l A p p e n d i x A EMBEDDED BOARD BIOS Setup Appendix A describes the different settings available in the Award BIOS that comes with the EMBEDDED BOARD CPU card. Also, the instructions on how to set up the BI OS configuration are cont ained in this chapter . A.1 Entering Setup There are two ways to enter the [...]
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Appendix 29 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l A.2 Cont rol Keys Move cursor to the previous item Up arrow Move cursor to the next item Down ar r ow Move cursor to the item on the left han d Left ar r ow Move to the ite m in the right hand Ri g ht ar r ow Main Men u -- Quit and de lete changes i nto CMOS Esc key Status Page S etup Men u an d Option Page S [...]
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30 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l A.4 The Main Menu Once you enter the Award BIOS CM OS Setup Utility , the Main Menu appears on the scree n. In the Main Menu, there are several Setup functions and a couple of Exit opti ons for your sel e ction. Use a rro w keys to select the Setup Page you intend to configu re then press <Enter> to ac[...]
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’ s Manua l PC 8150 User Appendix 31 A.5 Standard CMOS Setup Menu The S tandard CMOS Setup Menu di spl ays basic information about your system. Use arro w keys to highlight each item, and use <PgU p> or <PgDn> key to select the value you want in ea ch i tem. a Date The date format is <day>, <date > <month> <ye a r[...]
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32 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l <hour> <min ute> <second>. The time is calculated based on the 24-hour military-time clock. For example, 1 p.m. is 13:00:00. a IDE Primary Master/Primary Slave These items identify the types of ea ch I DE channel installed in the computer. There a re 45 predefined types (Type 1 to Type 45) [...]
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Appendix 33 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Halt On No errors The system booting will halt on any errors detected. (default) Al l e r r o r s W henev er BIOS detects a non-fatal error, th e system will stop and you will be prompted. A l l, But Keyboard The system booting will not stop for a keybo ard error; it will stop for other errors. A l l, But Disk[...]
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34 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l A.6 Advanced BIOS Features This section allows you to configure and improve you r system, to set up some sy st em features according to your preference. a CPU Feature Scroll to this item an d press <E nter > t o view t he CP U Fe ature sub menu.[...]
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Appendix 35 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l a Hard Disk Boot Priority Scroll to this item and press <Enter> to view the sub menu to decide the disk boot priority . a CPU L1 & L2 Cache These two options speed up memory access. H owever , it depends on the CPU/chipset de sign. The default setti ng is “Enable d” . CPUs wi th no b uilt -in int[...]
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PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 36 A pp endix a First/Second/Third Boot Devi ce These it ems let you sele ct the 1st , 2nd, and 3rd d e vice s th at the system will search for during it s boot-up sequen ce. The wide range of selection incl udes Floppy , LS120, ZIP100, HDD0~3, S CSI, and CDROM. a Swap Floppy Drive This allows you t o determin e wh et her[...]
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37 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Appendix Fast Default: Fast. The A20 signal is controlled by Port 92 or chipset specific method. a T ypematic Rate Setting This item determines the typemati c rate of the ke yboard. The defau lt value is “D isabled” . a T ypematic Rate Setting Enabled Enable t ypematic rate and typematic dela y programming. Disable[...]
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38 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l System If a wrong password is entered at the prompt , the s ystem will not boot, the access to Setup will be denied, either. If a wrong password is entered at the prompt , the system will boot, but the access to Setup will be denied. Setup NOTE : T o disable the security , select P ASSWORD SETTING at Main Me[...]
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Appendix 39 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l A.7 Advanced Chipset Features This section cont ains completely optimized chipset’ s features on the board that you a re strongly re commended to leave all items on this page at their default value s unless you are very famil iar with the technical specificatio ns of your system hard ware. a DRAM T iming Sel[...]
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40 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Selectin g En abled allo w s cach ing of the syst em BI OS R O M at F0000h-FFFFFh, resulting in better system per f ormance. However , if any program wr ites t o th is memory area, a system erro r may result. The def ault value is “Disabled” . a Video BIOS Ca cheable This item all ows you to chan ge the [...]
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41 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Appendix A.8 Integrated Peripherals This section allows you to configure your SuperIO Device, IDE Function and Onboard Dev ice. a OnChip IDE Device Scroll to this item and press <Enter> to view the sub menu OnChip IDE Device. ¤ IDE HDD Block Mode[...]
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42 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Block mode is also called block transfer, multiple commands, or multiple sector read/write. If your IDE hard drive support s block mode (most new drives do), select Enabled for automatic detectio n of the optimal number of blo ck read/ writes per sector the driv e can sup port. ¤ IDE DMA transfer access Aut[...]
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Appendix 43 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l ¤ USB Controller Enable this item if you are using the US B in the system. Y ou should disabl e this item if a higher-level controller i s added. ¤ USB 2.0 Controller Enable this item if you are using the EH CI (USB2.0 ) controlle r in the syste m . ¤ USB Keyboard Support Enable this item if the system has [...]
