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HP S to r age W or ks D2D R epli cati on Manage r v e r si on 1 . 1 U ser Gui de *TA805-96005* HP P art Number: T A80 5-96 005 P ublished: December 20 1 0 E dition: 2nd[...]
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© Cop yr ight 20 1 0 He wlett-P ack ard De velopment C ompany , L.P . Conf idential com puter softwar e. V alid licens e from HP r equir ed for pos session , use or cop ying . Consisten t with F AR 1 2 .2 1 1 and 1 2 .2 1 2 , Commer c ial Compu ter Softwar e, C omputer So ft war e Documen tation, and T echnical Data f or Commer ci al Items are li [...]
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C onte nts 1 Intr oductio n...............................................................................................6 R eplication Manage r Env ir onment...............................................................................................6 Minimum R equir ements........................................................................[...]
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LD AP authenti cation mec hanism: modifying det ails for u sers or adminis trato rs ......................46 R emov ing a use r or administr ator ........................................................................................46 R emov ing a user f r om the Acti v e Users t ab.................................................................[...]
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Glos sary .................................................................................................... 91 Inde x ......................................................................................................... 92 Con tents 5[...]
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1 Intr oduc tio n HP St orage W orks D2D Repli cation Manage r (Replicati on Manager ) is a standalone so ft w are applicati on that pr ov ide s basic managemen t capabilitie s in a repli cation en v iro nment , and pro v ides an eas y wa y for c ustomer s to manage up to 300 D2D de v ices that ar e being r eplicat ed acr oss multiple site s. Using[...]
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C ompatibility R eplication Manage r is compatible w ith the follo w ing hard war e and softw are: Har dw are De vi ces • D2D de vi ces 2 50x , 400x , 4 1xx, and 4 3xx Oper ating S ys tems • W indow s 2000 • W indow s 2003 x3 2 • W indow s XP x3 2 • W indow s Vis ta x3 2 • W indow s 2008 x3 2 • W indow s 7 x3 2 Br ow ser s • Inter n[...]
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2 Getting S tarted Inst alling Repli catio n Manager Install R eplicati on Manager on a s ys tem that does not ha ve P ostgr eS QL database ins talled on the s ys tem. R eplicati on Manager use s P ostr qre S QL database in ternall y , and it r equire s ex clu siv e access to the databa se. T o install R eplication Manage r: 1 . Obtain the R eplica[...]
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NO TE: R eplication Manage r installation inc ludes the f ollow ing related it ems, also acce ssible fr om the St ar t button ( Start → Progr am Files → He wlet t P ac k ard → HP D2D Replication Manager ) : • Back up D2D Repli cation Manager Databa se—this utility helps in taking the bac ku p of the conf igur ations made in the so f twar [...]
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NO TE: The de fault us er id admin w ill be changed to hprmsadmin , w ith the pass w or d hprmsadmin . All other u ser pass wor ds w ill be res et to password . IMPORT ANT: A fter yo u upgrade , it is mandator y that y ou delete y our br o wser cac he to ensur e the pr oper func tioning of the appli cation on the u pgraded v ersi on. L aunc hing an[...]
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NO TE: The de fault us er hprmsadmin continue s to log in using local cr edenti als, ev en w hen the authen tication mec hanism cur r ently u sed is LDAP . 3 . Cli ck Sign In . T he Over all Statu s Summar y page appear s. At the f irst login f or the administr ator , only Un-Gr ouped appear s in the Replicati on Manager Ov erall S tatus Summary pa[...]
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NO TE: If the Repli cation Manage r detects that the us er is alread y logged in, an er r or message appears . This can ha ppen for tw o rea sons. • When the R eplicati on Manager br ow ser is r ef re shed, the s ys tem may dis connect the us er and r equir e the user to log in again . • If the use r clos es the bro wser u sing the top-ri ght-h[...]
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F or e xample , compare the inf ormati on av ailable in the administr ator v ie w (sho wn in F igur e 1 (page 12) ) to the inf ormatio n av ailable in the user v ie w (sho wn in F igur e 2 (page 13) ) . Figur e 2 Regions of the interface, user v iew This U ser Guide inc ludes all pr ocedur es that can be perfor med by the R eplicati on Manager , an[...]
