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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 2 of 39 Contents Safety I nform atio n, I nstru ction s, and Sy mbo ls .......................................................................4 Safe ty I n formation ...........................................................................................................4 [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 3 of 39 Front Panel .................................................................................................................... 22 Rear Panel ....................................................................................................................2 3 Term[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 4 of 39 Website: http://www.jdsu niph ase.com Safety Informati on, Instructions, and Sy m bols Safety In for m ation Clas sif ication The RM Seri es Backreflection M eter consists of an exposed meta l chassis that is connected dir e ctly to e arth via a p ower cord and, t he[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 5 of 39 Under the laser cl assificati on of the US Food and D rug Adm inistr ation (F DA) Center f or Dev ic es and Radi ological Heal th (CDRH), the laser contained in th e uni t i s a Cl ass 1 l aser. CLASS 1 LASE R PRODUCT[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 6 of 39 Safety I nstr u ction s The followi ng saf ety i nstruct ions m ust be observ ed whenever the uni t is operated, s ervic ed, or repai red. F ailur e to c omply w ith any of these ins tructi ons or with any pr ecaution or war ning contained in the user ’s manual is [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 7 of 39 not us e repai red fuses, and avoid any situations that can shor t-cir cuit the f use. • Unl ess abs olutel y necessar y, do not attempt to adjust or perform any mai ntenance or repair procedure when the un i t is opened and c onnected to a power so urce. • Repai[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 8 of 39 Safety Sy m bols The follow ing sym bols and mes sages can be mar ked on the unit (T able 2). Obser ve all safety instructi ons that ar e assoc iate d with a symbol. T abl e 2: Safety Sym b o l s Symbol Descr ipti on Laser safety. See the user’s manual for ins truc[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 9 of 39 Compliance CE Complia nc e The unit has been designed and tested to comply with di rect ive 73/23/ EEC and it s subsequent amendm ents by the Eur opean Comm unity (EC or CE) . The dir ecti ve relates to el ectri cal equipm ent desi gned f or use w ithi n cer tain v o[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 10 of 39 non-c onductiv e pollution oc cur s. Occ asional ly, howev er, a tempor ary conductiv ity caused by condensation m u st be expected.”[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 11 of 39 Gener al Infor mation and S pecifications Gener al Infor mation Thi s user ’s m anual for the R M 3 Series Backreflecti on Meter contains compl ete operati ng inst ructions . The RM meter can be or dered as a si ngle- mode or m ultim ode model. Softwar e is bundle[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 12 of 39 Backref lection M eas urem ents Ref lectio ns in o ptical syste ms can come fro m a numbe r of source s. Primary sources inclu de the fiber (R ayl eigh backscatter) and F resnel reflectio ns that occur at the pl anar j unctio n o f two mater ials having di f f er en[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 13 of 39 Output Port The output port of the RM meter i s equipped w ith an ultr a-low backr ef lect ion APC connector. To prevent damage to the output port connec tor, a meas urement jum per mus t be used f or al l meas urem ents, even for measu ring a com ponent wit h an A [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 14 of 39 • User- calibr ation mode • RS232 s eri al and I EEE 488 GPIB par allel interface • Conv enient data l ogging via s eri al port to a compute r o r ser ial printe r • Di rect dis p lay of measured b ackreflect ion, power, or insert ion loss Applic ations • [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 15 of 39 Specification s The f o llo win g o p tic al specifica ti ons descr ibe the warranted character istics o f the unit ( Tabl e 3). Supplem entary speci f ic ations des cribe the typic al non-w arr anted performance of the unit (T able 4). T abl e 3: Op ti cal Sp eci f[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 16 of 39 * Flex cor is a trademark of Corni ng R .[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 17 of 39 T abl e 4: Ot h er Speci f i cati o ns El ectri cal I nput volt age 100 to 240 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz Power c ons umption 25 VA max i mum Ph ysic al Di s pl ay 16-c har acter LC D Dimensio ns (W x H x D) 26 x 11 x 26 cm W eight 4 kg Environm e ntal Operati ng temperatur [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 18 of 39 Getting Star ted The RM 3 Series Bac kreflecti on M eter consi sts of the meter, an AC power cor d, two jum pers , and a foot pedal. Before I nitializing and Operatin g the Unit I nspect the uni t for any signs of damage. Read the user ’s m anual thoroughl y, and [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 19 of 39 Operatin g Env ironm ent In order f or t he unit to meet t he warr anted spe c ificati ons, the operati ng envi ronment must meet the followi ng conditions for al titude, temper ature, humi dity, and vol tage. Altitude The un it can be operated at an altitude up to [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 20 of 39 invo ice number , and an itemi ze d sta teme nt of cla i m e d defect s must be in cl uded with the return mat eria l. Ship r eturn mater ial in the origi nal shippi ng container and pac king materi al. I f these are not avail able, packagi ng guidelines are as fol [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 21 of 39 1. Blow the sleev e wi th f il tered c ompress ed air (Figur e 2). Fi gu re 2: Con necto r Clean in g (con necto r typ e can vary) 2. Apply optical grade is opropyl al cohol or opt ic al grade ethanol (do not use rubbi ng alcohol) to a s mall area of a lint -free to[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 22 of 39 Operating and M aintenance Instr uctions Fron t Pan el The front of the meter ( model R M3750) is show n in Fi gure 3 and des cr ibed inTabl e 5. Not all RM 3 S e ries meters are exactly a s sh o w n. Fi gu re 3: F ron t of the Meter T abl e 5: F ron t Pan el O pera[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 23 of 39 Rear P anel The back of the meter ( Figur e 4) can v ary w ith the m odel. - 25 VA max Fu s e 1A/ 250 V Fi gu re 4: Back of the Meter The com ponents on the rear panel are des cribed in T able 6. Table 6 : R ear P ane l Compone nts Component Function CAL Access to t[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 24 of 39 need to be made j ust bef or e the high- attenuation bends i n order to of fset the sm all amount of reflection caused by the hi gh-att enuation bends. 