Hitachi CP-WU13K инструкция обслуживания


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Хорошее руководство по эксплуатации

Законодательство обязывает продавца передать покупателю, вместе с товаром, руководство по эксплуатации Hitachi CP-WU13K. Отсутствие инструкции либо неправильная информация, переданная потребителю, составляют основание для рекламации в связи с несоответствием устройства с договором. В законодательстве допускается предоставлении руководства в другой, чем бумажная форме, что, в последнее время, часто используется, предоставляя графическую или электронную форму инструкции Hitachi CP-WU13K или обучающее видео для пользователей. Условием остается четкая и понятная форма.

Что такое руководство?

Слово происходит от латинского "instructio", тоесть привести в порядок. Следовательно в инструкции Hitachi CP-WU13K можно найти описание этапов поведения. Цель инструкции заключается в облегчении запуска, использования оборудования либо выполнения определенной деятельности. Инструкция является набором информации о предмете/услуге, подсказкой.

К сожалению немного пользователей находит время для чтения инструкций Hitachi CP-WU13K, и хорошая инструкция позволяет не только узнать ряд дополнительных функций приобретенного устройства, но и позволяет избежать возникновения большинства поломок.

Из чего должно состоять идеальное руководство по эксплуатации?

Прежде всего в инструкции Hitachi CP-WU13K должна находится:
- информация относительно технических данных устройства Hitachi CP-WU13K
- название производителя и год производства оборудования Hitachi CP-WU13K
- правила обслуживания, настройки и ухода за оборудованием Hitachi CP-WU13K
- знаки безопасности и сертификаты, подтверждающие соответствие стандартам

Почему мы не читаем инструкций?

Как правило из-за нехватки времени и уверенности в отдельных функциональностях приобретенных устройств. К сожалению само подсоединение и запуск Hitachi CP-WU13K это слишком мало. Инструкция заключает ряд отдельных указаний, касающихся функциональности, принципов безопасности, способов ухода (даже то, какие средства стоит использовать), возможных поломок Hitachi CP-WU13K и способов решения проблем, возникающих во время использования. И наконец то, в инструкции можно найти адресные данные сайта Hitachi, в случае отсутствия эффективности предлагаемых решений. Сейчас очень большой популярностью пользуются инструкции в форме интересных анимаций или видео материалов, которое лучше, чем брошюра воспринимаются пользователем. Такой вид инструкции позволяет пользователю просмотреть весь фильм, не пропуская спецификацию и сложные технические описания Hitachi CP-WU13K, как это часто бывает в случае бумажной версии.

Почему стоит читать инструкции?

Прежде всего здесь мы найдем ответы касательно конструкции, возможностей устройства Hitachi CP-WU13K, использования отдельных аксессуаров и ряд информации, позволяющей вполне использовать все функции и упрощения.

После удачной покупки оборудования/устройства стоит посвятить несколько минут для ознакомления с каждой частью инструкции Hitachi CP-WU13K. Сейчас их старательно готовят или переводят, чтобы они были не только понятными для пользователя, но и чтобы выполняли свою основную информационно-поддерживающую функцию.

Содержание руководства

  • Страница 1

    Pr ojector CP-WU13K User Manual Thank yo u for purchasing this pro duct. Please rea d this manual before y ou op erat e yo ur proj ect or . S ave it for fu tu re refere nce .[...]

  • Страница 2

    2 W arning, Notices and Safety Instructions 4 Notice 4 Description pertaining to FCC Rules Part 15 4 About W aste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 5 Special Care for Laser Beams! 5 Sun light W arning 5 Never look into the projector light source directly 5 Do not turn off the projector by unplugging the power cord. 6 Electric shock 6 Do not overl[...]

  • Страница 3

    3 OSD Description 31 INPUT 31 Input Selection 31 Input Conguration 31 Input Locking 32 Auto Power Off 32 Auto Power ON 32 No Signal 32 Auto Image Adjust 32 IMAGE 33 Contrast 33 Brightness 34 Sharpness 35 Noise Reduction 35 Color T emperature 36 Input Balance 36 Aspect Ratio 37 Timings 38 Auto Image 39 LA YOUT 40 Zoom 40 Main Select 41 PIP Select[...]

