Kodak DCS600 инструкция обслуживания


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Хорошее руководство по эксплуатации

Законодательство обязывает продавца передать покупателю, вместе с товаром, руководство по эксплуатации Kodak DCS600. Отсутствие инструкции либо неправильная информация, переданная потребителю, составляют основание для рекламации в связи с несоответствием устройства с договором. В законодательстве допускается предоставлении руководства в другой, чем бумажная форме, что, в последнее время, часто используется, предоставляя графическую или электронную форму инструкции Kodak DCS600 или обучающее видео для пользователей. Условием остается четкая и понятная форма.

Что такое руководство?

Слово происходит от латинского "instructio", тоесть привести в порядок. Следовательно в инструкции Kodak DCS600 можно найти описание этапов поведения. Цель инструкции заключается в облегчении запуска, использования оборудования либо выполнения определенной деятельности. Инструкция является набором информации о предмете/услуге, подсказкой.

К сожалению немного пользователей находит время для чтения инструкций Kodak DCS600, и хорошая инструкция позволяет не только узнать ряд дополнительных функций приобретенного устройства, но и позволяет избежать возникновения большинства поломок.

Из чего должно состоять идеальное руководство по эксплуатации?

Прежде всего в инструкции Kodak DCS600 должна находится:
- информация относительно технических данных устройства Kodak DCS600
- название производителя и год производства оборудования Kodak DCS600
- правила обслуживания, настройки и ухода за оборудованием Kodak DCS600
- знаки безопасности и сертификаты, подтверждающие соответствие стандартам

Почему мы не читаем инструкций?

Как правило из-за нехватки времени и уверенности в отдельных функциональностях приобретенных устройств. К сожалению само подсоединение и запуск Kodak DCS600 это слишком мало. Инструкция заключает ряд отдельных указаний, касающихся функциональности, принципов безопасности, способов ухода (даже то, какие средства стоит использовать), возможных поломок Kodak DCS600 и способов решения проблем, возникающих во время использования. И наконец то, в инструкции можно найти адресные данные сайта Kodak, в случае отсутствия эффективности предлагаемых решений. Сейчас очень большой популярностью пользуются инструкции в форме интересных анимаций или видео материалов, которое лучше, чем брошюра воспринимаются пользователем. Такой вид инструкции позволяет пользователю просмотреть весь фильм, не пропуская спецификацию и сложные технические описания Kodak DCS600, как это часто бывает в случае бумажной версии.

Почему стоит читать инструкции?

Прежде всего здесь мы найдем ответы касательно конструкции, возможностей устройства Kodak DCS600, использования отдельных аксессуаров и ряд информации, позволяющей вполне использовать все функции и упрощения.

После удачной покупки оборудования/устройства стоит посвятить несколько минут для ознакомления с каждой частью инструкции Kodak DCS600. Сейчас их старательно готовят или переводят, чтобы они были не только понятными для пользователя, но и чтобы выполняли свою основную информационно-поддерживающую функцию.

Содержание руководства

  • Страница 1

    U s e r ’s Guide for DC S 600 Series Digital Cameras D C S 6 0 0 Ser ies Digital Ca m er as[...]

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    © Eastman Kodak Company and Niko n Corp., 2 000 All right s rese rved Kodak and Kodak Pro fessi onal a re tr ademark s of Eas tman Koda k Company Adobe, Pho toshop, and Acro bat ar e tra demarks of Adobe Systems Inc.[...]

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  • Страница 4

    Limitatio ns REP AIR OR REPLACEMENT WITHOUT CHARGE IS KODAK’S ONL Y OBLIGA TI ON UNDER T HIS W ARRANTY . W arranty serv ice wi ll not be pr ovid ed witho ut dated pr oof of pur chase. Plea se retur n the W arra nty Regist rati on car d withi n 30 days of pur chase . As a condi tion of warr anty ser vice, b efore sendin g in you r e quipment t o a[...]

  • Страница 5

    Outside the United States In coun trie s other than the Uni ted State s, warr anty ter ms may be di ff erent. Unl ess a speci fic Kodak war rant y is co mmunicat ed to t he purc haser in wri ting by Koda k, no warran ty or l iabili ty exi sts e ven though d efect, da mage o r loss may b e by negligen ce or other act of Koda k. How to ob t ain servi[...]

  • Страница 6

    Product Support Options During t he wa rranty p e riod for the Kod ak Prof essio nal DCS 60 0 Serie s digi tal c amera, you are ent it le d to pr oduc t sup port fo r both h ard ware and softwa re , provide d your camer a is registe red with the Ea stman Kodak Co mpany . Y ou may register with Eastman Kodak via mail , fax, or t hrough Kodak’ s WW[...]

  • Страница 7

    5 Out-of -W arrant y Suppor t Opti ons There wi ll be a char ge for call incid ents if y ou wish t o spea k to a Ko dak supp ort repre senta tive. A c all i ncide nt is defin ed as on ly tho se iss ues ra ised d uri ng the firs t telep hone o r email conta ct. F ollow- up telep hone c alls by Kod ak’ s repre senta tive, an d callb acks t o Kodak?[...]

  • Страница 8

    Contents T able of Contents Im port ant In for mati on . ..... ...... ..... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... .... . 1 -1 System Requi rements for your Computer............ ........ ................. ........... 1-2 Macintosh ................. ........ ................. ................. ................. ........ .... 1-2 Windows .......... .......[...]

  • Страница 9

    Top Statu s LCD Panel ............. ........ ................. ................. ........ .... 2-11 Back Status LCD P anel ........... ................. ................. ........ ............ 2-12 Image LCD Panel ........... ................. ................. ......... ................ .... 2-12 Menu Bar ............... ................. ........[...]

  • Страница 10

    Contents Sync Terminal ... ................. ................. ........ ................. ................. ......... 2-30 Self-Diagnos tic Shutt er System .......... ................. ................ ......... ......... 2-31 Changing Viewfinders ........................ ................. ........ ................. ......... 2-32 Removing the Fin [...]

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    Co nfigu ring You r Ca mera ... ....... .... ....... ..... .... ....... ..... . 4 -1 Date and Time ......... ......... ................. ................. ................. ........ ............. 4-1 Camera Properties .................... ......... ................. ................. ................ ..... 4-3 Setting Display Of f Time ............[...]

  • Страница 12

    Contents The AC Adapter for Camera ............. ................. ................. ............ 7-5 Connect ing the AC Adap ter for Camera ........... ......... ............ 7-5 Optional S ettings Before You Start ............ ................. ........ ................. ... 7-7 Set the Date and Time ............... ........ ................. ...[...]

  • Страница 13

    Setting the Metering System ........... ................. ................. ........ .... 8-13 Exposure Mode ........................ ................. ................. ......................... ... 8-14 Programmed Auto Ex posure Mo de ......... ......... ................ .... 8-14 Shutter -Priori ty Auto Expos ure Mode .............. ............[...]

  • Страница 14

    Contents Two-Button Reset ............. .......................... ................ ................. .. 10-8 ISO ........... ......... ................. ................. ................. ........ ................. ......... 10-9 Drive Mode ............... ................. ................. ................. ........ ................ 10-10 Choos[...]

  • Страница 15

    Creating a Na tural-looking Stream of Ligh t ..................... .. 11-15 Guide Numbers f or Determining th e Correct Aperture ...................... . 11- 17 Calculati ng the Correct Apert ure ............. ................. ........ .......... 11-17 Calculati ng the S hooting Dista nce ........... ................. ................ .. 11-17 Gui[...]

  • Страница 16

    Contents Aperture-Prior ity Auto Exposu re Mode ..................... ................. .. 13-4 Locking the Aperture ................ ................. ................. ........ .. 13-7 Different Proce dures for Di fferent Lenses ......................... .. 13-8 Manual Exposure Mo de ............ ................. ................ ......... .....[...]

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    Tra nsmit ting Data .. .... ....... ..... ....... .... ..... ....... ..... ...... .. 15- 1 Connecti ng a Device to the Serial Port ..... ................. ................. ........... 15-1 Accessing Seri al Port Options .................. ................. ................. ........ ... 15-2 Setting the Baud Rate .............. ................. .[...]

  • Страница 18

    Contents Other symptoms, causes a nd remedies: ............... ................ ................. .. B- 3 Appendix C - L ens and Viewfinde r Compati bility .. ... C-1 Compatible Lenses ............. ................. ........ ................. ................. .......... C-1 Manual Singl e Focal Length Len ses .......... ................ .........[...]

  • Страница 19

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 1 Important Info 1-1 Importa nt Informa tion 1 Thank you for purch asing your ne w KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS 60 0 Seri es Camer a (DCS 620 , 620x, 660 , or 660M) . This p ortable c amera s ystem, which combines tech nologi es of Eastman Ko dak Company and Niko n Corpor ation , will a llow yo u to take and s tore h igh-reso luti on[...]

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    1-2 Syste m R e qui r emen ts for yo ur Co mpute r The fol lowing sec tions list th e requi red a nd opti onal c omputer hardwar e and soft ware needed t o run t he DCS Host Software with Adob e Photo shop on t he Ma cinto sh, and TW AIN-compliant applica tions on the PC. Refer to the KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS Host Software Us er ’ s Manual on the D[...]

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    1-3 1 Important Info Wa r n i n g s ✔ T o prevent fire or shoc k hazard, u se on ly th e reco mmended acc essor ies an d attac hment s. ✔ Use extr eme c are when ha ndlin g PC Card s, as the y are ea sily da mage d. If dro pped , the PC Car d may be destr oyed, resul ting in the loss of all data on the c ard. ✔ Do not remove a PC Card, batte [...]

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    1-4 Important Safeguards and P r ecautions ✔ Read Inst ructi ons —Read all t he saf ety a nd opera t ing ins truct ions b efore operat ing you r camera. ✔ Follow I nstruct ions —Fol low all op erati ng and u sag e inst ruct ions. ✔ Co ntr ols — Adjust o nly th ose cont rols that are co vered b y t he oper ating instr uctio ns. ✔ Heed [...]

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    1-5 1 Important Info ✔ Object or Li quid Entry —Never push f oreign objec ts of a ny k ind in to your camera o pening s. Th e objec ts cou ld tou ch dange rous vo ltage point s or sh ort ou t parts and cau se a f ire or el ectr ic sho ck. Never spil l liquid of any kind on your came ra. ✔ Attachments —Do not use at tachmen ts tha t are no t[...]

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    1-6 ✔ Humidity , Condensati on —W e rec ommend oper ating your ca mera wit hin the range o f 8% to 85 % relat ive hu midity , non-cond ensing . If co ndensat ion oc curs, added ti me may be req ui red to r ead fr om or wri t e to a PC Card . Conde nsa tion may be pres ent i f the c amer a syst em and/o r PC Cards ar e mov ed fro m a rela tive l[...]

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    1-7 1 Important Info Electr omagnetic Emis s ions Th is equ ipm ent ha s be en tes ted a nd f o und to comp ly w i th th e lim its f or a Cl as s B di gita l device , pursu ant to Part 1 5 of th e FCC Ru les. The se li mits a re desi gned t o provi de rea sona ble pr ote ction agai n st har mful inte rf ere nce in a resi d entia l in stal la tion .[...]

  • Страница 26

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 2 Y our Camera 2-1 About Y o ur Camera 2 Y our DCS 600 Se ries camera (a n inte grati on of Nikon an d Kodak t echnol ogies ) prov id es a ric h set o f feat ures tha t all ow you t o ca pture images o f the hig hest q ualit y . The camer a has been desi gned and bu ilt t o meet the ne eds of dem andin g profes sional s, for sp[...]

