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P ay P er Use (PPU) User’ s Guide for versions B.06.x F ifth Edition Manufacturing P art Number: T23 51-90031 March 2004 United State s © Copyrig ht 2003 -2004 He wlett-Packard Develo pment Comp any , L.P.[...]
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2 Legal Notices The inf ormati on in this docu ment is subj ect to change w ithout n otic e. Hewlett-P ac kard makes no warranty of any k ind with regard to this manual, includ ing , but not limited to , the implied warrant ies of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpo se . Hew lett-P ack ard shall not be held liable for errors containe[...]
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3 Copyright 1979 , 1980, 1983, 19 85-93 Re gents of the U niversity of California . This s oftware is ba sed in pa rt on t he F o urth B erkeley Softwar e Distr ibuti on u nder licen se fr om th e Reg ents of t he Un iversi ty of Califo rnia. Copyright 1988 Carneg ie Mello n Univers ity Copyright 1990 -1995 Co rnell Univer sity Copyrigh[...]
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4 Publication Hi story The manual publication date and part number indicate its current editio n. The publi cation date will chan ge wh en a new e dition is re leased . The ma nua l part numbe r will chan ge whe n ext ensiv e ch anges a re ma de . T o ensure that you receive the new editions, you should subscribe to the appropriate pro duct support[...]
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5 Conventions in this Guide This guide us es these t ypographic conve ntion s: Bold face W ords defined for the first time appe ar in boldface . Compute r Comp uter font indicate s syst em comma nds, file names, and literal it ems — wh ich may be displayed by the computer . F or example: file not foun d User in put Bold, comput er text indicates [...]
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Cont ent s 7 1. About this guide Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 W elcom e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 How to Use this Gu ide . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
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Con tents 8 4. Usin g the P PU S oftware PPU W e b P ortal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 PPU Usag e Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Underst anding Utili zation Cap ping . . . . . [...]
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Chapter 1 9 1 About this guide This chapter covers the following topics: • “Introd uction ” on pa ge 10 • “Ove rview” on page 1 2 • “PPU Informa tion” on page 1 5 F or more in-depth information, see t he manpage ppu (5).[...]
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About this guide Intro duction Chapter 1 10 Introduction We l c o m e W elcome t o the P ay P er Use (PPU) User’ s Guide for versio ns B .06.x. HP’s pay pe r use (PPU) B .06.x softw are product provides you cost sa vings by charging for only t he percen t util ization of the p rocesso rs in y our HP enterprise server . As your computing demands[...]
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About this guide Intr oducti on Chapter 1 11 • Appendix A, Open Source and L icenses li sts t he op en so urc e components used by the P PU softwa re — and the CURL MIT X and OpenSSL licenses . • Appendix B , Special Consideratio ns describes export issues with the PPU softw are , inacti vating partiti ons , and validati ng PPU utilization in[...]
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About this guide Overview Chapter 1 12 Overview System Overview PPU vers ions B .06.x consist s of the f ollowing compone nts: 1. PPU system ( h ttps client) 2. Utility me ter 3. Usage da tabas e F igure 1-1 PPU System Components[...]
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About this guide Overview Chapter 1 13 https Client The https client, which runs on the PPU syst em as a dae mon, reports the fol lowing info rmation to th e utili ty mete r: • Syste m-ide ntifi cati on inf ormati on • Hardware-partition i nformation • V irtual -pa rtit ion in formati on • P er -processo r utilizatio n informatio n for the [...]
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About this guide Overview Chapter 1 14 Most Recent PPU V ersion and Support ed Platforms PPU Supported Hard ware Platforms Currently , the PPU v ersions B .06.x software is sup ported on t he followin g HP s ervers: •H P - U X 1 1 i v 2 1. hp In tegri ty Superd ome 2. hp In tegri ty rx 8620 3. hp In tegri ty rx 7620 •H P - U X 1 1 i v 1 1. h p [...]
