HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S инструкция обслуживания


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Законодательство обязывает продавца передать покупателю, вместе с товаром, руководство по эксплуатации HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S. Отсутствие инструкции либо неправильная информация, переданная потребителю, составляют основание для рекламации в связи с несоответствием устройства с договором. В законодательстве допускается предоставлении руководства в другой, чем бумажная форме, что, в последнее время, часто используется, предоставляя графическую или электронную форму инструкции HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S или обучающее видео для пользователей. Условием остается четкая и понятная форма.

Что такое руководство?

Слово происходит от латинского "instructio", тоесть привести в порядок. Следовательно в инструкции HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S можно найти описание этапов поведения. Цель инструкции заключается в облегчении запуска, использования оборудования либо выполнения определенной деятельности. Инструкция является набором информации о предмете/услуге, подсказкой.

К сожалению немного пользователей находит время для чтения инструкций HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S, и хорошая инструкция позволяет не только узнать ряд дополнительных функций приобретенного устройства, но и позволяет избежать возникновения большинства поломок.

Из чего должно состоять идеальное руководство по эксплуатации?

Прежде всего в инструкции HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S должна находится:
- информация относительно технических данных устройства HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S
- название производителя и год производства оборудования HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S
- правила обслуживания, настройки и ухода за оборудованием HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S
- знаки безопасности и сертификаты, подтверждающие соответствие стандартам

Почему мы не читаем инструкций?

Как правило из-за нехватки времени и уверенности в отдельных функциональностях приобретенных устройств. К сожалению само подсоединение и запуск HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S это слишком мало. Инструкция заключает ряд отдельных указаний, касающихся функциональности, принципов безопасности, способов ухода (даже то, какие средства стоит использовать), возможных поломок HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S и способов решения проблем, возникающих во время использования. И наконец то, в инструкции можно найти адресные данные сайта HP (Hewlett-Packard), в случае отсутствия эффективности предлагаемых решений. Сейчас очень большой популярностью пользуются инструкции в форме интересных анимаций или видео материалов, которое лучше, чем брошюра воспринимаются пользователем. Такой вид инструкции позволяет пользователю просмотреть весь фильм, не пропуская спецификацию и сложные технические описания HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S, как это часто бывает в случае бумажной версии.

Почему стоит читать инструкции?

Прежде всего здесь мы найдем ответы касательно конструкции, возможностей устройства HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S, использования отдельных аксессуаров и ряд информации, позволяющей вполне использовать все функции и упрощения.

После удачной покупки оборудования/устройства стоит посвятить несколько минут для ознакомления с каждой частью инструкции HP (Hewlett-Packard) 72S. Сейчас их старательно готовят или переводят, чтобы они были не только понятными для пользователя, но и чтобы выполняли свою основную информационно-поддерживающую функцию.

Содержание руководства

  • Страница 1

    1 DisplayMaker Legacy 72S, 72S R User Manual Part Num ber 0700022F[...]

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    2 Legal notices © Copyright 200 8 Hewlett- Packard Develo pment Compan y, L.P. The inform ation contained herein is subj ect to change without not ice. The onl y warranties for HP products and ser vices are s et forth in the ex press warr anty statem ents accom pany ing s uch products and ser vices. Not hing herein shou ld be cons trued as constit[...]

  • Страница 3

    iii Revi sion Log Th e f oll owing is a list of m ajor chang es an d a ddit ions tha t hav e been ma de to this manual since th e prev ious revision. See th e accompanying Re l e a s e Not e s for specific chang es to th e s o f t wa r e a nd h a rd wa r e b e t we e n m a n u a l u p d at e s . Revision Descr ipt ion Re vision E Chapter 1: T urnbu[...]

  • Страница 4

    iv Regulator y Statements FCC-A This equipm ent has been t este d an d foun d to comp ly with th e limits f or a Class A digital device, pu rsuant to P art 1 5 of th e FCC Rul es. The s e limits are designed to provi de reaso nabl e prot ec- t ion a gainst harmf ul interferen ce wh en the equipm ent is oper- a ted in a commercial en vironm ent. Thi[...]

  • Страница 5

    v Telecommunicat ions Net work St atement Th e ColorS pan Vi deoN et port on this device is no t int end ed to be co nnected to a pu blic t elecommunica t io ns net w ork. Co nnec- t ion of this device to a pu blic tel ecommunica t io ns net work in a European Communit y M ember Sta te will be in viola t ion of na t ional law imp lem ent ing Direct[...]

  • Страница 6

    vi About This Manual R ead this m anual to unpa ck, s et up, an d us e th e ColorS pan “ Ga tor ” digit al colo r print ers. ◆ Chapter 1, Get t ing Star ted, shows you how to unpac k and ass emble the pr inter , and introdu ces y ou to its mai n fea- tures. ◆ Chapter 2, Using t he Control Panel , shows you how to us e the control panel to s[...]

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    vii Convent ions This m anual uses th e f ollo wing inform a t ional co nv ent ions: Note A special technique or information that may help you per form a t ask or underst and a process. Hinw eis Ein Hinw eis bes chreibt eine spezielle technik zur Lösung einer Aufgabe oder enthällt Informatione n, die Ihne n eine P rozedur näher erläutert. Caut [...]

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    Table of Contents ix T ABLE OF C ONTENT S Revision Log ....................................... ........................... .......................... .. iii Regulatory Statements ....................... ........................... .......................... .. iv FCC-A ........................ ........................... .......................... [...]

  • Страница 10

    x Table of Contents Using the Control Panel Overview .......................................... ............................................... ....... 2-2 Ready Screen ..................................... ........................... ...................... 2-2 Front Page .................................... ........................................[...]

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    Table of Contents xi Media Wizard .......... ................................ ............................................ 3-31 Setting Heater Temperatures ........................ .......................... ............. 3-34 Calibrating the Printer When to Calibrate......................................... .......................... .............[...]

  • Страница 12

    xii Table of Contents Print Server Setup Configuring and Controlling the Printer.......................... ...................... 6-2 Viewing Printer Status .................................. .......................... ............ 6-3 Printer Status ................................. ........................... ...................... 6-4 Software .[...]

  • Страница 13

    Table of Contents xiii Technical Specifications Specifications ................ ........................... .......................... .................... A-2 Supplies and Accessories ................... ........................... ......................... A-6 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Checklist ............................................ [...]

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    xiv Table of Contents[...]

  • Страница 15

    Get t ing Star ted 1-1 C HAPTER 1 Get t ing St ar ted This chap ter sh ows y ou ho w to g et started using y our prin ter . It inclu des th es e topics: ◆ Operating Requireme nts (page 1-2) ◆ Unpacking and Asse mbly (page 1-7) ◆ W ork f low Over vie w (page 1-3 0) ◆ Pa r ts Over vie w (page 1-3 2) ◆ Special Feature s (page 1-3 6)[...]

  • Страница 16

    1-2 Operating Requ irements Operat ing Requirements Choos e a loca t i on f or the prin ter bef ore you unpack it. K eep the f ollo wing requiremen ts in mind: Electr ical ◆ Use the sup plied pow er cord. Plug it directly into a grounded electric al outlet. Do not le ngthe n the pow er cord with an exte nsion cord; the re sulting voltage drop cou[...]

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    Operating Requiremen ts 1-3 ◆ Store media and ink in an area with simila r temperature and humidit y conditions as the printer . ◆ Loc ate the printer clos e en ough to the print s er ver (RIP) so that the y c an be connected with the required c able. ◆ Loc ate the prin ter on a f lat, le vel f loor . ◆ Loc ate the printer where its normal [...]

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    1-4 Operating Requ irements ◆ T o c ap the printh ea ds, use only SolaChrome P rin thea d Cap- ping Film. Damage to printh ea ds re sulting from the use of poorly per forming plasti c f ilms is not covered by the printer warr a nt y . ◆ The maximum diameter allow ed on the t akeup spool is 7.5 inches (1 90.5 mm) on a 3-inch core. Whe n the t ak[...]

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    Operating Requiremen ts 1-5 ◆ DO NOT set heavy objects on the pow er cord or printer c able; do not be nd the c ables o r force them into contor ted positions. ◆ DO NOT place heavy objects anywhere on the printer . Safet y Warnings WA R N I N G W I T H TH E P OWE R S W ITC H I N T H E O F F P O S I T I ON , P OWE R MA Y S TILL BE SUPPLIE D TO T[...]

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    1-6 Operating Requ irements WA R N I N G Hot sur faces. Do not touch. WA R N U N G Heiß, nicht berühre n. WA R N I N G Moving pa r ts. Keep f ingers aw ay from media path. WA R N U N G Be weg liche T eile, Verlet zungsgefahr .[...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-7 Unpacking and Assembly This procedure assum es tha t the prin ter is in its final loca t ion. See th e Site Pr eparat ion Guide f or mo v ing an d un pa cking hints. WA R N I N G The printer is too heavy to be lif ted safely by one person. At least three persons a re required to lif t the printer . WA R N U N G Der Druck[...]

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    1-8 Unpacking and Ass embly 5. Lif t the box straigh t up and of f of the pallet. 6. Remove the protective ship ping material from a round the printer , but leave t he pr int head carr iage shr ink wrapped. 7. Retain the Unpacking and Assembly Ins tr uctions (par t number 0 7 0002 4), which is shrink w rap ped to the printer. Y ou can refer to th e[...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-9 1 3. Bias the stand legs out w ard at the top, the n tighte n the scre ws f irmly (s ee Fig. 1-2) but not all the w ay . With your foot bra ced a gainst th e outsi de of th e l ef t caster support, g ently t ug th e top of the stan d leg to w ar d you, w hil e a seco nd perso n t ightens th e screws. R ep ea t this pro- [...]

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    1-10 Unpacking and Ass embly Pr inter Assembly 1 5 . At t a c h th e li f t han d le to th e lef t end of the pr in t er, us in g fou r #2 scre ws on the back and one scre w on the front (see Fig. 1-3). 1 6. Remove and disc ard the “DO NOT LIFT ” label. 1 7. Detach the printer chassis from th e pallet. Th e print er chassis is a t tach ed with [...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-11 Caut ion When ass embling the printer onto the stand, be c areful to avoid damaging the turnbuckles under- neath the postheater by allowing them to strike the stand legs. The turnbuckles a re precisely a djusted at the factor y , and will clea r the stand legs by less than one inch (2 5 mm) during asse mbly . Da maging [...]