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3 C onf i gur ing the R epli cation Manager T o start using R eplication Manage r the administr ator must co nfigur e it by perfo rming the fo llow ing pr ocedure s in orde r: 1 . “ Adding a de vi ce ” (page 14) 2 . “ Adding new u sers or adminis trat ors ” (page 15) 3 . “Cr eating a new gr oup ” (page 16) NO TE: Only an adminis trat or[...]
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If the oper ation f ails, an er ro r dialog bo x appears . Clic k OK to clo se the dialog bo x, then r epeat this procedur e. 8. If the oper ation succeeds , a success dialog bo x appears. C lic k OK to clos e the dialog bo x. The ne w ly-added de vi ces ar e included in the list o f dev ices . Adding ne w use rs or adminis tr ators Adminis trato r[...]
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c. If you ar e logged in as the hprmsadmin administr ator , y ou must pr o vi de the login cr edentials of the LD AP fr om whic h y ou are adding the u ser . Otherwise , the sy stem auto matically dis play s the cr edentials that w ere pr o vi ded upon login. d . Clic k Submit . 4. If y ou only kno w the E-mail addr ess o f the new us er: a . Selec[...]
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5 . Cli ck the Next bu tton. 6 . On the 2. Add L ibraries sc ree n in the wi z ar d, if y ou w ish to add libr ari es to the gr oup: a . Clic k on the names of libr ar ies in the Ungr ouped Libr ar ies table t o be added to the new gr oup . T o select se v eral at a time , hold do w n the CTRL ke y on the k ey boar d and clic k each libr ary to be [...]
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NO TE: T o add all ungrou ped librar ies t o the grou p, c lic k the Add All button. c. T o r emov e libr arie s added to the gr oup , clic k the names of the libr ar ies in the Selec ted L ibrar ies t able to be r emov ed. T o select se ve ral at a time , hold do w n the CTRL ke y on the k ey boar d and clic k each libr ary to be added. d . Clic k[...]
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a . Clic k on the name of the us er in the A vailable Us ers table t o be added to the new gr oup . T o select se v eral at a time , hold dow n the CTRL k ey on the k ey board and c lic k each name to be added . The us ers w ill be highligh ted in the table . b . Clic k the Add button betw een the two ta bles in the w iz ard . This mo v es the high[...]
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Use the Bac k button to mak e an y changes to the inf ormati on fo r the new gr oup . 1 3. Once the info rmatio n is corr ect , cli ck the Finish bu t ton . The Su ccess dialog bo x appears . 1 4. Cli ck the OK button to e x it the dialog bo x and retur n to the Gr oup Managemen t scr een . The ne w ly-c reated gr oup is included in the list o f gr[...]
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4 Managing de v ice s On the Nav igati on tr ee, the De vi ces sec tion is av ailable to u sers and administr ators. T hos e with administr ator -lev el per missions can v ie w all de vi ces, and tho se with u ser -lev el per missions can onl y v ie w dev ices to w hic h the y hav e access. T he fo llow ing pr ocedur es can be perfor med to manage [...]
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T o filter the de vi ces to appear : 1 . In the Nav igation tr ee , select a gr oup of de vi ces (for e x ample , a named gro up , All Dev ices or Un-Gro uped) . All de vi ces in that gr oup ar e listed in the cont ent pane . The list ite m filter f ields appear . 2 . In the left-most F ilter by fi eld, se lect the column b y whic h to f ilter or s[...]
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3 . F r om the list of A vaila ble Columns on the le f t of the di alog box , cli ck the column titles t o select thos e you w ish to appear , then c lick the >> button . The se column titles ar e added to the Selec ted Columns list o n the righ t of the dialog bo x. 4. T o remo v e the prope r ties f r om Selected C olumns, c lic k the colum[...]
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2 . Cli ck Vie w T opolog y to displa y the fo llow ing topolog y infor mation f or the selec ted gro up: • The s tatus ico n indicates de v ice statu s. • L ines between de v ices indi cate a r eplication r elati onship . The color o f a line indicates the statu s of r eplication , based o n the wor st statu s. F or e xample , if one repli cat[...]