  • Страница 4

    4 Warning, Notices and Safet y Instruct ions W arning, Notices and Safety Instructions Notice Pl ea se w rite dow n your projector mo del number a nd ser ial nu mber a nd keep t he in form ation for mai ntena nce pu r pose s in t he fut u re. Should the equ ipment be lost or stolen, t he in f or mat ion could also be us ed for the police re por t. [...]

  • Страница 5

    5 Warning, Notices and Safet y Instruct ions C AU T I O N : Cha nges or mod icat ions not expressly approved by the ma nufac tu re r v oid the u ser’ s author ity t o oper ate t he equipme nt. Th is Clas s A digit al appa rat us me ets al l requ ire ments of the Ca na dia n I CES - 003 Sta nda rds. Cet app areil nu mér ique de la classe A e s[...]

  • Страница 6

    6 Warning, Notices and Safet y Instruct ions CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN The lightning flash with an arrowhead within a triangle is intended to tell the user that inside this product may cause risk of electrical shock to persons. The exclamation point within a triangle is intended to tell the user that important operating and/or serv[...]

  • Страница 7

    7 Warning, Notices and Safet y Instruct ions V ent ilation The p roj ec tor case is d esigned w ith slots and op eni ngs to re mo ve the heat i nside the p roj ec tor so th at it wi ll not ov erhe at and d ama ge the compone nts. Be su re to op erat e the pr o ject or in a n envi ron ment wit h ideal venti lation and d on 't op erat e it on a [...]

  • Страница 8

    8 Warning, Notices and Safet y Instruct ions Changing par ts Should any pa r t o f t he proj ec tor be d amage d, check w ith your ser v icing pe rson nel th at only ma nufact u rer c er ti ed pa r ts were u sed for replace ment. Used of non-ce r ti ed par t s may resu lt in da mages t o the projector or h az ard s such as  re or elect ric[...]

  • Страница 9

    9 Warning, Notices and Safet y Instruct ions Do not tilt the projec tor more than 1 0 d egrees. The m ax imu m tilt a ngle for the projector is 1 0 deg rees. W hen t he proj ec tor is t ilted more t han 1 0 deg ree s, it wil l short en t he life of the projector la mp and may lead t o other u npre dict abl e d ama ges. Can’t >10° Can’t >[...]

  • Страница 10

    10 Warning, Notices and Safet y Instruct ions Name and quanti ty of toxic/hazardous substanc es/ element s contained in the product[...]

  • Страница 11

    11 Pr ojector pa r ts and functions Pr ojector parts and functions Front v iew Lens Infrared receiver Adjustable foot Adju st th e heig ht and a ng le of the proj ect or wi th t he adj ust able fo ot V enti latio n i nl et Th e int er n al co oli ng fa n dr aws c ool ai r f rom t he vent il atio n in let i nto t he p ro je c to r. V entilation slo [...]

  • Страница 12

    12 Pr ojector pa r ts and functions 10 / 10 0 BA S E -T Con ne ct s the pr oject or to you r PC via n et work to e nable di re ct co ntr ol o f t he proje cto r on you r PC. COMPONENT 1 Y Pb Pr 10/100 BASE-T RS-232 wired remote 12V TRIGGER I II 350mA SYNC IN SYNC OUT IN OUT SDI / HDSDI / 3G COMPONENT 2 G/Y B/Pb R/Pr H V VGA HDMI  HDMI  STEREO[...]

  • Страница 13

    13 Pr ojector pa r ts and functions Bo tto m vi ew 16 0 10 5 152 .50 30 5 53 2 22 0 133 .80 Adjustable foot Adju st th e heig ht and a ng le of the p rojec tor w it h th e adju st able foo t Mount ing brac ke t scre w hole Th ese s cr ew holes a re u sed t o mou nt t he proj ect or to it s de sign ate d mou nt ing b ra cket u sin g 3 M8x1 5 sc rews[...]

  • Страница 14

    14 Pr ojector pa r ts and functions Range o f effect iv e rem ote co ntrol signal recep t io n The d iag ra m belo w illu st rate s the r ange of e ffec tive remote cont rol si g nal r ecept ion (Unuse d new b a t t e r y) . 40° 12m 12m 40° Note: A void placing the r emote control at places of high temperatur e or humidity as it could cause the r[...]