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    1-12 Unpacking and Ass embly 2 1. Align ce n ter hole on each leg (bet w een pins ) with ce n ter hole in printer (s ee Fig. 1-5). T o speed this alignm ent, y ou can use a s crew driv er ins erted int o th e hol es in th e st an d an d prin ter . 2 2. Low er the printer chassis onto the stand. 2 3. Ensure that the printer li es f lat on both of th[...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-13 Caut ion Failure to assemble the printer to the st and with sil- ver scre ws could isolate the sup ply and t akeup sys- tem from ground, which could result in damage to the printer from electrostatic discha rge.[...]

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    1-14 Unpacking and Ass embly Of f Head Supply (OHS) Assembly 2 5. Remove the pump cover (see Fig. 1-6). This is necessary to a ccess the l ow er moun t ing h ole s for th e res er voir wire ra ck. Th e pump cover a t ta ches to th e print er with t w o Phillips h ea d s crews. 2 6. Inst all the res er voir wire rack (see Fig. 1-6). Ins ert the top [...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-15 2 9. Install the f ive re ser voirs. Y ou ma y w ant to w ear glov es during this procedure to pro- tect y our han ds f rom pig m ent ink sta ins. ◆ Place the re ser voir into the wire rack. Match the colo r or cleaning solve nt label on the res er voir with the corre- sponding label on t he printer . ◆ Remove the p[...]

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    1-16 Unpacking and Ass embly Final Assembly 3 0. Install the vacuum res er voir (see Fig. 1-8). Ensure tha t the o-ri ng is in p la ce insi de the res ervoir open- ing, an d sc rew on th e res er voir . Han d t ighten firml y , but d o not overt i ghte n. 3 1. Using the threading string att ached to the st and leg, pull the drain tube that is con n[...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-17 3 2. Remove the front cover , and leave it of f until the printe r is pow ered up and normal operation is verif ied. 3 3. Using the threa ding string sup plied, pull the drain tube that is connect ed to the right-side s pit toon through the stand leg to the rear of the printer, and connect it to the right-side excess in[...]

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    1-18 Unpacking and Ass embly Note En su re th at the drai n tu be is fu ll y at t a che d to the res- er voir with a “click.” Par tial at tachment will not allow ink to drain int o the reser voir , which will eve n- tually cause the s er vice station to over f low with excess i nk. 3 4. Connect the c abl e to the se nsor on the ex cess ink re s[...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-19 3 7. Connect the pow er c able to the connector on top of the vac - uum/pressure assembly . 3 8. Reinstall the vacuum/pre ssure system cover. 3 9. (DisplayMaker 7 2SR on ly) Connect the c able from the media- out se nsor c ab le to the c able from the vacuum/pressure system . Both of th es e cabl es are mark ed with a l[...]

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    1-20 Unpacking and Ass embly 40. (Optional) Connect the optional VOC plen um to building ve ntilation or VOC recover y equipme nt. Install an d connect th e opt ion al V OC p lenum to a b uilding e xhaust du ct or charcoal filt er device. R efer to th e docum en- ta t ion tha t accompani es th e kit for instru ct ions. 4 1. Level and stabilize the [...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-21 46. Check the gr ound path bet w een the spool and the f inger that protrude s from the end of the spool. If this fails, replace the spool. 4 7. Check the ground path bet w een the e lectronics box and the sup ply & takeup ass embly . T o u ch one l ea d to th e st ainl ess steel pin l ocat ed bet ween th e t w o Ph[...]

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    1-22 Unpacking and Ass embly Connect ing to Power See Appen d ix A, T echnical S pecifica t ions, or refer to th e Site Prep arat ion Guide, for detail ed po w er requirem ents. Co nsult a qualifi ed el ectrician if y ou hav e any dou bt as to ho w the ci rcuits in your fa cilit y can accomm oda te the prin ter an d print s erver . WA R N I N G WIT[...]

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    Unpacking and Ass embly 1-23 Connect ing to t he Pr int S er ver Connect th e print er to the prin t serv er with the in clu ded Vi deoNet (f or ColorSpan prin t s e rvers) or Eth ern et ca bl e (no n - ColorS p an RIPs). See Fig. 1-1 6. Note Do not connect the printer VideoNet c able to your loc al area net work. The VideoNet proto col is not comp[...]

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    1-24 First-Time Power-Up and Test Print First-T ime Pow er-Up and Test Pr int Af ter th e printer is ass embled an d connected to pow er , you can pow e r up th e print er , loa d m edia an d ink, an d print a t est print. Unpack t he Pr int heads Ha v e a paper to wel rea dy to bl ot any cl eaning f lui d tha t has es caped f rom th e printh ea ds[...]

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    First-Time Power-Up and Tes t Print 1-25 5. Remove and disc ard the Cap ping Film from the c ap ping st a- tion. 6. Leave the c ap ping st ation, in the low ered position. 7. Slowly low er the c arriage back down over the cap ping sta- tion. 8. Move the carriage as nee ded to loc ate and remo ve the white protective str ips (for ship ping) from t h[...]

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    1-26 First-Time Power-Up and Test Print Pow er Up t he Pr in ter 1. T urn on the power switch to obser ve the t ypic al power-up se qu en c e . 2. The control panel backlight illuminate s. Move the contrast le v er (loc ated to the right of the co ntrol panel scree n) up and down until the control pa nel graphics and message s are eas- ily visible.[...]

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    First-Time Power-Up and Tes t Print 1-27 Install Ink for t he First T ime in t he Pr inter 1. Shake each bottle of ink fo r one minute to r edisperse the pigme nts. It is n ot necessar y to shak e th e cl eaning solven t. Th e green “ rea dy for refill ” LEDs sh ould be illumina ted, in dica t ing tha t you m ay fill th e res er voirs. 2. Empt [...]

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    1-28 First-Time Power-Up and Test Print Wh en you emp t y a refill bot tle in to a reserv oir , th e green LED will blink un t il you install th e correspon ding profil er . Th en th e LED will t urn of f. Do not refill th e inks unt il th e green LED illumina te s a gain. 3. Af ter all four inks and the cleaning solve nt res er voirs ar e full, pr[...]

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    First-Time Power-Up and Tes t Print 1-29 What ’ s Next? ◆ T o familiarize yourself with the printer , refer to the remain- der of this chapter . ◆ For a complete de scription of using the control panel, s ee Chapter 2, U sing the Control Panel.[...]

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    1-30 Workflow Overview Wor kf l ow O ver vie w Daily Star tup 1. Un c ap the printhea ds (for instructions, s ee “Unc ap the P rint- heads” on page 3-1 2). This procedure in clu des, whil e th e carria ge is still a t the cap- ping sta t ion, wiping th e prin th ea ds with SolaChrome HR Cl eaning Solven t, using a 1 00% polyest er Class 1 00 cl[...]

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    Workflow Overview 1-31 4. The s e r ver se nds the image to the printer for pri nting. Printing can be paused an d resumed a t th e con trol panel, ena bling you to purg e th e printh ea ds to recov er jets or m ak e oth er a djustme nts. During th e paus e, the car ria ge g o es to th e s er vice sta t ion an d i dle spits. Daily Shutdown 1. Cap t[...]

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    1-32 Parts Overview Par t s Over view Fig. 1-2 0. Major pa r ts of the printer 14 15 & 16 7 12 9 18 27 23 21 5 11 10 4 6 1 2 3 13 22 24 28 26 25 5 8 20 19 17 29 15 & 16 11 a 11 b[...]

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    Parts Overview 1-33 Index Descr ipt ion 1E n c o d e r s t r i p — allows precis e positioning of the print- hea d c a rriage across the le ngth of the platen. 2 Main carriage dr ive belt — moves the c ar riage across the le ngth of the plate n. Transpor t chain (not shown) — sup por ts the ink sup- ply tubes that c arr y ink from the ink re [...]

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    1-34 Parts Overview 10 P o s t h e a t e r — helps to dr y the output prior to the takeup. Incorporate s turnbuckle s that c an be a djusted to straighte n the media path. 1 1 Pinch rollers (2 3 places) — grip the media during loa ding and printing. I f installed, a pinch roller adjust- ment lever (1 1a) allows you to adjust the force or releas[...]

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    Parts Overview 1-35 2 7 Preheater — w arms the media for optimal printing. 2 8 Ex cess ink cont ainers — collects ink from the spittoons and ser vice st ation. 29 Auxiliar y 2 4 volt power jack to vacuum system — accepts the sup plied 2 4 volt DC power sup ply to the vac uum sys te m, whi ch c an be co nn ect e d to a user -s up - plied UPS f[...]

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    1-36 Special Features Special Features Th e print er has m any a dv anc ed fea t ures to h elp you produ ce the best prin ted out put with th e least effort. Pr int heads ◆ Micro-Quad TM pr int heads — sixteen 6 00 dpi, 3 0 picoliter piezoelectric printhea ds (four per color). ◆ AutoClean TM serv ice stat ion — a mo torized ser vice st atio[...]

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    Special Feat ures 1-37 Calibrat ion The A dv anced A utoma t ion Eye us es a high-re solut ion im aging s ensor , colorim etric p h otodiode, and emb edded sof t w are to align th e printh eads, det ect and rep lace missing jets, linearize out put, an d color profil e medi a. ◆ AutoSet TM calibrat ion — us es a high-re solution digit al imag- i[...]

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    1-38 Special Features ◆ Integrated cont act heaters — preheater and platen heater maintain uniform sur face temperature across the printing ar ea to control d ot gain on va rious media. Heated dr ying sur face allows print s to dr y before being rolled ont o the take-up spool (results may va r y based on media and color prof ile characterist ic[...]

  • Страница 53

    Using t he Control Panel 2-1 C HAPTER 2 Using t he Control Panel This chap ter des cri bes the f un ct i o ns of th e con trol panel. ◆ Over view (page 2-2) ◆ Front Page (page 2-4) ◆ Navigation Ke ys (page 2-8) ◆ Me nu (page 2-9) ◆ Me nu Tree (page 2-1 7)[...]