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• F r om the Nav igatio n tree under De v ices , clic k the name of the gr oup in w hich the de v ice r esides , then fr om the list o f dev ices dis play ed in the table in the main sc reen , selec t the radi o button ne xt to the dev ice name , then cli ck More Details . • F r om the Nav igatio n tree , c lick De vi ces, the n fr om the list [...]
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4. T o re fr esh the dev ice inf ormati on, c lic k Refresh f ro m the Acti on buttons. 5 . T o chec k more de tails, c lick L aunc h Dev ice GUI f rom the A ctio n buttons. A ne w bro w ser w indow ope ns display ing the de vi ce interface at the login s cr een. R ef er to the use r guide for that de v ice or the de vi ce softwar e for mor e infor[...]
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The s cr een r efr eshes t o display onl y libr arie s of that type . NO TE: If ther e ar e no librar ies o f that type , the list appear s but ther e are no e ntri es. NO TE: When v ie w ing only So urce L ibr ari es, c lick the + si gn next t o the library name to displa y the assoc iat ed T ar get Libr ary . Sour ce L ibrar ies ha ve o nly one t[...]
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8. T o launch the libr ary interface , c lick L aunc h Dev ice GUI fr om the Acti on buttons. A ne w bro w ser w indow ope ns display ing the de vi ce interface at the login s cr een. R ef er to the use r guide for that de v ice or the de vi ce softwar e for mor e infor mation . NO TE: If necess ar y , disable pop-up block ers on the w eb bro wser [...]
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The s cr een r efr eshes t o display onl y NA S Shar es of that type . NO TE: If ther e ar e no NA S Share s of that type , the list appear s but ther e are n o entri es. NO TE: When v ie w ing only So urce Shar es , clic k the + sign ne xt to the shar e name to displa y the ass oci ated T arget Shar e . Sour ce Shar es hav e only o ne T ar get Sha[...]
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8. T o launch the int erface of the de vi ce on whi ch the s elected NA S Shar e re sides , clic k Launch Dev ice GUI f rom the A ctio n buttons. A ne w bro w ser w indow ope ns display ing the de vi ce interface at the login s cr een. R ef er to the use r guide for that de v ice or the de vi ce softwar e for mor e infor mation . NO TE: If necess a[...]
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5 . Con tinue v iew ing the dev ice statis tics u sing one of the fo llow ing pr ocedure s: • “Vi ew ing dev ice disk usage ” (page 31) • “Vi ew ing the dev ice dedupli cation r atio ” (page 33) • “Vi ew ing repli cation job s ” (page 36) V ie wing de v ice disk us age 1 . F ollo w the pr ocedure in “V ie wing de v ice statis ti[...]
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4. T o vi ew the inf ormati on in table f ormat: a . Select the appr opriat e durati on fr om the For the last fi eld. b . In the Acti on buttons ar ea, f ro m the View f ield , select T abular . The s cr een r efr eshes t o display time st amp and disk usage inf ormati on in table f ormat . NO TE: Select the a ppropr iate v alue in the For the las[...]
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6 . T o launch the de v ice interf ace, c lic k Launch Device GUI fr om the Acti on buttons . A ne w bro w ser w indow ope ns display ing the de vi ce interface at the login s cr een. R ef er to the use r guide for that de v ice or the de vi ce softwar e for mor e infor mation . NO TE: If necess ar y , disable pop-up block ers on the w eb bro wser [...]
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The s cr een r efr eshes t o display the dedupli cation inf ormati on fo r the durati on selected . 34 Managing de vi ces[...]
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4. T o vi ew the inf ormati on in table f ormat: a . Select the appr opriat e durati on fr om the For the last fi eld. b . In the Acti on buttons ar ea, f ro m the View f ield , select T abular . The s cr een r efr eshes t o display time st amp and disk usage inf ormati on in table f ormat . The s cr een r efr eshes t o display the time st amp , th[...]
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6 . T o launch the de v ice interf ace, c lic k Launch Device GUI fr om the Acti on buttons . A ne w bro w ser w indow ope ns display ing the de vi ce interface at the login s cr een. R ef er to the use r guide for that de v ice or the de vi ce softwar e for mor e infor mation . NO TE: If necess ar y , disable pop-up block ers on the w eb bro wser [...]