  • Страница 15

    15 Installation of the Projector Installation the pr ojector . 1 . Orient th e pro jector to wa rds the sc reen Screen 2. Conn ect the po we r cord t o the p ro jector AC SWITCH VOL TA GE SELECT Pl ea se select the cor re ct input vol t age before removi ng the war ni ng lab el. Please note that select the corr ect input (1 15V or 230V) voltage acc[...]

  • Страница 16

    16 Installation of the Projector 5. Ad justi ng the proj ec tor 's angle a. Please u se the adju stable feet to cha nge the ang le o f the project or in orde r to ach iev e t he most suit able angle for proj ec tion on the sc reen . b. A djust ing t he lens by hor izont al and ver t ical lens sh if t Method 1 : Pre ss the EN TER but ton on t h[...]

  • Страница 17

    17 Installation of the Projector b. Pre ss the M ENU but ton on t he remote c ontrol and choo se Alig n ment  Le ns Cont rol to ac tivate t he Len s Contr o l OSD , pre ss ente r to go th roug h "Zoom / F ocu s" , "Len s Shif t" , "Zoom / F oc us wit h Gr id te st patt er n" , "Len s Shif t wit h Gr id tes t pa[...]

  • Страница 18

    18 Installation of the Projector Throw distance Th row Dist a nce (T D ) = Sc reen Width ( W ) x Th row Rat io (TR) Screen Width (W) Throw Distance (TD) Coupled with t he available projection lens es, t he proj ec tor offers t he fo llowi ng th row ratios: • F L - K 01 (0 . 6 7:1) • F L - K 0 2 (1 .1: 1) • S L - K 0 3 (1. 4 - 1. 9 :1) • ML [...]

  • Страница 19

    19 Installation of the Projector F ront al projection - c eiling mode Advanta ge : does not oc cupy oor space d oes not d raw at tent ion to it. Elim i nates t he possibil ity t hat someone would accide ntal ly mo ve t h e p r o j e c t o r. Disa dvant age : st r icter i nst allat ion requ ire ments and co nditions; ca re should be ta ken du r i[...]

  • Страница 20

    20 Installation of the Projector Ho ri zontal and v er tical lens shif t In a ddit ion to usi ng the adjus table feet to adjus t projection ang le, y ou can a lso use t he Len s Shif t f unc tion to a djust the project ed im age. Movi ng the lens ver tically The d ist ance of ver tical len s mov eme nt is + 1 00 % , - 50% of half t he scre en heigh[...]

  • Страница 21

    21 Installation of the Projector Co nnect ing the p ro jecto r to othe r devices HDMI / DVI connection Si g nals f rom i mage sou rce offer t he best project ion image qu alit y when se nt th rough H DMI. The refore, tr y t o use i nput devices w ith H DMI out put as t he sourc e o f i mage. COMPONEN T 2 SDI / HDSDI / 3G COMPONEN T 1 YP bP r 10/100[...]

  • Страница 22

    22 Installation of the Projector RGB connection Con nect your PC or ot her device s with RG B out put to the RG B i nput conne ctor s on the projector to b e use d as the s ourc e o f i mage input. COMPONENT 2 SDI / HDSDI / 3G COMPONENT 1 Y Pb Pr 10/100 BASE-T RS-232 WIRED REMOTE 12V TRIGGER I II 350mA SYNC IN SYNC OUT IN OUT G/Y B/Pb R/Pr H V VGA [...]

  • Страница 23

    23 Installation of the Projector COMPONENT connection T ake t he 3 / 5 cabled R GB compone nt video con nec tors f rom t he sour ce equ ipment to the pr oj ect or’ s COMPON EN T 1 or COM PONEN T2 jack s. COMPONENT 2 SDI / HDSDI / 3G COMPONENT 1 Y Pb Pr 10/100 BASE-T RS-232 WIRED REMOTE 12V TRIGGER I II 350mA SYNC IN SYNC OUT IN OUT G/Y B/Pb R/Pr [...]

  • Страница 24

    24 Installation of the Projector 3D mode The re ar e few wa ys to go to t he 3 D mode • OSD menu: Go to Mai n Menu “I nput > Input Select ion ” , and select STER EO D V I • Remote cont rol: Press hot key “5” to go to STER EO D VI d i rectly • Network W ebp age : Go to “ Sour ce/ ge neral” > “ Sourc e” and select STER EO [...]