  • Страница 54

    2-2 Overview Over view Th e tou ch-s creen con trol panel sh ows you th e printe r ’ s current sta t us, an d ena bles y ou to int eract with th e print e r w h en chang- ing m e dia an d ink, respon d to an error co ndition, or co nfig ure options. Th ere are three m ain cont rol panel s creens: ◆ Rea dy (St atus) Scree n ◆ Front Page ◆ Me[...]

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    Overview 2-3 User Assistance Th e cont rol panel provi des va rious forms of o nline user assistance: Th e ? but ton pro vides an exp lana t ion of th e current f un ct ion, with some g ui d an ce for w ha t to do ne xt. Th e A T TN (A t tent ion) key blinks o n th e con trol panel wh en th e print er detects an error co ndition, poten t ial error [...]

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    2-4 Front Page Front Page Th e Fron t P a ge pro vi des access to th e most frequently-us ed p r i nt i n g a nd mai n te n a nc e f u nc t i on s . Fo r advanc ed c o nf i g u r a - t ion op t ions, press th e M e nu k ey (s ee “ Me n u ” on p age 2 -9 fo r instru ct ions). ◆ Pr inter Name — displays the name of the printer as defined on t[...]

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    Front Page 2-5 ◆ Media & Ink — displays a l isting of the media and ink cur- re ntly inst alled in the printer . P ress th e ) and , ke ys to highlight “Media” or one of the inks, then pre ss ! (P ro- ceed) to display information about the selection. From this scree n, you c an press the  and  ke ys to scroll bet w een scree ns. P[...]

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    2-6 Front Page ◆ Status — displays system parameters and the st atus of all user -conf igurabl e options. P ress the  and  keys to scroll bet wee n pages. T o cha nge an optio n, go to the Printer Con- f iguration s ection of the me nu. ◆ Pr int Mode — s ets print qualit y mode. See “Selecting a P rint Mode” on page 3-4 for instru[...]

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    Front Page 2-7 ◆ Purge — per forms a Purge-n-Wipe, which p urges the print- hea ds the n wipe s them in the s er vice station, to help reco ver missing jets. P rint a prime bars pattern to verif y jet recover y . See “Loa ding Roll-Fed Me dia” on page 3- 1 4 for instructions. ◆ Sleep (visible whe n hea ds a re not c ap ped) — veri f ies[...]

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    2-8 Navigation Keys Navigat ion K e ys Th e foll owing tabl e sho ws you h ow to mo ve through th e menu system an d perform prin ter co ntrol f unctions. Key Desc r ipt ion  Display Menu — displays the printer me nu. ,) Menu Up/Down — moves the me nu highlight up and down the menu. +* Menu Top/Bot tom — moves t he me nu hi ghlight t[...]

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    Menu 2-9 Menu Th e menu has th ese m ain sections: ◆ Calibrate P rin ter (see below) ◆ P rinter Settings (page 2-1 0) ◆ Mainte nance (page 2-1 4) ◆ Ser vice P rinter (page 2-1 6) ◆ User Diagnostics (page 2-1 6) ◆ Warnings & Actions (page 2-1 6), shown in Exper t Message s Mode only This s ect io n exp lains each of th e f un c t ion[...]

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    2-10 Menu ◆ Manual Calibrat ions — allows you to c alib rate the printer visually , without the printer’s digital imaging se nsor . Inaccu- rate judgme nts by the operator during the se tes ts could result in substandard out put. See “Manual Calibrations” on page 4-8 fo r instruction s. ◆ Media Feed ◆ Manual Bidi Regist ration ◆ Man[...]

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    Menu 2-11 ◆ Supply Out Detect ion — for roll-fed media, the printer usu- ally monitors t he sup ply spool to detect whe n it runs o ut of media. Y ou c an u s e this menu option to disable media out detection when you keep the ta keup spool pin release tool (pa r t number 0 5 04 3 3 4, see “T akeup Spool Pin Releas e” on page 3-2 2 for inst[...]

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    2-12 Menu about the print su ch as date and ti me printed and print mode, plus write-in b lanks for other dat a. ◆ Side Gutters — sets the side gutter pat tern to Narrow , Medium , or Wide size s, or turns them Of f . Side gutter patterns help keep the ink jets ope n by f iring ink through them in a pattern outside the printed image area. Y ou [...]

  • Страница 65

    Menu 2-13 ◆ Trailing Margin (cut-sh eet) — sets the amount of blank space at the trail ing edge of cut-sheet media. ◆ Media Measure T ype — for cut-s heet media, you can choose one of three le vels of precision for f inding the lef t, right, and front edge s of the media. ◆ Minimal — measure s the width of the media onc e, and f inds th[...]

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    2-14 Menu ◆ Audible Alarm — e n ables and disable s the au dible alarm beep that sounds with Warning and Action message s. ◆ Units — sets English o r Metr ic units of measure for data dis- play ed by the control panel. ◆ Head Height — move s the printhea d c a rriage over the plate n so you c an a djust the head height. See “Set the P[...]

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    Menu 2-15 ◆ Pr int M edia Skew Line s — prints a sw ath of pa rallel lines across the widt h of the media, in alternating directions, con- tinuously un til you stop the print. If the sw aths are not p aral - lel to each other , the media is ske we d (not feeding strai ght). If there is a no ticeable space betwee n swat hs, or if the y over- lap[...]

  • Страница 68

    2-16 Menu Ser vice Pr inter Th ese t ests are for fa ctor y , s er vice, and t ech nical support us e. User Diagnost ics Us er Dia gnost ics pres ents an in tera ct iv e trou bles hoot ing pro- gram to dia gnos e probl ems before calling M a cDermid Col or- S pan T echnical Ser vices. It w alks you through a seri e s of tests an d ch ecks f or cert[...]

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    Menu Tree 2-17 Menu Tree Front Page O nline/Of f line Media & Ink Status Pr i n t e r Status Advance Media Menu AutoJet Pr i m e B a r s Pr i n t M o d e Sleep/Wake Access Hea ds Media Wizard Load/ Unload/ At tent io n Pr i n t Select Show Pr i n t h e a d s Purge Reload[...]

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    2-18 Menu Tree Menu This me nu tree ref lects version 2.3 2 of the embedded printer sof t ware. Refer to the Release Notes for more recent versions. (7 2S)=option v isible only on DisplayMaker 7 2 S . (7 2SR)=option visible only on DisplayMaker 7 2 SR . * = option visible only in rigid sheet-fed mode. Calibrate Pr inter Auto Calibrat ions Auto Bidi[...]

  • Страница 71

    Ink and Media 3-1 C HAPTER 3 Ink and Media This chap ter des cri bes: ◆ Ink System Over view (page 3-2) ◆ Selecting a P rint Mode (page 3-4) ◆ Checking Jet H ealth (page 3-6) ◆ Ref illing Ink (page 3-9) ◆ Cap ping the P rintheads (page 3-1 1) ◆ Loa ding Roll-Fed Media (page 3-1 4) ◆ Unloa ding and Cutting Roll-Fed Media (page 3-2 1) ?[...]

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    3-2 Ink System Over view Ink System Over view Th e print er ’ s ink system co nsists of the f ollo wing com po nents: ◆ Of fHead System (OHS) reser voirs — four solve nt-based ink res er voirs (CMYK) and one cleaning sol ve nt res er voir . ◆ Ink tubes — c arr y ink and cleaning solvent to the print- heads, and cleaning solvent to the ser[...]

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    Idle Jet Maintenance 3-3 Idle Jet Maintenance Due to th e ev apora t ion of th e solven ts in solven t-bas ed inks, th e ink jets in solv ent prin ters are sus cep t ibl e to clog ging. T o mini- mize jet-outs, k eep th e print er print ing an d clean, an d us e the print er ’ s jet main tenan ce fea t ures. Th e foll owing tabl e sho ws the reco[...]

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    3-4 Select ing a Pr int Mode Select ing a Pr int Mode The bi direct ional prin t modes (prin t ing occurs in both direc- t ions) ena ble y ou to sel ect th e combina t ion of print speed an d qualit y required. S peed or throug hput depends o n the m ode s elect ed, and by oth er factors su ch as th e wi dth of the im a ge. Th e uni direct ional (l[...]

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    General Print ing T ips 3-5 General Pr int ing T i ps ◆ See “Impor t ant Operating Notes” on page 1-3 for impor- tant information on operating the prin ter . ◆ Before printing o n vinyl media that h as bee n loa d ed on an idle printer overnight or longer , advance the por tion of the media that has bee n restin g on the preheater (prio r t[...]

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    3-6 Checking Jet Health Checking Jet Heal t h Th e print er ’ s automa t ic jet m aint enan ce fea t ures (g ut ter pri nt- ing, spits, s er vice sta t io n wipes) are designed to k eep the inkjets f rom clogging. In addition, w hen A utoJ et detects a missing jet, it a t temp ts to rep la ce it with a working jet o n the sam e or anoth e r prin [...]

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    Checking Jet Health 3-7 Pr int Pr ime Bars 1. From the contr ol panel Front Page scree n, pre ss the Pr ime Bars ke y . Th e con trol panel disp la ys a prompt aski ng you to en ter th e total wi dth of the prim e ba r pa t t ern you wish to prin t. 2. Enter a width for the prime bar pattern by pressing the ) and , ke ys. 3. P ress the ! (P roceed)[...]

  • Страница 78

    3-8 Checking Jet Health T o purg e-n-wipe a color (f our printh ea ds): 1. From the contro l panel Front Page s cree n, press the  (Me nu) ke y . 2. P ress the ) ke y to highlight Maintenance . 3. P ress the  (Me nu In) ke y . 4. P ress ) to highlight Purge a Color . 5. P ress the  (Me nu In) ke y . 6. P ress the ! (P roceed) ke y to co[...]

  • Страница 79

    Ref illing Ink 3-9 Ref illing Ink Th e ink an d cleaning solven t reservoirs ea ch hav e a capacit y of 3.5 liters. The refill bo t tles of ink contain 2 l iters, w hile th e cl eaning solven t refill bo t tles con t ain 3 liters. ◆ Ink — W he n the res er voir in k level s ensor inside one of the ink res er voirs detects 1 liter of ink remaini[...]