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The s cr een r efr eshes t o display the r eplicati on jobs tr end infor mation f or the t y pe of dev ice and the dur ation selec ted. Vi ew ing dev ice details 3 7[...]
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5 . T o vi ew the inf ormati on in table f ormat: a . In the Acti on buttons ar ea, f ro m the View f ield , select T abular . b . Select the appr opriat e dev ice type f ro m the Replication Jobs field and the a ppropr iate dur ation fr om the For the last field . The s cr een r efr eshes t o display the time st amp , the number of j obs ex ceedin[...]
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e . Clic k OK to clos e the dialog bo x. 7 . T o launch the de v ice interf ace, c lic k Launch Device GUI fr om the Acti on buttons . A ne w bro w ser w indow ope ns display ing the de vi ce interface at the login s cr een. R ef er to the use r guide for that de v ice or the de vi ce softwar e for mor e infor mation . NO TE: If necess ar y , disab[...]
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3 . T o permanentl y r emov e one or mor e de vi ces: a . Select the bo x f or each de vi ce to be permane ntly r emo ved . b . Clic k the Remo ve P ermanently button. A W arning dialog bo x appears . c. Clic k Y es to continue . A Conf irmati on dialog bo x appears . d . Clic k Y es to permane ntly r emo ve the de vi ce . A Succes s dialog box a p[...]
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5 P erf or ming A dministr atio n pr ocedur es On the Nav igati on tr ee, the A dministr ation tasks ar e availa ble only to adminis trator s. F r om her e , the administr ator can perf orm a number o f important pr ocedur es whi ch f all into the follo wing categor ies: • “Managing the Au thenticati on Mechanism ” (page 41) • “P erfor mi[...]
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8. Cli ck F inish to sw itc h the authenti cation mec hanism fr om local authen tication t o LDAP authen tication . A succes s dialog bo x appears. 9 . Cli ck OK to c lose the dialog bo x . NO TE: When the au thenticati on mechanism is s w itched f r om local authenti cation to LD AP , the s ys tem logs out all the us ers w ho are c urr ently logge[...]
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3 . Modify the appr opri ate infor mation , and cli ck the Modify button. a . If yo u cannot connect to the LD AP server , an err or message appear s. C lick OK to c lose the dialog bo x. b . If the infor mation is cor r ect, a su ccess mess age appears , and all the users (e x cept hprmsadmin ) w ill be logged out . Clic k OK to clo se the dialog [...]
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Modify ing a dev ice polling inte r v al or IP addre ss T o modify the polling interv al or IP addre ss of a de vi ce: 1 . F r om the Nav igatio n tree under A dministr ation , select De vice Management . 2 . Selec t the box to indi cate the dev ice t o be modified . 3 . In the Ac tion buttons , cli ck the Modify button. The Modify De vi ce Infor m[...]
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5 . Cli ck the Y es button. A succes s dialog bo x appears. 6 . Cli ck OK to c lose the dialog bo x . The de v ice is no longer inc luded in the list of de v ices . NO TE: The ne w ly-r emo ved de vi ce is included in the list o f dev ices on the R emo ved De vi ces sc reen . T o vi ew R emo ved De vi ces, on the Na v igation tr ee under De vi ces [...]
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4. Highli ght the e xis ting infor mation in the f ield to be modif ied , then t y pe the appropr iat e info rmation in to the fi eld (replac ing the pre vi ous inf ormati on) . 5 . R epeat this step fo r any other f ields t o be modified . 6 . When all inf ormati on is corr ect , c lick the Submit bu t ton . NO TE: If an y of the infor mation doe [...]
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R emov ing a us er fr om the Ac tiv e Us ers tab T o remo v e a user or adminis trato r fr om the Active Users tab: 1 . F r om the Nav igatio n tree under A dministr ation , select User Management . 2 . On the Active Users tab , selec t the appropr iat e radi o button to selec t the user to be r emov ed. 3 . Cli ck the Remo ve acti on button . A W [...]
