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Models QS 12 & QS24 Modular Grills Opera ting Instr uctions 050559 - - M 2/20/ 01[...]
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Com plete this pa ge for quick r efer ence w hen ser vice i s requi red: Taylor Distributor: Address: Phone: Serv ice: Par ts: Date of Installation: Infor mati on found on data plate : Model Number: Seri al Number: Electrical S pecs: Voltage Cycle Phase Maximum Fuse Size: Amps Minimum Wi re Ampacity: Amps Part N umber: E Febr uary, 2001 Tay lo r Al[...]
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T able of Cont ents Models QS 12 & QS2 4 T able of Contents Section 1 T o the Installer 1 ............................................ Air C learance 1 ......................................................... Electri cal Connections 1 ................................................. V entil ation and Clearance 2 ..............................[...]
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Models QS 12 & QS2 4 T able of Cont ents T able of C ontents - - Page 2 Se ction 7 T r oubleshooting G uide 29 .................................... Sec tion 8 W arr anty Ex planation 31 ...................................... Par ts 31 ................................................................ Labor 31 .....................................[...]
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1 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 T o th e Installer 050831 Section 1 T o th e Installer This ma chine is de signe d for indoor use only . DO NOT inst all t he machine in an area where a water jet could be used to clean or rinse t he machine. Failur e to f ollow this ins tr uction m ay res ult in serious electr ical shoc k. Air Clear ance Clearances f rom[...]
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2 T o th e Installer Mode ls QS12 & QS 24 V entilation and Clear ance T o ensure proper operat ion of t his appliance it must be installed s o that the produc ts of combust ion are efficient ly rem oved. Do not s tore any thing on top of the grill. Most s ervice can be perf orm ed from the f ront of t he grill. W hen inspect ing heat ing elemen[...]
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3 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 T o th e Installer Step 3 Raise or lower both gap pins on the f ront gap slide until they ar e flus h with t he top edge of the gap slide. Repeat t his st ep for the rear gap s lide. Slide t he gap slide to t he right . Figur e 4 Step 4 For each c ook surf ace r equiring adjust ment , place 4 gap block s on the c ook surf[...]
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4 T o th e Installer Mode ls QS12 & QS 24 090401 Step 8 Lower t he upper cook surf ace int o t he CO OK position. Figur e 9 Step 9 Wearing proper pr otect ion, att empt to r ock t he cook surf ace ass embly . Apply pr essure on t he locat ing pins at opposit e cor ners t o each ot her as shown in F igure 10. Figur e 10 Step 10 If the unit rocks[...]
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5 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 T o the Opera tor 050831 Sec tion 2 T o the Ope rator The gr ill you have purc hased has been caref ully engineered and manuf act ured to pr ovide dependable operation. This grill is designed to deliv er “cook -to- order” menu it ems. T he two-s ided cooking met hod increases speed of s ervic e and assur es saf e prod[...]
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6 Safety M odels QS1 2 & QS2 4 0701 16 Se cti on 3 Sa fety We at T aylor are deeply conc erned about the saf ety of the oper ator when he or she com es in cont act wit h the grill and it s part s. T ay lor has gone t o extrem e effort s to design and manuf act ure built- in saf ety f eat ures t o prot ect bot h you and t he serv ice t echnician[...]
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7 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Safety DO NOT slide t he grill wit h the legs att ached. F ailure to f ollow this instr uct ion may damage t he grill. DO NOT obst ruc t air int ake and dischar ge openings: 4” (102 mm) m inimum air space on the bott om and 3” (76 mm ) at t he rear of the unit . F ailure to comply will affect grill per form ance and m[...]
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8 Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n Models QS 12 & QS2 4 071 102 Section 4 Operator Parts Identif ication QS12 O N O F F 1 2 3 4 Figur e 12 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 STANDOFF-REAR 079288 2 STANDOFF-FRONT 079289 3 TRAY A. - GREASE X79940-SER ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 4 COVER-TOP 079969 * CLEANER-SI ZZLE 079896 *NOT SHOWN[...]