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    2-2 Image Cap t ure: ✔ DCS 620, 620 x: 0.5 f rame/s econd c ontinu ous fr ame rat e with 3 .5 fra me/seco nd burst for 12 images DCS 660, 660 M: 0.15 fr ame/se cond con tinuou s fra me rate with 1.0 frame/ second burst for 3 imag es ✔ V ertica l shootin g control s ✔ Inter valom eter allo ws yo u to se t your camera t o c aptur e a ser ies of[...]

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    2-3 2 Y our Camera Nomenclature Came ra Front * W ith fir mware ver sion 3 .09, or hi gher , white balance i s accompl ishe d using image da ta rat her t han the White Ba lan ce sens or . ☛ An IR filte r is includ ed with the base c amera kit. An anti -aliasing filt er is include d with th e regul ar ki t. AF Ar ea M ode but ton Exposu re Mode ( [...]

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    2-4 Camer a Back Eyep iece Shut ter leve r Finder Rel ease but to n Alert LED Im ag e LCD pan el Dis pla y but ton Sele ctor button Re cord/T ag button White Ba lanc e but to n Back Status LC D pa nel ( ) button Auto E xposure/ Flash Exposure Bra c k e ting ( ) button Shu tter Sp eed/Aper ture/ Focus Are a Lock button Label ISO BKT L L CSM BKT ISO [...]

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    2-5 2 Y our Camera Came ra T op Came ra Bo ttom C S L MODE O O F N F AF Area M ode button Power/LCD Panel Illumin ation swit ch Sh utter Re leas e b utto n Power S witch lock rele as e Exposure Comp ensa tion button Exposure Mode (MO DE) button T op Status LC D panel Diopte r Adjustment kno b +/- Meter ing System s elector lock re lease Meter ing S[...]

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    2-6 Came ra Si de s Batt ery/P C Ca rd doo r Ba ttery/PC Card door latch IEEE 1394 c able port (co ver not shown) AC Adapte r connecti on (cover not shown) V ertical shutte r release l ock V ertical Shutter re leas e Cam era st rap eyel et[...]

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    2-7 2 Y our Camera Op en B att er y/P C Ca rd D oo r Bat tery Card Busy LED Serial por t PC Car d Eject bu tton[...]

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    2-8 V iewfinder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. Focus ar ea indicators 2. Exposure level (for wais t-level finder DW -30 or 6x high-magnification finder D W -3i in manual exposure) 3. Reference circle for Center-weighted metering 4. Focus br ackets/Spot metering 5. Green R eady light 6. Focus indicators : • indicates a subject is in[...]

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    2-9 2 Y our Camera Navi g a te Sw i t ch The N aviga te swi tch i s a four -way r ocker swit ch loc ated o n t he back of the came ra. It is acce ssibl e wheth er you a re holdi ng the camera h orizon tall y or ve rticall y . Usin g the Na vig ate swi tch to Nav iga te th e I mage LCD Pan el The Navi gate s witch ope rates in the f ollowi ng manner[...]

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    2-10 Digital Function Buttons There a re fou r butt ons ass ociat ed wi t h your ca mera ’ s di git al fu nct io ns. Y ou can a cce ss the digit al fu nctio ns when y ou use t hese bu ttons in con juncti on with the Na vig ate swi tch. Di sp lay B utton ✔ Press and release the button t o turn the Ima ge LCD panel On o r Of f. ✔ Press an d h o[...]

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    2-11 2 Y our Camera LC D P anel s T op St atus LCD Panel L CSM BKT ISO C S L MODE O O F N F REAR SLOW AUTO ISO BKT CUSTOM + LOCK LOCK LOCK BKT + T op St atus LC D panel Im age L CD pane l Back S tatus LCD panel Shut ter speed lo ck Shut ter speed Auto Ex posure/Flash Exposure bracket ing Exposu re mode Flexi ble program Expos ure compen sation Expo[...]

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    2-12 Back S tat us LCD P anel Image L CD Panel The Ima ge LCD pa nel h as bee n d esigned f or e ase of use with maximiz ed spa ce fo r menu choic es and i mage -rel ated i nform atio n. Menu Bar The Menu ba r is o nly di splaye d at yo ur req uest. W hen you turn o n the I mage LCD pan el, the l ast sc reen u sed appear s witho ut the Menu b ar . [...]

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    2-13 2 Y our Camera Whe n you sel ect a Menu b ar icon , t he fol low ing scr eens a ppear: Icon Function Dropdown Men u Folder ico n Di sp lay s the F o lder dropdown menu. One PC Card: Tw o P C C a r d s : Menu icon Displays a dropdown menu wi th cho i ces f or the Main, Proper ties , an d Cu stom Set ting s menus. Displa y icon Displays a dropdo[...]

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    2-14 Navigat ion T echniqu es Use the foll owing gui deli nes when nav igating t he Image LCD pa nel T o Display the Menu bar and sele ct a M enu bar i con: Press and hol d the Displa y butt on and us e the N avig ate swi tch unti l the d esire d icon is hig hligh ted. T o Display a Dro pdown menu: Highl ight the Fold er , Menu, or Displ ay ic on, [...]

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    2-15 2 Y our Camera T o Choo se an i tem fr om a drop down menu: Continu e to press the Displa y button and use the Navi gate switch until the de sired menu c hoice is highl ighted . T o Choo se an i tem from a menu scr een : Press and hol d the Se le ctor b utton and use the Navi gate switch to highl igh t your choi ce .[...]

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    2-16 Stat us Ba r A S t at us bar ap pear s whene ver i mage s a re di spl aye d (S in gle , Fo ur , or N i ne I mage Rev i ew mode). Info rmat ion ab out th e curr ently selec te d image a ppe ars on t he S tatu s ba r: The cur rent ly act ive PC Ca rd (if ther e are two c ards i n the c amer a) The cur rent ly act iv e fold er Sound i con (i f on[...]

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    2-17 2 Y our Camera Command Dials Y our camera ’ s Main -Command dial and Sub-Command d ial can be used a lone or in combi natio n with ot her b uttons to se lec t variou s funct ions or mod es. Main-C om m an d Dial Use t he Main- Command dia l by it self or with va rious butto ns to p erfor m the fo llowin g: Rota ting t he Main- Command Dial b[...]

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    2-18 Rotating the Main-Comman d Dial While Pr essing But tons ✔ Selec t Expos ure mode. Refer to “Expos ure Mo de” on p age 8-1 4. ✔ Perf orm Exposu re Compensa tion. Refe r to “Expos ure Compen sati on” on page 1 3-19. ✔ Select AF area mode. Refer t o the “ Select ing A F Area Mode” sect ion on p age 9- 4. ✔ Select ISO. Re fer [...]

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    2-19 2 Y our Camera Sub-Com m and-Dia l Use t he Sub- Command dial by it self or with va rious button s to pe rfor m the fol lowin g: Rota ting t he Sub- Command Di al by itse lf Rota ting t he Sub- Command Di al Whil e Pr essing Bu ttons : ✔ Select the a pertu re in Apert ure- Pr io rity A uto o r Manu al ex posu re mo de. R efe r to “Apert ur[...]

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    2-20 Drive Mode /Sel f-T imer Selecto r This du al-pu rpose c ontro l all ows you t o se lect a Drive mode or set t he sel f timer . When you selec t a Drive mode, you speci fy whether one or mo re imag es wil l be cap tur ed when you d epres s the Sh utter Relea se butt on. T o set a Drive mode: Press the l ock re lease for the Dr ive mode selec t[...]

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    2-21 2 Y our Camera Len s Refe r to Appe ndix C f or a lis t of l enses tha t are compati ble with your ca mera . Mounti ng t he Le ns CAUTION: Only use lenses tha t are l iste d in Append ix C. Other le nses c an potent iall y br eak your camer a’ s anti-al iasing or IR fil ter . Refe r to “Ant i-al iasing filter ” on p age 2- 25. 1 Remove t[...]

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    2-22 Setti ng t he Len s to the Mi nimu m Apertu re For Progra mmed Auto or Shu tter -Priori ty Auto mode, use the minimum ap erture lock lever to lo ck t he le ns aper ture a t f/ 16. 2 Posit i on th e le ns i n th e ca mera ’ s bayone t mount so that the mounti ng inde xes on t he le ns and ca mera bod y are a ligned . T aking ca re not to pres[...]

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    2-23 2 Y our Camera 1 Set th e lens to it s mi nimum apert ure (f/1 6). 2 Slide the lo ck l ever in the direc tion o f the apert ure ri ng so that the w hite dot on t he tab align s with the or ange dot . Slide the lo ck l ever in the opposi te dir ecti on to r eleas e the lock. ☛ Apertur e se tting op erations are perfo rmed usi ng the Sub- Comm[...]

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    2-24 Remo vi ng t he L ens Press and hol d the Lens Rel ease butt on and t urn th e lens clock wise. ☛ If yo u don’ t plan t o mount a len s for a w hile , atta ch the suppl ied BF- 1A body ca p. (The BF- 1 body cap c anno t be used o n your c amera.)[...]

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    2-25 2 Y our Camera Imager The i mager r ecords light whe n you cap ture a n image. The imager s ize an d ISO var ies, depe nding on your ca mera mode l. Anti-ali asing filte r The DCS 620, DCS 620x, and DCS 660 camera s each cont ain an ant i-alia sing fi lter whic h impr oves ove rall image qu ality and he lps reduc e alia sing a t cer tain foc a[...]

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    2-26 V ie wfi nder Diopter Y ou ca n compensa te fo r near - or f ar -sighte dnes s and s ee more c lear ly thr ough th e viewfi nder b y adjus ting the finde r diop ter wi thin a continuou s range of fr om –3 to + 1. 1 Pull the Dio pte r Adjus tmen t knob an d ro tate it i n eith er dire ction u ntil t he f ocused i mage in t he viewf in der’ [...]

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    2-27 2 Y our Camera Illumination Switch Y ou can il luminate t he T op and Bac k St atus LCD panels for e asy vie wing at night or in low li ght situat ion s. Rota te th e LCD Pa nel Il lumina tion switch toward th e to il lumi nat e the T op and Back S tatus LCD panels . Th e LCD pa nel il lumin ati on sw itch au toma ticall y re tu rns to the on [...]

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    2-28 Mirr or Lo ckup Lever When usi ng super -telephot o lense s or pe rfor ming phot omicrog raphy , it is n ecessa ry to reduce came ra vi bration t o the abs olute minimum. Lock t he refle x viewing mi rror i n the up po siti on by ro tati ng the mirro r lock up lever count erclo ckwi se unt il it stop s. ☛ When the mir ror i s lock ed up, you[...]

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    2-29 2 Y our Camera Depth-of-Field Pr e view Button The de pth of fiel d is the z one of accept able f ocus i n fron t of a nd behind t he subj ect. Y ou can p revie w this zone us ing the Depth- of-Fi eld Previ ew butt on. The D epth- of-Fi eld Pr eview b utt on wil l not w ork proper ly if th ere is no PC C ard i nsert ed. In Aper ture- Prior ity[...]

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    2-30 Accessor y Shoe Sync T e rminal Lo ca ted at th e t op o f t he M u lti - Meter Fi nde r , the I SO-t ype hot s hoe all ows direct mounting of a wide range of Nikon -dedi cated e lectroni c Speedl ights. Ref er to “Att aching the SB-28D or SB-28DX” on pa ge 1 1- 3. Y our camera f eatur es a s eparat e sync termi nal that accepts all f lash[...]

