Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem инструкция обслуживания


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Что такое руководство?

Слово происходит от латинского "instructio", тоесть привести в порядок. Следовательно в инструкции Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem можно найти описание этапов поведения. Цель инструкции заключается в облегчении запуска, использования оборудования либо выполнения определенной деятельности. Инструкция является набором информации о предмете/услуге, подсказкой.

К сожалению немного пользователей находит время для чтения инструкций Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem, и хорошая инструкция позволяет не только узнать ряд дополнительных функций приобретенного устройства, но и позволяет избежать возникновения большинства поломок.

Из чего должно состоять идеальное руководство по эксплуатации?

Прежде всего в инструкции Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem должна находится:
- информация относительно технических данных устройства Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem
- название производителя и год производства оборудования Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem
- правила обслуживания, настройки и ухода за оборудованием Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem
- знаки безопасности и сертификаты, подтверждающие соответствие стандартам

Почему мы не читаем инструкций?

Как правило из-за нехватки времени и уверенности в отдельных функциональностях приобретенных устройств. К сожалению само подсоединение и запуск Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem это слишком мало. Инструкция заключает ряд отдельных указаний, касающихся функциональности, принципов безопасности, способов ухода (даже то, какие средства стоит использовать), возможных поломок Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem и способов решения проблем, возникающих во время использования. И наконец то, в инструкции можно найти адресные данные сайта Eicon Networks, в случае отсутствия эффективности предлагаемых решений. Сейчас очень большой популярностью пользуются инструкции в форме интересных анимаций или видео материалов, которое лучше, чем брошюра воспринимаются пользователем. Такой вид инструкции позволяет пользователю просмотреть весь фильм, не пропуская спецификацию и сложные технические описания Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem, как это часто бывает в случае бумажной версии.

Почему стоит читать инструкции?

Прежде всего здесь мы найдем ответы касательно конструкции, возможностей устройства Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem, использования отдельных аксессуаров и ряд информации, позволяющей вполне использовать все функции и упрощения.

После удачной покупки оборудования/устройства стоит посвятить несколько минут для ознакомления с каждой частью инструкции Eicon Networks DIVA T/A ISDN Modem. Сейчас их старательно готовят или переводят, чтобы они были не только понятными для пользователя, но и чтобы выполняли свою основную информационно-поддерживающую функцию.

Содержание руководства

  • Страница 1

    DIV A T/A ISDN Modem Re f e r e n ce G u i d e[...]

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    Eigh t Edition (July 1999) 206-1 93-08 DIV A T/ A ISDN Mode m is a trad emark of Eicon T ech n o logy Corporation. Microso f t, W i ndows, and Windows NT are registered tr ademar ks of Microsoft C orporation. CompuServe is a r egi s tered t rademark of CompuSer v e Inco r pora ted . Hay es is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, [...]

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    Co n t e n t s What i s ISDN ? .............. ..................... .................... ..................... ............................... ...... ........ 4 ISD N Co mmu nic ati on Cha nn els . .... .... ..... ...... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ...... ...... .... .. 6 Conn ec ti ng t[...]

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    DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 4 What is ISD N ? While y ou've h eard of IS DN, the re's a good chance y ou're unsure whether y ou need it - or ev en what, exactly , it i s. E ven though I SD N is globally av ailable , it's so new that underst and ing it may require a little in vestigation. In simple terms, ISDN[...]

  • Страница 5

    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 5 T elecommuters , f or exam ple , benefit immensely from ISDN . Whether you access the corporat e LAN in the ev en ings or main t ain a full-time , remote home office , ISDN is the next best thing to being there. E-mai l, database access, a nd f ile trans fers improve dramaticall y, mak[...]

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    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 6 ISDN C ommunica tion Channel s In the ISDN interface, a number of commun ication channels are carr ied over a digital line. These comm un ication chann els can v ar y by the typ e of info rmati on they transmi t and by the transmission speed they suppor t . The numbe r and type of c h [...]

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    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 7 H-C hannel The H-chann el is used for high -speed user data traffic at bit rates higher th an 64K bps. Examples of s er vices which require these higher rates are fast facsimile , telec onferencin g, and video . An H-channel user can subdivide th e channel using TDM to meet specif ic r[...]