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    3-1 0 Ref illing Ink 3. Ope n the res er voir cover and pour the e ntire conte nts of the ref ill bottle into the res e r voir . Th e LED blinks fast. This in dica tes tha t th e refill w as dete cted, an d a new profile r is needed. 4. Remove the profiler fro m the pre vious ink or cleanin g so lve nt sup ply , and disc ard it. 5. Ins er t the new[...]

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    Capping the Pr int heads 3-1 1 Capping t he Pr int heads Capping th e printh eads prev ents th e ink f rom dr ying out an d clogging th e ink jets. Sin ce the ink jets are autom a t ically ex er- cis ed (a small am ount of ink is e xpelled) wh en i dl e, capping is only necessary if th e print er will be idl e f or a lo ng period (ov er- night or l[...]

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    3-1 2 Capping t he Pr int heads Do not rais e th e capping pa d bey on d this point. 5 . Pr e s s Pr o c e e d . Th e con trol panel disp la ys the Fro nt P ag e s creen. Not e tha t all bu t a few f unc t ions are disa bl ed until you un cap th e prin th ea ds. Uncap t he Pr int heads Uncapping th e printh eads is o ne component of th e W ak e f u[...]

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    Capping the Pr int heads 3-1 3 5. T o acce ss the heads for cleaning, remove the c ap ping st ation ass embly by pulling it for wa rd and out of the printer . 6. Wipe the printhea ds with SolaChrome-HR Cleaning Solvent, using a 1 00% polye ster Class 1 00 cleanroom wipe. DO NOT USE ISOPROPYL AL COHOL ON THE PRINTHEADS. R emov e ink buildup o n th e[...]

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    3-1 4 L oading Roll-Fed Media L oading Roll-Fed Media Th e print er inclu des a tensio ned supp ly an d ta k eup system designed to han dle vinyl an d oth er h ea v i er me dia on three- inch cores. Th e m ed ia han dling sy stem autom a t ically detects th e size of th e supp ly an d t ak eup rolls an d provi des co nsisten t tens ion as th e roll[...]

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    Loading Roll-Fed Media 3-1 5 1. Ensure that the f ixed collet is properly loc ated with the screw tightened into the inner hole on the sup ply spool (using th e outer hole would pre vent the spool from be ing installed). Th e si de of th e spool with th e fixe d coll et is th e “ ho me ” si de, clos est to the prin ter ’ s electro nics bo x. [...]

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    3-1 6 L oading Roll-Fed Media 6. Ensure that the media is rolled onto the sup ply spool e ve nly , without “tele scoping” to one side. 7. With your right hand, feed the lea ding edge of the media into the printer’s pinch rollers and hold it in place until the following step. If loa ding 7 2 inch m edia, se e “ Loa ding 7 2-I n ch M edia ”[...]

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    Loading Roll-Fed Media 3-1 7 1 0. O n the Front Page scree n of the control panel , pr ess the Loa d Media ke y . Th e con trol panel pres ents a lis t of media t y pes. Y ou can s elect a ColorS pan m edia f rom the list , or s elect Cu stom (a t th e e n d of the list) to specif y a new media. Th e print er ’ s M edia Wizard fea t ure stores a [...]

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    3-1 8 L oading Roll-Fed Media 1 4. T o a dvance the media, pre ss " (Y es), ot her w ise press ( (No) and go to the next step. ◆ If you press " (Y es ), the media a dvanc es to the takeup spool. Y o u c an press Stop if necessar y to stop the med ia a dvance at an y time. ◆ If you press ( (No), go to step 1 3. 1 5. Grasp the middle of[...]

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    Loading Roll-Fed Media 3-1 9 Th e con trol panel disp lays th e M edia F eed Number an d a numeric k e y pa d. 1 7. Accept the disp lay ed Media Feed Number , e n ter a ne w num- ber , or per form a Media Feed Calibration to generate a ne w Media Feed Number (s ee “Media Feed” on page 4-9 for instru ction s). Y ou are n ow rea dy to begin print[...]

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    3-20 Loading Roll-Fed Media L oading 7 2-Inch Media Th e wi dth of th e 7 2-in ch media m akes it imposs i bl e for m ost persons to l oa d it by grasping its l ef t an d right edg es a t th e same t ime. F ollo w this procedure to m ore easily loa d 7 2-in ch wide me d ia . Ti p Wea r cot ton gloves when loading media, or handle the media only by [...]

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    Unloading and Cut t ing Roll-Fed Media 3-2 1 Unloading and Cut t ing Roll-Fed Media 1. P ress the ) ke y on the Front Page scree n to a dvance the printed por tion of the m edia past the posth eater . 2. O n the Front Page screen of the control panel, press the Unload ke y . 3. The control panel prompts y ou to pre ss ! to unlo a d m edia, or ( to [...]

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    3-2 2 Unloading and Cut t ing Roll-Fed Media T a keup Spool Pin Release T o quic kly unspool a large am ount of m ed ia f rom th e tak e up with out d am a ging the tak eup tension spring, y ou must first dis- enga g e the spool from the tak eup system. Th e spool is norm ally enga g ed to the tak eup motor with a tab a t th e end of th e spoo l. T[...]

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    Respooling Media 3-2 3 Respooling Media Th e print er can respool media from one car dboar d core to anot h er . Y ou ma y w ant to d o this if: ◆ The media was not taped to its core by the media vendor , which makes ten sioning impossible. ◆ Y ou w ant to change the directio n that the media unwinds from the core (printed side out vs. printed [...]

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    3-2 4 Respooling Media 1 0. P re ss the ! (P roceed) ke y to respool the media. Th e media is pull ed f rom th e supp ly spool o nto th e tak eup spool. Wh en th e print er detects th e en d of th e medi a, th e respool f un ct io n stops autom a t ically .[...]

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    L oading Rigi d Media 3-25 L oading Rigid Media Printing on rigi d m edia only app li es to prin ter m odels with rigi d m edia sof t w are an d m edia han dling fea t ures. Print ers so config - ured ha ve t wo medi a loa d sta tes: ◆ Unloaded — the printer is rea dy to accept either roll-fed or rigid cut-sheet media ◆ Loaded — the Media W[...]

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    3-2 6 L oading Rigid Media If you are crea t ing a new media t y p e, you are prompt ed for th e foll owing s et t ings: ◆ Feed Meth od — whe n you s elect Cut Sheet, th e rigid media options a re enabled througho ut the Media Wizard. ◆ Pinch rollers — specif y the pinch roller force setting as shown on the label located on the pinch r olle[...]

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    L oading Rigi d Media 3-27 L oading and Aligning t he Sheet 6. Unloa d any roll-fed me dia from the pr inter. 7. Releas e the pinch rollers. 8 . S l i d e a sh e e t of m e d i a o nt o th e pl at en an d t h ro u g h t h e pi n c h rollers. 9. Align the lea ding edge of the media with the front edge of the plate n or with a row of plate n vacuum h[...]

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    3-2 8 L oading Rigid Media 1 3. P ress the ! ke y to continu e. Th e con trol panel disp lays a s c reen tha t sh ows th e f ollo wing inf orma t io n: ◆ Media size ◆ Pr i n t ar e a ◆ Right & lef t margins — if you enter 0 (zero), yo u c an also specif y an amount of overpr int (printing past the edge of the media). This e nables you t[...]

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    L oading Rigi d Media 3-29 Th e con trol panel disp lays th e M edia F eed Number an d a numeric k e y pa d. 1 5. Accept the disp lay ed Media Feed Number , e nter a ne w num- ber , or per form a Media Feed Calibration to generate a ne w Media Feed Number (s ee “Media Feed” on page 4-9 for instru ction s). Y ou are n ow rea dy to begin printing[...]

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    3-3 0 Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing Edge-to-Edge Pr int ing On rigi d media, th e print er can prin t up to th e l ea ding, right, an d left edges wh en yo u s et the m argins to 0. ◆ T ape the plate n under the lef t and right edges of the media to catch any oversp ray ed ink. Use a colored tape to allow the printer to find the media edge s. A piece o[...]

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    Unloading and Reloading Rigid Media 3-3 1 Unloading and Reloading Rigid Media Af ter prin t ing o nto a sh eet of rigi d media, th e Fro nt P ag e s creen disp lays a special Lo a d /R el o ad ke y . ◆ Lo ad Ne w M edi a — press this ke y to re-e nter the Media W iz- a rd and select a ne w media to loa d (either roll-fed or rigid cut-sheet) ◆[...]

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    3-3 2 Media Wizard Media Wizard Th e M edia Wizar d sof t w are fea t ure stores a s et of print ing param eters by m edia t y pe, ena bling you to instantly op t imize th e printer w henev er you change m edia. The M edia W izar d in clu des stan d ar d sets of paramet ers for popular m edia t y pes, an d allo ws you to define new s et t ings fo r[...]

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    Media Wizard 3-3 3 F or each m edia t y pe, th e M edia Wizard stores th e follo win g s e tti ng s : ◆ Media name — for user-defined m edia, use the alpha- betic ke yboa rd display ed on the control panel to e nter the media name. (St anda rd media name s c annot be changed .) ◆ Media t hickness — for us er-def ined media, us e the numeric[...]

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    3-3 4 Media Wizard ◆ Heater temps set t ing (for t he post-heater/dr yer) (roll fed) — select a heater setting from 0 to 1 0, or Custom to specif y custom settings. Setting 0 sets all heaters to 8 5° F (3 0° C). The preheater an d plate n heater maint ain unifo rm sur- face temperature a cross the printing a rea to control dot gain on va riou[...]

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    Set t ing Heater Temperatures 3-3 5 Set t ing Heater Temperatur es Th e are three h ea ters: a preh ea ter , a p la ten h ea ter , an d post- h ea ter . Th e posthe a ter ’ s top an d bot tom zo nes can be set to d if- ferent tempera t ures. Th e h ea ter t e mpera t ures can be s et during th e media l oa d pro- cess (s ee “ Loading R oll-F ed[...]

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    3-3 6 Set t ing Heater Temperatures[...]