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    2-31 2 Y our Camera Self-Diagnostic Shutter System Y our cam era is equipped with a self- di agnos tic shut ter th at a utom atica lly contr ols th e shut ter s peed for e ach rel eas e o f th e s hut ter . Th e self -diag nosti c sh u tter automat ic al ly det ect s ina ccur ac ies in per form ance an d read justs the shutt er spe ed accu rac y fo[...]

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    2-32 Changing V iewfinders A modifi ed DP-30 viewfi nder i s include d with t he DCS 620 and 620x cameras . (A stand ard DP -30 vi ewfind er is inclu ded with th e DCS 660 an d 660 M cameras .) Se e Appendi x C for a list of comp atible vi ewfin ders. Us ing ot her viewfi nders with yo ur came ra can decrea se the “a ctive area” of the viewfi n[...]

  • Страница 58

    2-33 2 Y our Camera Attachi ng t he Fi nder Slide the fi nder i n u ntil it cl icks i n pl ace. 4 Be sure th at the Finder Relea se butto n has re turne d to i ts origi nal po siti on. IMPOR T ANT : Be sur e the v iewfi nder is attac hed when y ou ar e capturi ng ima ges . If t he shu tt er is r elease d withou t a vi ewfind er att ached, stray lig[...]

  • Страница 59

    2-34 Changing Focusi ng Screens 1 Turn off th e came ra an d rem ove the f inder . Refer to “Remov ing the Fi nder” on page 2-32. 2 Inse rt your fingern ail u nder t he rear edge of the f ocusi ng scre en and l ift t he scr een out . 3 T o instal l a f ocusin g sc reen, inse rt th e fron t e dge unde r the cent ral r idge, t hen pus h the r ear[...]

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    2-35 2 Y our Camera Came ra S t r ap s A neck stra p and a hand s trap are i ncluded with yo ur cam era. Y ou can attac h eit her or bot h. Attachi ng the Neck S tra p Thread the end s of t he neck strap throug h the s trap fi xtures . Pull firml y on the st rap to make su re it is held s ecurel y b y the bu ckles.[...]

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    2-36 Atta chin g the H an d Strap 1 Threa d the s trap thr ough bot h loops in th e hand s trap p ad. 2 Place the t hree- holed b uckle on the s trap and thr ead th rough t he camera ’ s top st rap f ixtur e. 3 Threa d the oth er end of the str ap thro ugh the camera’ s bot tom stra p fi xture . 4 Threa d the top s trap back thro ugh the buckle[...]

  • Страница 62

    2-37 2 Y our Camera Name Plate Using th e DCS Acquire Module or DCS TW AIN Data Sour ce, you can e nter tex t that appe ars in ce rtai n scree ns on yo ur camera. T he Name Pla te is usefu l for person alizi ng your came ra, for exampl e, “T his ca mera bel ongs t o Jo e Smith” . In t he DCS Acqui re M odule o r DCS TW AIN Data Sour ce: 1 Clic [...]

  • Страница 63

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 3 Power 3-1 Powering Y o ur Camera 3 Opera te your ca mera usi ng eith er batt ery or AC power . Y ou can pr eserv e batte ry power by usin g the AC adapt er when ever po ssibl e. Y ou can char ge your came ra bat teri es usi ng a bat tery char ger a nd an i ntern ational p ower cord set. These item s are incl uded w ith mos t [...]

  • Страница 64

    3-2 Batte ries Y our c amera can us e eit her NiMH ( nickel metal hydri de) or NiCd b atter ies. Extende d camera mete ring, a utofo cus, or extens ive LCD pa nel ope rati on redu ces th e nu mber of imag es ava ilabl e fro m a fu ll bat tery char ge. W i th a ful ly cha rge d batt ery , the ca mera ca n provi de up t o the f ollowi ng number of im[...]

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    3-3 3 Power Inserting/ Remov ing Bat teries ☛ Y ou must char ge a batt ery be fore u sing i t for the f irst ti me. 1 Check tha t the Card Pr esent ic on on th e Back S t at us LCD pan el i s not bl inking. 2 T urn of f the c amer a. REAR SLOW AUTO ISO BKT CUSTOM IMPOR T ANT : If t he Car d Pr esent icon o r the Car d Busy LED inside th e Batte r[...]

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    3-4 3 Lif t the la tch as semb ly on the Batt er y /PC Card door and turn it count er -cloc kwise t o op en the door . IMPOR T ANT : Be sur e that the Car d Busy LED is Off befor e you c ontin ue.[...]

  • Страница 67

    3-5 3 Power The wh ite a rrow opp osite th e connect or sho uld be pointi ng upwards as the batt ery is inser ted. Some (not all) ca meras h ave a white arrow po inting downwards (towar ds the c amera botto m) just above t he bat tery co mpar tmen t. If you r ba tt ery and your camera both ha ve the arrows , th en the arrow s shou ld be ali gned as[...]

  • Страница 68

    3-6 Che cking B attery Status Y ou ca n deter mine whet her a batte ry nee ds c har ging by viewin g the Bat tery icon o n your camera’ s Back Sta tus LCD pa nel. (If the ca mera is using an AC a dapter , the Batter y icon is not display ed.) Always c heck th e ba ttery st atus at th e foll owing t imes: ✔ When l oading a new batt ery ✔ After[...]

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    3-7 3 Power Batter y Charger Y ou need to cha rge a batte ry befor e using it for the fir st ti me and whenev er it i s low . If you pla n to us e you r camer a with out the AC adapt er for an ext ended period of ti me, it is a go od ide a to ch arg e one or more batt eries befor e you be gin. An ex terna l bat tery c har ger is inc luded wi th you[...]

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    3-8 Charging Batteri es 1 Re move the ba tte ry fr om the cam era (p age 3-3 ). 2 Plug t he cab le from th e AC adapt er fo r ch ar ger in to the batt ery ch arg er jack. 3 Selec t the in terna tional power cord that i s appr opria te for your area . 4 Inse rt th e ap propri ate e nd of t he int ernat ional p owe r cord into th e rece ptacl e on th[...]

  • Страница 71

    3-9 3 Power If your bat tery char ger d oes not funct ion as expect ed, check t he fol lowing : ✔ The wal l ada pter i s prop erly conne cted. ✔ Ther e are n o fore ign objects l od ged in t he pock ets. ✔ The ba tter ies ar e in ser ted so that t hey pr operl y mat e with t he con nect or in the bott om of t he pocke t. ☛ No har m wil l c [...]

  • Страница 72

    3-10 Cond itionin g (Disc harging Bat terie s) Y ou may o ccasi onall y need to co nditi on a bat tery . Y ou wo uld only d o so if a b attery provi des a no ticea bly sh orter ru n time ( less tha n 50 % of norma l capac ity). ☛ Y ou ca n condi tion a bat tery in one s lot whi le char ging a bat tery i n the o ther . IMPOR T AN T : Don’ t con [...]

  • Страница 73

    3-11 3 Power Batt ery C on serva tion Y our camera has sever al built -in f uncti ons th at minimize drai n on your batt ery . PowerSave Mode ☛ If your ca mera is powered by an AC ad apter or is connect ed to a compute r with IEEE 13 94 cable, i t wil l not ent er PowerSave mode. If you don’ t use your camera for 30 minut es, it will enter Powe[...]

  • Страница 74

    3-12 Image LCD Pan el T imeout The Image LCD panel will turn of f if you have not used the camera f or 60 s econds . ☛ Y ou ca n cha nge th e sett ing f or Im age LCD ti meou t. Refe r to “Sett ing Di splay Of f T ime” on page 4- 3. Meter T imeout Y our c amera’ s meter re main s on for 8 sec onds af ter yo u ligh tly pr ess t he Shut ter R[...]

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    3-13 3 Power AC Adapter for Cam era Use an A C adapte r when ever poss ib le to le ssen dra in on the batt ery . Y ou shoul d also use it wh en your camera i s conn ected to a compute r to preve nt lo ss of p ower if th e batt ery sho ul d lo se its c harge. Ti p s ✔ Use on ly the KODAK AC adapte r; do not p lug other cha rg ers or adapt ers into[...]

  • Страница 76

    3-14 Conn ecting t he AC Adap te r for Camer a 1 Open th e conne cto r cove r at th e side of the came ra. 2 Plug t he A C adapte r for came ra into the AC Ada pter c onne ction . 3 Selec t the in terna tional power cord that i s appr opria te for your area .[...]

  • Страница 77

    3-15 3 Power 4 Plug t he appr opriat e end o f the power co rd i nto t he AC a dapte r for ca mera . 5 Plug the power cord into a wall outle t. ☛ Y ou ca n c onnect or di sc onne ct th e AC ad apte r while a batte ry is in the camera . ☛ The AC a dapte r for camer a will NOT cha rg e a bat tery i n the ca mera .[...]

  • Страница 78

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 4 Configuring 4-1 Config uring Y our Camera 4 This secti on desc ribes how to c han ge vari ous ca mera set ting s. Date and Time Y ou can set the da te and time . The fo rmat fo r the date i s year /month/ day , and the format for time i s hour: minute :secon d ba sed on a twenty -four -hour cl ock. The se ttin g is mai ntai n[...]

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    4-2 The Date /T ime s cr een appears . Ther e ar e six fi elds: yea r , month, day , and ho ur , min ute s, s ec onds . 3 Press and hol d the Se lect or butto n and pr ess th e lef t or r ight side o f the Navigat e swit ch to highl ight the desir ed fie ld. 4 Press and hol d the Se lect or butto n and pr ess th e top o r botto m of the Nav igate s[...]

  • Страница 80

    4-3 4 Configuri ng Camera Pr oper ties Y ou can se t the f ollo wing cam era p roper ties using c amer a contr ols: Dis play Of f time, Powersa ve time , Reso luti on, Enabl e Sharp ening, Use FOLDER0 1,and T otal A ctuation s. ☛ The li st of proper ties may change as new v ersio ns of f irmware become a vailabl e. The wordi ng in the scree ns ma[...]

  • Страница 81

    4-4 En abling Sharpe ning DCS 62 0, 620x, and 6 60 came ras a re equipp ed wit h an antia lias ing fil ter , an o ptica l fi lter that i s mou nted i nside the ca mera in fr ont of the elec troni c imager . This filt er el imi nates unwanted col or a rtif acts, and i mproves o ver all i mage qu alit y at the expense of a sm all l oss of shar pness.[...]

  • Страница 82

    4-5 4 Configuri ng Settin g File Re solu ti on Y ou can speci fy a fi le r esolut ion t o be sav ed in t he hea der of subsequ e ntly cap tured images. This prope rty doe s not a ff ect i mage proces sing i n the c amera, t he DCS Acquir e Module, or the DCS TW AIN Data So urce. The speci fied r esolu tion is us ed by ap plica tions such as Photos [...]

  • Страница 83

    4-6 Deter minin g T ota l Actu ation s Y ou can deter mine the number o f image s capt ured by your ca mera fr om the t ime of it s manufact ure. Us e F ol de r 1 Y ou can speci fy wh ether the def ault place to store images is an empty fold er o r fold er 1 when you i nsert a n ew PC Card. 1 Se lect th e Me nu ic o n, t h en choose Pro perti es fr[...]

  • Страница 84

    4-7 4 Configuri ng Custom Settings Y ou can set Cus tom Set tings using the Cust om Sett ings men u (desc ribed below) or the butt on ( page 4- 7). In genera l, the method d escri bed bel ow is e asier to use, sinc e the se ttin gs a re la beled. 1 Se lect th e Men u ico n, the n choose Custom Se ttin gs fro m the dr opdown men u. Refer to “Nav i[...]