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    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 8 C onn ec t i ng to IS DN - BRI a nd PR I There are two types of access i nter faces to the ISDN: Basic R ate A ccess (also re ferred to as Basic Rate In ter face (BR I)) and Primary Rate Access (also referred to as P rimar y R ate Inter face (PRI)). B as ic R at e Acce ss Basic Rate In[...]

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    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A ISDN Mo dem Reference Guide ◆ Page 9 What i s M u lt il ink PP P ? Multilin k PPP combines tw o 64 Kbps ISDN channels to provid e a maximum transmission speed o f 128 Kbps. The DIV A T /A ser ves as an intermedia r y between its host work station an d the remote dev ice to wh ich data i s being transmitted. Al l the p rot[...]

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    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 10 What i s BACP /B OD ? DIV A T/A sup por ts the Bandw idth Allocation Con trol Protoc ol (BACP) an d Bandwid th on Demand (BOD). BAC P /BOD re fers t o the abi lity of a sy stem to al locate an d remov e links in a multil ink connection in order to lo wer or increase its ban dwi dth. B[...]

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    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 11 What i s D BA? DIV A T/A a l so su p po r t s D y n am ic Ban dwi d th A llo cat i on ( D BA ), k no w n a l so a s C all Bumping. DBA automatic ally drops one B -channel to allow an incoming or o utgoing telephone, fax or modem call. W h en the voice c all is over , DBA automatical l[...]

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    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 12 Wha t i s Alwa ys On / D ynami c ISDN (A O/DI) ? AO/ D I is only available if you h a ve subscribed t o it, y our ISDN ser vice provider suppor ts it, and yo u are using Multili n k PPP . A O /DI uses t he ISDN D-channel X-25 p acket service t o maintain an “ alwa ys on” connectio[...]

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    What is ISDN? DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 13 Wh a t is Da ta C o mp re ssio n? T o estab lish co mmunications ov er a P PP link , eac h end of t he connection mus t first send packets to configure and test the data link. After the link has been established , optio nal faci lities m ay be n egotiat ed as needed. One such faci lit[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 14 L ocating A T C ommands T o make it easier for y ou to loc ate a command , this g uide has org anized commands in tw o ways. • A list of A T Comm an ds grou pe d into categories can be found on page 16 . • An alphab etical list of com mands is av ailable on page 17 . A T Command Syn tax Co nven[...]