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4. Cli ck Y es to deacti vate the us er . A Succes s dialog box a ppears. 5 . Cli ck OK to c lose the dialog bo x and r eturn to the A cti ve U sers sc r een. Ac ti vating a us er The adminis trat or can acti vate a us er . The method of ac tiv ation depends upon the c urr ent authen tication mec hanism . L ocal authenti cation mec hanism: acti vat[...]
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NO TE: The ne w ly acti vat ed user w ill hav e the same domain as the c urr entl y logged in user . P erfor ming Gr oup Manage ment ta sks Adminis trato rs can select Gr oup Management under A dministr ation in the Na vi gation tr ee to perfo rm the fo llow ing pr ocedur es: • “Cr eating a new gr oup ” (page 16) , pres ented in “Co nfigur [...]
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6 . Cli ck the Next bu tton. 7 . On the 2. Add L ibraries sc ree n in the wi z ar d, to c hange the libr ari es that belong to the gr oup: a . Clic k on the names of libr ar ies in the Ungr ouped Libr ar ies table t o be added to the gro up . T o select se v eral at a time , hold do wn the CTRL k ey on the k e yboar d and cli ck eac h libr ar y to [...]
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NO TE: T o add all ungrou ped librar ies t o the grou p, c lic k the Add All button. c. T o r emov e libr arie s added to the gr oup , clic k the names of the libr ar ies in the Selec ted L ibrar ies t able to be r emov ed. T o select se ve ral at a time , hold do w n the CTRL ke y on the k ey boar d and clic k each libr ary to be added. d . Clic k[...]
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a . Clic k on the name of the us er in the A vailable Us ers table t o be added to the gro up . T o selec t sev er al at a time, h old dow n the CTRL k ey on the k ey board and c lic k each name to be added . The us ers w ill be highligh ted in the table . b . Clic k the Add button betw een the two ta bles in the w iz ard . This mo v es the highlig[...]
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Use Bac k button to mak e an y changes to the inf ormati on fo r the grou p. 1 4. Once the info rmatio n is corr ect , cli ck the Finish bu t ton . The Su ccess dialog bo x appears . 1 5 . Clic k the OK button to e xit the di alog box and r etur n to the Gro up Management sc r een. T o modify Un -Gr ouped: 1 . F r om the Nav igatio n tree under A d[...]
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NO TE: T o remo v e all users f r om the gro up , clic k the Remo ve All button. 8. Once the info rmatio n is corr ect , cli ck the Submit button . The Su ccess dialog bo x appears . 9 . Cli ck the OK button to e x it the dialog bo x and retur n to the Gr oup Managemen t scr een . NO TE: This s ame list of gr oups can be v ie w ed by selec ting Dev[...]
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a . Clic k on the names of libr ar ies in the Se lect Libr ar ies ta ble to be remo v ed fr om the gr oup and added to another gr oup . T o selec t sev er al at a time , hold do wn the CTRL k e y on the k ey boar d and clic k each libr ary to be mov ed . The libr ari es w ill be highlight ed in the table . b . Clic k the Add button betw een the two[...]
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a . Clic k on the names of the N AS shar es in the Se lect NA S table to be r emo ved f rom this gr oup and mo ved to an other gr oup . T o select se ve ral at a time , hold do w n the CTRL ke y on the k ey boar d and clic k each N AS t o be mov ed. T he NA S Share s will be hi ghlighted in the table . b . Clic k the Add button betw een the two ta [...]
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Use Bac k button to mak e an y changes t o the infor mation . 1 2 . Once the info rmatio n is corr ect , cli ck the Finish bu t ton . The Su ccess dialog bo x appears . 1 3. Cli ck the OK button to e x it the dialog bo x and retur n to the Gr oup Managemen t scr een . R emo ving a gr oup Adminis trato rs can r emov e an entir e gr oup fr om Replica[...]
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5 . Cli ck the Y es button to r emov e the gr oup . A Succes s dialog box a ppears, t o confir m that the grou p was r emo ved . 6 . Cli ck the OK button to c lose the di alog box and r etur n to the Gro up Management sc r een. The gr oup jus t re mov ed is no longer inc luded in the list of gr oups . NO TE: Re mov ing a gr oup mo ves the de v ices[...]
