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The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomi y a 662-8580, JAPAN Nishinomi y a 662-8580, JAPAN Tele p hone : Tele p hone : 0798-65-2111 0798-65-2111 Fax Fax 0798-65-4200 0798-65-4200 : : FIRST EDITION : FIRST EDITIO[...]
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i SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS Safety Instructions for the Operator WARNING Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. Do not disassemble or modify the equipment. Fire, electrical shock or serious injury can result. Use the proper fuse and power cable. Fuse rating is shown on the equipment. Use of a wrong fuse can[...]
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ii T A BL E OF C O NT ENT S FOREWORD ........................................................................................................ iii SYSTEM CONFIGUR A TION ................................................................................ iv EQUIPMENT LISTS .................................................................................[...]
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iii FOREWORD A Word to the O w n er of the MU-155C FURUNO E l ectri c Comp any thanks y ou for purc has i ng the MU- 155 C 15” Mul ti- P urpos e LCD Dis pl ay . We are co nfi dent you wi ll di s c over w hy the F URUNO name has bec ome sy nonymous w ith quali t y and reliabi lity . For ov er 50 y ears FURU NO Elec t ric Comp any has enjoy ed an e[...]
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i v SYSTEM CONFIGU RA TION 12-24 VDC CCD camera, Video recorder , etc. F AR-2107 series etc. Radar , Video Plotter , Navigator , Video Sounder , Scanning Sonar , etc. RGB DVI VIDEO (NTSC/P AL) Connec t able eq uipm ent Equipme nt Resolution Signal FR -150 0 M K3 s eri es XGA Anal og FC V -120 0L/1 200LM * VGA Anal og, via IF800 0 GD/GP- 280/3 80/6 [...]
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v EQUIPMENT LI STS S t an dard supp l y N ame T ype Code N o. Qty Remarks Di splay Uni t M U - 155C − 1 w/har d cov er Rem ote C ontr oll er RM C-200 000- 012-6 29 1 S par e Par t s* SP19- 00201 00 1-41 0-4 90 1 set Inst allatio n Mater ials* CP19- 0020 0 000-01 2-6 41 1 set Accessories* FP19- 0080 1 001-41 0-510 1 set Optio n N ame T ype Code No[...]
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1 1. MOUNTING Refer t o the out l ine draw i ng at t he end of thi s manual f or mount i ng dimen si ons . Note : A grass pl ate covers the L CD. For t h i s reason, han dl e t he unit caref ul ly . 1.1 Disp la y Unit T he displ ay uni t m ay be mount ed on a deskt o p (opti onal hanger req uired) or f lus h m ount e d in a p anel. W h en sel ec t [...]
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2 Flu sh m ou nting See the out l i ne draw i ng at t he end of t hi s manual for mounti ng dimensi ons. CAUTION Hold the hard cover and display unit together when lifting the display unit. The display unit may fall out if only the hard cover is held. 1. Remo v e t he har d c o v er f rom t he uni t. 2. Usi ng t he p aper t empl at e suppl i ed in [...]
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3 Desk top m ount ing T he displ ay uni t c an be m ount e d on a deskt op, using t he opti onal hanger , T y pe: F P 19- 0090 0, Code No. : 001- 410-54 0. Conte nts of hanger m ounting ki t Name T ype Code No. Qty Hanger FP19-00 901 001- 410- 550 1 Knob b ol t FP03- 09 204 008-523- 650 2 Sel f -t apping scr ew 5x20 000- 802- 081 4 1. Fast en the h[...]
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4 1.2 Remote Controller Writ e the d evice name ( ex . “FCV -1200 L”) for ea ch “si gnal” key on the sti c ker s uppl ied w it h the rem ot e contr oll er . Att ac h t he sti cker to t he remote cont r ol ler , at t he locati on show n below . St icke r VIDEO2 VIDEO1 BRILL + RGB1 RGB2 MENU VIDEO3 DV I PIP1 PIP2 PIP3 RGB 1 : RGB2 : DV I : VI[...]
