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behringer .com U ser Ma nu al EUROD ESK SX 48 82 Ul tra-Lo w Nois e Des ign 48 /2 4 - In put 8- Bus I n -Lin e Mix er wi th XE NYX Mic P rea mpl ifi ers, B riti sh E Qs an d Inte g rate d M ete r br i dg e[...]
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behringer .com 2 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Thank y ou Congratulat ions! With t he EURODESK you have acquire d a state - of-the-ar t mixing console t hat set s new s tandard s. Right f rom t he ver y st ar t it has be en our go al to design a re volutionar y u nit that c an be use d for a gr eat varie t y of applic ations. And indee d, this over[...]
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3 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com T erminals marked with this symbol carry ele ctric al curr ent of su cie nt magni tude to constitute risk of electric shock. Use only hig h-qua lity co mmer cia lly -a va ilab le spe aker ca bles with ¼" T S p lugs pre-i nst all ed . A ll oth er ins talla tion o r modi cation should be perf[...]
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behringer .com 4 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Subsequently , the product must be returned in [2] its or igi nal shi pping carton, to gether with the r eturn authorization number to the addr ess indicated by MUSIC Group . Shipments without freight pr epaid will not [3] be accepted . W arranty Exclusions § 4 This limited w arranty does not cov er c[...]
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5 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com Introduc tion 1 . The manual 1 . 1 Nomenclature 1.1 .1 Most sp ecialis t subje c ts ar e not really all that di cult p rovide d you under st and the language u sed, and the vo cabu lar y of mixin g is pret t y s traig ht for wa rd. Never thele ss, it is as well to b e clear abou t what cer t ain ter[...]
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behringer .com 6 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual EURODESK Over view 2. Architecture 2. 1 The EURODESK SX4 882 is a hybr id SPLIT /INLINE cons ole. Input chann els cover most o f the sur f ace fr om the le f t, while t he out put s to tape are to t he right . T ape m onitor re turn s, however , are ho used w ithin th e channel s tri ps, not nex t to t[...]
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7 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com Input gain setting 3.3 The channe l input level is s et by the TRIMP OT ( P 2 ). Use SOLO / PFL ( S 26 ) to bring th e channel ’ s input onto t he L/ R bargr aph mete rs und er the mas ter sec ti on of the EURODE SK SX4882. This als o sends th e SOLO/PFLed signal to the lef t and r ight speaker s. Ch[...]
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behringer .com 8 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual An excepti on to thi s rule i s when lay ing dow n voice ta kes. It is of te n ◊ convenient to h ave the mic cha nnel(s) routed to alt po tential TAKE trac k s simul tane ousl y , s ince you a re of ten d rop ping i n quic kly b et ween four o r more t rac ks . It means o ne les s but ton p ress e ac[...]
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9 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com Fig. 4 . 1: Post E Q cha nne l ins er t In this ar ran geme nt you migh t find that c ompr essi on tend s to sof ten ◊ the per ceive d amou nt of EQ appl ied. The s olut ion? Apply m ore EQ. This c reates a r eal “pre ssure ” so und, gr eat for h igh ene rgy m usic su ch as dance. (For a mor e s[...]
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behringer .com 10 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Direct output s 5.2 Each of t he 2 4 main channe ls on the EURODESK SX4 882 has it s own DIREC T OUTPUT , whic h is taken f rom a poi nt immediate ly af ter the f ader (i.e. post EQ and af ter th e aux send s, see blo ck sc hematic s) . This c an fe ed a tap e track d irec t ly witho ut having to res [...]
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11 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com Aux retu rns 6. 1 . 2 Nex t to the au x sends ar e the s tereo aux r etur ns (see g. 6.3) . The se can b e thought o f as a dozen ex t ra line inpu ts con gured a s six ster eo pair s. O n these input s t here is u p to 20 dB of g ain availab le. Altern ativel y , a mono (center-panne d) signal [...]
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behringer .com 12 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual For live app lic ations t r y usin g MIX -B to feed a se cond ar y set of sp eaker s. ◊ Thes e could b e side fills, or even m ore sp ec t acul ar , t he rear ward p or ti on of a quad raph onic s ound s ys tem. There is no SO LO provision f or MIX-B. However , you ca n auditio n it by sele c ting [...]
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13 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com PFL /SO LO 6.5 Fig. 6 .6: So lo se c ti on PFL 6. 5. 1 Pressing S 95 disengage s the s tereo SO LO bus, and replaces i t with a s eparate mono PFL (Pre- F ader-Listen) bus. Now any thing at all whi ch is SOLOed, isn’t. It is PFLed instead. PFL shou ld be use d for gain -set t ing. (See also the e ss[...]
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behringer .com 14 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Auxilia r y ret urns All six ster eo pair s, to be lo cated imm ediately b elow the aux s ends, are on unbalan ced ¼ " jac k s and oper ate at 0 dBu. Fig. 7 .3: Auxi lia r y re tur ns Subg roup i nser t s Unbalanced s end and ret urn f rom a sin gle ster eo jack s ocket, wi red tip = o ut, ring [...]
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15 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com A- chann el li ne inpu ts The A-c hannel line inp uts a ccept balanced o r unbalanced 1/ 4” jack s, ti p = hot, ring = cold an d sleeve = grou nd/scre en. Mic in puts These a re via XLR-t yp e connec tor s, wir ed pin 1 = gr ound, pin 2 = hot and pin 3 = cold, for b alanced low-le vel operat ion. Si[...]