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6 Modify ing use r details Use r details such a s contact inf ormati on and pass w ords can be modif ied b y using the f ollow ing pr ocedure s: • “ Adding us er contact inf ormati on ” (page 59) • “Modify ing a pass wor d” (page 60) Adding u ser con tact inf or matio n E ach us er and administr ator can add detailed con tact inf ormati[...]
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Modify ing a pass w or d This f eatur e is enabled only w hen the au thenticati on mechanism is L ocal. W hen the authenti cation mechanism is LD AP , the user mu st change his pas sw or d in LD AP . E ach us er and administr ator can c hange his or her pass w ord u sing the follo w ing procedur e: 1 . In the Nav igati on tr ee, c lic k User Detail[...]
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7 Managing the histo r y log E ach us er can vi ew the his tory log for all de vi ces to w hich the u ser has acces s. T he administr ator can v ie w the history log for all de vi ces . T o do so , use the f ollo wing pr ocedure . 1 . On the Nav igati on tr ee, c lic k History Log . The H istory Log appear s in the main scr een show ing all log ent[...]
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c. Nav igate to the f older in whi ch to s av e the log. d . If appr opri ate , change the def ault file name . e . Clic k the Save butto n. An Export succes s dialog bo x appears . f . Cli ck OK to r eturn t o the History L og. 6 2 Managing the histo r y log[...]
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5 . Use rs w ith admininstr ator -lev el permis sions can c lear the History Log . T o do so: NO TE: Clear ing items fr om the History log deletes the it ems permanen tly; the re is no w ay to r estor e clear ed/deleted items . HP adv ises that the H istory Log be e xported bef or e any ite ms ar e clear ed. a . Use the L ist Item F ilter , if appr[...]
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8 Bac king-up and r esto r ing the Repli cati on Manager data base The adminis trat or uses the bac k up and re stor e utility to make pe ri odic back up s of the confi gurati on and de vi ce data that is stor ed in the s yst em Repli cation Manager . T aking peri odic back up of the databas e will help in r es toring the co nfigur atio n data if t[...]
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5 . The dat abase bac ku p is cr eated and the back up file is st ored at the s pecif ied locati on. The log e ntri es for the bac k up utility are a vailable in the DB_Bac ku pRes tor eLog .log file located at InstallDirlog f older . R est or ing the Repli cati on Manager databa se This u tilit y helps r est ore a pr ev ious bac k up of the conf [...]
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5 . The bac k up copy o f the database inf ormati on is r estor ed to the R eplication Manage r . NO TE: This pr ocedure can be us ed to duplicat e the Repli cation Manager s y stem onto an other serv er . 66 Bac king-up and r estor ing the Replicati on Manager databas e[...]
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9 C ommand L ine Inte r f ace f or the R eplicati on Manager The C ommand L ine Interface (CLI) pr o vi des a wa y to acces s the Replicati on Manager using the command pr ompt , in addition to u sing the ex isting br o wse r-bas ed graphi cal user in terface (GUI). Use rs can access the R eplicati on Manager using a command line cons ole . Changin[...]
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2 . T o enter the R eplicatio n Manager thr ough the CLI, c hoose one of the f ollo w ing options: • Enter the h ostname and IP addr ess of the s er v er wher e R eplication Manage r is installed . The n enter y our Use r Id and P ass w ord . If ther e is an err or , the CLI cli ent displa ys the er ro r descr iptio n. Upon succe ssful login , th[...]
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Using HELP f or the CLI C lient T o vi ew the details a bout ho w to use the CLI C lient: • Choo se one of the f ollo wing opti ons: • T o vi ew help con tent w ithout logging int o Replicati on Manager , open a command pr ompt and enter the f ollo w ing command: rmscli --help • T o vi ew help con tent after logging into R eplicati on Manager[...]
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• At the command pr ompt , ente r the follo w ing command: help The CLI c lient dis play s the ex isting command list . The f ollo wing commands ar e av ailable: • sho w gr oupsummary • sho w gr oups • sho w dev ice list • sho w cr iticalde v ices • sho w dev ice summar y • sho w libr arie s • sho w nasshar es • sho w dedupst ats [...]