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5 2. WIRING Connec t extern al equipment t o t he MU-155C by referri ng to the draw ings bel o w , the t able on the next p ag e and the i nterconn ec t i on di agram at t he back of t his manual . 12-24 VDC Ground terminal FCV -1200L/1200LM CH-250 CH-270 CSH-5L/8L FSV -24/24S/30/30S GD/GP-280/380/680 FR-1500 MK3 series FR-21X5 series MODEL1833C se[...]
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6 Port , cable an d c on nect abl e equi pm ent Us ed cabl e Port Name Nam e T ype Code No. S tan dard / Optio n Conn ect able E quipm ent 12-2 4 VDC Power cabl e MJ-A3 SP F00 17- 050Z 000- 138-9 28 S ta ndard Pow er s our ce DVI-D DVI Cabl e DVI-D/D SI NGLELI NK5M 00 0-149- 054 Optio n PC, F AR-2 1X7 seri es, FE A-21 07 RGB1 3C OX-2 P-6C 5M 000- 1[...]
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7 3. A D JUSTM ENTS Adj ust t he M U-155C accor ding to t he equipm ent connecte d. Note t hat y ou can adjust the dis play currently selected, at t he D I SP sel ection wi ndow . (See sec ti on 4.3. ) Note : The exam ple s creens sh ow n i n thi s manual may not mat ch the sc reens y ou see on y our di splay . T he screen y ou see depends on y our[...]
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8 M enu item Functi on Setti ng ran ge H_SIZE*** Adjusts the ima ge size horizont ally . V_S I ZE* * * Adju sts t h e image size vertically . V a riab le depe nding on signal typ e PHAS E Adjust s th e c har acter s a nd gra phic li nes. 1-32 CON TRAST I ncreas es or decr ease c ontr ast l evel. 1-64 H_PO SITI ON M o v es the i ma ge posi tion h or[...]
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9 3.2 VIDEO Settin g VI DEO1, VI DEO2 and VI DEO3 sc reens; that i s, the pic ture-i n-pict ure w indow s can be adjus ted as bel ow . Picture-in-picture window Pi c t ure-i n-pict ur e wi ndow 1. Press the [ ME NU] key t o sho w the mai n menu. 2. Press [ ◄ ] or [ ► ] to sel ect VI DEO1, VI DEO2 or VI DEO3 as appropri ate. VIDE O 1 (2 or 3) s [...]
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10 3.3 Menu Wi ndow Setting 3.3. 1 Adj usting the m enu wind ow T he menu w indow can be moved an d transl uce nti zed on the O SD (On Scr een Displ ay) menu. 1. Press the [M ENU] key to show the main m enu. 2. Press the [ ◄ ] or [ ► ] key to select OS D. OSD m enu 3. Press [ ▲ ] or [ ▼ ] to sel ect the m enu it em you want t o adj ust. 4. [...]
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11 3.3. 2 Cha nging the si gnal name Y ou can change t he signal name w hich i s shown on the DI SP or PI P w indow , descri bed in the next chapt er . I t is us eful to us e the name of the de vice con necte d (ex. “FCV -1200 L”). For det ail ed infor mati on about t hese w indow s, see Chapter 4. 1. Press the [ ME NU] key t o sho w the mai n [...]
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12 Displ ay un it ID 3.4 Remote Controller Sett ing A remote c ontrol ler can be set to be op erati v e w it h a speci fic di splay unit , in t he case of mul ti ple M U-155C dis play unit s. Set the remote c ontrol ler mode desi red on t he SY STEM menu as f oll ows; 1. Press the [ ME NU] key t o sho w the mai n menu. 2. Press the [ ► ] ke y to [...]
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13 4. OPER A TION 4.1 Controls Disp l ay un it Arrow keys Selects menu item. DISP key Shows the DISPLAY selection window. MENU key Shows the main menu. BRILL key Shows the BRILL adjustment window. PIP key Shows the PIP selection window. Power key LED Optical sensor Dis play uni t Pow er key: Press the po w er key ( ) to turn the po w er on o r off.[...]
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14 Remote co ntro ller VIDEO2 VIDEO1 BRILL + RGB1 RGB2 MENU VIDEO3 DV I PIP1 PIP2 PIP3 Rem ot e contr ol ler Key nam e Functi on RGB1* Shows the R GB1 si gnal . RGB2* Shows the R GB2 si gnal . DVI Shows the D VI si gnal. VI DEO1* * Shows t he VI D EO1 s i gn al on th e e ntir e scr e en. VI DEO2* * Shows t he VI D EO2 s i gn al on th e e ntir e scr[...]