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About this guide PPU Info rmation Chapter 1 15 PPU Info rmation PPU User’s Guide History This is the fifth e dition of the P ay P er Use (PPU) User’ s Guide f or versio ns B. 0 6 . x . Locat ing the P PU User’ s Guide for versi ons B.06. x Y ou can find the P ay P er Use (PPU) User’s Guide fo r versions B .06.x in the fol lowing locati ons:[...]
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About this guide PPU Inf ormation Chapter 1 16[...]
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Chapter 2 17 2 Understanding PPU Requirements This chapter covers the following topics: • “PP U Program R equir ements ” on pag e 18 • “PP U Softw are Requir ements” on page 19 • “PP U System Mov e Requir ements” on page 21 F or more in-depth information, see t he manpage ppu (5).[...]
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Understanding PPU Requirements PPU Pr ogram Requirement s Chapter 2 18 PPU Pro gram Req uirem ents Y ou mus t comp ly w ith th e foll owin g HP On D emand Solu tion s progr am conditio ns to particip ate in the PPU pro gram: • Maintain t he HP PPU softw are — a non-intru sive and low overhe ad softw a re module that resides o n the PPU system ?[...]
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Understanding PPU Requirements PPU Software Requirements Chapter 2 19 PPU Softwa re Requiremen ts PPU syst ems are require d to run the PPU softw are on every parti tion which report s information to the u tility meter (located on y our network). If your PPU sy stem does not se nd usage reports , via the https cl ien t, your syste m’s processors [...]
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Understanding PPU Requirements PPU Software Requirements Chapter 2 20 HP-UX 11i v1 Requirements For PPU V ersions B.06.x on HP-UX 11 i v1 The follow ing software is req uired for PPU vers ions B .06.x on HP-UX 11i v1: ❏ HP-UX 11 i v1 ❏ PPU softw are bundle T2351A A (ver sio n B.06.x) l oca ted on th e following HP we b site (search for “T2351[...]
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Understanding PPU Requirements PPU System Move Requirements Chapter 2 21 PPU System Move Requirements If you are planni ng to move your PPU sys tem from its current st reet address , refer to your Master Le ase Agreement for de tails .[...]
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Understanding PPU Requirements PPU System Mov e Requirements Chapter 2 22[...]
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Chapter 3 23 3 Installing and Configuring PPU Software This chapter covers the following topics: • “Getti ng Star ted” on pag e 24 belo w • “Installing PPU So ftware” on page 26 belo w • “Configuri ng PPU Software” on p age 29 be low • “Re-ins talling PPU Softw are” on page 3 3 • “Un-ins talling PPU Softw are” on page [...]
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Installing and Configuring PPU Software Getting Started Chapter 3 24 Getting Star ted F act ory Int egr ated Systems Y ou d o not need t o install t he PPU B .06.x softw are if your processors a nd softw are were ordered with your HP enterprise server in (or after) J anuary 2003. T he PPU softw are w as already installed by HP pri or to delivery . [...]
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Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Getting Started Chapter 3 25 Step 3. Ve r i f y t h e ppud daemo n is running on the syst em/partition by exe cuting the following command: /usr/bi n/ps - e | grep ppud Y ou should see t he ppud daemon list ed a s an active pr oces s on t he syste m/parti tion. If you do not receive the co rrect result for S[...]
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Installing and Configuring PPU Software Installing PPU Softwar e Chapter 3 26 Installing PPU Software If you currently have P PU software installed that is prior t o version B .05.00 (fo r exam ple, version B .04.01), contact y our HP sales represe ntativ e to f ind out how to updat e to PP U B.06.x software. How T o Find The Latest P atches This d[...]
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Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Installing PPU Software Chapter 3 27 Step 4. Mount the drive to the desired direct ory . The following exa mple uses the /dev/ds k/c1t2 d0 device file (from Step 2 , above) and the /cdrom directory . T o mount the drive, enter a similar command as: Mount Exa mple: mount - r /dev /dsk/c1t 2d0 / cdrom Step 5. [...]