  • Страница 25

    25 Installation of the Projector Ad just ing screen orientat ion By default, t he projector is con g ur ed for “f ronta l proj ec tion - desk top i nst all ation” . If you c hoos e to in sta ll your project or in ot her set ups, b e sur e to adjust t he scr een or ientat ion to ach iev e the c or rect proje ct ion mo de. F ront project ion -[...]

  • Страница 26

    26 Installation of the Projector Rear projection - desk top installation Press M ENU  A LIGNM EN T  Rear P roj ec tion and choo se ON ; t he projector is now con gu red for “rea r proj ec tion - desk top i nst all ation” . Lotus  Correct Picture Lotus  Lotus Rear projection - ceiling mode Press M ENU  A LIGNM EN T  Rear P r[...]

  • Страница 27

    27 RE M OTE CON TROL Remote contr ol 1 3 2 4 1 5 INPUT ASPECT RATIO AUTO IMAGE PAUSE TEXT MENU SHARPN PHASE COLOR TINT ADDRESS SWAP PIP 1 3 4 6 7 2 5 1. ON This button is used to turn on the projector . 2. OFF This button is used to turn off the projector . 3. 1 2 3 4 5 These buttons on the remote control are the hotkeys for different image source.[...]

  • Страница 28

    28 RE M OTE CON TROL AUTO IMAGE This button is used to Resync the image; when the image signal becomes unstable or image quality deteriorates simply press this button and the projector will automatically adjust the screen dimension, phase, timing and so forth.(The adjustments also apply to PIP input). CONTRAST Adjust the level of white in the image[...]

  • Страница 29

    29 OSD Menu d escription OSD Menu T ree I NPU T In put Selec tion H DM I1 H DMI 2 RG B D -15 Y U V1 RG B H V/ Y U V2 SDI / HD SDI /3G STEREO DVI In put Co n gu r atio n Aut o Y U V HD Y U V STD RGB - P C RG B -V i d e o Input L ocki ng Aut o 48 Hz, 50 Hz, 6 0Hz Aut o Power Of f On Off Aut o Power ON On Off No Sig na l Logo Blue Bla ck W hite Aut[...]

  • Страница 30

    30 OSD Menu d escription A LIGN M EN T Rea r Pr ojec tion On Off Cei li ng Mod e On Off Le ns C ont rol Z oo m / Fo c u s Sh if t V Sh if t H Dynamic C ontrast On Of f Gamma 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.35 2. 5 Dico m sim Internal Pa tter ns O n (1~1 2 P at t e r n) Of f (0 o f f ) Colo r Spa ce Nat ive, EBU, SM PT E Cust om Le ns T o Mid posit ion Ex ecute Wa r [...]

  • Страница 31

    31 OSD Menu d escription OSD Description 1. Press the MENU button on the remote control or on the back of the projector to bring up the OSD Menu. 2. Y ou will see seven functional menus (Input, Image, Layout, Lamp, Alignment, Control and Service). Press ◄ or ► to select the desired sub menu. 3. Press ▲ or ▼ to select the desired sub menu. 4[...]

  • Страница 32

    32 OSD Menu d escription • Component F or SDTV a nd EDTV re sol ut ions, use s the Y U V STD . For all other r esolutions Y U V HD i s used . Input Lock ing Use th is f unct ion to spe cif y the f re quency of the i mage input sig nal. Y ou ca n let the project or dete r mi ne the opt im al projection f req uency or force the pr oj ect or to proj[...]

  • Страница 33

    33 OSD Menu d escription I M AG E Contrast Use  t o adjust t he contr ast of the project ed im age. Y ou can con ne ct the project or to an ext er na l im age sourc e to di spla y a n ima ge resembli ng the one shown b el ow for adjust ment. It is recom mende d th at y ou adjus t the projecte d im age accord ing to t he res ults shown b el ow[...]

  • Страница 34

    34 OSD Menu d escription Brightn ess Use  t o adjust t he brig htne ss o f t he projected i mage. Y ou ca n con nect t he projector to a n exte r nal im age sourc e to di spla y a n ima ge resembli ng the one shown ( PL UGE, Pict u re Line -Up Gener ation Equ ipment ) for adjus tme nt. Althoug h the re are nu merou s v er sions of P LUGE imag[...]