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2 . Y ou can also r edir ect the output of this co mmand to a file using the –o opti on. A t the command pr ompt , enter the f ollo wing command: show groupsummary – o <output file> F or e xample: show groupsummary – o c:workgroupsummary.txt V ie w ing the ow ned gr oup details T o vi ew details f or the gr oups y ou o wn: 1 . At the [...]
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2 . Y ou can also r edir ect the output of this co mmand to a file using the –o opti on. A t the command pr ompt , enter the f ollo wing command: show groups – o <output file> F or e xample: show groups – o c:workgroups.txt V ie w ing the dev ice details T o vi ew the list o f dev ices and o ther infor mation f or a partic ular gro up[...]
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3 . T o pro v ide the options de tails in one line , enter the f ollo wing command: show devicelist – g <group name> F or e xample: show devicelist – g Un-Grouped Vi ew ing the dev ice details 7 3[...]
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4. T o redir ect the ou tput of this command to a f ile , use the –o option . Enter the f ollo wing co mmand: show devicelist – g <group name> – o <output file> F or e xample: show devicelist – g Un-Grouped – o c:devicelist.txt V ie w ing the dev ice summary Y ou can v iew the summary r eport for a spec if ic de vi ce and gro[...]
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4. T o pro v ide the options de tails in one line , enter the f ollo wing command: show devicesummary – g <group name> – a <device serial number> F or e xample: show devicesummary – g Un-Grouped – a 2UX91202NS1 Vi ew ing the dev ice summary 7 5[...]
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5 . T o redir ect the ou tput of this command to a f ile, u se the –o option . Enter the f ollo wing co mmand: show devicesummary – g <group name> – a <device serial number> – o c:devicesummary.txt F or e xample: show devicesummary – g Un-Grouped – a 2UX91202NS1 – o c:devicesummary.txt V ie w ing the librar ies T o vi ew[...]
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2 . Enter the a ppropr iate gr oup number or gr oup name of the de vi ce . The c lient dis play s the list of de v ices f or the selected gr oup . 3 . Enter the a ppropr iate de v ice number or de v ice ser ial n umber to vi ew its libr ary list and statu s details . 4. T o pro v ide the options de tails in one line , enter the f ollo wing command:[...]
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F or e xample: show libraries – g Un-Grouped – a 2UX91202NS1 5 . T o redir ect the ou tput of this command to a f ile, u se the –o option . Enter the f ollo wing co mmand: show libraries – g <group name> – a <device serial number> – o <output file> F or e xample: show libraries – g Un-Grouped – a 2UX91202NS1 – o [...]
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4. T o pro v ide the options de tails in one line , enter the f ollo wing command: show nasshares – g <group name> – a <device serial number> F or e xample: show nasshares – g Un-Grouped – a 2UX91202NS1 5 . T o redir ect the ou tput of this command to a f ile, u se the –o option . Enter the f ollo wing co mmand: show nasshares[...]
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1 . At the command pr ompt , ente r the follo w ing command: show criticaldevices 2 . T o r edir ect the output of this co mmand to a file , use the –o opti on. En ter the follo wing command: show criticaldevices – o <output file> F or e xample: show criticaldevices – o c:criticaldevices.txt V ie w ing the de -duplicati on and disk us [...]
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4. T o pro v ide the options de tails in one line , enter the f ollo wing command: show dedupstats – a <device serial number> F or e xample: show dedupstats – a 2UX91202NS1 5 . The de fault time per iod is Everything . If y ou w ant to change the time pe ri od, us e the –t option . Enter the f ollo wing co mmand: show dedupstats – a &[...]
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6 . T o redir ect the ou tput of this command to a comma-separ ated value s (CS V) file , us e the –o option . Enter the f ollo wing co mmand: show dedupstats – a <device serial number> – o <output file> F or e xample: show dedupstats – a 2UX91202NS1 – o c:dedupstats.csv V ie w ing the repli cati on job s tatisti cs T o vi ew[...]