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Installing and Configuring PPU Software Installing PPU Softwar e Chapter 3 28 F or HP-UX 11i v1 or 11i v2 - Installing from the HP Software Depot Step 1. Do a search for the PPU product T23 51AA at HP’s Software Depot web site: software.hp. com Step 2. Click on the pa y per us e software ( % utiliza tion) link t hat app ears as a result of your s[...]
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Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Configurin g PPU Soft ware Chapter 3 29 Configuring PPU Soft ware After you hav e successful ly installed t he PPU B .06.x software , using the swinsta ll command, you need to configure the PPU https clie nt connectio n to the u tility meter . The utility me ter must be configu red on every pa rtition, inclu[...]
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Installing and Configuring PPU Software Configur ing PPU So ftware Chapter 3 30 Configuring the Proxy Server (if necessary) Most networks do no t require a proxy server to connect to devices within their in tranet. Ho wever , if your netw ork configurat ion requir es the us e of a proxy serv er for http s co nnec tion s betw een t he P PU sy stem a[...]
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Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Configurin g PPU Soft ware Chapter 3 31 NO TE Y ou can set the utilit y meter , proxy server , username/passwo rd, and system ide ntifier (or any combi nation) with t he single co mmand: /usr/sb in/ppu config - m meter -p proxy [: port ] -u -s sys tem_id Viewing the System Settings Y ou can view the utilit y[...]
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Installing and Configuring PPU Software Configur ing PPU So ftware Chapter 3 32 Manually Starting the ppud Daemon The ppud daem on is start ed au tomatically when you specif y the u tility meter u sing th e /usr/ sbin/ppuc onfig -m meter command. It is also automatical ly starte d at sy stem bo ot if a u tility me ter is conf igured. However , the [...]
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Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Re-installing PPU Software Chapter 3 33 Re-installing PPU Software If you re- install HP -UX on a PPU sy stem ( for example, in stallin g HP-UX by eithe r cold-instal ling or ins talling fro m a “golden image”), you need to perform the fo llowi ng steps to restore your PP U configurat ion: Step 1. Manual[...]
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Installing and Configuring PPU Software Un-installing PPU Softwar e Chapter 3 34 Un-installing PPU Software Y o u sho uld no t un- install the PPU so ftware from y our PPU syste m. W A RNING If you un-install t he PPU software, you may be charged for 100% utilization of the processors in your PPU s ystem. If yo u ne ed to u n-in stal l the P PU sof[...]
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Chapter 4 35 4 Using the PPU Software This chapter covers the following topics: • “PPU W e b Po rtal” on page 36 • “PPU Usa ge Report” o n page 37 • “Understa nding Ut ilization Ca pping” on page 42 • “New P artitio n Creati on” on page 43[...]
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Using the PPU Software PPU Web P or tal Chapter 4 36 PPU W eb P ortal PPU customers have acces s to detailed usage information via a web portal. The PPU web portal contains the following info rmation: • Computed- average usage on a daily basis • Compute d-avera ge usage for a s pecified p eriod of time • Cli ent report s (usage re ports t hat[...]
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Using the PPU Software PPU Usage R eport Chapter 4 37 PPU Usage Report The most recent PPU usage rep ort is retained on your PPU system/partition. Y o u can access the usage report at: /var/pp u/PPUR eport.xm l If you op en a PPU u sage report with a browse r that unders tands XM L, it makes t he usage repo rt easie r to read . The follo wing PPU u[...]
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Using the PPU Software PPU Usage Repor t Chapter 4 38 -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>4</CPUID> <CPUSpeed>440</CPUSpeed> <PercentCPUUsage>75.000</PercentCPUUsage> </UsageEntry> -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>5</CPUID> <CPUSpeed>440</CPUSpeed> <PercentCPUUsage>80.000</PercentCPUUsage&[...]
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Using the PPU Software PPU Usage R eport Chapter 4 39 <PercentCPUUsage>36.000</PercentCPUUsage> </UsageEntry> </Usage> -<Usage> <TotalNumCPUs>4</TotalNumCPUs> <NumActiveCPUs>4</NumActiveCPUs> <UTCSampleStartTime>1033823400</UTCSampleStartTi me> <LocalSampleStartTime>Sat Oct 5 0[...]