  • Страница 35

    35 OSD Menu d escription Sharpness The a djust ment of shar pne ss pr ima r ily change s the value of high f req uency det ail. Y ou can con nec t the pr o ject or to an ex ter n al im age sourc e to dis pla y a n image re sembli ng the one shown below to adjust t he im age shar p ness. The following i mage il lust rate s the re sults of di rec t s[...]

  • Страница 36

    36 OSD Menu d escription Color T emperat ure Y ou ca n choose f rom 3200K , 54 00K , 650 0K , 930 0K and N at ive . Color tempe rat u re refers to t he change i n light color unde r dif ferent e nergies t hat is p erceived by the na ked eye . T he change of col or te mper at ure f rom low to h igh for visible light goes f rom ora nge red  wh ite[...]

  • Страница 37

    37 OSD Menu d escription Press   to adju st the offset of red i n da rk scales. • Green Of fset Press   to a djust the offs et o f g ree n in d ark sc ales. • Blue O ff set Press   to a djust the offs et o f blue in d ark s cales. • Wh ite Balance Th is f u nction i nv olv es t he adjust ment of the follo wi ng red , g reen [...]

  • Страница 38

    38 OSD Menu d escription Native input 4:3 Output aspect ratio 16:9 Output aspect ratio 1.88 Output aspect ratio 2.35 Output aspect ratio 5:4 Output aspect ratio 4:3 Output aspect ratio Native Output aspect ratio Letterbox Cropped portion of the image Note : that whe n used for com mercia l pur p oses, i ncludi ng: proj ect ion o f i mage i n mo vie[...]

  • Страница 39

    39 OSD Menu d escription • H Star t Use   to a djust the p roj ec ted i mage ’ s hor izo ntal po si t ion. If the p roj ec ted i mage is not at the ce nter of the sc reen (i.e. shif ted t o rig ht or le f t ) a nd ends u p being c ropped , use t hi s fu nct ion to adjust t he im age ’ s hor izont al position. T he fo llowi ng image is a[...]

  • Страница 40

    40 OSD Menu d escription L AYO U T Zoom Due t o the fa ct that some c onsu mer s may stil l be usi ng ol der t elevision system s, some T V progr am s may not dis p lay the e dges of the im age. U se t his f u nct ion to hide the i mage ed ge by c hoosi ng one of the follo w ing t hr ee option s : • Off Set ti ng it to off ma kes no change to t h[...]

  • Страница 41

    41 OSD Menu d escription Main Selec t W hen you want to project PIP i mage, us e thi s f unct ion to spe cif y the i mage sou rce for the PIP i mage. Th is f unc tion is identical t o Input Select ion; for more in f or mat ion. PI P S el ec t Use th is f unct ion to select t he sourc e f or t he sub wi ndow . Y ou ca n choose f rom H D M I 1 , H DM[...]

  • Страница 42

    42 OSD Menu d escription LAM P Th is chapt er covers i nfor mation on t he projector la mp . Mode • ECO Whe n set to Ec o mode, the wat t age o f t he lamp w ill be at 360W . If t he sur r ound ing env iron ment is su fciently d ark or if you do not requ ir e inte nse br ight ness, you ca n set the la mp to Ec o mode to prolong i t s usage li [...]

  • Страница 43

    43 OSD Menu d escription High Altitude Mode Use th is f unct ion to cont rol the projector 's cooling fa n. Y ou ca n set it to Of f or On. T he default set ti ng is Of f. Under nor mal ci rcu mst an ces, t he projector wi ll ope rate nor m ally wit h th is f unc tion set to Of f. By default, t he projector w ill det ect t he tempe rat u re of[...]

  • Страница 44

    44 OSD Menu d escription A L IGN M E N T Rear Pr ojec tion The d efault sett i ng is Off. W hen you hav e set up t he projector for rea r projection, plea se set it to ON . For m ore i nfor mat ion on di ffere nt modes of proj ect ion, refer to " Page 1 8 : Modes of in st allat ion " . Ceiling Mo de The d efault sett i ng is Off. W hen yo[...]