1. Usi ng the size of rod spec if ied i n the Inspec tion Report ( see the Cus tom i zed F eatures and T est Data [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 25 of 39 Figure 5b: T er minat ing the Jumpe r for BR Measu r ement f or Singl e-mod e (980 nm onl y) and Multim ode 3. The sec ond terminati on is m ade a fter th e DUT in or der to obtain B r tot ( f igur e 6b ). Fi gu re 6b: M easur ing Backr eflection for Single- mode ( [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 26 of 39 6. Ter mi nate the measurem ent jumper ju st before the output connec tor, and hold the term ination point st eady (f igure 5a for single- mode(except 980nm), and figure 5 b for sin g le- mode( 980nm) and mul timode) . NO T E Th e termi na ti on tec hnique is differ[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 27 of 39 temper ature. T o ensur e accur ate back reflection measur ements below -65 dB (- 25 dB f or mul timode) : 1. Perform the BR 0 measur ement at leas t once p er shift. The m easured backr ef lec tion i s af fected by l osses that can occur betw een the meter and the [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 28 of 39 5. A t ta c h th e appropr iate detector adapter to the de tector on the fron t of the met er. 6. Connect the output c onnector of the measur ement j umper to the detector adapter . This end of the measur ement j umper i s user- sel ec ted and must be com patible wi[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 29 of 39 4. Connect the output connector of the DUT to the detector on the front of the meter. The detector mus t be equipped w ith the appropr iate detector adapter . The RM meter displ ays the DU T absol ute power output ( F i gure 8). 5. I f a measur ement is to be made a[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 30 of 39 Figure 9: M easuring Relat ive P ower Power A ccuracy The absol ute accurac y of power m easurem ents made wi th the RM m eter is dependent on the power lev el to be measur ed. The RM m eter does not meas ure power lev els bel ow -50 dBm un le ss th e da r k s ignal[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 31 of 39 Di sp lay Des cri pti on the model number (X XXX) and the so ftware ve rsio n ( Y. Y). STABILIZING Di splayed mom entarily during the power- up sequence as t he initi al inter nal r eference m easur ements ar e made. BR=- XX.X dB Backr ef lection m ode. P=- XX.XX dB[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 32 of 39 Backref lection C alibration Adjus tm ent The R M meter has a f actor y-set bac kreflection c alibrati on value (User C AL) that compensates f or t he typ ical l oss re sulti n g f rom a connect ion to the front - panel FC /APC connect or. This value appears in the [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 33 of 39 3. Press the λ key to select the wavelength at which the cal ibration ch eck is to be perfo rme d. Choose e ithe r wavelength, as you will check both. 4. M easure the power f rom the output of the cali brated jum per, us ing a hi gh-accur acy, cali brated power met[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 34 of 39 Figure 10: Remov ing the Connec tor Pane l 2. Rem ove the connector f rom the mati ng sleeve i n the panel. 3. Cl ean the c onnector endfaces and mati ng sleeve i n accordanc e wi th the Cl eanin g Connectors section. 4. Rei n stall the connec tor onto the panel. 5.[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 35 of 39 Loss Befor e the DUT W hen a DUT is connec ted to the RM meter , the loss from connectors bef ore the DU T aff ects the backr ef lect ion reading. Bec ause the light is goi ng out f rom the RM meter and then retur ning, it goes through t he connector s twic e, so th[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 36 of 39 La se r S ta b ilit y I f the mess ages “ Source Uns table” or “I nput Low” are di splayed, r emove the f ront connector panel, cl ean the f ront panel connectors , connect the internal FC/APC c onnector to the detector adapter, and pr ess the Power key to s[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 37 of 39 Pr ogram m ing Guide RS232 S erial In terface The R M meter is equipped w ith an RS232 se r ial interface. Through t he RS232 connec tion, the user can download measur ed values of backr ef lect ion, loss, and power to a com puter or pri nter. The RM m eter can a ls[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 38 of 39 On power -up, the RTS and D TR si gnals on the inter f ace c onnector go positi ve, indicati ng that the inter f ace is r eady to comm unicate. The s of tware on the contr o lli ng computer m ust enable the RT S li ne. The interface contr oller wai ts f or the C TS [...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 39 of 39 RS232-GP IB Co nve r te r An opti onal us er-s uppli ed RS232- to-I EEE 488 conver ter can be used w ith the RS232 connector on the RM m eter to ac cess an I EEE 488 parallel interface. The conv erter, s upplied with t h e appropr iate RS232 cable, is attached to th[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 40 of 39 Pr ogramm ing Exam ples RS232 In terf ace Program Ex am ple The follow ing progr am can be used to c onnect the RM m eter wit h an external device through the RS232 s eri al inte rface. 100 CLOSE #1 ' Initialize the RS232C port 110 OPEN "COM1:300,N,8,2&quo[...]
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RM 3 SERI ES BACKREFLECT ION METER USER ’S M ANUAL 10112341 Rev 002 Page 41 of 39 Customized Featu res and Test Data[...]