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Using the PPU Software PPU Usage Repor t Chapter 4 40 <PercentCPUUsage>63.000</PercentCPUUsage> </UsageEntry> -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>6</CPUID> <CPUSpeed>440</CPUSpeed> <PercentCPUUsage>55.000</PercentCPUUsage> </UsageEntry> -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>7</CPUID> <CPUSpeed&[...]
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Using the PPU Software PPU Usage R eport Chapter 4 41 <Timezone>MDT</Timezone> <SampleDuration>300</SampleDuration> -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>4</CPUID> <CPUSpeed>440</CPUSpeed> <PercentCPUUsage>44.000</PercentCPUUsage> </UsageEntry> -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>5</CPUID> &[...]
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Using the PPU Software Unders tanding Utilization Capping Chapter 4 42 Understanding Utilization Capping Y ou are billed by HP according to the usag e of the act ive process ors in your PPU sys tem. F or example , on a 32 processo r Superdome sys tem, you are b illed the same amo unt whet her you u tilize all 32 proce ssors at 50% util ization, or [...]
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Using the PPU Software New P artition Creation Chapter 4 43 New P ar tition C reation Y ou must install and conf igure the PP U softw are on any newl y created partition , including virt ual pa rtitions. See “ Insta lling P PU Software” on page 2 6 for install ati on de tails. See “Confi gurin g PPU So ftware” on page 29 f or config uration[...]
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Using the PPU Software New P artition Creation Chapter 4 44[...]
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Chapter 5 45 5 T roubleshooting This chapter covers the following topics: • “Tr oubl esho otin g the PPU Soft ware” on page 46[...]
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T roubleshooting T roub leshooting the PPU Software Chapter 5 46 T roub leshoo tin g the PPU S oftwar e In the even t the P PU software is no t func tionin g, perform the f ollowi ng step: Step 1. /usr/sb in/swv erify T2 351AA The above s tep verifies : • The PPU s oftware is instal led • The PPU s ystem’s utility meter is installed and con f[...]
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T roubleshooting T roub leshoo ting the PPU Software Chapter 5 47 3. Ensure t he ppud da emon is running by execut ing the following command: /usr/bi n/ps - e | grep ppud Y ou should see a ppud process runni ng. If yo u do not, then start the ppud proces s by executin g the foll owing command : /sbin/i nit.d/ ppu star t 4. Ch eck th e sy slog for p[...]
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T roubleshooting T roub leshooting the PPU Software Chapter 5 48[...]
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Chapter 6 49 6 F requently Asked Questions This ch apter covers frequently a sked questi ons on the fo llowin g topics: • “Pa y Pe r U s e P r o g r a m” o n p a g e 5 0 • “Pa y Pe r U s e S o f t w a r e ” o n p ag e 51[...]
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F requently Asked Questions P ay P er Use Program Chapter 6 50 P ay P er Use Progr am What is pay per use? P ay per use (PPU) is a pricin g model in which yo u are charged fo r actual processo r usage. Y ou a cquire a s pecific hardware pl atform and n umber of proces sors , and are c harged for the actua l usage , base d on one of the following HP[...]
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F r equently Asked Questions Pay Pe r U s e S o f tw a r e Chapter 6 51 P ay P er Use So ftware What software pr oduct is required for PPU systems? There are t wo HP pay pe r use (PPU) sof twa re products: • T2351AA (versio ns B.05.00 and B .06.x): i s the ne west PP U off ering and billin g is ba sed on the percent uti lizatio n of pro cesso rs [...]
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F requently Asked Questions P ay P er Use So ftware Chapter 6 52 W e receiv ed an e- mail messag e indicati ng a HP-U X par tition did not report system configuration data. What is the prob lem and how do I correct it ? Make s ure that the PPU softw are is install ed and the ht tps connection is prope rly con figured t o the utility meter fo r the [...]