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    C al i br a tin g the P ri n te r 4-1 C HAPTER 4 Calibrat ing t he Pr inter This chapt er exp lains ho w to cali b ra te th e printer f or the best possibl e out put : ◆ Whe n to Calibrate (page 4-2) ◆ AutoJet (page 4-3) ◆ AutoT une (page 4-4) ◆ Auto Calibrations (page 4-7) — AutoBiDi Calibration, AutoH2H (Hea d-to-Head) Calibration, Aut [...]

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    4-2 When to Calibrate When to Calibrate Th e printer fea t ures s everal t y pes of calibra t ions. So me sh oul d be run rout inely , others o n ly w h en necessar y: When to run Calibrat ion Funct ion When Purge-n-Wipe doe s not recover all missing jets AutoJet (page 4-3) or Manual Jet Mapping (page 4-1 5) T o identif y and map out non- working j[...]

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    AutoJet 4-3 AutoJet A utoJ et detects in divi dual ink jets tha t are misfiring or not firing a t all. During su bs equent printing, the prin ter compensa tes f or th es e jets by using oth e r jets in th eir p lace, ensuring m ax imum print quali t y with out redu cing print speed. Y ou can also i dent if y an d map missing jets m anually f rom th[...]

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    4-4 AutoTune AutoT une A utoT une runs jet main tenan ce automa t ically a t interv als you specif y . Y ou can us e th e Qualit y Ch eck Mode fe a t ure to han dle A utoJ et errors, with or with out user in terven t ion . 1. O n the Front Page scree n, press the  (Me nu) key to e nter the me nu system. 2. P ress the  (Me nu In) ke y display [...]

  • Страница 111

    AutoTune 4-5 Qualit y Check Wh en you run A utoJ et m anually , th e sof t w are not ifi es you if th ere are any jet or alignm ent pro bl ems so tha t the y can be a ddress e d. Wh en A utoT une runs A utoJ et at s chedul ed int er v als, yo u can us e the Qualit y Ch eck fea t ure to han dle A utoJ et errors. Wh en Qualit y Ch eck is enabl ed, if[...]

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    4-6 AutoRecover AutoRecover A utoReco ver runs Purg e-n-Wipe autom a t ically a t the beginning of a print job , w h en a specifi ed number of minutes ha ve pass ed sin ce th e last Purge-n-Wipe . This f un ct io n is disabl ed by defau lt. Enabl e it only if n eeed to keep jets working. Running a P urg e-n-Wipe operation bef ore printi ng ensures [...]

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    Auto Calibrations 4-7 Auto Calibrat ions Th e p rin ter ’ s pi ezo printh eads are aligned a t th e fa ctor y and sh ould only occasionally require y ou to run an automa t ic bi di- rect ional or h ea d-to-h ea d calibra t ion. 1. O n the Front Page screen, pre ss the  (Men u) ke y to e nter the me nu system. 2. P ress the  (Menu I n) ke y [...]

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    4-8 Manual Calibrations Manual Calibrat i ons Wh en you run th e cali bra t ions f rom this m enu, you ev alua te th e cali bration test pa t t erns visually and en ter th e calibr a t ion v alues via th e con trol panel. Note The manual BiDi and X hea d c alibrations ar e time- consuming and can b e e rror-prone, but is necessa r y whe n c alibrat[...]

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    Manual Calibrations 4-9 Media Feed This calibra t ion allo ws you to calibra te th e accura c y of the m edia a dv ance. Ina ccura te m edia a dv ance can result in blank spa ces bet w een print sw a ths (too mu ch a dv ance) or o verlapp ing sw a ths (too lit tle a dv anc e). Th e M edia Wizard stores this v alue by media t y pe, and disp la y s a[...]

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    4-10 Manual Calibrations ◆ 1 0-inch calibrat ion — pri nts a 1 0-inch test pat tern s o y ou c an verif y its le ngth with an accurate metal ruler. This is not as precise as the 3 4-inch c alibration, but it use s less media. Measure and adjust the media adva nce as needed until the pat tern is exactly 1 0 inches long. Ti p T o avoid cutting th[...]

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    Manual Calibrations 4-11 Manual X Head Registrat ion Precis e posit io n ing of ea ch drop of ink is ess ent ial for op t imal print quali t y . This is possibl e only if y ou register all prin th eads in th e printh ead ass embly to each oth er in th e X (along th e l ength of the p la ten) direct ion. This is a t wo-part process: ◆ P rint a reg[...]

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    4-12 Manual Calibrations Us e a print er ’ s loupe or m agnif ying glass if th e pa t terns are dif ficult to s ee. 5. P ress the , or ) control panel keys repeatedly until the num- ber next to the pat tern that is close st to aligned per fectly is display ed. F or ex amp le, if pa t tern +1 is th e clos est aligne d, press th e , k ey to chang e[...]

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    Manual Calibrations 4-13 Manual BiDi Registrat ion Bidi rect ional registra t ion is a m ethod to align ea ch of th e print- h ea ds so tha t dot p la cem ent is a ccura te in both direct ions al ong th e X ax is (along th e direct ion of prin thea d tra vel). Th e bi direct ional registra t ion pa t tern co nsists of a se ri es of verti- cal lines[...]

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    4-14 Manual Calibrations Us e a print er ’ s loupe to s el ect the pa t tern, sin ce the lines in th e patterns ma y be dif ficu lt to s ee. 7. P ress the , or ) control panel keys repeatedly until the num- ber next to the pat tern that is close st to aligned per fectly is display ed. F or ex amp le, if pa t tern +2.0 is th e clos est aligned, pr[...]

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    Manual Calibrations 4-15 Manual Jet Mapping J ets that are missing or misfiring are usually det ected by th e A utoJ et cali bra t ion. A lterna t ivel y , you can m ap out jets manuall y using th e M anual J et Ma pping f un ct ion. Y ou ma y w ant to m anu- ally ma p w e ak or mis directed jets tha t A utoJ et does not su bst i- tu t e . Ti p Aut[...]

  • Страница 122

    4-16 Manual Calibrations Th e print er prints a jet m a p t e st pa t tern. ◆ If a line segme nt is missing or broken, the jet number shown next to it is out. ◆ If a line segme nt is marked with a code let ter: R - no repl acement S — user di squalif ied “sof t” jetout H — us er disqualif ied “ha rd” jetout D - disqualified (and rep[...]

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    Manual Calibrations 4-17 3. Whe n the c alibr ation patt ern has printed, the control panel displays a me nu with the following options: ◆ Repor t indi vidual sof t bad jets — e nables you to repor t a “sof t” bad jet, which c an be automati c ally ree nabled if AutoJet finds it working. ◆ Repor t in dividual h ard bad je ts — enables y[...]

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    4-18 Manual Calibrations Th e con trol panel disp la ys a num eric k eyboar d tha t you can us e to ente r th e number of the b a d jet. 5. Enter the jet number , the n press the Enter ke y . 6. Whe n you a re f inished entering j et numbers, pre ss the Esc ke y . Th e control panel disp lays th e hea d s elect ion m essa ge a gain. 7. P ress , a n[...]

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    Manual Calibrations 4-19 1 2. When you a re f inished entering jet numbers, press th e Esc key . Th e contr ol panel disp lays th e h ead s el ect ion mes sa g e ag ain. 1 3. P ress , a nd ) to s e lect the next head number, the n press ! (P roc eed). 1 4. Repeat steps 1 1 through 1 3 for each hea d containing ba d jets you want to clear . 1 5. Whe[...]

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    4-20 Manual Calibrations Th e con trol panel disp la ys this messa g e: All reported bad jets have been cleared. 2 0. P ress ! . Wh en you ha ve f inish ed mappi ng jets, th e f ollo wing sum- m ar y appears on th e con trol panel: x soft jets currently reported bad. x hard jets currently reported bad. x new soft bad jets reported. x new hard bad j[...]

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    Manual Calibrations 4-21 Jet St atus Lines This option prin ts th e Manual J et M apping test pa t tern (s ee Fig. 4-3 on pa g e 4-1 6) that sh ows w hich jets are working, an d which jets are out, b ut does not run th e M anual J et M apping cali bra- ti o n ( s e e “ Ma n u a l Je t Ma p p i n g ” on page 4 - 1 5 fo r i n for mat i on ). Defa[...]

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    4-22 Calibration Summary Calibrat ion Summar y Thes e op t ions all ow y ou to print a summ ar y of th e Full A utoSet cali bration, or transmit cali bra t ion da t a to a log fil e on th e print se r ve r . ◆ AutoSet Summar y — when e nabled, a t able of the results of the Full AutoSet c alibration is printed af ter the AutoSet te st patterns.[...]

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    Straightenin g the Media Path 4-23 Straightening t he Media Pat h F or op t imal prin t qualit y , the m edia must feed in as straight a line as possi ble f rom th e supp ly to the tak eup. This can be a c comp lish ed b y aligning the si d es of th e m edia as straight as possibl e f rom supp ly to tak eup, an d by smoothing th e m edia w eb as mu[...]

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    4-24 Linearization Linear izat ion A s the d en s it y of a n imag e v a r ies f ro m h ig h li ght s to s hadow s, or f rom ligh ter t ints to dark er t ints, th e printer sh ould a ccura tely reprodu ce th es e areas in a predictabl e, or linear , fashion. Th e process of lineariza t ion (or col or calibra t ion) in volv es print ing an d rea din[...]

  • Страница 131

    Maintaining t he Pr inter 5-1 C HAPTER 5 Maint aining t he Pr inter This chap ter des cri bes ho w to m aintain th e print er: ◆ Mainte nance Schedule (page 5-2) ◆ Clean the Rail and Bea rings (page 5-3) ◆ Empt y Ex cess Ink (page 5-6) ◆ P rinthead Mainte nance (page 5-7) ◆ Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets (page 5-8) ◆ Set the P rinthea d and [...]

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    5-2 Maintenance Sc hedule Maintenance Schedule Th e printer is designed f or lo w-m aint enance opera t ion. M ost opera tor-perform ed main tenan ce is perform e d o n th e print- he ad s . Tas k D es c r ip t i on Inter val: Weekly or as needed Clean pinch rollers Inspect for ink and dust buildup, if necessa r y wipe with lint-free cloth moistene[...]