  • Страница 45

    45 OSD Menu d escription Gamma Dif ferent Ga m ma set ti ngs wi ll af f e ct viewers' per cept ion o f the i mage. Gene rally sp ea ki ng, for images th at are d arker, it is recom mende d that G am ma be se t highe r to yield bet ter i mage qu alit y in d ar ker regions by sa cr ici ng det ails i n br ighter a rea s. In cont r ast, when p [...]

  • Страница 46

    46 OSD Menu d escription War p The f u nct ion provides di stor tion cor r ect ion on pro ject ed i mages. Hori z ontal Key stone Pre ss ▲ ▼ t o cor rec t hori zonta l keystone due to project ion angle. Pl ea se refer to " Page 1 6 : 7 . Cor re cti ng keyston ing cau sed by project ion angle " . V er tic al l Keyst one Pre ss ▲ ▼ [...]

  • Страница 47

    47 OSD Menu d escription T op Ri ght Corner Pre ss ◄ ► to c or rect t he r ight cor ner i mage bias. → Pre ss ◄ ► to cor r ect top r ight cor ner i mage bias to c or rect i mage. Bot tom Lef t Co r ner Pre ss ◄ ► to c or rect t he bot tom left i mage bias. → Pre ss ◄ ► to cor r ect bot tom left c or ner im age bias to c or rect [...]

  • Страница 48

    48 OSD Menu d escription Edge blend The f u nct ion o f Ed ge b lend is applied i n mult ip le projector s that a re project ing at t he same sc ree n simult ane ously to adjust t he un ifor mit y of the im ages on the sc ree n. • St atus Pre ss EN TER to s el ec t O N or OFF . The f u nct ion must be set t o O N i n order to e nable the f unc ti[...]

  • Страница 49

    49 OSD Menu d escription • Adju st Li n e s W hen the f u nct ion is O N, the re wi ll be a djust li nes on the i mage i n order to e asily adjus t multiple im ages. Pre ss ▼ ▲ ◄ ► on the r emote cont rol to adjust t he position of the li nes on the i mage. The ima ge below i s an e xamp le if 2 proj ect ors ar e projec ti ng at the s ame[...]

  • Страница 50

    50 OSD Menu d escription CO N T ROL IR Address Use th is f unct ion to con g ure t he projector’ s I R code re ceiv e com ma nds f rom t he remote cont rol. The d efault value is 1 .If you have other equ ipment i n y ou r home that c ould pic k up t he com mand f rom the pr o ject or’ s r emote cont rol, it is recom mende d that you set t he[...]

  • Страница 51

    51 OSD Menu d escription Ne t wor k T o control t he proj ec tor via net work, af t er con nect ing t he net work cabl es for a PC and t he projector, you can use t hi s OS D f u nction t o view the relevant net work in form ation ( su ch as IP Add res s, Subnet Mask , Gateway a nd DH CP) o f t he projector. P lease c ong u re the PC t o be con [...]

  • Страница 52

    52 OSD Menu d escription T rig ger1 ~2 The p roj ec tor comes w ith t wo sets of T r igger out put. Y ou ca n con gu re t wo dif ferent device s con nect ed to t he projector v ia the t r igger por ts t o be automat ically t u r ned on when t he projector is on. The re wi ll be a 2- 3 second d ela y pr ior to act ivation to pr ev ent op erat ion[...]

  • Страница 53

    53 OSD Menu d escription S E RV I C E XXXXXXX Ser vice The f u nct ions covered i n th is un it relate to t he display of some basic in f or mat ion about the pr o ject or . *Memory of the custom timing les will be erased in the Factory Reset operation.* • Model: the design ated mod el n u mber of the project or . • Ser ial Nu mber: t he des[...]

  • Страница 54

    54 Lamp and lter maintenance Lamp and Filter Maintenance Lamp re placement From the OSD Menu, you can go to " Page 4 3 : La mp 1 Run Ti me " . to check how l ong a la mp has b een u sed. Y ou should also replac e the la mp when t he proj ec ted i mage gets not iceably da rker . Cont act your loca l dealer to pu rcha se new cer t ied[...]

  • Страница 55

    55 Lamp and lter maintenance Rep lace th e  lte r Make su re t o replace t he lter whe n it is requ ire d to keep t he air i nt ake clear of dust, a nd prevent possible ov er te mper at ur e issue of the projector d ue to the clog o f lte r . T o clean the l ter at the v ent il ation slot s, refer to the fol lowin g il lust ration: 1[...]