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15 4.2 A djusting Displa y Brilliance T he displ a y brilli ance can be adjust ed as fol low s . 1. Press the [B RI LL] key on the di splay unit to show t he BRILL adjust ment w i ndo w . BRILL wi ndow 2. Press the [ ◄ ] or [ ► ] key t o adjus t the br illi ance. (Set ti ng range: 1 t o 50) Y ou can al so adj ust bril liance by pressing t he [B[...]
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16 4.3 Choosing S ource for Ma in Picture Choos e the si gnal to di splay on the ent ir e screen as f oll o w s: 1. Press the [DI SP] key to show the DI SP selec tion w indow . Si gnal nam es can b e change d. For det ail , s ee “3.3. 2 Changi ng the signal name”. DISP selecti on wi ndow 2. Press t he [ ▲ ] or [ ▼ ] key to s elec t a si gna[...]
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17 4.4 Choosing Source f or Picture-in-Picture Choos e the sou rce for t he pict ure-in-pi cture w indow as fo l low s: Note : The si ze of the pic ture-i n-pict ure window can be a djus ted on t he VI DEO1, 2 and 3 menus. For det ail s, s ee secti on 3.2. 1. W i th t he RGB 1, RGB2 or DVI displ a y sho w n, press the [P I P] key . T he P I P selec[...]
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18 5. M A INTEN A N CE, TROUBLESHOOT ING WARNING WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. 5.1 Mainte nance Rou tine m ain tena nce Regular m ai ntenanc e is i mport ant for good perfor m anc e. Check t he f ol l owing on a r egul ar basi s t o keep the eq uipment i n good [...]
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19 WARNING Ensure battery polarity is correct. Wrong polarity may cause the batteries to explode. Fuse r epl acem ent T he fuse in the pow er cabl e protec t s the equi pment from i nternal f ault and overcur r e nt. I f the f us e bl ow s, fi nd the caus e bef or e r epl acing i t. If t he fuse bl o w s again af ter r epl acement, requ es t servic[...]
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20 5.3 Clearing th e Memory Y ou may w ant to cl ear the memory to star t af resh w it h defaul t setti ngs. Y ou can do thi s as follo w s : 1. Press the [ ME NU] key t o sho w the mai n menu. 2. Press the [ ► ] key s to open the SY STEM menu. 3. Sel ect DE F AUL T RESET b y arrow ke y s. 4. Press the [ ► ] key to select YES. SYSTEM m enu 5. P[...]
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SP - 1 E2030S01B SPECIF I CA T I ONS OF MUL TI-PURPOSE LCD DISPLA Y MU -155C 1 GE NER A L 1.1 Di s p lay 15-inc h XGA color TFT-LC D, 30 4 x 228 m m 1.2 Brig htness 1,000 cd/m 2 ma x i mu m, 5 c d / m 2 mi ni mu m 1.3 Res olution 1024 x 768 ( XGA) 1.4 View ing ang le 85° ( up/dow n and l eft/r ig ht) 1. 5 Inpu t sign al RGB p orts VESA (VGA, SV GA[...]
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CODE NO. 001-410-510-00 TYPE FP19-00801 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCR IPTIONS 1/1 -3 ACCE SSORIES 付属品表 19AS-X-9501 パネルカバー(15) COSMETIC CAP 19-024-2241-0 4 100-317-180-00 1 CODE NO. +トラスタッピンネジ 1シュ SELF-TAPPING SCR[...]
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Y. Hatai Yoshitos hi Hatai 電子署名者 : Yoshitoshi Hatai DN: cn=Yoshitoshi Hatai, o=Furuno, c=JP 日付 : 2004.04.21 11:31:19 + 09'00' 署名は検証 されていま せん。 D-1[...]
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Y. Hatai Yoshitos hi Hatai 電子署名者 : Yoshitoshi Hatai DN: cn=Yoshitoshi Hatai, o=Furuno, c=JP 日付 : 2004.04.21 11:31:19 + 09'00' 署名は検証 されていま せん。 D-2[...]
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