  • Страница 85

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 5 PC Card 5-1 Using a PC Car d 5 As you c aptur e images , they are st ored o n a PC Card (PCMCIA card). Before captur ing image s, you may wa nt to make a fe w prepar atio ns so t hat t he image s will be s tore d accor ding t o your needs. T his cha pter describe s the u se of t he PC Car d and pr ovides inst ruct ions f or s[...]

  • Страница 86

    5-2 Du al Slot s for PC Cards Y our camer a has t w o PC Card sl ot s. W ith T ype II PC Ca rds , y ou c an use one or both slot s. W i th T ype II I PC Car ds, only one slot can be u sed. The card i n the s lot c loses t to t he camera ba ck is ref erre d to as CARD0, and the card in t he slot closes t to the ca mera front i s refe rred t o as C A[...]

  • Страница 87

    5-3 5 PC Card Inser ting/Rem oving PC Cards It is not ne cessa ry to t ur n of f the camer a b efore inser ting o r rem oving a card . 1 Check t he Card Presen t icon on the Ba ck St atus LCD pane l. It blin ks when a card i s busy . 2 Lift the l atch a ssem bly on t he Batte ry/PC Card door and tu rn it count er -cloc kwise t o open t he door . RE[...]

  • Страница 88

    5-4 3 T o insert a PC Car d: sli de it al l of t he way i nto t he car d slot a nd pres s fir mly . ☛ A labe l insi de th e door indi cates the pr oper po siti on for t he car d. IMPOR T ANT : Be sur e that the Car d Busy LED is Off befor e cont inuin g.[...]

  • Страница 89

    5-5 5 PC Card 4 T o remove a PC Card, pr ess th e Eject butt on and pu ll th e card out. 5 Close the Batte ry/PC Card d oor . The Ca r d Pr esen t icon is displ ayed on the Bac k S tat us LCD panel when th er e is a PC Car d in th e camera . REAR SLOW AUTO ISO BKT CUSTOM[...]

  • Страница 90

    5-6 Form atting a PC C ard T o prevent format ting the wron g PC Card, there ca n only b e one ca rd in the ca mera when you fo rmat a card. Format t he car d usi ng eit her t he qui ck f ormat o r the full for mat fe ature. IMPOR T ANT : Quick format , while faster , is not r ecommended i f ther e is a po ssibi lit y that the r e ar e defe cts on [...]

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    5-7 5 PC Card If yo u remove the act ive c ard, the mes sa ge at t he lef t appe ars. 5 Re-in sert the car d in the proper slot , then s elect Retr y . A conf irmati on scr een appe ars. 6 Selec t Y e s or No. If you cho ose No, the Main menu app ear s and the ca rd is not form atte d. If yo u choose Y es, the card i s form atte d. A Progr es s scr[...]

  • Страница 92

    5-8 5 PC Card Sel ectin g a PC Ca rd or F older Imag es are store d in f old ers on a PC Card. There i s a lways a t leas t one e mpty folde r o n your PC Ca rd. When you stor e an imag e in an empty f older , a new empt y fol der is au toma ticall y cr eated . The new f ol der is call ed Fo lderX , (X b e ing th e nex t num ber avail able) . 1 Se [...]

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    6 Saving Files 6-1 Saving Files 6 JPEG an d TIF F Fi le Pr ocessing The DCS 62 0 and 620 x came ras s upport bac kground image pr ocess ing th at pro duces JPEG or TIFF RGB fi les t hat ca n be ope ned dir ectly by any im age edit ing sof tware . This feat ure is n ot avai labl e on the DCS 660 or 660M c ameras. The c hoices for proces sed f iles a[...]

  • Страница 94

    6-2 Processing Images 1 Sel ect th e Men u ico n, the n choos e Main M enu from the dropd own menu. Ref er to “Nav igat ion T echniq ues” on page 2 -14. 2 Selec t Processi ng from the Main menu. The P roc essing me nu appears . If two PC Car ds ar e inser ted, t he acti ve car d is indicat ed (f or exampl e, All on CARD1). 3 Sel ect your c hoi [...]

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    6-3 6 Saving Files When yo u enabl e pr oc essing, ce rtai n condi tions may e xist w hic h will cause o t her scr eens to appe ar , as sh own in t he tabl e bel ow . Conditi on Screen Y our Action There is no PC Card in the came ra. Click OK and inser t a PC Card. Proce ssi ng is ena b le d for the sele cted f older and there are no ima ges in the[...]

  • Страница 96

    6-4 Y our proces sing se tt in gs a re s et to dele te the origi nal TI FF im age when you proces s files . Refer to “Changi ng Pro cessi ng Sett ings” on pag e 6-5. If you cl ick OK, a secon d co nfirma tion scre en appe ars . If yo u click Ca ncel, proce ssing is not s tarte d. The Pro cessi ng menu appea rs. The ac tive P C Card bec omes ful[...]

  • Страница 97

    6-5 6 Saving Files Cha ngi ng Pro cessing Setti ngs There a re sev eral p roces sing s etti ngs tha t you c an chang e. Th e sett ings a re app lied t o imag es as t hey ar e proce ssed. 1 Se lect C hang e Se ttin gs fro m th e Proce ssing me nu. The Pro cessi ng Sett ings me nu appear s wi th th e curr ent va lues shown i n paren these s. 2 Se lec[...]

  • Страница 98

    6-6 * The Sha rpeni ng Level sett ing in the Pr oce ssing menu det ermines whether shar pening is appli ed when i mage s are p rocess ed on t he camer a. The Sh arpening p ropert y in th e Proper ties menu d etermi nes whethe r shar pen ing is appli ed by t he DCS Ho st softwa re. Refer to “Ena bli ng Shar peni ng ” on page 4-4. Noise Reduct io[...]

  • Страница 99

    6-7 6 Saving Files W ork ing with TI FF Custom File s on yo ur Compute r If you don’ t pro ces s image s on your camera , you need t o use o ne of t he fol lowing softwa re applicatio ns to work wi th the TI FF Custom files . (The TIFF Cus tom file format is propri etar y to K odak.) File Format Module ✔ This sof twa re appl ic ati on all ows y[...]

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    6-8 IP TC Data Management This f eature a llows i nclus ion of Internat ional Press T eleco mmunicat ion Counc il ( IP TC) data as pa rt of t he im age he ader . Y ou en te r the I P TC dat a on you r comput er u si ng the DCS Acquir e Module o r DCS TW AIN Data Sou rce (v ersion 5.8 or later ) and save it to a PC Card. (Refer to t he KODAK PROFESS[...]

  • Страница 101

    6-9 6 Saving Files Loadi ng IP T C Data from a PC Card 1 W ith the Load IPTC Da ta s cree n displ ayed ( page 6- 8), cho ose Load fr om Card. The Load IP TC Data screen appear s wit h a lis t of t he IP TC file s on th e ac ti ve P C Card . (If only o ne card is in th e cam era, the c ard cho i ces do not appea r .) 2 Press and hol d the S elect or[...]

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    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 7 Quick S tart 7-1 Quick S tart 7 This chapte r c ontai ns inf ormati on that enabl es you t o star t usi ng your came ra. Much of th e inf ormati on in t his ch apter can be f ound i n great er det ail in oth er are as of t he manua l. Befor e Y ou S tart 1 If you have no t alr eady d one so, char ge your batt ery us ing the e[...]

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    7-2 4 Inse rt the batte ry into the ba ttery slot . 5 Inse rt a PC Ca rd int o the card slot .[...]

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    7-3 7 Quick St art 6 T urn t he lat ch ass embl y clock wis e to cl ose t he Battery/ PC Card d oor . 7 Remove t he camer a body ca p and th e fron t a nd rear lens caps.[...]

  • Страница 105

    7-4 8 Posit i on th e le ns i n th e ca mera ’ s bayone t mount so that the mounti ng inde xes on t he le ns and ca mera bod y are a ligned . T aking car e not to pr ess the Le ns Re le ase bu tton, twis t the le ns count er cl ockwise until it lock s in pl ace. 9 Press the Po wer S witch Lo ck rele ase. 10 Ro ta te th e Powe r swit ch cloc kwis [...]

  • Страница 106

    7-5 7 Quick St art The AC Ada pt er fo r Came ra Conserv e your b attery a nd po wer your camera by usi ng the AC a dapter for c amera, whenever possi ble. Refer to “AC Ada pter f or Camer a” on pa ge 3-13 . Connect ing th e AC Adapt er for Camera 1 Open the co nnecto r cover at t he side of the came ra. 2 Plug t he AC ada pter i nto the AC Ada[...]

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    7-6 3 Sel ect th e pow er c or d with unive rsal p lug t hat is appropr iate for y our ar ea. 4 Plug t he appr opria te end of the powe r cor d into the AC adapt er for came ra. 5 Plug t he power cord i nto a wall outl et.[...]

  • Страница 108

    7-7 7 Quick St art Optional Settings Before Y ou S tart Se t t he Date and Time Se le ct a P C Card or F o ld er Before captur ing i mages , you sho uld sp ecify a PC Ca rd and f older for s tori ng images . Refer t o “Sel ecting a PC Card or Folder ” on pa ge 5-8. 1 Se lect th e Men u ico n, the n choose Main Menu fro m the dropdo wn menu (pa [...]

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    7-8 Basic Shooting 1 Set the le ns ape rtu re to it s minimum po siti on as de scribed in t he “Set ting t he Lens to the Min imum Ape rture ” sect io n on page 2 -22. 2 Set t he D r ive mo de s el ect or to S for S ing le-f rame sho oti ng. 3 Set t he Focu s mode sel ector to S for S ingle Servo AF . S C L C S M[...]

  • Страница 110

    7-9 7 Quick St art 4 Press and hol d the AF Area Mode button and rot ate the Main -Comman d dial to sel ect Singl e Area AF m o de. The se lecte d focus ar ea of the T o p S t at us L CD p an el d i s pla y s only [ ] . The Focu s brack et al so appea rs in th e viewf inder . 5 Whil e pres sing t he loc k rel ease, set the M eter ing S yst em sel e[...]

  • Страница 111

    7-10 P appears in th e T op St atus LCD panel and vi ewfinde r . 7 Press the N avig ate swi tch t o posi tion t he foc us b racket s on your ma in subj ect. ISO BKT CSM L[...]

  • Страница 112

    7-1 1 7 Quick St art 8 Light ly pre ss the Shutt er Relea se butt on. ☛ If HI a ppears in th e shut ter speed posit ion —Over - exposure alert: Use a NIKON ND filter . ☛ If Lo a ppears in th e shutter speed posit ion —Under - exposu re al ert: Use a n accessory NIKON Speedli ght . F N F O O MODE[...]

  • Страница 113

    7-12 9 Confi rm t hat a g reen “•” appe ars insi de the viewf inder ( i n dicating succe ssful fo cusin g), the n fu lly depre ss the Shutt er Rel ease butt on to c apture the i mage. The Shut ter cannot be rel eased in the follo wing si tuat ions: ✔ When bli nks: Foc us manually . ✔ When appear s: Subj ect i s too c lose. Move away from [...]

  • Страница 114

    7-1 3 7 Quick St art Reviewing Image s on Y our Camera Y ou can displ ay one, four or nine im ages o n the I mage LCD pane l. Sin gle Image Review mode Four I mage Revi ew mode Nine I mage Revi ew mode 1 Se lect th e Di s play ic on , then choose Singl e, Four , or Nine Image Re view mode from the dropdo wn menu (pa ge 2-14 ). 2 Press and hol d the[...]