  • Страница 56

    56 Lamp and lter maintenance 4. Insert new lter . Black side Black side 5. T ighten the screws on the lter cover .[...]

  • Страница 57

    57 Simple troubleshooting and denition of the LED indicators Simple tr oubleshooting and denition of the LED indicators Th e follow ing t able of fer s a li st of com mon p roble ms w ith p rojec tor s an d how to t rou blesh oot . If th e rec om men ded s olut ions f ail t o res olve you r probl em, c ont ac t your lo cal d eal er to a r ra [...]

  • Страница 58

    58 Simple troubleshooting and denition of the LED indicators Th e LED i nd icat or on t he proj ect or’ s re ar p anel i s bli n ki ng in r ed Th e lam p or t he cool in g fan c oul d be fau lt y . Refer t o th e de nit ion of " Pa ge 58 : LED S TA T U S ". 1. Du r i ng proje ct ion, t he la mp su dde nly go es of f and t he pictu[...]

  • Страница 59

    59 Simple troubleshooting and denition of the LED indicators War n ing Flashe s once in g re en and r ed: T he lamp is app roachi ng the Re placement Life Cycl e. It should be re placed w ith a new lamp. Note; Replacement Life Cycle varies depending upon selected operation mode, environmental conditions and usage. St atus Blue (St andby) Green ([...]

  • Страница 60

    60 Pr ojector sp ecications Speci cat ions D e s c ri p ti o n S p e cifi c a ti o n s Re sol ut ion 1 920 × 1200 ( Native ) Micro display 3 × DLP 0. 96" DMD Con trast 2000 : 1 ( T ypi ca l) L uminanc e unif ormity ≥ 85 % Lamp 2 × 465W UH B Project ion lens - project ion ratio F L - K 01 (0 . 6 7:1) F L - K 0 2 (1 .1: 1) S L - K 0 3[...]

  • Страница 61

    61 Pr ojector sp ecications Suppor te d Sig na l Input Mode s Frame 3RC A 5B N C Rate YU V YU V YU V 8- bi t 10 - bi t 12 - bi t 640x480 59.94 X X X 640x480 74.99 X X X 640x480 85 X X X 800x600 60.32 X X X 800x600 75 X X X 800x600 85.06 X X X 848x480 47.95 X X X 848x480 59.94 X X X 1024*768 60 X X X 1024*768 75 X X X 1024*768 85 X X X 1280x720 4[...]

  • Страница 62

    62 Pr ojector sp ecications SDI for mat s Timing SDI Link mode Signal Standards Color Encode Sampling Structure Bit Depth NTSC SD SMPTE 259M-C 270Mb p s S D YCbC r 4:2:2 10 PAL SD SMPTE 259M-C 270Mb p s S D YCbC r 4:2:2 10 1035i60 HD SMPTE 292M 1.5Gb p s HD YCbC r 4:2:2 10 1080i59 HD SMPTE 292M 1.5Gb p s HD YCbC r 4:2:2 10 1080i60 HD SMPTE 292M [...]

  • Страница 63

    63 Pr ojector sp ecications Di mensions 295mm 629mm 500mm[...]

  • Страница 64

    64 Communication sett ings Communication settings R S - 232 Co mmun ication W hen t he proj ec tor con nect s to t he computer by R S-2 3 2 com mu nicat ion, the project or can be cont rolled with R S-23 2 com m ands f rom t he compute r . For deta ils of RS-23 2 com ma nds , ref er t o RS - 23 2 Com mun ication com ma nd table. Connection 1. T urn[...]

  • Страница 65

    65 Communication sett ings 1 . Protocol 1 9200bps,8N 1 2. Command for mat ("h" s hows hexade cima l) Byte Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 Command Action Header Data Header code Pa ck e t Data size CRC flag Action T ype Setting code L H L H L H L H L H L H <SET> Change setting to desired value [(cL)(cH)] by [(bL)(bH)]. BEh EFh [...]

  • Страница 66

    66 Communication sett ings 3. Response code / Error code ("h" s hows hexade cima l) 4. ACK reply : 06h When the projector receives the Set, Increment, Decrement or Execute , command correctly , the projector changes the setting data for the specied , item by [T ype], and it returns the code. 5. NAK reply : 15h When the projector cannot[...]