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    Clean t he Rail and Bearings 5-3 Clean t he Rail and Bear ings Th e carriag e rail carri es the prin thea d carria ge a cross th e wi dth of th e p lat en. As dust an d ink accumu la tes o n the rail, th e ma te- rial could a ccumula te o n th e carria ge bearings (w h eels) and caus e ban ding in print ed out put or noisy ( “ click-click-click ?[...]

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    5-4 Clean t he Rail and Bear ings Rail 2. Wipe the e ntire le ngth of the rail with a lint-free cloth or wipe moiste ned with isopropyl a lcohol. Th e rail surfaces tha t must be clean are th e surfa ces tha t tou ch th e carria g e bearings. Th es e are th e top surface, in clu ding the fron t an d ba ck of th e f ront li p, and th e si de surfa c[...]

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    Clean t he Rail and Bearings 5-5 4. Clean the lef t and right o u tside bea rings. M oisten a cotton sw a b with isopropyl alco h ol or w a ter , p la c e it a gainst th e lef t si de of the bearing, an d manually push th e carria ge to th e l ef t. Th en p lace th e sw ab a gains t th e right si de of th e bearing, and m anually push th e carria g[...]

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    5-6 Empt y Ex cess Ink Empt y Ex cess Ink Ink or cl eaning solven t tha t has been exp ell ed ( “ spit ” ) for ink j et m aint enance or f rom a purg e opera t ion drains fro m th e spit- toons an d s erv ice sta t ion areas to ex cess ink co ntainers. Wh en th e containers fill with ink, th ey sh ould be empt i ed. Th e ex cess ink co ntainer [...]

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    Pr int head Maintenance 5-7 Pr int head Maintenance Th e print er uses air p ressure to both fill an d ev acua te ink an d cl eaning solven t f rom the prin thea ds. The f ollo wing f unct ions are a v ailabl e f rom th e m enu a t Mainte nance - Pr int head Procedures: ◆ Cleaning Solvent Soak — empties the printhea ds of all ink, f ills all he[...]

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    5-8 Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets A ll print ers tha t us e solven t-bas ed inks are sus c ep t ibl e to print- h ea d clogging. This is caus ed by th e solven t ev apora t ing an d l eaving behin d th e pigm ents, w hich is desira ble o n print ed out- put but n ot in the prin th eads! Th e print er in cor pora tes m an y aut[...]

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    Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets 5-9 ◆ Cleaning solvent soak — if a manual cloth wipe fails to recover e n ough jets, you c an soak the thin foa m pa d that ships with the printer with SolaChro me-HR cleaning f luid, the n c ap the printhea ds with this p a d overnight as shown (Fig. 5-4 on page 5-9). DO NOT USE ISOPROPYL AL COHOL ON THE PRINTHEADS. F[...]

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    5-1 0 Cleaning Clogged Ink Jets ◆ Cleaning the Ser vice St at ion doctor b lade — with us e over time, the doctor bla de that cleans excess ink from the s e r- vice station wiper bla de s will accumul ate a buildup o f ink. This will reduce the cleaning ef fective ness of the doctor bla de, resulti ng in “dir tier” wiper bla des and more cl[...]

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    Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height 5-1 1 Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height Th e correct hea d h eight is crit ical to out put qualit y . ◆ Lower head heights reduce overspray , increasing image qualit y , but also increase the chance of the printheads strik- ing the media. P rinthead strikes a re most lik ely with adhe- sive-backed vinyl[...]

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    5-1 2 Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height 1. Loa d the media that you want to c alibrate. F or instru ct ions, s ee “ Loa d ing R oll-F ed M edia ” on p age 3- 1 4 . 2. O n the Front Page scree n, press the  (Me nu) key to e nter the me nu system. 3. From the contro l panel me nu, press the ) ke y to highlight Pr inter Set t ings. 4. P re[...]

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    Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height 5-1 3 Caut ion Do not allow any par t of the gauge to touch the printheads, and do not leave the gau ge on the plate n af ter setting the hea d height. If the gauge is allow ed to touch or strike the printhea ds, the print- hea ds could be damaged permane ntly and require replaceme nt. 9. T urn the hea d heigh[...]

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    5-1 4 Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height 1 3. Loose n the three c amera enc losure mountin g screws (s ee Fig. 5-8 below). 1 4. Set the c ame ra height. Ins ert the p lain (non-st epp ed) en d of the g auge as sh own in Fig. 5-9 bel ow . Rais e o r lo wer th e camera encl osure so tha t it tou ch es th e top of th e gaug e. 1 5. T ighte n the c[...]

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    Set t he Pr int head and Camera Height 5-1 5 Th e cont rol panel disp la ys a m essa g e asking w h eth er you w ant to perf orm a bi direct ional (bi di) cali bra t ion. 1 9. P ress " to per form a bidi c alibration, or ( to continue. 2 0. Obser ve a Purge-n-Wip e c ycle to e nsure that the s er vice sta- tion wipers are centered and properly[...]

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    5-1 6 Calibrate t he Ser vice St at ion Calibrate t he Ser vice Stat ion Service sta t ion cali bra t io n enabl es you to properl y align th e ser - vice sta t io n wipers to the prin thea ds. Wh en properly aligned, th e service station wipers should be cent ered on th e printh ea d s. Set t ing the s ervice st a t ion h eight sh ould not be nece[...]

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    Calibrate t he Ser vice Stat ion 5-1 7 6. P ress ! (P roceed). Th e cont rol panel disp la ys a m essa g e asking w h eth er you w ant to cali bra te th e service sta t ion posit ion. If y ou choos e to do so, th e con trol panel w alks you through th e proce- dure. Shine a f lashlight through the carria g e cutouts (see Fig. 5-6 on pa ge 5-1 6 for[...]

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    5-1 8 Rep lace Ink Filters Replace Ink Filters Th e con trol panel disp lays a W arning messa g e on th e con trol panel w h en 20 lit ers of ink has pass ed through the filt ers. R ep la ce all fiv e th e filters as a s et. Failure to rep lace th e filters w hen recomm en ded will even t ually caus e th e filt ers to clog an d prev ent ink from re[...]

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    Replace I nk Filters 5-1 9 4. Use a Phil lips scre wdriver to loose n the f ilter clamp. See Fig. 5-1 2 for l ocation. 5. Unscre w the hose connectors from f ilter. See Fig. 5-1 2 for l ocation. 6. Remove the old f ilter. 7. Install the ne w f ilter into the f ilter clamp. Th e filter ’ s la bel has an arrow tha t indica t e s th e direct ion of [...]

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    5-20 Replace Ink Filters 1 3. Res et the ink f loat se nsors by switching of f pow er to the printer , allowing the printer to shut down, the n switching on the pow er. 1 4. O n the Front Page screen, pre ss the  (Me n u) ke y to e nter the me nu system. 1 5. P ress the ) ke y repeatedly to highlight Maint enance. 1 6. P ress the  (Me nu In) [...]

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    Extended Power Down and R esta r t 5-2 1 Extended P ow er Down and Rest ar t UNDER NORMAL OPE R ATI O N, DO NOT P O WER DO WN THE PRINTER . Co nstant v a cuum a t th e printh ea ds is required to pre- v ent ink f rom running out of the prin thea ds. If th e pow er must be remo ved f or a bri ef period of t im e, you can l eav e the carria ge o v e [...]

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    5-2 2 Extended Power Down and Rest ar t 3. O n the Front Page scree n, press the  (Me nu) key to e nter the me nu system. 4. P ress the ) ke y repeatedly to highlight Maint enance. 5. P ress the  (Me nu In) ke y display the Maintenance me nu. 6. P ress the ) ke y repeatedly to highlight Load Ink in All Heads. 7. P ress the  (Me nu In) ke y[...]

  • Страница 153

    Pr int Ser ver Setup 6-1 C HAPTER 6 Pr int Ser ver Setup This s ect ion of th e manual sh ows h ow to us e th e ColorS pan print s erver to con trol th e print er and pr int ing opera t ions on th e s er ver . It e xp lains: ◆ Conf igur ing and Controlling t he Pr inter (page 6-2) — Vie wing P rinter Status, Conf iguring the P rinter, Selecting[...]

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    6-2 Configuring and C ontrolling the Printer Conf igur ing and Controlling t he Pr inter Prin ter co nfig ura t ion an d con trol f unct ions ca n be ac cess ed by clicking an d holding th e mous e ov er the prin ter icon. This dis- p lay s th e icon menu sh own bel ow: Th e foll owing f unc t ions are e xp lained in this section: ◆ Status (page [...]

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    Configuring and Controlling the Printer 6-3 Viewing Pr inter St atus T o vi ew th e print e r ’ s stat us: 1. Posi t ion t he cursor on t he printer icon. 2. Press and hold eit her mouse but ton to display t he pr inter menu. 3. Select Status from t he pr inter menu. Th e foll owing dialog bo x appears: Fig. 6-2. P rinter Status dialog box[...]

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    6-4 Configuring and C ontrolling the Printer Printer Status This is th e prin ter ’ s curren t st a te, su ch as R ea dy or Print ing. Software This is th e versio n num ber of th e print er ’ s embedded sof t w are. ColorMark CMS ◆ Ver sion — the version of Co lorMark Color Management Sys- tem (CMS) sof t wa re curre ntly insta lled for th[...]

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    Configuring and Controlling the Printer 6-5 Conf igur ing t h e Pr inter 1. Posit ion t he cursor on t he pr inter icon. 2. Press and hold eit her mouse but ton to display t he pr inter menu. 3. Select Conf igure from t he pr inte r menu. Th e foll owing dialog bo x appears. 4. Set or ver if y t he pr inter conf igurat ion. This dial og bo x is des[...]

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    6-6 Configuring and C ontrolling the Printer ColorMark CMS ◆ Media — for accurate color matching and/ or linea rization, specif y the media t ype loa ded in the printer . If a print job specif ies a di f fere nt media, the job is routed to the Output Atte ntion queue with a disposition of Media Mismatch. ◆ Widt h — width of the media, as me[...]

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    Selecting Server Op tions 6-7 Select ing Ser ver Opt ions Th e foll owing s er ver op t ions are e xp lained in this section: ◆ Conf igur ing t he Input P or t (page 6-8) ◆ A t tent ion Queue Jobs (page 6-1 3) ◆ T iling (page 6-1 4) F or instru ct ions o n other s erver f un ct ions, refer to th e System Control User Guide.[...]