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    Lo cati n g A T C ommand s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 15 • The next c ommand will only be accepted by t h e DIV A T/A once t h e previous c omm and has been fu lly ex ecuted .[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 16 A T C omman d G r oups The A T commands in this guide are gr ou ped ac cordi n g to their f unc tions. For an alphabetical lis t of all commands, see page 17 . Gene r al A T Co mman ds . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 9 ISDN Config uration C omm ands ... [...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 17 Al phabeti c al List of Suppo r ted A T C ommands Th e f o ll o w in g ta bl e s su m m a ri ze, in al p h a b e t ic a l o rd e r , t he A T Co m m an ds s u p p ort e d b y t he DIV A T/A. Go to the specified page number for more info r mation on a par ticular c om mand. AT ! C o m m a n d s ....[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 18 A T! C ommand s AT ! A n Dir ectory N umber /P ort Ass ign ment (st atic ) 31 AT ! C 1 = n ISD N Swi tch T ype (static) 32 AT ! C 4 = n E nable/Disable Non-initializi ng mode f or primar y B-channel (Nor th A merica only) (static) 32 AT ! C 5 = n E na[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 19 AT ! V 3 = n V .110 P ar ity (International v ersion only) 44 AT ! V 4 = n V .110 St op Bits (Internati onal version only) 44 AT ! V 5 = n V .110 F low Contr ol (Inter n ational v ersion only) 44 AT ! X 1 = n Specifies the X.2 5 vers ion you a re usin[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 20 AT % C o m m a n d s AT % A 2 = n Protoc ol Contr ol (static) 40 AT % A 4 = n ISDN C ommuni ca tion Spee d 40 A T %A 95= c In coming Dat a Call Answer 40 AT % M 1 = n Local Endpo int Discrimi n ator Class 46 AT % M 2 = n R emote Endpoint D iscriminato[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 21 AT & C o m m a n d s AT & C n D a ta C arr i e r De t ec t 36 AT & D n D ata T erminal Ready 37 AT & F Loading F actory P rofi le 45 AT & K n Fl ow Control 37 AT & S n D ata Set Ready 37 AT & V V iew Curren t a nd Stor ed P[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 22 AT * C o m m a n d s AT * A n = v Abbreviate d R ing C ontrol ( N orth America only) 59 AT * B n = v ISDN Bear er Capa bili ty (st at ic) 59 AT * C n Analog Device Caller ID Del iver y (sta tic) 59 AT * D n = v Internal Dial Acce s s (Call ing F eatur[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 23 A T> C ommands AT > ? L ast A T Command R esult Explained 29 AT > F R estor es Al l P rofiles to F actory Setting s 45 AT > F C Reset C urrent P rofil e 45 AT > H s V iew H elp Information 29 AT > V C V iew Current P rofile 45 AT >[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 24 A T@ C ommands AT @ D AT E ? Current D ate 29 AT @ D AT E = Set Date 29 AT @ M E N U Activa te VT100 Configurat ion T ool 29 AT @ T I M E ? Cur rent T ime 29 AT @ T I M E = Set Ti me 29[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 25 Other A T C ommands AT ? View Last Acc essed S Swi tch 57 AT = n Last a cc essed S- Reg ist er to V alue n 57 ATA Ans wer Cal l s 40 A/ Re-execu te Pr evious Command 30 AT D n D ial a Number 41 AT E n Lo c a l Ec ho 36 AT H Han g up a C al l 41 AT I n[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 26 S-R egis ter s S0 Auto - Answ er 57 S1 Vie w Rin g Cou nt 57 S2 Es cape Character 57 S3 Carriage Retur n Character 57 S4 Line F eed Character 57 S5 Back Space Character 57 S25 Da ta T ermin al Ready Det ection De lay 58[...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 27 A T$ ( Utility) Commands AT $ C P = n Enab le/Disable Co mp ression 54 AT $ E X V iew Expri ntf buf fer 54 AT $ I n On D emand SPID T esting (Nor th America only) 54 AT $ I G SPID G uessing (N orth America only) 54 AT $ R n Ac tion on fatal err or 54 [...]

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    Alph abetical List of S u pported A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 28 Mini-monitor C ommands The s e command are o nly avai lable when you are in M ini- m onitor mode; they ar e not a vailable wh en you are in command mode. Th e commands A T$Y o r A T$ Z will enter the Mini-monitor; see pag e 27 fo r more information. T[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 29 Gener al A T C ommands The following table describe s the gene ral A T comman d s available to the DIV A T/A . AT I n View P roduc t Information . Disp lays inf ormation about your DIV A T/A. n=0 Display s hardware code for the DIV A T/A . n=1 Dis play s softwar e chec ksum. n=2 Repor ts “OK” .[...]

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    Gener al A T Co mmands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 30 A/ Re- ex ecut e P re viou s C ommand . Re-ex ecutes all the commands in the command buffer . This command is mainly used to pl a ce another call (using the A TD dial command) that f a iled to connec t due to a busy line , no answer , or a wrong number . This command is not p[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 31 IS DN C onfig ur ati on C ommand s Th e f o ll o w in g tab l e de sc ri b e s th e I SD N Co nf ig ur a ti o n Com m a n ds . AT ! A n Dire ctory Numbe r/P ort Assig nment . This c ommand sp ecif i es wh ich p or ts an swer t o which dir ectory numbers . There ar e six ports av ailabl e on the DIV[...]

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    ISD N Co nf igu ratio n Com m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 32 AT ! C 1 = n ISDN Switch T ype . Specif ies the ISDN Swit ch Typ e. Fo r N or t h A m e r i c a n Fi r m w a re : n=0 National ISDN n=1 A T&T 5ESS Custom n=9 Auto-de tect switch type (default for North America). The DI V A T/ A automaticall y deter mines the[...]