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9 Models QS12 & QS24 Operator Parts Identification 071 102 QS24 2 1 ON OFF ON OFF 3 4 Figur e 13 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 TRA Y A.- - GREASE X79940 - - SER 2 COVER- - TOP 079969 3 ST ANDOFF - - FRONT 079289 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 4 ST ANDOFF - - REAR 079288 * CLEANER- - SIZZLE 079896 *NOT SHOWN[...]
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10 Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n Models QS 12 & QS2 4 071 102 QS12 Accessor ies 5 3 4 8 13 14 19 18 9 7 20 15 16 17 11 10 6 12 S I Z Z L E 1 2 Figur e 14[...]
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11 Models QS12 & QS24 Operator Parts Identification QS12 Accessor ies - - Par ts Ident ification ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 SCRAPER A.- GROOVE X79246 2 SCRAPER A.- GROOVE X79668 3 SCRAPER-TEFLON WI PER 075887 4 SCRAPER-TROUGH 079726 5 BAR-RELEASE SHEET 079930 6 SHEET-SEAMED RELEASE 078804 7 SPRING- .438 OD X . 046 X 1.75 079704 8 STANDOFF-R[...]
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12 Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n Models QS 12 & QS2 4 071 102 QS24 Accessor ies 5 3 4 8 14 9 7 15 12 13 11 10 6 S I Z Z L E 1 2 Figur e 15[...]
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13 Models QS12 & QS24 Operator Parts Identification QS24 Accessor ies - - Par ts Ident ification ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 SCRAPER A.- GROOVE X79246 2 SCRAPER A.- GROOVE X79668 3 SCRAPER-TEFLON WI PER 75887 4 SCRAPER-TROUGH 079726 5 BAR-RELEASE SHEET 079930 6 SHEET-SEAMED RELEASE 078804 7 SPRING- .438 OD X . 046 X 1.75 079704 8 STANDOFF-RE[...]
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14 Impor tant : T o the Oper ator Models QS 12 & QS2 4 071 102 Section 5 Important: T o the Operator MENU UF TIME TEMP UP DOWN EXIT UM UR LR LM LF MANUFACTURED BY THE T AYLOR COMP ANY ROCKTON, ILLINOIS U.S.A. 4 3 2 1 I 0 5 ITEM DESCRIP TI ON 1 Power Swit ch 2 Keypads 3 LED Display 4 Indicat or Light s 5 T imer Bu tton Power Switch (Rocker) When[...]
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15 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Impor tant : T o the Oper ator T em peratur e Contr ols The M odel Q S12 is equipped with one tem perat ure contr ol and the Model QS24 is equipped with two individual temperat ure cont rols . They cont rol both the upper and t he lower tem perat ures. The lower cook surf ace t emperat ures c an be set manually f rom 150[...]
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16 Impor tant : T o the Oper ator Models QS 12 & QS2 4 080429 Cook T emperatures Step 1 T o s et cook temperat ures, press the up or down arr ow to selec t t he item to be changed. Press and hold t he tem peratur e key f or f ive sec onds. Aft er r eleasing the key , t he mess age “SU1” and t he cur rent s et tem peratur e will be displayed[...]
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17 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Impor tant : T o the Oper ator Fault Screen If t he gril l experi ences a system failure, a fa ult mess age will appear on t he display , and a tone will sound. FL T HTUM An example of t he F AUL T SCREE N is illust rated in t he previous figur e. The s creen appear s when t he control ler has de tected a fault i n the s[...]
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18 Impor tant : T o the Oper ator Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Note: A calibr ated py romet er mus t be used for calibrat ion. Note: Calibr ation is allowed only when the item1 tem peratur es are wit hin 50 _ F( 2 8 _ C) of t he set point . Step 2 Place t he pyrom eter disc on t he upper f ront heat ing element of the grill. Us ing the arrow keys, ente[...]
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19 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Impor tant : T o the Oper ator Step 6 Pres s the M ENU key again, and the message “I TM1” will appear on the dis play . T he lett er “I ” will be f lashing above t he cursor. ITM 1 Step 7 Using the UP and DOW N arrow key s, enter the desired lett er (A - Z ) or number ( 0 - 9) ( - - _ ). O nce the charac ter let [...]