  • Страница 115

    7-14 Sett ing Dis p lay Con tra st Y ou ca n change the co ntrast to l ighte n or da rken t he im ages di splay ed on t he Image LCD panel . Selec t the Contra st icon. Re fer t o “Menu Bar ” on pag e 2-12. A grays cale b ar is displ ayed at the s ide of the i mage and a sli der is displ ayed ac r oss t he top. 4 Press and hol d the Select or b[...]

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    7-1 5 7 Quick St art Setting Display Options Y ou can view ar eas of overe xposure , an exp osure h istog ram, and inf ormati on about the selec ted im age. 1 Se lect th e Men u ico n, the n choose Main Menu fro m the dropdo wn menu. Ref er to “Nav igati on T echniq ues” on page 2- 14. 2 Se lect Di splay Optio ns from th e Main menu. The Dis pl[...]

  • Страница 117

    7-16 If y ou turn th e Histo gram/ Info opti on on whi le in singl e image r eview mode, th e Hi stogram and expos ur e in fo will a ppear . ☛ The in formation will n ot be disp layed I n Four o r Nine Image Re view mode . The ima ge hist ogram s hows the range and di stri bution of ton al value s for an im age. It disp lay s the n umber of occ u[...]

  • Страница 118

    7-1 7 7 Quick St art T agging Images Y ou can ta g images to be p rocessed (page 6 -2) or NOT to be del ete d (pa ge 7- 19) . Ima ges retai n thei r ta gs wh en acqui red us in g the DCS H ost softwa re wh ere you can selec t tag ged or unt agged images and perform a variety o f operation s. Refer to t he KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS Host Software User ?[...]

  • Страница 119

    7-18 Deleting Images Y ou ca n dele te one or mor e image s fro m a PC Car d in y our ca mera. W hen you do so, any assoc iat ed sou nd f i les ar e als o d ele te d. Re fer t o “ Asso ci ati ng a So und Fil e wit h an Ima ge” on page 7-20. Dele t ing a Sing le Image 1 Press and hol d the Displa y butt on and th e Select or but ton at the same [...]

  • Страница 120

    7-1 9 7 Quick St art Delet ing More Than One Image Y ou can delet e a ll ima ges on t he PC Car d, al l imag es in a fo lder , al l unta gged im ages on th e PC C ard, or al l unta gge d imag es in a fold er . 1 T o delete untagg ed image s (desc ribed below) , tag an y im ages th at you DO NOT want to delet e. 2 Se lect th e Men u ic o n th en cho[...]

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    7-20 Associating a Sound File wit h an Image Y ou ca n recor d sound file s for your images , then p lay bac k the s ound fi les u sing t he DCS Host so ftware (if your co mputer h as a so und boar d). Ref er to t he KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS Host Sof tware User’s Manual on t he DCS Host Softwar e CD included with yo ur camera. A Micr ophon e icon a[...]

  • Страница 122

    7-2 1 7 Quick St art Y ou can not re cord s ounds an d th e Microp hone ic on is n ot dis playe d in the Bac k St atus LCD panel under t he fol low ing ci rcumsta nces: ✔ No i mage is in th e curr ent folde r ✔ No PC Card is in t he camera ✔ The P C Card in th e ca mera is full ✔ Y ou ar e capt uring a n image 3 Speak i nto the mi cropho ne[...]

  • Страница 123


  • Страница 124

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 8 Exposure 8-1 Contr olli ng Exposur e 8 This chap ter d escri bes th e funct ions avail able f or contro llin g exposu re in your camera . Whi te Bala nc e The DCS 62 0, 620x, a nd 660 ca mera s of fer Cu stom Whit e Balan ce func tiona lity . (This feat ure i s not a vai labl e with t he D CS 660M c amera. ) Y ou can save Whi[...]

  • Страница 125

    8-2 Th e tabl e belo w sho ws th e pred icte d col or temp era tu re a t ea ch W hite B alan ce se tt ing : T o de ter mine the cu rren t whi te bala nce sett ing, check th e White Balan ce ico ns on t he Back LCD panel . The ic ons r eflect th e curr ent set ting. If a flash is at tac hed to y our camer a and y ou ch oose A uto mode, the A uto Fl [...]

  • Страница 126

    8-3 8 Exposure Sele c ti ng Cu sto m White Ba la nc e Y ou must selec t Custom Wh ite Ba lance before selec ting, delet ing, or lo ading Cu stom W h ite Ba lanc e sett ings. Press and hol d the W hite Bal ance butt on and us e the Na vigate s witch unti l no Whi t e Bal ance icons app ear in the Bac k LCD panel. When n o icons appear , Cust om Whit[...]

  • Страница 127

    8-4 Using Whi te Bala nc e Set t ings Once you have se lecte d Custo m White Bal ance, yo u can ac cess s evera l Custo m White Balanc e funct ions. 1 Pre ss the Whit e Bala nce b utton . If the Ima ge Display was Of f, it turn s On. If t her e ar e n o imag es i n th e fold er , th is scr een app ears . If t he sel ected fo lder c ontain s imag es[...]

  • Страница 128

    8-5 8 Exposure Options — Th e Whi te Bala nce Sett ings men u appear s. Y ou can : ✔ Selec t a Whit e Balan ce sett ing fr om thos e loade d on the c amera (page 8-6) ✔ De le te a W h ite Ba lance sett ing fr om t he camer a (page 8-6 ) ✔ Lo ad a Wh ite B a lan ce sett ing from a PC Car d to the came ra (p age 8-7 ) ✔ Save a Wh ite Balanc[...]

  • Страница 129

    8-6 Selec ting Whi te Bal ance Se ttin gs W i th the Whi te Balanc e Sett ings men u displaye d (pag e 8-4), choose one of the followin g: Image #x xxx: The Whit e Balan ce val ues fr om the s elect ed image are ap plied to images that y ou capt ure. Previ ously l oaded s etti ng—The Whi te Bal ance v alues from the previ ously loaded sett ing (p[...]

  • Страница 130

    8-7 8 Exposure Loading Whit e Ba lance S etti ngs Y ou can load W hite Balance sett ings f rom a PC Ca rd int o your c amer a. (The sett ings ar e saved t o the car d usin g the DC S Host s oftw are. There a re a f ew rule s to r emember when you lo ad White Balance se ttin gs. If you shou ld for get a ny of t he rul es, an a ppropr iate e rror mes[...]

  • Страница 131

    8-8 1 W ith the W hite B ala n ce Set ting scre en dis pla yed (pa ge 8-4) , choos e Load f rom Card. The Loa d W hi te Bal anc e S ett i ng scr een appea rs wi th a li st of the Whi te Bal ance se tting s on the acti ve PC Car d. (If only on e car d is in t he camer a, t he car d cho ices d o not ap pear .) 2 Selec t the desired card. ( Y ou may n[...]

  • Страница 132

    8-9 8 Exposure Saving White Ba lance S etti ngs using y our Camer a Y ou c an sa ve t he cur re nt cam er a-g ene rat ed Whi te Ba la nce s ett i ngs, then apply th e set ti ngs to subs equent ly captur ed imag es. Saving White Ba lance S etti ngs using t he Comput er Y ou can a ls o sa ve W hit e Bal an ce set ti ngs to a PC Ca rd u sin g th e DCS[...]

  • Страница 133

    8-10 Expo sure Met e ring Sy stem Y our c amera has t hree t ypes o f expos ure met ering systems: ✔ 3D Col or Ma trix Mete ring ✔ Center -W eig hted Met ering (page 8 -1 1 ) ✔ Spot Met ering (page 8 -12) 3D Colo r Mat r ix Met er ing W ith D-t ype AF Nikkor lens es (incl uding AF- I or AF-S Ni kkor), 3 D Color Matri x meteri ng i s a uto mat[...]

  • Страница 134

    8-11 8 Exposure Cen ter-W ei ghted Me tering W it h appro ximat ely 7 5% of th e mete r ’ s sensit ivit y co ncentr ated on the 1 2 mm di amet er circl e within the viewfind er and 2 5% out side thi s cir cle, the mete r become s usef ul in situa ti ons w he re you wan t to bas e expo sur e on a specif ic ar ea in the sc ene. T o measu re t h e b[...]

  • Страница 135

    8-12 Spot Me te ri ng Nearly 100 % of the mete r ’ s sensit ivit y is co ncentr ated i n a 4 mm diam eter area (appr oxima tely 1.5% of the en tire fram e) wit hin t he sel ected focus are a of t he view fin der . (W ith focu sing scr een s othe r than EC-B-typ e, the sensi tivit y is c oncent rate d in a 6mm diamet er are a or appro xima tely 3 [...]

  • Страница 136

    8-13 8 Exposure Se tt i ng the M e te ring Sy s t em The appr opria te symbo l appea rs in th e viewfind er . Ro ta te th e Mete ring S yst em Selec tor whi le press in g the Meteri ng Syst em Se lecto r Lock Relea se to s elect the desir ed t ype of exposu re me teri ng. C S L MODE O O F N F 3D Color Mat rix Meter ing Center -W eighte d Meter ing [...]

  • Страница 137

    8-14 Exposure Mode Light reachi ng the i mager i s cont roll ed by t he shut ter speed a nd lens aper ture. The p roper combin ati on res ults i n a cor rect exposur e. Shutte r spee d an d lens apert ure set ting s are based o n the I SO speed and the opera tion o f the c amera’ s exposure control syste m. The rel atio nship b etween ape rture a[...]

  • Страница 138

    8-15 8 Exposure Shutt er-Pri orit y Au to Expos ur e M ode This mod e al lows yo u t o manua lly set y our de si re d s hut te r spe ed. T o fr eez e t h e a cti on, use a high shut te r spe ed; to cre at e mo ti on ef fects, choos e a slo wer sh utter speed. Y our camera automat ic al ly s el ect s t h e pr ope r ape rt ur e to matc h the ma nua l[...]

  • Страница 139

    8-16 Manual Ex posur e Mode The Ma nual ex posure contr ol all ows you t o chan ge both ape rture and shu tter speed sett ings. Fo r a te chn ically c orrec t e xposure , foll ow the r ecommenda tion o f the c amera’ s light meter , as i ndicat ed in t he vie wfinde r . T o ach ieve a spe cific c reati ve ef fec t (fo r example , in tenti onal b [...]

  • Страница 140

    8-17 8 Exposure Setti ng E xposu re Mode Ro ta te th e Main -Com m and dial while pressing the M ODE button . The exp osure m ode ch anges a s in the s equence show n at the l eft: If yo u use l enses tha t don’ t ha ve a CPU, or acces sori es such as a bell ows attach ment or extens ion ring s: ✔ Use Apertu re-Priorit y Auto or Manua l expos u[...]

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  • Страница 142

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 9 F ocusing 9-1 Fo c u s i n g 9 This chap ter d iscuss es fo cus are a, Focus m ode, spe cial foc using situa tions , and the ef fect of t he anti ali asing f ilt er on f ocu s. It a lso di scuss es s harpe ning in th e DCS 660 ca mera. Foc us A rea Five focus a reas are ava ilabl e wit h your c amer a. Selectin g the Focus Ar[...]

  • Страница 143

    9-2 Corresp onding foc us are as appe ar in the T op Stat us LCD pan el and the vi ewfinde r . Arrow s on top and to the righ t of t he viewf in der al so ind icate the s ele cted f ocus a rea. ☛ When Spo t Met er in g i s sel ected, shifti ng t he foc us are a a ls o s hif ts t h e S pot Me te ri ng area a ccordi ngly . Focus Area T op Status LC[...]