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    ISD N Co nf igu ratio n Com m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 33 AT ! D 3 = n Default P arity . S pecifies the parity to b e used , when the DT E character istics cannot be d etermined by AutoBauding (A T has not been typed since power up). n=0 None (default). n=1 Even. n= 2 Odd. AT ! D 4 = n Default S topbits . S pecifies th[...]

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    ISD N Co nf igu ratio n Com m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 34 AT ! N 2 = n ISDN D irector y N u mber Assignment s for 2nd B-channel and 2n d Phone por t . This command assigns one ISDN director y number to the 2nd B-channel and up to two numbers to the 2nd Phone port. The 2 nd B- channel only responds to t he first number [...]

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    ISD N Co nf igu ratio n Com m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 35 AT ! O n Outg oing C all T ype . Spec ifies the default c all type for o utgoing call s when a use r ent ers a n A TD com mand without a special modifier . Use o f a modifier overrid es th is par amet er . n=0 D ata call using prot ocol s et in A T%A2=n (def aul[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 36 C OM P or t C onfi gur a tio n C ommands Th e f o ll o w in g A T c om m a n d s p er ta i n t o t he COM p o r t co n fi g u r at io n . AT & C n Data Ca rrier Detect . This command controls the Data Carri er Detect (DCD) output. n=0 DCD alw ays enabled . n=1 D CD tracks co n necti on (default[...]

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    C O M Por t Co nf ig u rat ion Co m m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 37 AT X n Ex ten de d Result Codes . This command selects which subset of the result m essages will b e used by the DIV A T/A to inf orm the DT E of the r es ults fr om comm ands. n=0 P ro vid e bas ic res ult co de s: sen ds only OK, C ONNE CT , RIN G, NO [...]

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    C O M Por t Co nf ig u rat ion Co m m a nd s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 38 AT V n Co nn ec t Me s sa g e Co nt ro l . Th is comman d control s the format of connecti on mes sag es. n=0 Upon connection, the D IV A T/A reports the DT E speed o nly (default). For examp le, CONNE CT 192 00. n=1 Upon connection, the DIV A T/A repo[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 39 Call C o ntrol C o mman ds Th e f o ll o w in g ta b le de s c r i b e s t he Ca l l Con tro l Com m a n d s. AT ! T 1 = n Inco ming Call A ss ignm ent (f irs t direc tor y num ber ) . S pecifies the t ype of incoming IS DN calls that DIV A T/A can accept on the fi rst di rect or y n u mber . n=0 O[...]

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    Cal l Con t ro l Co m m an d s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 40 AT % A 2 = n Protocol C ontrol . Specifie s the protoc ol you want to use for your ISDN connecti on. n=0 HDL C-T ransparent mode n=2 V .120 rate adaption prot ocol. n=4 V .110 r ate adaption pr otocol (int ernati onal ve rsion only ) n=95 PPP asyn chronous to s ynchro[...]

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    Cal l Con t ro l Co m m an d s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 41 AT D n Dial a Number . Directs the D IV A T/A to dial the sp ecif ied numb er , attemp t to establish a connection, and go online. P unc tuation characters may be used for clarity , with parentheses, hy phens, spaces, and peri ods being ign ore d. Also , the “P ” [...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 42 V .12 0 C on fi gurat io n Commands Th e f o llo w in g A T co m m a n d s p er t a i n t o V .1 20 co n fi g u r at io n o n yo ur D IV A T / A . AT ! E 0 = n V . 120 N2 01 Tx (Max imu m T ransmit Fr ame Size) . N2 01 Tx (Maximum T r ansmit F ram e Size) determ ines the maximum number of octe ts i[...]