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20 Impor tant : T o the Oper ator Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Maintenance Menu F lowchart[...]
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21 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Ope ra ting Proc edur es Section 6 Operating Procedures The M odel Q S12 has one, 12” (305 m m) lower cook surf ace and t he option of an 1 1” ( 279 mm) upper cook surf ace. The Model QS 24 has t wo, 12” ( 305 mm) lower cook s urfac es and t he option of one 1 1” (279 mm) upper cook sur face or t wo 1 1” ( 279 [...]
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22 Op erati ng Pro ced ures Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Step 4 Raise the upper cook s urfac e and assure that t he release m aterial s heet f its evenly and s nugly on the upper cook surface. Rot ate t he release mater ial sheet on an every ot her day basis. Not e: It is n o t necessary to repl ace th e release ma ter ial s hee t if sm all pinhole s d[...]
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23 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Ope ra ting Proc edur es CAUTI ON: Release mat erial sheet s must be repl aced if : S Release mat erial is t orn. S Release mat erial subs tanc e is worn f rom t he release m aterial s heet. S Produc t st ick s to t he release m ater ial. Cooking P rocedur es Step 1 Make s ure the r elease mat erial is ins talled. Step 2[...]
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24 Op erati ng Pro ced ures Models QS 12 & QS2 4 071 102 CAUTI ON: Th e gri ll i s ho t. T o p revent per sona l injury , alway s use the ha ndle to lower the upper c ook sur f ace. Step 7 If the t imer is program med, pr ess t he large red T IM ER butt on. A t one will sound for two seconds , alerting t he operator t hat the C O OK cycle has b[...]
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25 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Ope ra ting Proc edur es 090401 Step 3 Using the r ubber wiper s queegee, pus h the greas e to the r ear of t he lower s urfac e into t he grease t rough. DO NOT use t he grill s craper f or t his st ep. Step 4 When nec essary , use a grill c loth t o clean the back splash shield and t he bullnose ar eas. Step 5 Repeat S[...]
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26 Op erati ng Pro ced ures Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Closing P rocedur es Step 1 Raise the upper cook s urfac e to t he “rais ed” posit ion. Step 2 T urn t he power swit ches t o the O FF posit ion. Figur e 31 Step 3 Wipe t he r elease mat erial sheet thor oughly while still att ached t o the upper c ook sur fac e, using the rubber wiper squeeg[...]
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27 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Ope ra ting Proc edur es IMP ORT ANT : Do no t u se a j et of w ater to cle an or rins e the grill. Step 12 Use the r ubber wiper s queegee to remove excess liquid fr om the upper and lower sur faces . IMPOR T AN T! Do not scr ape the upper s urfa ce with me ta l utens ils. It is alum inum a nd will scr at ch very easil [...]
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28 Op erati ng Pro ced ures Models QS 12 & QS2 4 090401 Weekly Cleaning Pr ocedures Step 1 Loosen, but do not remove t he f our locat ing pins that att ach bot h sets of Gap S lide Retainer s. One s et is locat ed at the fr ont and one set is locat ed at t he rear of t he upper plat en. Step 2 Lift the upper platen t o t he raised pos ition. Re[...]
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29 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 T roubles hooting Guide Section 7 T roubleshooting G uide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. G rill will not heat. a. Power cor d is not c onnect ed. a. Check power connect ion. b. Circuit breaker is tr ipped. b. Reset the circ uit breaker . c. Power swit ch is in t he O FF position. c. Place t he power swit ch in t he ON[...]
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30 T roubles hooting Guide Models QS 12 & QS2 4 PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 6. Pr oduct is under -cook ed, overc ooked, or cook ing unevenly . a. Release mater ial sheet is worn. a. Replace the releas e mat erial sheet . b. Incorr ect cooking t ime. b. Adjus t cook tim e accordingly . c. Incor rect tem perat ure set ting. c. Adjus t t empera[...]
