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P4M800 Pro-M7 i FCC Infor mation an d Cop yright This equ ipment has been tested and f ound to comply with th e limits of a Clas s B digital device, pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa tion. Th is equipment gen erates, us es and can[...]
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Table of Contents ii Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................. 1 1.1 Features.............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Package List....................................................................................... 3 1.3 Layout ..............[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTI ON 1.1 F EATURES CPU Supports LG A 775. Supports Int el Pe ntium 4 proces sor up to 3.8GHz. Su ppo rt s Du al Core CPU. Front sid e bus at th e foll owing fr equenc y ranges: - 400MH z (100MH z Core Cl ock) - 533MH z (133MH z Core Cl ock) - 800MH z (200MH z Core Cl ock) - 1066MH z (266MH z C ore Cloc k) Support[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 2 Super I/O Chip: IT E IT8705 AF Provid es the m ost com monl y used leg acy su per I/O functiona lit y . Enviro nm ent Control i nitiat ives : - H/W Monitor . - Fan S pee d Contr oller . - ITE “Sm art Guardian” f unction. On Board IDE Support 4 IDE disk driv es. Supp orts P IO Mode 0~4 . Supports Ultra DMA 33/66/ 100/133 Bus Mas [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 3 Fron t Side Onb oard Peripheral s 1 front panel header suppor ts fr ont panel facilit ies. 1 S/PDIF out connec tor su pports digital audio out f unc tion. 1 CD-in conn ector s upports 1 CD-RO M audio- in dev ice. 1 front aud io he ader su pports front panel audio f unctio n. 1 chassis open hea der sup ports PC cas e-open ed war ning[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 4 1.3 L AYOUT BIO S PCI 1 F DD1 CNR1 BA T 1 PCI 3 PCI 2 ID E 1 ID E 2 JA T XP WR1 JC FAN1 JSFAN 1 JU SBV2 JCM OS1 JU SB2 JU SB3 JSA TA2 JC I1 JP AN EL 1 JSA TA1 VT 8 237R PL US P4M80 0 Pro JF AUDIO1 JCDI N 1 JSPD I FO1 Co de c AGP 1 LG A77 5 CP U 1 LA N DD R2 _A 2 DD R2 _A 1 JKB MS1 JU SB1 J AUDI O1 JA TXP WR2 JU SBV1 Su pe r I/ O JPR[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 5 Pin Cap CHAPTER 2: HARDWARE INSTALLATION 2.1 I NSTALLING C ENTRAL P ROCESSING U NIT (CPU) Step 1: Pull th e sock et lock ing lever out f rom the socket an d then ra ise the lever up to a 90-degr ee ang le. Special No tice: Remove Pin Cap befor e installatio n, and make good preserva tion fo r futu re use. When the CP U is removed , [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 6 Step 2: Look for the tr iangu lar cut edge on soc ket, and the gol den dot on CPU shoul d point f orwar ds this tri angular cut edge. T he CPU will fit onl y in the cor rect or ientation . S tep 2-1: S tep 2 -2: Step 3: Hold t he CPU do wn firm ly , an d then lo wer the lever to lock ed position to com plete the ins tallation. Step [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 7 2.2 FAN H EADERS Thes e fan header s suppor t cooli ng-fans built in the c om puter . The fan cable and connec tor m ay be diff erent accor ding to the fan m anufac turer . Connect the fan cabl e to th e connec tor whil e m atching the black wire to pin#1. JCFAN1: CPU Fan H eader Pin Assignm ent 1 Gr ound 2 Power (+12V) 3 FAN RP M r[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 8 2.3 I NSTALLING S YSTE M M EMORY DDR2_A1 1. Unlock a DIMM slot b y pressing t he retainin g clips out ward. Al ign a DIMM on the s lot suc h that the n otch o n the DIMM m atc hes the break on the Slot . 