  • Страница 144

    9-3 9 F ocusing Loc king th e F ocus Ar ea Y ou can loc k the f ocus ar ea usi ng the lo ck func tion. 1 Select the d esire d focus ar ea, then pr ess t he Navi gate swit ch to any posit ion whil e pre ssing the ( Focu s area lock) butto n. appear s ab ove th e focus ar ea i con in t he T op Status LCD panel T o release the l ock , press the Naviga[...]

  • Страница 145

    9-4 Selecting AF Area Mode 1 Press and hold t he AF are a mode butt on and r otate t he Main- Command dia l to s elect Si ngle Area AF or Dyna mic AF mode. ☛ Single Area AF mod e and Dynamic AF mode a re descr ibed on the fo llowi ng pages. When Singl e Ar ea AF mode is selec ted, yo u may desi gnate th e focus area, a nd th at c hoice rem ains u[...]

  • Страница 146

    9-5 9 F ocusing When Dynamic AF mode is selec ted, a or appear s in t he selec ted fo cus area, + appe ars in all five f ocus a reas o f the T op St atus LCD panel, and all five AF s ensors are ac tive. The example at the left shows cent er focus are a sele ctio n. In Dy namic AF m ode, the s elect ed focus area de signa tes t he pri mary sensor . [...]

  • Страница 147

    9-6 Focus Mod e Y our ca mera has two fo cus mo des: a utofoc us and manual . Au tofocus There ar e two d efaul t Auto focus modes: ✔ Single Servo AF wi th Foc us-Pri ority ✔ Continu ous Ser vo AF with Releas e-Pri ority In eit her of th ese modes—and i n any Dr ive mode —focus tr ackin g is au tomati call y activ ated when the subjec t sta[...]

  • Страница 148

    9-7 9 F ocusing Sing le Ser vo AF wit h F ocus- Priorit y (Sta tionar y Su bject ) 1 Se t the D rive Mod e sele cto r to S (Singl e Serv o AF). 2 Lightl y pres s th e Shut ter Releas e butt on to a ctiva te autof ocus. 3 Confir m that a g reen • appears in the vi ewfind er , then f ully depres s the Shutte r Relea se butto n. ☛ If t he subj ect[...]

  • Страница 149

    9-8 Single Servo A F wit h F ocus-Pri orit y (Movi ng Subj ect) ☛ Single Serv o AF is co nve nie nt f or of f-ce nt er subj ect s. Refer to “ Focus Lock For Of f - center Subjec ts” on page 13 -14. 1 Pe rfor m ste p s 1 - 3 as for a stat ionar y subje ct (page 9-7). 2 Confir m that a green • a ppears i n the vi ewf inder , then f ully depre[...]

  • Страница 150

    9-9 9 F ocusing ☛ Afte r c apturi ng images w ith the Drive m ode se t t o S , you do not have to remov e yo ur fin ger fr om t he Shut ter Rel ease b utton to captur e the next i mage. Slight ly re le ase pres su re on the bu tt on so i t i s onl y half- dep res se d , the n ful ly depr es s it to re le ase the shut ter a gain. Th e focus sett i[...]

  • Страница 151

    9-10 If a appears in the viewfi nder , the lens is fo cused be hind t he subj ect. If a appears in the viewfi nder , the lens is fo cused i n fron t of t he subj ect. If a blink s in the vi ewfin der , auto focus i s n ot pos sible . Refer to “Speci al Focu sing Situat ions i n AF” on p age 9- 13. ☛ Focus i s not l ocked i n Conti nuo us Serv[...]

  • Страница 152

    9-11 9 F ocusing Manual F ocus with t he Ele ctr onic Ran gefi nder The El ectr onic Ra ngefi nder pr ovides you wi th vie wfinde r indi cati ons th at sh ow th e focu s sta tus while you are focus ing. It works with most Nikon l enses (i ncludi ng AF Nikk or wh en oper ated man ually) ha ving a maxi mum aper ture of f/ 5.6 o r fast er . (For a co [...]

  • Страница 153

    9-12 2 Whil e lig htly p ressi ng the Shutt er Rele ase butt on, rot ate the l ens foc using ring i n the direc tion indica ted by the fo cus- to-l eft a rr ow or focus- to-r ig ht arrow , unt il the arrow disap pears and the in-f ocus indic at or • appea rs . If th e fo cus-to-l ef t a rr ow does not disa ppe ar when you tu rn the focus ring c o[...]

  • Страница 154

    9-13 9 F ocusing Man ual F ocus Using a Clea r Matte F ield Special Focusing Situations in AF Autof ocus op erati on depe nds on gener al ligh ting, s ubjec t cont rast and detail, a nd o ther tec hnical facto rs. In rare si tuat ions w here aut ofocu s (an d manua l focus wi th the El ectro nic Range finder ) is not pos sible , blink s, telli ng y[...]

  • Страница 155

    9-14 V ery dark subjec t: Focus m anual ly w ith th e cle ar matte field, or for Single Servo AF , focus o n anoth er bri ghter su bjec t loca ted at the s ame dist ance, t hen lock t he focu s and re compos e. Refer to “Foc us Lo ck For Of f- cente r Subje cts” on pa ge 13- 14. Low-cont rast subje ct Focus m anual ly w ith th e cle ar matte fi[...]

  • Страница 156

    9-15 9 F ocusing In t he fol lowing situa tions , ignor e the in-fo cus in dicat or (•) . ✔ Whe n the s ubject is ob scured by an obj ect s uch as a fenc e in th e fo regr ound, use Sing le Ar ea AF mode a nd selec t the su bje ct’ s focu s area ( des cribe d on pag e 9-1) or focu s man ual ly wit h th e cle ar ma tte f ield . ✔ W ith an ex[...]

  • Страница 157

    9-16 Sha rpe ning Y our DCS 620 , 620x, or 6 60 camera is equippe d with a n anti alias ing fi lter , an opt ical f ilt er that i s mou nted i nside the ca mera in fr ont of the elec troni c imager . This fi lter improve s overal l image qua lity at th e expens e of a smal l los s of sh arpn ess i n the i mage. In gen eral, sharpe n the ima ge wh e[...]

  • Страница 158

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE Capturing 10 10-1 Capturin g Im ages 10 This chapte r prov ides a n overvi ew of t he thi ngs you need t o do to c apture an d mana ge image s. M uch o f t he i n fo rmat i on is des cr ibed i n gre ater det ai l i n ot her parts of t h e manual . Pr eparin g to Captur e an Image 1 Hold the camera p rop erly . 2 St and wit h on[...]

  • Страница 159

    10-2 Lightl y pres s th e Shut ter Re lease butto n to st art t he aut of ocus operat ion a nd swit ch the exposur e meter on. Indic at ors i nsi de th e viewfin der an d Sta tus LCD panels t urn On. They remain on for approxi mately 8 second s aft er you t ake you r fin ger of f the S hutte r Relea se but ton, then au toma ticall y tu rn Off. Fu l[...]

  • Страница 160

    10-3 1 0 Capturing Basic S hooting 1 Se t the le ns a pe rture to it s minimum positi on. Refer to “S etti ng the L ens to the Minimum Aper ture ” on page 2- 22. 2 Set th e Driv e Mode sel ec tor to S for Si ngle-fr ame shoo ting. Re fer to “Dr ive Mode” on page 10- 10. 3 Set th e Focus m ode sel ector to S for Si ngle Servo A F . Refer to [...]

  • Страница 161

    10-4 4 Press and hold t he AF are a mode butto n and ro ta te the Main - Command dia l to s elect Si ngle Area AF mode. The sel ecte d focus ar e a of the T op S t atus LCD panel displays only [ ] . The Focu s brack et als o appear s in th e viewf ind er . 5 Whil e pres sing t he loc k rele ase, set t he me teri ng syst em se lect or for 3 D Col or[...]

  • Страница 162

    10-5 1 0 Capturing P appears in th e T op St atus LCD panel and vie wfinde r . 7 Press the N aviga te swi tch to posit ion t he focu s brac kets o n your mai n subj ect. Re fer to “Navig ate Switch ” on pag e 2-9. 8 Light ly pre ss the Shutt er Relea se butt on. F N F O O MODE[...]

  • Страница 163

    10-6 If HI a ppears in th e sh utter speed p ositi on—Over -exposur e alert: Use a NIKON ND filter . If Lo a ppears in the sh utter speed p ositi on—Unde r- exposur e al er t: Us e an a cce ssory NIKON Speedlig ht. 9 Confir m th at a • appear s insi de the vi ewfind er (i ndicat ing succes sful focusi ng), t hen ful ly depres s the Shutte r R[...]

  • Страница 164

    10-7 1 0 Capturing The Shut ter ca nnot be re lease d in t he fol lowing sit uati ons: ✔ When blink s—Focus manuall y . Refer to “Speci al Foc using Si tuat ions i n AF” on page 9-13. ✔ When appears—Sub ject is to o close. Move away from your subj ect. ☛ T o conserve battery power , turn of f the camera wh en you ar e not using i t. I[...]

  • Страница 165

    10-8 T wo-B utton R eset Pressi ng the and bu ttons simult aneous ly for more than t wo seco nds res ets or cancel s vari ous se ttin gs. T wo-But ton R eset sets the fo llow ing mode s: T wo-Butto n Res et can cels the foll owin g modes: Mode Set T o Refere nce Exposur e mode Programmed Aut o Page 8- 14 AF Area mode Single Are a AF Page 9- 7 Focus[...]

  • Страница 166

    10-9 1 0 Capturing ISO The ISO sett ing co ntrol s image r sens itiv it y . The hig her the nu mber , the gr eater the sensi tivi ty , and vi ce ver sa. ISO 4 00 is tw ice a s sensi tive as ISO 200, a nd half as se nsiti ve as ISO 80 0. The fol lowing ta ble sho ws th e ISO r ange fo r yo ur camer a: Note on ISO (DC S 620x Only) While t he suppo rt[...]

  • Страница 167

    10-10 Dr iv e M od e Drive m ode de term ines wh eth er one or more i mage s are captur ed when you a re pressi ng the Shut ter Re lease butt on. There are f our aut omat ic Dri ve modes : ✔ Single frame ✔ Continu ous low- spe ed shoo ting ✔ Continu ous hig h-speed shoot ing ✔ Continu ous sil ent- lo w-sp eed shoo ti ng Choo si ng a Dr ive [...]

  • Страница 168

    10-11 1 0 Capturing Singl e-Frame S hooti ng W ith the Drive m ode at S , ful ly press ing t he Shutt er Rel ease b utton captu res on e image. T o captu re the next i mage, lif t your fi nger fr om the butt on, then f ully pr ess i t agai n. Use Singl e-fr ame shoo ting fo r stat ionary subje cts or subje cts that do not requi re se veral frames o[...]

  • Страница 169

    10-12 Continu ous Shoot ing Imag es are ca ptured co ntinuo usly as long a s you kee p the S hutter Releas e butt on ful ly pre ssed. W ith t he DCS 620 a nd 620x, y ou can ca ptu re up t o 3.5 fp s in C H mode, up t o 2.0 f ps in C L mode a nd approx imat ely 1.0 fps i n C S mod e. W ith t he DCS 660 a nd 660M, you can ca ptu re up t o 1.0 fp s in[...]