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    V .120 Configurati on C omm ands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 43 AT ! E 5 = n V .120 N200 (Max imum Retry Count) . App licabl e to the multifr ame mode only . N200 (Maximum Retr y Count) is a system para meter which ident ifies the maximum number of r etransmi ssions of a frame due to T200 expir ing. When the m aximum number of r[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 44 V .11 0 C on fi gurat ion C ommand s Use t he following A T commands t o specify the V . 110 c onfiguratio n on y our DIV A T/A (Internatio na l version only). AT ! V 0 = n V .110 Configura ti on Ov erride . Speci fies wheth er the DI V A T/A u ses the CO M port setting t o configur e V .110 or o v[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 45 P rofile C ommands The fol lowing table d escribes the profile c o mmands: AT & F Use F ac tor y S etti ngs in Curren t Pr ofil e . Restores and loads all s ettings in the current profile w ith the original factory settings . Pr eviously configur ed ISDN c ommands, stored telephon e numbers, an[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 46 Multil ink PPP C ommands Th e f o ll o w in g tab l e de sc ri b e s the M LP P P co n f i g u rat ion co m m an ds . AT % M 1 = n Local En dpoint Dis criminat or Class . The v alue for ‘ n ’ specifi es the L ocal Endpoint Di sc rim i n ator C las s. I f you s p e cify n =1 (c la ss 1) , t h e [...]

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    Mul til ink PP P Comma nds DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 47 AT % P 8 = n D yna mic B and wid th Alloc ation (only ava ilable on model s equipped with analog device ports). Specifies whether D ynami c Bandwidth Allocation ( also known as Call Bumping) i s enabled or disabled . When enabl ed, the D IV A T/A will a utomatic ally assi[...]

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    Mul til ink PP P Comma nds DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 48 End p oint D is cri mi nato r Cl a ss/Add res s Th e f o ll o w in g tab l e de sc ri b e s the list of classes and permitted addresses for cer tain M ultiLink PPP c ommand s. Cla ss D e scriptio n Ad dress Form at 0 Null Clas s No address i s used. 1 Locally Assign ed Ad[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 49 Alw ay s On / D y namic ISDN A T C o mmands The following table describes the Always On / D yn amic ISD N A T com mands. AT ! X 1 = n X.25 V er sio n . Sp ecifies the X.25 versio n y ou are usi n g. Ther e are two X.25 C CITT reco m mendations av ailable for selection, 198 4 and 1988. This informat[...]

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    Alwa ys On / Dynamic ISDN A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 50 AT ! X 6 = n X. 25 Maxi mum Wi ndo w Siz e . Specif ies th e X.2 5 maxi mum wind ow siz e. It is someti mes des irable t o have a larg e window siz e. This i s particularly tr ue for sat e llite network s that hav e sig nificant transmissio n delay s. M axim [...]

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    Alwa ys On / Dynamic ISDN A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 51 AT ! X 1 3 = n Del ay Bef ore Op ening 2nd B- channel (with BACP enabled) . Specifie s the amount of ti me (in seconds) the throughput on your 1st B-channel m us t e xceed the Opening Threshold (A T!X14=n) be fore the 2nd B -channel is ad ded to the AO/DI con[...]

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    Alwa ys On / Dynamic ISDN A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 52 AT ! X 1 8 S et Norma l Mode for Ban dwidth on Demand . Sets the Bandwidth on D emand thr esholds and dela ys to pre-con f igu red v a lues . ‘Normal Mode’ is eq uivalen t to the default v alues for each setting , and is defi n ed as follo ws: A T!X10=5 S[...]

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    Alwa ys On / Dynamic ISDN A T C ommands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 53 AT ! X 2 5 = n Specify Number of L o gical Connection Numbers . Not e that the number of Logic a l Co nn ection numbers a ffects the range of AT!X 21. Se e AT!X21. Ra nge : 1-4. Defa ult: 1. AT ! X 2 6 = n Specify T ype of User Dat a f or X.25 C all R equest [...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 54 Utility C ommands The following table describes t he Utility Commands. AT $ C P = n Enable / disable c ompression. n=0 D isable n=1 Enable (defa ult) AT $ E X View Inter nal ExPri ntf log buffer . AT $ I n On D em and S PI D T es tin g (North America only). L ets you t est SPIDs on demand. n=<S [...]

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    U til it y Co m m and s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 55 AT $ V L St ar t or dis pla y the R esult of a L APD trace . Y ou can speci fy the total siz e of the trace buff er and the l ength of each trac e ent r y . Use the fol lowing syntax : A T$VL [ trace s ize , entry len gth], whe re trac e siz e and entry leng th are spe cifie[...]