2. Insert the DIMM vertica lly a nd firm l y into the slot until t he retain ing chip sna p back in place and the DIMM is proper l[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 9 2.4 C ONNECTORS AND S LOTS F F D D D D 1 1 : : F F l l o o p p p p y y D D i i s s k k C C o o n n n n e e c c t t o o r r The m otherboard provid es a s tandard flop py disk connec tor that supports 360K, 720K, 1.2M , 1.44M a nd 2.88M f lopp y disk types. This connector s upports th e provid ed flo ppy dr ive ribb on cab les. 33 1 [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 10 P P C C I I 1 1 ~ ~ P P C C I I 3 3 : : P P e e r r i i p p h h e e r r a a l l C C o o m m p p o o n n e e n n t t I I n n t t e e r r c c o o n n n n e e c c t t S S l l o o t t s s This motherboard is eq uipped with 3 s tandard PCI s lots. PCI stan ds for Peripher al Com ponent Interc onnect, and it is a bus standard for expansi[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 11 C C N N R R 1 1 : : C C o o m m m m u u n n i i c c a a t t i i o o n n N N e e t t w w o o r r k k R R i i s s e e r r S S l l o o t t The CNR spec ific ation is an open I ndustr y S tandard Architec ture, and it def ines a hardwar e sc alable r iser car d interf ace, whic h supports m odem only . CNR1[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 12 CHAPTER 3: HEADERS & JUMPERS SETUP 3.1 H OW TO S ETUP J UMPERS The ill ustration s hows ho w to s et up jum pers . W hen the jum per cap is placed on pins, th e jum per is “close” , if not, t hat means the jum per is “open”. Pi n open ed Pi n clo sed Pi n1-2 closed 3.2 D ETAIL S ETTINGS JUSBV1/JUS BV2: Power Source Head[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 13 JATXPWR1: A TX Po wer Source C onnector This conne ctor allows user t o connect 20-pin power conn ector on the A TX power supp ly . Pin Assi gnmen t 1 +3.3V 2 +3.3V 3 Gr ound 4 +5V 5 Gr ound 6 +5V 7 Gr ound 8 PW_OK 9 S tandby Voltage +5V 10 +12V 11 + 3 . 3 V 12 -12V 13 G round 14 PS_ON 15 G round 16 G round 17 G round 18 -5V 19 +5V[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 14 JUSB2/JUSB3: Headers for USB 2.0 Ports at Front Panel This header a llows user to co nnect add itional USB cable on the PC fron t panel, and also ca n be connected with int ernal USB devic es, like USB card r eader . Pin Assignm ent 1 +5V (f used) 2 +5V (f used) 3 USB- 4 USB- 5 USB+ 6 USB+ 7 Gr ound 8 Gr ound 9 Key 1 2 9 10 JUS B3 [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 15 JCDIN1: CD-ROM Audio-in Connector This conne ctor allows user to connect the audi o source fro m the varia ty device s, like CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, PCI sou nd card, PCI TV turner card etc.. Pin Assignm ent 1 Left Chan nel Input 2 Gr ound 3 Gr ound 1 4 4 Rig ht Channel Input JFAUDIO1: Front P anel Audio He ader This header al lows user to[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 16 JCMOS1: Clear CM OS Header By placing t he jumper on pin2- 3, it allows user t o restore the BIOS safe setting and the CM OS data, please carefully follow the procedures to avoid damaging the motherboar d. 3 1 Pin 1-2 Close: Nor mal Oper ation ( Defau lt). 1 3 3 1 Pin 2-3 Close: Clear CMOS data. ※ ※ ※ ※ Clear CMOS Pro cedur[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 17 JSATA1~JSATA2: Seri al ATA Connectors The mother board has a PC I to SA T A Controller w i th 2 chann els SA T A interface, it satisfie s the SA T A 1.0 spec and with transfer r ate of 1.5GB/s. Pin Assignm ent 1 Gr ound 2 TX+ 3 TX- 4 Gr ound 5 RX- 6 RX+ 71 4 JSA T A1 1 7 4 7 Gr ound JSP DIF O1: Di git al A udi o- out Co nnec tor Th[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 18 CHAPTER 4: USEFUL HELP 4.1 A WARD BIOS B EEP C OD E Beep Sound Meaning One long be ep follow ed by tw o short beeps Video card not found or video card memory bad High-low sir en sound CPU overheated System will shut dow n automatica lly One Short beep when sy stem boot-u p No error found during POST Long beeps ev ery other secon d [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 19 B B . . C C P P U U O O v v e e r r h h e e a a t t e e d d If the s ystem s hutdown autom aticall y after power on s ystem f or seconds, th at m eans the CPU pr otecti on functi on has been acti vated. W hen the CPU is over heat ed, the m other board will sh utdown automatic ally to avoid a d am age of the CPU, and th e s ystem ma[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 20 4.3 T ROUBLESHOOTING Problem Solution 1. No pow er to the system at all Power light d on’t illum i nate, f an inside pow er supply doe s not turn on. 2. Indi cator light o n keyboard does not turn on. 1. M ake sure power cable i s securely pl ugged in. 2. Replace cable. 