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    6-8 Selecting Serve r Options Conf igur ing t he Input Port Th e se t t ings in this section app ly to th e printer . Y ou can also specif y most of th ese op t ions f or indivi dual print jo bs f rom the Docum ent Details dial og bo x (see th e System Control User Guide fo r d e t a i l s ) . Port Name Th e nam e tha t appears un der th e port ico[...]

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    Selecting Server Op tions 6-9 ◆ Microsof t Windows Net work - On a Microsof t Win do ws N et work, th e WinLink port nam e appears as a net work print er connected to th e ser v er . ◆ Novell Net work - On a N ov ell N etW are net work, th e sys- tem defaults to th e print queue s elect ed through the Win- do ws Con trol P anel. T o change th e[...]

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    6-10 Selecting Server Options ◆ Mural Better — image q ualit y is v er y clo se to Smoot hT on e Full Page, but RIP times a re much faster . Switch to SmoothT one Full Page if text or line ar t qualit y is too “jaggy” at the inte nded vie wing dist ance. ◆ Mural Bigger — M ural Bigger prints faster , which produces low er qualit y at cl[...]

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    Selecting Server Op tions 6-11 T o specif y step- a n d-repea t s e t t ings f or an im ag e: 1. In t he System Co ntrol inter face, route a por t to t he Output Hold queue, or p ause t he Stan dard por t. 2. Pr int an image to t he por t t hat is routed to t he Output Hold queue or paused Standard por t. Af ter th e job has RIP ed, it appears in t[...]

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    6-12 Selecting Server Options ◆ Le ng th - whe n you click the Le ngth ra dio but ton, the Step-and-Repea t proper ties become visible. In the len gth f ield, e nter the le ngth you want the step-an d-repeat pat- tern to be printed. ◆ Gut ter Width - enter the blank space you wish bet w een each image row . ◆ Step and Repeat Of fset - e nter [...]

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    Selecting Server Op tions 6-13 A t tent ion Queue Jobs Y ou can print a jo b tha t System Co ntrol s e n ds to th e Out put A t t ention Queue with a M edia Size Mism a tch error by ov erri d- ing th e error . Wh en you ov erri de th e error , the e xcess im a g e wi dth is clipped (not pri nt ed) f rom th e right edg e of th e im a ge. This allo w[...]

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    6-14 Selecting Server Options Ti l i n g Th e ColorS pan print s erver provi des v arious ima g e manipula t ion options, in clu ding t iling, s caling, and nesting of ima ges. R efer to th e Syste m Control User Guide for det ailed instru c t ions. T o t il e an im a ge a cross mult ip le sh eets: 1. Click “ EPS/TIFF , ” the n s e le c t th e [...]

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    Selecting Server Op tions 6-15 4. Select the EPS or bitmap job in t he A t tention queue. 5. Click t he EPS/TIFF Manual bu t ton. This opens th e EPS/TIFF M anual op t io ns dial og bo x and dis- p la ys the Crop ping tab. If th e EPS button is n ot visi ble, cl ick th e job inf orm ation bu t ton to disp lay th e Docume nt Details dial og bo x. Th[...]

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    6-16 Selecting Server Options if y numeric lef t and bot tom origins, and height and width. ◆ Flip — to f lip (mirr or) the image, check the Ho rizontal or Ver tic al checkbox. Th is is conve nient whe n printing on re verse-print backlit media. ◆ Rotat ion — select the number of degree s to rot ate: 0, 9 0, 1 80, or 2 7 0. ◆ Overlapping [...]

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    Selecting Server Op tions 6-17 7 . C l ic k th e O p ti o n s ta b t o s pe ci f y o p ti o ns . ◆ Measureme nt Units - select dots ( pix els), inche s, or milli- meters. ◆ Paper Size - select a paper size for the print or , if tiled, size for eac h tile. 8. To save your changes if you t yped in numer ical values in t he Paper Siz e f ield, pre[...]

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    6-18 Color Management Color Management Color m anag eme nt is th e process of en suring th e accura c y o f th e colors in an im ag e using a profil e of th e media an d ink tha t will be us ed to print th e im a ge. Two col or mana g emen t workf lo ws are supported by th e Color- Spa n R I P : ◆ ColorSpan — us es a ColorSpan format color p ro[...]

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    Color Management 6-19 CMYK - Us ed f or print jo bs crea ted in th e CMYK color spa ce. ◆ TRUMAT CH - matche s TRUMA TCH spot colors and full-color images. ◆ SWOP (Coated ) Emulat ion - emula tes the Sta ndard for Web Of fset P rodu ction color space used for color of fset printing onto coated paper stock. Bes t for proofing ap plic ations. ◆[...]

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    6-20 Color Management ICC Wo rkf low Once s ent to th e ColorS pan RIP , th e profil e of an I CC print jo b cannot be chang ed, since col or correct ion in this wo rkf l ow is a p pl ie d at t he c l ie nt w o r k s t at i o n , n o t at t he R I P . M ediaSa ver is not a v ailabl e for I CC jobs . T o us e an I CC workf low , foll ow th es e step[...]

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    Color Management 6-21 In th e I CC workf lo w , this s elect io n app lies linear iza t ion da t a only . It does n ot also app ly a color pr ofil e, as it would in th e ColorS p an workf low . 5. Pr int t he document to t he por t on t he ColorSpan RIP t hat you conf igured for t he ICC workf low. In th is composite workf low, do not send t he job[...]

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    6-22 Color Calibration Color Calibrat ion Color co ntrol f un ct io ns can be access ed by clicking an d holding th e mous e ov er th e printe r icon. This di sp lays th e icon m e nu sh own belo w: ◆ For instructions on ColorMa rk CMS and Manage Profiles, refer to the Sys tem Control User Guide. ◆ For instructions on Create, refer to the Color[...]

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    Color Calibration 6-23 1. Make sure t he pr inter is conne cted to t he ser ver , pl ugged in, turned on, and disp lays t he “ Ready ” message on t he control panel. M ak e sure tha t the Col orMark Cali bra tor or Spectrol ino device is co nnected to th e s er v er an d pow ered on. 2. Posi t ion t he cursor on t he printer icon. 3. Press and [...]

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    6-24 Color Calibration 1 5. Open t he Control dialog box, and advance the media for- ward unt il t he cutout area is past t he top roller . 1 6. Smoot h ou t t he web in t he pr int zone. A dialog bo x appears tha t g iv es you th e opt ion of prin t ing th e Calibra t ion P ag e or taking calibra t ion rea dings. 1 7 . C l ic k the b utt o n m a r[...]

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    Color Calibration 6-25 25 . P ress and hold t he Calibrator base unt il t he white point reading is t aken. Af ter th e whit e point rea ding is t ak en, the s creen disp lays th e ColorM ark Calibra tor Wind ow . F or your inf orma t ion, th e M edia T y pe, Print M ode, an d Ink T y pe y ou s el ected w hen y ou printed th e Cali bration P a ge a[...]

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    6-26 Color Calibration[...]

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    Pr inter Dr iver Setup 7-1 C HAPTER 7 Pr inter Dr iver Setup This chapt er sho ws you h ow to us e th e ColorS pan print er driv ers for Win- do ws an d Ma cintosh OS to s el ect device opt ion s an d an out put col or spa ce f rom your app lica t ion sof t w are. If you ha ve n ot config ured y our opera t ing syst em enviro nmen t to print to th [...]

  • Страница 180

    7-2 Pr inter Dr iver Setup Specif ying Windows Device Opt ions T o specif y device opt ions: 1. Click t he Window s Star t but ton. 2. Select Sett ings - Pr inters and Faxes. 3. In t he Pr inter folder , highlight t he DisplayMaker Gator icon, t hen display t he pr int ing opt ions: ◆ In Windows XP/2000, righ t-click the printer icon. From the ic[...]

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    Pr inter Dr iver Setup 7-3 ◆ Canonical Color — determine s how image colors a re con- ver t ed from one output space to another, which e st ablishes the method of color correction that will be per formed by the print s er ver . This option is only av ailable whe n ColorMark Color Management System Sof t w are is installed. N ot used for ICC wor[...]

  • Страница 182

    7-4 Pr inter Dr iver Setup Select ing an Output Color Space Y our app lication sof t w are and th e Colo rM ark print s er v er sof t- w are are allo w you to s elect from a v ari et y of device-specific R GB color co n v ersion m eth ods. M a tching an R GB out put color spa ce, as defined in app lica t io n programs su ch as A do be Ph oto- sh op[...]

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    Pr inter Dr iver Setup 7-5 ◆ If you will be downloading the document, sel e ct th e working color space in the ap plic ation’s color conf igura- tion dialog box. Note that some f ile formats may not sup por t the color space you selected in step 1; if so, select another file format or color space. Af ter changing the working color space, you ma[...]

  • Страница 184

    7-6 Pr inter Dr iver Setup Specif ying Macintosh Device Opt ions Befo re you print, install the Prin t ing T ools sof t w are an d fo nts as des cri bed in the ColorSpan P r int ing T ools User Guide . Y ou sh ould install th e L as e rW riter driv er tha t is appropriat e for y our operat - ing system v ersion. This driv er is a v aila ble o n you[...]

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    Pr inter Dr iver Setup 7-7 ◆ CMYK Color Space – specif ies the color correction to be used f or p rin t j obs crea ted in CMY K c olo r spa ce. N ot use d for IC C work f low . TRUMAT CH – accur ately matches T RUMA TCH spot col ors and reproduces f ull-color images. SW OP (Coated) – emulate s the Standard for W eb Of fset P r od u c t i on[...]

  • Страница 186

    7-8 Pr inter Dr iver Setup Select ing an Output Color Space Y our app lication sof t w are and th e Colo rM ark print s er v er sof t- w are are allo w you to s elect from a v ari et y of device-specific R GB color co n v ersion m eth ods. M a tching an R GB out put color spa ce, as defined in app lica t io n programs su ch as A do be Ph oto- sh op[...]