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6 . T o pro v ide the options de tails in one line , enter the f ollo wing command: show repjobstats -g <group name> -a <device serial number> -l <library name> F or e xample: show repjobstats -g Un-Grouped -a CR2061E862 -l "Library 2" 7 . The de fault time per iod is Everything . If y ou w ant to change the time pe ri o[...]
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8. T o redir ect the ou tput of this command to a C S V file , use the –o opti on. Ent er the follo w ing command , as sho wn in this e xample: show repjobstats -g <group name> -a <device serial number> -l <library name> -t <time period> – o <output file> F or e xample: show repjobstats -g Un-Grouped -a CR2061E862 [...]
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Using the C ommand L ine Inte r f ace as a batc h file Y ou can use the C ommand Line In terface c lient as a batc h command f or gener ating reports in the back ground . The CLI bat ch commands can be us ed by other u tilities f or automati cally-gener ated r eports. T o vi ew the list o f batch commands and the ir usage: 1 . At the command pr omp[...]
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A T r ou bleshooting The R eplicati on Manager pr ov ide s err or mess ages for all e rr ors . The us er can continue w ith other oper ations as n ormal , unless the er ror pr ohibits the nor mal operati ons of the so ft war e. In the case o f cr itical er ror s such as a dat abase connec tion failur e or an inability to contac t the serv er , an e[...]
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T able 1 Common issues (continued) Solution P ossible Cause S ymptom • Chec k network co nnectiv ity to ensure the dev ice is r unning. • Ensur e that dev ice status is no t Unknown . Netwo rk issue or the D2D de vice is n ot running. Dev ice status is Unkno wn f or long dur ations. Update the de vice IP A ddres s in Replicati on Manager fr om [...]
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T able 1 Common issues (continued) Solution P ossible Cause S ymptom • Ensur e that Replicati on Manager is running on the serv er . • If the Repli cation Manager w ill not start-up: 1 . Complet ely uninstall R eplicatio n Manager . 2. P erfor m a new installati on of Repli cation Manager . 3. Us e the Rest ore utility (see R estor ing the D2D [...]
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B Support and Other R es our ces This gui de pro v ides inf ormati on about: • Installing HP S tor age W or ks D2D Replicati on Manager • Using HP S tor age W orks D2D R eplicati on Manager , with adminis trator -lev el permissi ons • Using HP S tor age W orks D2D R eplicati on Manager , with us er -lev el permis sions R elated doc umen tatio[...]
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HP w ebsite s F or additio nal infor mation , see the follo w ing HP web sites: • http://www .hp.com • http://www .hp.com/go/s tor age • http://www .hp.com/s ervi ce_locator • http://www .hp.com/su pport/manuals • http://www .hp.com/su pport/dow nloads • http://www .hp.com/s tor age/whitepa pers Doc ument ation f eedbac k HP w elcomes y[...]
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Glos sary D D2D The HP S tor age W orks D2D (disk to disk) Bac ku p Sy stems pr oduct line . D2D Replication Manager (Replication Manager) The s oftwar e descr ibed in this user gui de. deduplication The f eature in w hic h only a single cop y of a data bloc k is stor ed on a dev ice . Duplicat e infor mation is r emov ed, ther eby r educing the am[...]
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Inde x A acti vate user (LD AP authenticati on) , 4 8 user (local a uthenticati on) , 4 8 Adminis tratio n Dev ice Inf ormati on, 44 Dev ice Manageme nt, 44 Gr oup Management , 5 4 , 5 7 Modify Gro up, 4 9 User Manage ment , 45 , 4 6 , 4 7 , 48 authen tication mec hanisms, 4 1 B back up , 64 C change LD AP to local authenti cation , 43 local to LD [...]
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add user s, 1 5 libr ar y add to gr oup , 4 9 mo ve , 54 r emov e fr om gr oup , 4 9 v iew , 2 6 local authen tication , 4 1 , 4 3 add user s, 1 5 login, 1 1 err or , 1 2 fo rce , 1 2 M manage history log , 6 1 r emov ed dev ices , 3 9 modify gr oup , 4 9 IP addr ess, 44 pass w ord , 60 polling interv al, 44 Un-Grou ped, 5 3 user de tails (LDAP a u[...]