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31 Models QS 12 & QS2 4 W arr anty E xpla nation Section 8 W arranty Explanation Part s Class 103 Par ts The war ranty for new equipment is one year, wit h a replacem ent part s warrant y of t hree mont hs. Class 000 Par ts Wear item s - - no warr anty . Class 212 Par ts The war ranty for new equipment parts is two year s, with a r eplacement p[...]
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Section 9 Parts List + Avail able Separ atel y 32 Par ts Lis t Models QS 12 & QS2 4 DESCRI PT IO N P ART NUMBER QS12 QTY . QS24 QTY . W ARR. CLASS REMARKS P ART S UPDA TE BAR- - RELEASE SHEET *QS24* 079930 2 2 103 137 BLOCK- - GAGE PLA TEN KIT 078095 4 4 103 BLOCK- - TERMINAL- - 5P SCREW W/JUMPERS X79838 1 103 LEFT SIDE - - J8050000/UP ( 50HZ &[...]
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33 + Avail able Separ atel y Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Pa rts List DESCRI PT IO N P ARTS UPDA TE REMARKS W ARR. CLASS QS24 QTY . QS12 QTY . P ART NUMBER BUMPER- - .500 DI A X .090 THK 079499 1 2 000 DECAL - - KEY P AD *QS24* X74320 - - SER 1 2 000 BUMPER- - .500 DI A X .090 THK 079499 1 2 000 FIL TER - - CORCOM 2VR1 032567 1 2 103 PRIOR TO J9054573 [...]
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+ Avail able Separ atel y 34 Par ts Lis t Models QS 12 & QS2 4 DESCRI PT IO N P ARTS UPDA TE REMARKS W ARR. CLASS QS24 QTY . QS12 QTY . P ART NUMBER GASKET - - ACCESS COVER 074059 1 000 J9054573/UP 143 HARNESS- - CONTROL TO REMOTE QS24 078618 1 2 103 CONTROL BOARD TO REMOTE KEY P AD BOX HARNESS- - T/C LOWER * QS12* 079292 1 103 THERMOCOUPLES (6[...]
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+ Avail able Separ atel y 36 Par ts Lis t Models QS 12 & QS2 4 DESCRI PT IO N P ARTS UPDA TE REMARKS W ARR. CLASS QS24 QTY . QS12 QTY . P ART NUMBER ROD- - PLA TEN LINKAGE MI D *QS24 079194 1 1 103 ROD- - PLA TEN LINKAGE MID * QS24* 078549 1 1 103 ROD- - PLA TEN LINKAGE UPPER * QS24 078550 1 1 103 PLA TEN ASSEMBL Y 208V 1400W X79629 - - 23 1 1 [...]
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37 + Avail able Separ atel y Models QS 12 & QS2 4 Pa rts List DESCRI PT IO N P ARTS UPDA TE REMARKS W ARR. CLASS QS24 QTY . QS12 QTY . P ART NUMBER WIPER- - SIDE LEFT *QS24* 079437 1 1 103 WIPER- - SIDE RIGHT * QS24* 079438 1 1 103 WIPER- - FRONT * QS24* 079439 1 1 103 WIPER- - REAR *QS24* 079440 1 1 103 ACCESSORIES: SCRAPER A.- - GROOVE - - RU[...]
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+ Avail able Separ atel y 38 Par ts Lis t Models QS 12 & QS2 4 DESCRI PT IO N P ARTS UPDA TE REMARKS W ARR. CLASS QS24 QTY . QS12 QTY . P ART NUMBER DIAGRAM- - WIRING ( NEW) 074063- - 75 1 1 000 J9054573/UP 143 DIAGRAM- - WIRING ( OLD) 079691 - - 75 1 1 000 FIL TER A. - - *M22* X79163 1 1 103 HARNESS- - POWER LOWER * QS24* ( NEW) 074065 1 2 103[...]
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QS12/ 24 074063 - - 22[...]
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QS12/ 24 074063 - - 23[...]
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QS12/ 24 074063 - - 75 Rev . 4/01[...]
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QS24 078807 - - 23[...]
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QS24 079691 - - 77 J710000 - - J9050000[...]