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44 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l ¤ Onboard FDC Con troller Select Enabled if your system has a floppy disk co ntroller (FDC) inst all ed on the system board and you wish to use it. If you install and-in F DC o r the system has no floppy drive, select Disabl ed in this field. The options available are Enabled, Disabled. ¤ Onboard Serial Po[...]
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Appendix 45 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l A.9 Power Mana gem ent Set up The Power Manageme nt Setup allo ws you to save en ergy of your system effe ctively . It will shut dow n the hard di sk and turn OFF video display af ter a period of inactivity . a ACPI Function This item all ow s you t o enable/d isa b le th e Advanced Configur ation and Po wer M[...]
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46 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l hardware maintains all system context. [S3(STR)] The S3 sleep mode is a l ower power state where the in f ormat ion of system conf iguration an d open applications/files is saved to main memory that remains powered while most other hardware components turn off to save energy . The in format ion sto red in me[...]
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Appendix 47 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l all other devices remain active. a So ft - O ff b y P W R - BT T N This option only works with s ystems using an A TX power supply . It also allo ws the user to de fine which type of sof t power OFF sequen ce the system will fol low. The defau lt value is “I n st an t-Off ” . This option foll o ws the conv[...]
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48 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l A.10 PnP/PCI Configuration Setup This section describes the configu r ation of PCI (Personal Comput er Interconnect) bus sy stem, whi c h a llows I/O devices to operate at speeds close to the CPU speed while communicating with other import ant co mponents. This section covers very t echnical items th at only[...]
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Appendix 49 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l inter rupt to one o f the fol lowing typ es in accorda n ce with the type of devices using the interrupt: 1. Legac y ISA Devices compliant with the original PC AT bus specificati on, requiring a sp e cific interrupt (such as IRQ4 for serial port 1). 2. PCI/ISA PnP Devices com pliant w ith the Plug and Pla y st[...]
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50 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l These read-only fiel ds refle ct the functions of the hardw ar e thermal sensor that monitors t he chip blocks and system temperatures to ensure the system is stable. A.12 Fre q uency / Volta g e Cont rol This section i s to control the CPU freq ue ncy and Supply V oltage, DIMM OverV oltage and AGP volt age.[...]
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Appendix 51 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l T o load CMOS SRAM with SETUP default values, ple ase enter “Y”. If not, please enter “N”. A.14 Set Supervisor/User Password Y ou can set a supervisor or user p assword, or both of them. The differen ces between them are:[...]
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52 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l 1. Supervisor pass w ord: Yo u can enter and ch a nge the options on the setup menu. 2. User pass word: You can just enter, bu t have no right to change the options on the setup m enu. When you select this fun ction, the following message will appear at the center of the screen to assi st you in creating a p[...]
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Appendix 53 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l T o disable the p a ssword, just press <Enter> wh en you are prompted to enter a password. A message w ill confirm the password is getting disabled. Once the p assword is di sabled, the system will boot an d you can enter Set up freely . P A SSWORD DIS ABLED When a pa sswo rd is enabled, you have to type[...]
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54 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l A.16 Exit Without Saving Select this option to exit the Setup utility without saving cha n ges you have made in this session. T ype “Y”, and it will quit the Setup utility without saving your modification s. T ype “N” to return to the Setup utility .[...]
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Appendix 55 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l Appendix B Power Supply Specification B.1 Power Suppl y: FSP180-50PLA1 (180W, AC 110~230V Input) B.1.1 ELECTRI CAL REQUIREMENTS OUTPUT ELECTRICA L REQUIREMENTS The subject power supply will meet all elect r ical specifications bel ow , over the full operation temperature range and dynamic load regulation. OUTP[...]
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56 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l LOAD CAPACITY SPECIFICATIONS The cross reg ulation defined as follows, the volt age regulation limit s DC include DC Output ri pp le & noise. +3.3V +5V +12V -12V LOAD ST M ALL MAX HHHH 4.5A 9.0A 9.0A 0.8A LHLL +5V MAX 0.3A 12.0 A 1.5A 0.0A other MIN HLLL +3.3V MAX 16.8 A 0.3 A 1.5A 0.0A other MIN LLHL +1[...]
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Appendix 57 PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l SHORT C I RCUIT PROTE C TI ON Output short circuit is defin ed to be a short circuit load of less than 0.1 ohm. In the event of an output short circuit condition on +3.3 V , +5V or +12V output, the power su pply wi ll shutdown and latch of f. The power supply shall return to normal operation a fter the short c[...]
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58 A pp endix PC 8150 User ’ s Manua l TTL signal asserted (high state): greater than 4.75V while sourcing 500uA. High st ate output impedan ce: less or equal to 1Kohm from outpu t to common. 100 –500mSec. POWER GOOD @ 115/230V,FULL LO AD 1 mSec. minimum POWER FAIL @11 5/230 V, FULL LOAD B.1.2 EF FICI ENCY 68% minimum 115 VAC @Full Load 68% min[...]