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Appendix A 53 A Open Source and Licenses This ap pendix lists the Op en Source componen ts used by the PPU software an d the app licable lice nses for the co mponen ts. Thi s appe ndix inc ludes : • “Open So urce Comp onents ” on page 54 • “CURL MITX License” on page 55 • “Ope nSSL Lice nse” on page 56[...]
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Open Source and Licenses Open Sou rce Componen ts Appendix A 54 Open Source Components There is no charge for us ing HP’s PPU soft ware . The PPU so ftwa re uses the fo llowing Ope n Source compo nents: • libCURL • openSSL (including l ibcryp to )[...]
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Open Source and Licenses CURL MITX License Appendix A 55 CURL MITX License The PPU software is re leased under t he follo wing lice nse. COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE Copyright (c) 1996 - 2002, Daniel Sten berg, <daniel@haxx.se>. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this softwa[...]
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Open Source and Licenses OpenSSL License Appendix A 56 OpenSSL License The fo llow ing li cense a ppli es to Open SSL with l ibcryp to . LICENSE ISSUES ============== The OpenSSL toolkit stays under a du al license, i.e. both the condit ions of the OpenSSL License and the original SSLeay license apply to the too lkit. See below for the actual licen[...]
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Open Source and Licenses OpenSSL License Appendix A 57 * 5. Products derived from this softw are may not be called “OpenSSL” * nor may “OpenSSL” appear in thei r names without prior written * permission of the OpenSSL Projec t. * * 6. Redistributions of any form what soever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * “This product inclu[...]
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Open Source and Licenses OpenSSL License Appendix A 58 * Copyright remains Eric Young’s, and as such any Copyright notices i n * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a produc t, Eric Young should be given at tribution * as the author of the parts of the l ibrary used. * This can be in the form of a textua l message at prog[...]
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Appendix B 59 B Special Conside rations This a ppendix de scribes sp ecial con sideratio ns for PP U syste ms. Thi s appe ndix inc ludes : • “Export Iss ues” on page 60 • “Inactive Partitions in PPU S ystems” on p age 61 • “V erifying PPU Utilization Informat ion” on page 63[...]
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Special Considerations Export Issues Appendix B 60 Expo rt Issues The PPU so ftwa re uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL ) to encrypt data transm itted be twee n: • The PP U system and the util ity meter • The utilit y meter and HP Because SSL uses 128 bit encryption, the PPU software cannot be exported to certain countries , as outlined by the Burea[...]
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Special Considerations Inactive P artitions in PPU Systems Appendix B 61 Inac tive P artiti ons in PPU Syst ems Base line usage fo r the PPU pr ogram is in clude d in the mini mum monthly payment. Baseline usage is assum ed to b e 25%. Th at is, 25% processor ut ilization is inc luded in the mini mum monthly pay ment. Inactive part itions in PPU sy[...]
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Special Considerations Inactive P artitions in PPU Systems Appendix B 62 Cell boards assigne d to act ive partit ions mus t have at leas t one active processor . If your system/partiti on does not ha ve any near term need to have a t least on e processors a ctive on t he system, then you can eit her: 1. Inacti vate partit ions (o r) 2. Un-as sign c[...]
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Special Considerations V erifying PPU Utilization Inf ormation Appendix B 63 V erif ying PPU Utilization Inform ation Y our PPU system/p artiti on’ s processo r utilizat ion informat ion is available fro m the HP PPU web porta l. See “PPU W eb P ortal” on page 36 for deta ils of the PP U web portal. If you are in terest ed in ve rifying PP U [...]
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Special Considerations V erifying PPU Utilization Info rmation Appendix B 64 samples taken. In this ex ample, there a re 12 u tilizatio n samples taken every 5 minute s; theref ore, one hour of utiliz ation data is collected. Because the PPU web portal also reports in 5 minute increments , it is recommended to use a 5 minute interval duration with [...]
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Appendix C 65 C Gloss ary[...]
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Glossar y PPU T erminology Appendix C 66 PPU T erminolog y The foll owin g terms are common ly used in con junction with P PU: configured processors Processo rs that have been co nfigured at the boot interface an d are no w available fo r activatio n. deconfigured processors Processo rs that have not yet been confi gured at the boot consol e interf[...]