  • Страница 187

    Pr inter Dr iver Setup 7-9 ◆ If you will be downloading the document, sel e ct th e working color space in the ap plic ation’s color conf igura- tion dialog box. Note that some f ile formats may not sup por t the color space you selected in step 1; if so, select another file format or color space. Af ter changing the working color space, you ma[...]

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    7-1 0 Pr inter Dr iver Setup[...]

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    Technical Specif icat ions A-1 A PPENDIX A Technical Specif icat ions This chap ter lists th e print er ’ s specifications an d inform a t io n about or dering supp li es.[...]

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    A-2 Specifications Specif icat ions General DisplayMaker 7 2 S DisplayMaker 7 2 SR Dimensions (Assembled) Height: 5 2.5 inches (1 3 3.4 cm) Depth: 3 3.0 inches (8 3.8 cm) Width: 1 3 5.7 inches (3 44.7 cm) With T ables Height: 5 2.5 inches (1 3 3.4 cm) Depth: 8 7.7 inches ( 222 . 8 c m ) Width: 1 3 5.7 inches (3 44.7 cm) With T ables Height: 5 2.5 i[...]

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    Specifications A-3 Electr ical Pow er Power used: 20 0-2 40V AC, 5 0/60 Hz, 1 4.8 Amps Required electr ical circuit: 2 20 V AC, 20 Amps, with NEMA L6-2 0R locking wall receptacle (Nor th Ame ric a and J apan), OR 22 0 V A C , 1 6 A m p s , si n g l e p h a s e , w i t h I E C 603 09 wall receptacle (Europe) Nor t h Amer ica: I f your building recei[...]

  • Страница 192

    A-4 Specifications Powe r c or d Required pow er cord (sup plied with printer): Nor th American (UL/CS A ap proved), le ngth 8.2 feet (2.5 m), OR European (Harmonized), length 8.2 feet (2.5 m) Vent ilat ion The pr inter use s solvent-bas ed inks. The printer do es not in c lu d e an in te g ra t ed ex ha u st ho od or shielding for co llecting the [...]

  • Страница 193

    Specifications A-5 Performance Pr int ing Technology 1 6 piezo-electric inkjet printhea ds utilizing Micro-Qua d™ Jet T echnology . Drop size ap proxi- mately 3 0 picoliters . Ink and Cleaning Solution SolaChrome ™ -HR 4-color (CMYK) solvent pig- mented inks. 3 .5-liter res er voirs with l e vel indic ators. SolaChrome-HR head cleaning solvent [...]

  • Страница 194

    A-6 Supplies and Access ories Supplies and Accessor i es Co nsult M acDe rmi d ColorS pan or your M a cDermi d ColorS pan represen t a t i v e f or an u pda ted list ing of supported ink and me d ia . Us e only g enuine ColorS pan SolaChrom e inks an d cleaning sol- v ent in th e printer . Us e of any oth er inks or cl eaning f lui ds could dama g [...]

  • Страница 195

    Troubleshoot ing B-1 A PPENDIX B Troubleshoot ing This appen dix exp l ains h ow to prev ent an d diagn ose prin t ing probl ems an d provi des inform ation a bout get t ing h elp f rom Col orS pan. F or oth er sof t w are-specific trou blesh oot ing procedures, refer to your app lica t ion sof t w are docum enta t ion or th e oth er ColorS pan doc[...]

  • Страница 196

    B-2 Troubleshooting Checklist Troubleshoot ing Checklist Bef ore you trou bles hoot y our print er , m ak e sure tha t it is prop- erly install ed as des cribed in Chap ter 1, Gett ing Start ed. F ollo w the st eps in this ch ecklist to isola te an d resolv e print ing pro bl ems. 1. Does the printer’s pow er come ON? YES: Go to quest ion 2. NO: [...]

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    Troubleshooting Checklist B-3 ◆ The c able bet w een your computer or net work and the print ser ver may not be securely connected at both ends. Refer to the print ser ver manual for more informati on. ◆ Y our computer may not b e working pr operly . Run an ap plic ation that you know works corre ctly and print to be sure. ◆ The computer’s [...]

  • Страница 198

    B-4 Troubleshooting Checklist ◆ Head strike — if the printhea d is striking the media, check how the media is tracking from the sup ply spool to the takeup spool. The side s of the media should b e pa rallel to the sides of the printer , with no wrinkling or buckling. If nece ssar y , reloa d the media. See “Loa ding Roll-Fed Media” on page[...]

  • Страница 199

    Warranty Claims B-5 Warrant y Claims Th e print er is cov ered by a manufa ct urer ’ s limit ed w arrant y (part number 0 7 0002 5), which in clu des th e printh ea ds. Th e pi ezo printh ea ds are designed to remain in s e rvice for th e life of th e printer . A ll print ers that us e solvent-b as ed inks are sus cept i ble to prin t- h ea d cl [...]

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    B-6 Warranty Claims Causes t hat are co vered by th e manu fa ct urer’s w arran t y : ◆ Manufacturing defect — when a f law in materials or work- manship c ause s a printhead t o fail, the failure will be cov- ered by the manufacture r’s wa rrant y . Causes an d/o r circumstances tha t are not co vered by the m anufact urer’s w arrant y: [...]

  • Страница 201

    Diagnostics B-7 Diagnost ics The pr int er incl u des a s eries of s elf-dia gnos t ic tests designed to h elp M acDermi d ColorS pan T echnical Services solv e print er har dw are pro bl ems. If one of th e tests en counte rs an error , an d error m essag e appears, w hich inclu des: ◆ Error code — alw ays write down this code for future refer[...]

  • Страница 202

    B-8 Diagnostics T able B-1. Acti ons and Wa rnings Code, Message Cause What to Do (CS) Capp ing Stat ion A-CS-1- Cap ping St ation Cap ping station is rais ed, and t he car- riage is not at the c ap ping st ation. Low er the c app ing st ation to allow the printhea ds to be c ap ped, and to prev ent the carriage from crashing into it. A-CS-2 - Cap [...]

  • Страница 203

    Diagnostics B-9 W- H T - [ 48 ] - Heater Bad Rea ding Bad thermister rea ding detected on the preheat heater. The thermister is bad, or the heater b o a r d o r I / O b o a r d i s m a l f u n c t i o n i n g , or there is a c able problem. W- H T - [ 49 50 ] - Heater Bad Rea ding Bad thermister rea ding detected on the postheat #1 heater (49) or p[...]

  • Страница 204

    B-10 Diagnostics A-IS-[ 7 6 77 78 79 ]- Ink System Dis- abled Ambient temp is out of range for operation for K (7 6), C (7 7), M (7 8), or Y (7 9). Raise or low er t he ambie n t tempera- ture until it is within operating range (see “Specif ic ations” on page A-2). A-IS-[ 80 8 1 82 83 ]- [ color ] Heads Not Loaded With Ink P rintheads for one o[...]

  • Страница 205

    Diagnostics B-11 W -IS -[ 31 3 2 33 3 4 3 5 ] - [ color ] Needs P rof iler The prof iler indic ated is empt y . Replace the prof iler . W -IS -[ 41 4 2 43 4 4 45 ] - Ref ill [ color ] Res er voir The res er voir indic ate d is empt y . Ref ill the res e r voir . W -IS -[ 51 52 53 5 4 5 5 ] - Full P rof iler Should be Removed A full prof iler was in[...]

  • Страница 206

    B-12 Diagnostics W -PC-7 - Platen Width Not Known Measureme nt was re set or not per formed. Restar t printer to measure plate n width. (PR) P inch R ollers A-PR-1 - Pinch Rollers Up The pinch rollers are up, in the media release position. Low er the pinch rollers and lock them into the ap propriate slot. Refer to t he current media s etti ngs for [...]

  • Страница 207

    Diagnostics B-13 A-TU-4 - T akeup T oo Small The t akeup core is t oo small. O nly 3-inch core s c an be us ed. Unload the t akeup, replace the core and collets with 3-inch size core and collets. W -TU-1 - T akeup T oo Large The media takeup spool is larger than recommended. Unloa d the takeup spool and reload media (page 3-7). (VN) VideoNet W -VN-[...]

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    Index-1 Index[...]

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    Index-2 A Access Heads 2-7 , 5-8 Access Printheads 2-14 Actions and warning s B-7 , B-8 Adjustable pinch rollers 1-33 Advance Media 2-6 Air Purge Type 2-14 Attention queu e 6-13 ATTN key 1-37 , 2-7 Auto Calibrations 2-9 , 4-7 AutoBiDi Calibration 4- 7 AutoH2H Calibration 4-7 AutoJet Calibration 2-6 , 4-3 , 4-7 AutoRecover 4- 6 AutoSet 4-7 AutoSet s[...]

  • Страница 211

    Index-3 Embedded softwar e version 6-3 Empty Heads 2-15 Environmental re quirements 1-2 Error messages B-7 , B-8 Excess Ink Sensor 2- 11 F Fill Heads With Ink 2- 15 Fill Heads With Solvent 2-15 Fill Replaced Printhead 2-16 Fill Service Station 2-15 Filters 5-18 Front Page screen 2-2 , 2-4 Full AutoSet 4-7 G Gutters 2-11 H Head Heigh t 2-14 , 5-16 H[...]

  • Страница 212

    Index-4 Manual X Head Registration 4-11 Margins 2-12 Measure Media Widt h 2-16 Media cutting 3-21 loading 2-7 , 3-14 reloading 2-7 unloading 2-7 , 3-21 Media & ink status 2-5 Media Feed 4-9 Media feed number 4-9 , 4-10 Media ou t sensor 1-33 Media Sk ew Lines 2-14 Media spoo l 3-14 Media type 6-5 Media wid th 1-36 Media Wizard 2-7 , 3-31 Menu 2[...]

  • Страница 213

    Index-5 Reload media 2-7 Replace Printhea d 2-16 Reset Reservoir Fi lters 2-15 Reset Reservoir LEDs 2-16 Respool Media 2-15 , 3-23 Restore All De faults 2-14 Rigid Media H andling 2-17 S Safety warnings 1-5 , 1-7 , 1-11 , 1-21 Service station 2-14 calibration 5- 16 home wipers 2-16 Sleep mode 2-7 , 3-11 Software version 6-3 SolaChrome-HR Cleani ng [...]

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