3. Contac t technica l support. System inop erative. Keyboar[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 21 CHAPTER 5: W ARPSPEEDER™ 5.1 I NTRODUCTION [WarpS peeder™], a new po werful c ontrol ut ility , featur es three user-f riendl y functions inclu ding Ov ercloc k Manag er , Over voltage Manager , and Hard ware M onitor . W ith the Overclock Manag er , users c an easi ly adjust t he fr equenc y they prefer or the y can get the be[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 22 5.3 I NSTALLATION 1. Ex ecute t he setup ex ecutio n file, a nd then th e foll owing dia log will pop up. Pleas e clic k “ Next” button a nd follo w the def ault pr ocedure t o install. 2. W hen you see th e foll owing dialog i n setup pr ocedur e, it m eans s etup is com pleted. If the “Lau nch the WarpS pee der Tray Utilit [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 23 5.4 [W ARP S PEEDER ™] IN CLUDES 1 TRAY ICON AND 5 PANELS 1 1 . . T T r r a a y y I I c c o o n n : : W henever the Tray Icon utilit y is launc hed, it will d ispla y a littl e tra y icon on th e right s ide of W indows T ask bar . This utility is respo nsib le for conve nientl y invok ing [WarpS peeder ™] Utilit y . Y ou can u[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 24 2 2 . . M M a a i i n n P P a a n n e e l l If you click the tray icon, [ WarpS peed er™] utilit y will be invoked. Please r efer to t he fo llowin g figure; t he uti lit y’ s fir st windo w you will see is M ain Pane l. Main Panel contains features as follow s: a. Display the C PU S pe ed, CPU extern al cl ock , Memor y cloc k[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 25 3 3 . . V V o o l l t t a a g g e e P P a a n n e e l l Click the V oltage bu tton in Main P anel, t he butt on will be high lighted and the V oltage Pa nel will s lid e out to up as the follo wing f igure. In this panel, you can decid e to inc rease CPU cor e voltage and Memor y voltage or not. T he def ault s etting is “N o”.[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 26 4 4 . . O O v v e e r r c c l l o o c c k k P P a a n n e e l l Click the Overc lock button in Ma in Pa nel, th e button will be highlight ed and the Overc lock Panel will slide out to l eft as the fol low in g fi gure . Overclo ck Panel contains t he these features: a. “ –3MHz butt on”, “-1MH z button”, “ +1MHz butt on[...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 27 c. “Auto-o vercloc k button” : User c an click this b utton an d [WarpS peeder™] will set th e best and stable perf orm ance and frequenc y autom aticall y . [WarpS peeder ™] utilit y wil l execute a series of testin g unti l syste m fa il. Then system will do f ail-s afe reboot b y using Watchdog func tion. After r eboot, [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 28 6 6 . . A A b b o o u u t t P P a a n n e e l l Click the “about” button i n Mai n Panel, t he butt on will be high lighted and the A bout Pa nel will slide o ut to up as the f ollowin g figure. In this pane l, you can ge t mode l nam e and detail infor m ation in hints of all t he chipset t hat are r elated to overc lock ing. [...]
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P4M800 Pro-M7 29 Note: Because the over clock , over voltage, and h ard ware monitor feat ures are contro lled b y severa l se parate chipset, [WarpS peeder™] d ivide these featur es to s eparate panels . If one ch ipset is no t on b oard, the correlati ve button in Ma in panel will be disabl ed, but will not int erfer e other panels ’ f unctio[...]