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behringer .com 16 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual ¼ " s tere o (TR S) plugs Y ou ’ll need t his kind f or: Inser t s • Subgrou p Inser t s • Main Inser t s • Y ou ’ll need t his kind f or: Headphones • Y ou ’ll need t his kind f or: Line In • Input s-B / T ape Retu rns • Maybe you will ne ed this ´ Y´ -shap[...]
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17 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com XLR plug s Y ou ’ll need t his kind f or: Main balanced o utpu ts • Mic input s • Be sure to r ead als o the se c tion s 8 and 12 ! ◊ The Patch el d 8. Nomenclat ure clar ic ation: FIELD= entire p atching area • BA Y = a unit of 4 8 jack s ocket s arr anged as 24 outs over 24 [...]
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behringer .com 18 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Bay 8: L7 & R8 equals the L /R r ecord ing input to th e 2-track s. On B ay 8 we have hard-wi red the se to re cording ou tput s 1 to 6 in or der to drive all re corde rs simultane ously. Copying fro m any 2-track source to all re corder s may be don e by patching th e source ou tput s into L7 and[...]
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19 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com With an LF c ut at 100 Hz and a low she lf bo ost at 8 0 to 1 60 Hz, you have ◊ pret t y m uch got a p eak re spo nse rat her than s helv ing at the b ot tom. Look at th e ex tra ord inar y w idth o f the fr eque nc y s weep of the u ppe r ◊ mid EQ -3 00 Hz all th e way up. Set to max imum b oos t[...]
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behringer .com 20 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual It is posit ively unde sirable to u se sc reene d cable to w ire an amp to a speaker. Speaker leads should b e as thic k and shor t as p ossible, wit h XLR or wound pos t terminals.) Line- level signals ca n usually be ru n unbalanced over sho r t or moder ate dist ances (rack to desk e tc.) , but NOT[...]
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21 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com Recor ding l evels 1 3. 2. 3 When reco rding to digi tal, it ’s a good idea to keep th e recor der ’ s PEAK RE ADING meter s below 0 dB. Engag e “peak hold” on you r record er if you want to co nrm that you haven’t inadver tently over step ped th e mark dur ing a take or mix . Most d igit[...]
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behringer .com 22 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Returns 1 4.3 Channels 1 to 8: When you’ve only got eigh t tape re tur ns, you can a ord to br ing them bac k on main channe ls to enable e.g. chorus vo cal comp s. or reco rded real-time mi xing e ec t s such as f re quenc y s weeping to be q uickl y bounced o r sample d o via sub group s.[...]
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23 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com Pro fession al 2 4 - T rack S tudio 1 6. Recording 1 6. 1 Chances are you ’ll occasi onally want to re cord more t han eight tr ack s at once, e.g. ou’ r e recor ding a band p laying toget her live. The follow ing examp le covers a rock b and wit h drums, b ass, t wo guit ars, pe rcussio nist, b r[...]
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behringer .com 24 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Liv e P . A . with 2 - T rack Record ing 1 7 . In this exa mple we’ll use t he aux sen ds 1 and 2 for s ta ge foldb ack , and 3/ 4/5/ 6 fo r fro nt-of-hous e ee c ts. T he P .A. is d riven f rom th e main mix. MIX-B will b e used to set up t he mix to DA T . Channels Source FOH FX Wedg es / monit[...]
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25 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com Using this set up, you can even chang e the P .A . to a quadrop honic sy stem. Positioning t akes place by balanc ing the main mi x ( channel f ader, P ANpot P 24 ) against MIX-B ( P 20 , P 21 ). Channels Source F. O . H . FX Wedges Inlls 1 Kick MIX-B - - Subgr ou ps 1/2, 3/4 and 7/8 2 Snare MIX-B [...]
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behringer .com 26 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Bouncing 2 1 . Somet imes you wan t to play back f rom one o r more tr ack s, route t he signals to a new trac k or pair of t rack s, and r e-r ecord. T his proce ss is commo nly ref erre d to as bounc ing. E xample s would be whe n reduc ing 4 lead voc al take trac k s down to 1 , re ducing 4 s epara[...]
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27 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com Spec ica tion s 24. Mai n Cha nne l Str ip Mic inp ut T y pe elec tr onica lly balanced, dis crete in put circ uit Mic E.I.N. 1 (22 Hz - 22 kHz) @ 1 50 Ω s ource - 1 29.0 dBu / - 1 1 7 .3 dBqp input shor tened - 13 2.0 dBu / - 1 22.0 dBqp Distor tion ( THD + N) 0.007 % @ +4 dBu, 1 kHz, ban dwidt [...]
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behringer .com 28 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual Power Su pp ly Power consumption 250 W Mains voltag e 1 0 0 - 2 40 V~ ( 50/60 Hz) Fuse T 3. 15 A H 250 V Mains connec tor stan dard IEC recep tacle Physical/ Weight Dimensions (H x W x D) ap prox. 2.8" / 8.7 x 37 x 29 .5" approx. 72 mm / 220 x 9 40 x 750 mm Weight approx. 61 . 2 lbs / approx[...]
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29 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com[...]
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behringer .com 30 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual[...]
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31 EURODESK SX 4 882 User Manual behringer .com FEDERAL C OMMUNICA TIONS C OMMISS ION C OMPL IA NCE INF ORMA TION Respo nsible p ar t y name: MUSIC G rou p Ser v ices USA , In c. Address: 1 891 2 Nor t h Cree k Park way, Suite 2 00 Bo th ell , WA 980 1 1 , USA Phone/ Fax No.: Phon e: + 1 425 672 08 16 Fax: + 1 425 67 3 7 6 47 EUROD ESK SX4882 compl[...]
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