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    U til it y Co m m and s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 56 AT $ V X St ar t an A O/DI X.25 T race . Y ou can specif y the total size o f the tr ace buf fer and the length of the each trac e entry . Use the f ollo wing syn tax: A T$VX [ trace s ize , entry lengt h ], wher e t race s ize and entry length are specified in hexadecimal v[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 57 S-Register C ommands The following f ive command s apply to S - Registers, w hich are described fur t her below . S Reg is te r Param et ers AT S n = v S-Register n to V al ue v . S e ts S - Re g is te r n to t h e val u e v . AT S n Establishes S-Register n as the Selected R egister . S et s S-Re [...]

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    S-Re gist er Co mmand s DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 58 S25 Da t a T erminal R eady D etection Dela y. Specifies the d uration that the Data T ermin al Ready (DTR) sta tu s must eit her be rai sed or dro pped befo re bei ng reco g nized by the DI V A T/A. Th is dela y helps ensure th at the DIV A T/A does not interpr et a rand om[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 59 An alog Devic e C ommands The following t able describes th e analog device c omm ands. These commands are on ly avai lable o n units with the optional analog device port s . AT * A n = v Abbrev iated Ri ng Control (North America only). Specifi es whether Visual Message Wa iting's abbreviat ed[...]

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    Analog Device Commands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 60 AT * F n Analog Devic e R ing F requency . Specifies the a nalog d evice ring freque n cy . When n=0, the r ing fre q uency is determined b y the country/region selected w ith the A T*Pn c ommand . n=0 R ing frequ ency determ ined by regio n (A T *Pn) (defaul t). n=1 20 Hz. n[...]

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    Analog Device Commands DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 61 AT * S n = v Disable An alog Device Cal ling F eatures . Spec ifies whether su pplementary service is t o be dis abled . n=1 Analog de vice por t 1 (PHONE 1). n=2 Analog de vice por t 2 (PHONE 2). v=0 Dis able. R ecommended for modem/fax calls . v=1 E nable with d efault v al[...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 62 Mini-monitor C ommands The following c om mands re late t o the Mini-monitor . They are all c ase sensitiv e. Y our Eicon T echnology Customer Services represen tative may ask y ou to use these commands. at@dump Dump Memo ry . Pr oduce s a m emory du mp usi ng XMODE M. Note: T his command ne eds a [...]

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    DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 63 A T Co mmand Result C odes This sectio n provides the resu lt codes, a l so kno wn as status mess ages, that are di splayed after an A T command is i ssued. Result codes c an be display ed as a word message (long-form English) or as a number code (short-form n umeric response). W ord messages are p[...]

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    A T Comm a n d R e su lt Cod es DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 64 DCE Speed means differ en t things for differe nt applicati ons. F or Digital c alls, it is the bi t rat e obtained b y summing all ISDN B-channels a vailable to the pr otocol. Fo r a V . 110 cal l, it is the V .1 10 u ser rate and not the in ter mediate rat e of t h[...]

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    A T Comm a n d R e su lt Cod es DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 65 54 CA RR IER 1 920 0 C ONN ECT 19 200 55 CA RR IER 2 160 0 C ONN ECT 21 600 56 CA RR IER 2 400 0 C ONN ECT 24 000 57 CA RR IER 5 600 0 C ONN ECT 56 000 58 CA RR IER 2 880 0 C ONN ECT 28 800 59 CA RR IER 6 400 0 C ONN ECT 64 000 60 CA RR IER 1280 00 C ON N E CT 12 800[...]

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    Index DI V A T/A I SDN Modem Reference Guide ◆ Page 66 A Alphab etical li st of supported AT comma nds , 17 Always On / Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI) , 12 An al og co mm an ds , 59 AO/DI c ommands , 49 AT co mm an d s Alp h a be ti c al lis t , 17 Analog , 59 AO/DI , 49 AT! , 18 AT$ ( utility) , 27 AT% , 20 AT& , 21 AT* , 22 AT> , 23 AT@ , 24 Call [...]