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Glossar y PPU T erminology Appendix C 67 pay per use The HP On Dem and Soluti ons p roduc t that has a pricing model i n which you a re charged f or actual processor us age . Y ou acquire a s pecific hardw are platform, an d number of p rocessors, and are charge d for t he ac tual usag e, bas ed on t he p ercen t ut iliza tion of the process ors . [...]
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Glossar y PPU T erminology Appendix C 68[...]
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Appendix D 69 DP P U M a n p a g e s This appendix contains the manpages for PPU . The manpages are: • “ppu (5) M anpage” on page 7 0 — An overview of the PPU softw are • “ppud ( 1M) Manpage” on page 71 — D ata provider giving sys tem configuratio n and CPU usage information • “ppuconfi g (1M) Manpage ” on page 73 — Set the [...]
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PPU Manpages ppu (5) Manpage Appendix D 70 ppu (5) Manpag e ppu (5) NAME ppu – P ay P e r Use softw are for HP-UX DESCRIPTION P ay P er Use (PPU) is a prog ram under which customers pa y only for computing capacity that they use . The PPU Software provides se rvices for mete ring resource utilization on suppo rted HP syste ms. The PPU so ftware c[...]
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PPU Manpages ppud (1M) Manpage Appendix D 71 ppud (1M) Ma npage ppud (1M) NAME ppud – P ay P er Use daemon SYNOPSIS Pa t h : /usr/lb in ppud DESCRIPTION ppud is a dae mon th at provid es sys tem conf iguratio n and CP U usage information to a u tility mete r system for billi ng purpose s . This daemon runs on Pay P er U se syst ems and meters CPU[...]
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PPU Manpages ppud ( 1M) Manpage Appendix D 72 SEE ALS O ppuconfig (1M), ppu (5)[...]
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PPU Manpages ppuconfig (1M) Man page Appendix D 73 ppuconfig (1M) Manpage ppuconfig (1M) NAME ppuconfig – conf igure P ay P er Use daemon SYNOPSIS Pa t h : /usr/sb in ppuconfig [-m meter] [-p proxy[:port]] [-s system_id|-h] [-u] ppuconfig -t DESCRIPTION ppuconf ig is a tool for configuring communication between the P ay P e r Use daemon ppud (see[...]
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PPU Manpages ppucon fig (1M) Manpa ge Appendix D 74 Options ppuconf ig recogniz es the foll owing command -line opti ons and argument s: -m meter Specifie s the utilit y meter that the P ay P e r Use system should use for report ing. The meter can be specified as a fully q ualified hostname o r IP add ress. A non-blan k value is required . -p proxy[...]
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PPU Manpages ppuconfig (1M) Man page Appendix D 75 AU T H O R S ppuconf ig w as develope d by HP FILES /etc/pp u/ppu_ config F ile containing utility meter configurat ion data. If this file is rem oved, the ppud daemon will not be started at syste m boot a nd utiliza tion dat a will n ot be transm itted to HP . SEE ALS O ppud (1M), ppu (5)[...]
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PPU Manpages ppucon fig (1M) Manpa ge Appendix D 76[...]
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77 Index C configured processors , defin ed , 66 configuring P PU softwa re , 29 conventions , User’ s Guide , 5 CURL MITX license , 55 D deconfig ured processors , defined , 66 E exampl e usage report , 37 executab le and config file s , 47 expo rt issu es , 60 F failed part ition , 62 files, executabl e an d config , 47 freq uent ly aske d qu e[...]
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Index 78 ppud (1M) manpa ge , 71 ppud daemon, s tarting , 32 processors configured, defi ned , 66 deconfigured, defined , 66 program requirements , PPU , 18 proxy server , configuring , 30 R re-insta lling PPU software , 33 report s sent by P PU softw are , 52 required patc hes , for HP-UX 11i v1 , 20 S sar , utilizati on verification , 63 software[...]