  • Страница 67

    67 Communication sett ings R S -232 Com mun icat i on com ma nd t able CRC Action Type Setting Code HDMI 1 BE EF 03 06 00 0E D2 01 00 00 20 03 00 HDMI 2 BE EF 03 06 00 6E D6 01 00 00 20 0D 00 RGB D-15 BE EF 03 06 00 FE D2 01 00 00 20 00 00 YUV 1 BE EF 03 06 00 AE D1 01 00 00 20 05 00 RGBHV/YUV2 BE EF 03 06 00 3E D0 01 00 00 20 04 00 SDI/HDSDI/3G BE[...]

  • Страница 68

    68 Communication sett ings RS - 23 2 Com mun ication com ma nd ta b le ( c ontinue ) CRC Action Type Setting Code 5:4 BE EF 03 06 00 AE D7 01 00 08 20 0B 00 4:3 BE EF 03 06 00 9E D0 01 00 08 20 00 00 16:10 BE EF 03 06 00 3E D6 01 00 08 20 0A 00 16:9 BE EF 03 06 00 0E D1 01 00 08 20 01 00 1.88 BE EF 03 06 00 9E D5 01 00 08 20 0C 00 2.35 BE EF 03 06 [...]

  • Страница 69

    69 Communication sett ings RS - 23 2 Com mun ication com ma nd ta b le ( c ontinue ) CRC Action Type Setting Code Front / Desktop BE EF 03 06 00 C7 D2 01 00 01 30 00 00 Rear / Desktop BE EF 03 06 00 57 D3 01 00 01 30 01 00 Rear / Ceiling BE EF 03 06 00 A7 D3 01 00 01 30 02 00 Front / Ceiling BE EF 03 06 00 37 D2 01 00 01 30 03 00 BE EF 03 06 00 F4 [...]

  • Страница 70

    70 Communication sett ings RS - 23 2 Com mun ication com ma nd ta b le ( c ontinue ) CRC Action Type Setting Code BE EF 03 06 00 CB 8 A 04 00 28 21 00 00 A LIGNMENT H itachi Commands Function Operation Header Data (7 bytes) Command Data (6 bytes) Description Warp Increment BE EF 03 06 00 1A 8B 05 00 28 21 00 00 BE EF 03 06 00 AD 8A 02 00 28 21 00 0[...]

  • Страница 71

    71 Communication sett ings RS - 23 2 Com mun ication com ma nd ta b le ( c ontinue ) CRC Action Type Setting Code remote code 1 BE EF 03 06 00 0F 31 01 00 08 26 01 00 remote code 2 BE EF 03 06 00 FF 31 01 00 08 26 02 00 BE EF 03 06 00 AC 30 02 00 08 26 00 00 Off (RJ45 Power On) BE EF 03 06 00 D6 D2 01 00 01 60 00 00 On (RJ45 Power Off) BE EF 03 06 [...]

  • Страница 72

    72 Communication sett ings RS - 23 2 Com mun ication com ma nd ta b le ( c ontinue ) CRC Action Type Setting Code HDMI 1 BE EF 03 06 00 FA 32 01 00 04 36 03 00 HDMI 2 BE EF 03 06 00 9A 36 01 00 04 36 0D 00 RGB D-15 BE EF 03 06 00 0A 32 01 00 04 36 00 00 YUV 1 BE EF 03 06 00 5A 31 01 00 04 36 05 00 RGBHV/YUV2 BE EF 03 06 00 CA 30 01 00 04 36 04 00 S[...]

  • Страница 73

    73 Copyright information Copyright Copy rig ht 20 1 3 . A ll r ights re ser ved. No pa r t o f th is publicat ion may be repro duced , t ran smit te d, t ra nscr ibe d, st ored i n a ret rieva l syst em or t ra nslated i nto any la ngu age or compute r lang u age, in any for m or by any mea ns, elect ron ic, mechan ical, mag net ic, optical, chem i[...]

  • Страница 74

    74 http://www Y okohama 244-0817 JAP AN http://www THAILAND http://www T aipei 104 T AIWAN http://www Alexandra T echnopark, 1 19967 SINGAPORE http://www MALA YSIA http://www Shatin, N.T . HONG KONG http://www North R[...]