  • Страница 170

    10-13 1 0 Capturing Using the V ertical Contr ols Y our c amer a is de signed to fa cili ta te cap turin g ima ges in a vert ical orien ta tion. 1 St arti ng wi th the camera in the normal posit ion fo r capt uring imag es, tu rn it 90 d egrees in a count er clo ckwi se dir ecti on. 2 Press the V e rtic al AF S tart butt on if you pl an to use auto[...]

  • Страница 171

    10-14 Interval ometer Y our ca mera has an Int erval omet er whi ch you ca n set so tha t a seq uence o f images are captur ed aut omatica lly a t spec ifie d inte rvals over a speci fied p eriod of ti me. Y ou might use the Inte rva lometer t o capt ure a f lower bud openi ng or for unatt ended s urvei llanc e. Y ou can set the f ollowi ng: ✔ Nu[...]

  • Страница 172

    10-15 1 0 Capturing Y our c hoices on the Inter valomet er sc reen c ause t he fol lowing s creen s to ap pea r: ☛ T o change se ttin gs in t hese s creens , use t he same t echni que des cribe d for s etti ng Display Off T ime. Refer to “Se tting Dis play Of f Ti me” on pa ge 4-3. Inter valometer Settings Scr een Y our Action Result Timer C [...]

  • Страница 173

    11-1 11 Flash Flash Photog ra phy 11 The NIKON Autof ocus SB- 28D Speedli ght has bee n specif ically de signe d for DCS 600 Series cameras. This Sp eedlight retains al l function ality of the NIKON SB-28 Speedlight and a dds func tiona lity devel oped spe cifi call y for yo ur camer a. Most of the SB- 28D func tiona lity is des cribed i n the SB- [...]

  • Страница 174

    11-2 Auto Apertu r e Mode While a v ariet y of fla sh modes a re ava ilable wi th th e SB-28D Sp eed light, onl y Auto Apertur e mode is di scu sse d i n th is Chapt er . (Othe rs a re di scus se d in th e SB-2 8 instruc ti on manual. ) Auto Apertur e mod e has be en deve lop ed spec ific ally for you r camera. A uto Ap ert ure mode au tomati call [...]

  • Страница 175

    11- 3 11 Flash Attaching the SB-28D or SB-28DX T urning on the SB-28D or SB-28DX 1 Mount t he SB-28D o nto your came ra’ s acc essor y shoe. The r ed flas h symbol appear s in the view finde r whe n a fl as h is ins tall ed. 2 Attac h one of the f ollowi ng len ses : ✔ D-type AF Nik kor lens ✔ AF Nikkor lens (excep t for AF Nikkor for F3 AF) [...]

  • Страница 176

    11-4 S tandby Mode The SB-28D f eatures a S tandby mod e that helps conser ve the batt ery in your Spe edlig ht. When the Sp eedli ght is in th is mode, it wil l go t o sleep i f you do n’t touch any came ra or Speedli ght co ntrol s for 80 s econds. STBY appears in t he Spee dlight ’ s LCD panel when the fl ash i s in S tandb y mode. Enab li n[...]

  • Страница 177

    11- 5 11 Flash Setting Up Y our Camera for Flash Photography 1 Press and hol d the I SO butt on and rota te the Main-C omm an d dial to set the d esire d I SO. Refer to “I SO” on page 10-9. The se tting appears in th e Ba ck S tatu s LCD panel . 2 Confir m that you are using a D-type AF Nik kor lens, AF Nikkor le ns (except f or AF Nikkor fo r [...]

  • Страница 178

    11-6 4 Se t Exp osure mode . Ref e r to “Captur ing I mages in Eac h Exposur e Mode” on page 13- 1. While y ou c an use an y expos ure mode, Apertur e P riori ty ( A ) or Progra m ( P ) ar e reco mmended . Manua l ( M ) or Sh u tter Pr iority ( S ) modes are not recommend ed as they al low you to set an f -stop which is o ut of rang e for Auto [...]

  • Страница 179

    11- 7 11 Flash Setting Up the SB-28D or SB-28DX Whenever you mount the SB- 28D on your came ra, th e Flash mode is aut omatic ally set to Auto Apertu re mode. The Mode i ndicat or on t he Spee dligh t’ s LCD p anel shows A . If th e f-st op ind icato r on t he Speed light’ s LCD panel flic kers a nd the i ndica tor ba rs disapp ear , the f-st o[...]

  • Страница 180

    11-8 The Plus ( + ) and mi nus ( - ) butto ns all ow you to se t the approp riat e comp ensat ion le vel in 1/3E V in cre ment s fro m - 3 EV to + 1EV in Auto Aperture mode. The fol lowing list provi des inf orma tion s pec if ic to the dif fere nt zon es. Refer t o “ Auto Flash Distan ce Range ” on page 11 -11 . ✔ Negati ve expo sure compens[...]

  • Страница 181

    11- 9 11 Flash Te s t F i r i n g Y ou can te st to deter mine if a subj ec t is wi thin t he app rop riat e dist ance r ange fo r the curre nt aper ture . 1 Tu rn o n t h e c am e r a. 2 T urn on the Speedl ight. 3 Light ly pre ss the Shutt er Relea se butt on, then r eleas e. 4 Aim the Spee dlight a t the subje ct and pre ss it s FLAS H bu tton 5[...]

  • Страница 182

    11-10 Using the SB-28D . 1 T urn on the camera. 2 T urn th e Speedl ight On by press ing it s ON/OFF bu tton for approx imatel y 0.5 second s. The Spee dligh t’ s Re ady li ght comes on as soon as the flas h is r ecyc led and r eady t o fi r e. ☛ If yo ur subj ect is rela tivel y far of f, wait sever al sec onds af ter the Read y light tu rns o[...]

  • Страница 183

    11-11 11 Flash Auto Flash Distance Range The LCD pane l will not s how the f -sto p nor indi cator bars wh en the f -stop i s out o f rang e. Y our c amer a works w ith in the fo llowin g ISO range: DCS 620: 20 0 - 1600 DCS 620x: 4 00 - 400 0 DCS 660: 80 - 200 DCS 660M: 320 - 800 F ISO Number (f/ number) Dis tance Rang e Accord ing to Zoom Sett ing[...]

  • Страница 184

    11-12 The rang e of f- stops for y our cam era in A uto Ap ertur e mode is: ISO 80: F/ 2 to F/ 32 ISO 200: F/2. 8 to F/45 ISO 400: F/4 to F/64 ISO 800: F/5. 6 to F/64 ISO 1600: F/8 to F/64 Minus exp osure c ompensat ion i s not p ossibl e in Zo ne A. Expos ure compe nsati on exceedi ng - 1EV is not poss ibl e i n Zone B. Exposu re com pen sat io n [...]

  • Страница 185

    11-13 11 Flash Flash Syn c Mode Flash S ync mo de lets yo u modify how and whe n the f lash fi res dur ing ex posure . Slow Sync Making a Dark Backgr ound Mor e V isibl e W ithout Slow Syn c, the a utomatica lly c ontrol led s hutte r speed is con trolle d betwee n 1/250 s econd a nd 1/60 sec ond. When f lash p ictur es are taken with t his r ather[...]

  • Страница 186

    11-14 1 Se t the E xpos ure m ode to P for Programmed Aut o or A for Aperture-Pr iority Aut o. Refer to “Sett ing Expo sure Mode ” on page 8- 17. 2 Press and hol d the c amera’ s Flash Sync Mode bu tton a nd rotat e the Main -Command di al until appear s in t he Back Sta tus LCD panel . Slow S ync Normal Sync AF-ON AF-L AE-L L CSM BKT ISO[...]

  • Страница 187

    11-15 11 Flash Rear Cu rtain Sync Cr eati ng a Nat ural-look in g S tr e am of Lig ht Normall y in flas h synchr oniza tion, the Spe edligh t fires at th e begi nning of the e xposure . When t he s hut te r sp eed is slow , the res ult i s a streaki ng l igh t pa tt ern i n fr ont of the sub je ct. When Rea r- Curta in Sync is set, t he S peedli gh[...]

  • Страница 188

    11-16 1 Set the camera’ s exposure mode to M for Manua l expos ure mode. Refe r to “ Set ting Exposur e Mode” on page 8- 17. 2 Se t the f- sto p t o a se t ting approp riat e for t he ISO. ✔ IS O 80 : F/ 2 to F/ 32 ✔ ISO 200: F/2.8 to F/ 45 ✔ ISO 400: F/4 to F/64 ✔ ISO 800: F/5.6 to F/ 64 ✔ ISO 1600: F/8 to F/ 64 3 Press and hol d t[...]

  • Страница 189

    11-17 11 Flash Gu i de N u m b e rs f o r D et e rm in in g t he C o rrec t A pe r tu re Guid e numbers he lp you d eterm ine a corre ct exp osure o r p roper apert ure (f /sto p) when using t he SB-2 8D in th e Manual or Repea ting Flash mode. The guid e nu mber re pre sents the amou nt of lig ht at ISO 2 00 for meters/ feet (m/ ft) genera ted by [...]

  • Страница 190

    11-18 W ith ISO set to 200, yo u can l ocate the gui de numbe r in t he tab le (s hown on t he pre vious page), t hen us e the f ormulas on the previous pag e to deter min e apert ure or t he opti mal flash shooti ng dista nce. For exampl e, wit h ISO 200, a Flas h output level of 1/1 ( full ), a Zoom-hea d posit ion of 35 mm, the gu ide numbe r is[...]

  • Страница 191

    12-1 12 Camera Images W orking with Images on th e Cam era 12 The Image LCD pa nel al lo w s yo u to vi ew i mages an d in for m at ion abo ut im ag es sto re d on a PC Card . Y ou can ad jus t the displ ay con tr ast f or a be tt er view of t he i mage s. I n a ddi ti on, you can record sound f iles to be a ssociat ed with images, and delete i mag[...]

  • Страница 192

    12-2 Set ti ng t he Revie w Mode 1 Inser t a PC Card. R efe r to “In ser ting /Rem ovi ng P C Car ds” on page 5-3. 2 Press the Dis play b utton to tur n on the Image LCD pa nel. 3 Se lect th e Di s pla y icon , then select S ingle, Four , or Nine im age R evi ew mod e. R efer to “Naviga tion T echn iques” on page 2- 14. One, four , or nine [...]

  • Страница 193

    12- 3 12 Camera Images Rev iewin g Imag es Y o u ca n revi ew a ny i m age s that are s tor ed on t he PC Ca rd , a f ol der at a t ime . (Only the imag es in t he cur rentl y sel ected folder are a vailabl e for d ispla y at a ny on e time.) 1 Select a PC Car d and fo lder ( page 5- 8). 2 Select the Di splay ic on, then selec t the Imag e Rev iew [...]

  • Страница 194

    12-4 Navigat ing Horizo ntall y Press and hold th e Select or button and pr ess the right si de of th e Navigat e swit ch to scroll horizo ntall y fro m the lo wer n umbered t o the higher numbere d ima ges in the cu rrent ly selec ted fo lde r . Press a nd hold th e Selec tor bu tton a nd pres s the left side o f the Na vigate s witch t o scro ll [...]

  • Страница 195

    12- 5 12 Camera Images Navigat ing V ert icall y Press and hol d the Se le ctor b utton and pre ss the botto m of the Navigat e sw itch to scro ll verti call y from t he lo wer nu mber ed to t he high er num bered imag es in t he cur rentl y selec ted fo lde r . Press and hol d the Se le ctor b utton and pre ss the top of the Navi gate switch to sc[...]

  • Страница 196

    12-6 Adjusting Display Contrast Y ou can change t he con trast to ligh ten or darken the i mages di splaye d on the Image LCD panel. ☛ Changing contr ast doe s not a f fec t the sto red im ages , only t he vie w of the imag es on the Imag e LCD pa nel. If you c hange t he cont rast sett ing, t he chang e is maint ained during Powersa ve and whe n[...]

  • Страница 197

    12- 7 12 Camera Images Selectin g an Image Y ou must s el ect an i m age if you wan t t o ta g it , recor d a s ound fil e, or sp eci fy that it not be delet ed, as d escribed in the next f ew s ecti ons. Whe n you ca ptu re an i mage, that image automat ical ly bec omes the curre nt image. If you n eed a di ff erent image to be cu rrent , y ou wil[...]

  • Страница 198

    12-8 Setting Display Options Y ou can speci fy tha t areas of overe xposur e be hi ghligh ted. I n addit ion, you ca n sp ecify that the ex posure hist ogram a nd infor mation about the i mage be di splay ed. (The hist ogram is onl y displ ayed in Si ngle I mage Revi ew mode.) 1 Se lect th e Me nu ic o n, t h en choose Main Menu from t he dropdown [...]

  • Страница 199

    12- 9 12 Camera Images If you tu rned the Hist ogram/Info opti on On, the hist ogram and expos ur e inf orm ation appears . The imag e hist ogram shows t he range and dis tri bution of ton al value s for an im age. It displ ays the nu mber of occu rrenc es of each p ixel c ode val ue, and can be use d to as ses s an i mage’ s brigh tness and cont[...]

  • Страница 200

    12-10 T agging Image s Y ou can tag one or mo re imag es the n perf orm oper ation s on the ta gged (o r unta gged) image s usi ng the c amera or th e DCS Ho st sof tware. On the cam era, yo u can sp ecify th at the ta gged im ages be proc ess ed (pa ge 6-2) , t ransmit ted, o r NOT del eted (pa ge 12-1 4). (Image t ransmi ssion is descr ibed i n t[...]

  • Страница 201

    12-11 12 Camera Images Associatin g Sound Files W ith Images Y ou can at tach a soun d file to the cur ren t image , eith er i mmedia tely af ter yo u captur e it, or later when you revie w it . If y ou dele te the image u sing ca mera co ntr ols, o r copy o r dele te it us ing th e DCS Host s oftware, t he sou nd fil e will al so be c opied o r de[...]

  • Страница 202

    12-12 Y ou cann ot re cord so unds and th e Microp hone ic on is n ot d ispla yed in the Bac k St atus LCD panel u nder the fo llowing circu msta nces: ✔ No imag e in the c urren t f older ✔ No PC Card in the camera ✔ The PC Ca rd in the camera is ful l ✔ Y ou are captu ring a n image o r a bur st of imag es. ☛ If you r eco rd a soun d fi[...]

  • Страница 203

    12-13 12 Camera Images Deleting Images Y ou can delet e one or more i mages from a PC Card to make space f or add itio nal ima ges. Any sound file s asso ciate d with a n ima ge are also delet ed. Del et ing a Sin gle Imag e 1 Press and hol d the Di splay butt on and the Select or but ton at the same time . If t he Image LCD panel is off , it wi ll[...]

  • Страница 204

    12-14 D el et in g More Th an On e Im age Y ou can delet e all imag es in a folde r , all u ntagge d ima ges in a fo lder , all imag es on a P C Card, or all un tagged images on a PC Car d. 1 Selec t a PC Card, i f nece ssary . 2 T o delete al l unt agge d i mages in a fol der or on a card, t ag any ima ges that you DO NOT wa nt t o de lete. Refer [...]

  • Страница 205

    12-15 12 Camera Images Recovering Deleted Image s Y ou can recove r im ages t hat wer e prev iousl y delet ed fr om a PC Card, if they have not been overwr itten. Onl y images that were writte n to a PC Card by a DCS 600 Series camera c an be r eco vered. For the Recover funct ion t o work, the P C Card m ust hav e been f ormatt ed on t he cam era.[...]

  • Страница 206

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 13-1 13 Advanced Advanced Operation 13 This chapte r e xplains a dva nced pho tograp hic te chniqu es and appl icat ions s uch as Exposu re mod e, Fl exi bl e pro gra m, Focus lo ck, AE/A F loc k, and Expos ure compensa tion. It a lso expla ins t he use o f the Self t imer , long te rm expos ure, an d Custom Se ttin gs. Capturi[...]

  • Страница 207

    13-2 2 Press and hol d the MODE button an d rota te th e M ain -Com m and dial until S appea rs in the T op Sta tus LCD panel and viewfi nder . 3 Remove you r fing er fr om the MODE butto n, an d rota te the Main -Command dial to sel ect the de sired shu tter speed. ☛ Shutt er spee d is di vided into 1/3 st op inc rements from 30 second s to 1/80[...]

  • Страница 208

    13-3 13 Advanc ed Locki ng Shut te r Speed Y ou can loc k the s elect ed shut ter s peed t o avoid accid ental change s of se ttin gs. 5 Confir m the automat ical ly set ap ertu r e va lu e. 6 Fully depres s the Sh utter Releas e butt on to c apture the imag e. Y ou can chang e the d irect ion t hat th e Mai n-Comma nd dial m ust be turn ed to i nc[...]

  • Страница 209

    13-4 Ap er ture-P riorit y Aut o Ex posure Mo de 1 Press and hol d the MODE button an d rota te th e M ain -Com m and dial until A appear s in t he T op Sta tus LCD pa nel an d in th e viewfi nder . 2 Remove you r fing er fr om the MODE butto n, an d rota te the Sub-Command dial to s elect the desir ed aper t ure . 3 Se t th e le n s to its minim u[...]

  • Страница 210

    13-5 13 Advanc ed The ape rt ur e set ti ng is i ndi cated in the T op S tatus LCD panel and viewfi nder . The aper ture indic ation changes in 1/3 stop i ncrem ents betwee n the lens’ maxi mum and minimum apert ures. Y ou can also s et th e apertur e by ro tati ng the lens a pertu re ri ng. In this cas e, F- - blinks in the viewfi nde r and i n [...]

  • Страница 211

    13-6 5 Confir m th e au tomati cally se t shutt er spe ed. 6 Fully depres s the S hutte r Releas e butt on to c aptur e an ima ge. F N F O O MODE[...]

  • Страница 212

    13-7 13 Advanc ed Loc kin g t he Aper ture Y ou can loc k the s elect ed aper ture to avoi d acci denta l chan ges of set tings . Press the (Aper ture Lo ck) butto n and ro tate th e Sub-Comman d dial. appear s in t he T op S tat us LCD panel and appe ars in the viewfi nder a bove th e apert ur e indic ations . T o release the l ock , press the but[...]

  • Страница 213

    13-8 Differ ent Pr ocedur es for Diffe r ent L ens es Man ual Exposu re Mode Lens T y pe Procedure Le ns wi thou t a CP U F-- bl inks i nstea d of t he aper ture value i n the T op S tatus LCD pa nel and viewfi nder . Se t the ap ert u re man ually with the le ns ap erture rin g. AI-ty pe lens Confir m th e apert ure va lue on le ns barr el. Lens h[...]

  • Страница 214

    13-9 13 Advanc ed 2 Remove your fing er fr om the MODE button , and set th e shut ter speed b y ro tati ng the Main Command dial. Shutte r spee d can be set i n 1/3 stop i ncremen ts. In Manual exposu re mo de, you can se t the shutter spee d to buL b for ex tended time ex posure s. Refer to “Lon g T i me Exposu re” on page 13-30. 3 Rotate the [...]

  • Страница 215

    13-10 4 Look int o the viewfi nder , compo se the scene, and light ly press the Shu tter Releas e butt on. 5 Adju st th e aper ture a nd/or shutt er spe ed unti l the elec tr onic analo g exposu re displ ay shows “ 0 ” or the de sired exposure value . 6 Fully depres s the S hutte r Releas e butt on to c aptur e an ima ge. Ex am pl e s Ove r +2E[...]

  • Страница 216

    13-11 13 Advanc ed Locki ng Shut te r Speed /Ap ert ur e Y ou can loc k the s elect ed shut ter s peed/ apert ure to avoid a ccide ntall y chang ing a s etti ng. Y ou can use Cus tom Setting # 19 to ch ange the l owest s hutte r spee d from 30 second s to as much as 30 m inute s. Refe r to “ Custo m Sett ings” on page 1 3-3 2. Y ou can us e Cus[...]

  • Страница 217

    13-12 Differ ent Pr ocedur es for Diffe r ent L ens es Lens T y pe Procedure Lenses withou t a CPU ☛ F-- bl inks i nstea d of t he aper ture value in the T op Stat us LCD pan el and vi ewfinde r . Se t the ap ert u re man ually with len s ap erture rin g. Lens ha ving f ixed ap ertur e, s uch as a Refle x-Nikko r lens es Apertu re can not be c ha[...]

  • Страница 218

    13-13 13 Advanc ed Flexible Pr ogram Flex ible P rogram chan ges the sh utter speed/ apert ure c ombin ation in Progra mmed Aut o Expos ure mode. Flexible Progra m le ts you t emporar ily c hange a n automa tical ly se t shu t t er sp e ed/ ap ert ur e co m bina tion in 1/3 st ep i ncrem ents , whi le ma in taini ng c on sis te nt expos ure. 1 Sele[...]

  • Страница 219

    13-14 Focus Loc k For Off-center Subjects In Sing le Ser vo AF mode, f ocus r emains lock ed a s long as the Shutter Re lease butt on is kept l ightl y pres sed. Foc us can b e locke d in an y of the f ive fo cus ar eas. ☛ W ith a mov ing sub ject, foc us cann ot be l ock ed. ☛ In Conti nuo us S ervo AF mode , lock t he focus using t he AE-L/ A[...]

  • Страница 220

    13-15 13 Advanc ed 1 Posit ion th e focus bracke ts on the su bject and light ly pr ess th e Shutte r Rele ase but ton t o star t the au tofocu s op eration. 2 Confir m that t he gre en in- focus indic ato r • appe ars i n the viewfi nder . 3 Keep ing the Shutt er Rele ase butto n light ly pr essed, recompos e, the n full y depre ss the Shu tter [...]

  • Страница 221

    13-16 ☛ If a s ubject is co vered by one of th e five focus bracke ts, you can al so capt ure an image of an of f-ce nter su bje ct by shi ftin g the focu s to t he rele vant fo cus area with out changin g the c ompos itio n. Refer to “Se lecti ng the Focus A rea” on page 9-1. AE/AF Lock Y ou can si mult an eous ly loc k bot h expo sur e an d[...]

  • Страница 222

    13-17 13 Advanc ed About AE Lock When you are us ing Auto Exposur e mode, us e AE loc k to con trol exposur e base d on the bri ghtnes s of a specif ic ar ea wit hin a s cene. Cente r- W eighted (pa ge 8 -1 1) or Spot Metering (p age 8-12) is re commended when usin g AE lock. 1 Posit ion th e focus bracke ts on th e subj ect. 2 Lightl y pres s and [...]

  • Страница 223

    13-18 4 Keep pre ssing th e AE-L/A F-L butto n, reco mpose the sc ene, then f ully depres s the S hutter Releas e butt on to c aptur e the ima ge. Y ou can use Custom Set ting #21 to set t he AE-L/AF- L button to lock eit her fo cus or exposur e (not bot h, as wi th the defau lt). Y ou can use Cu stom Set ting #5 t o set t he AE-L/ AF-L but ton to [...]

  • Страница 224

    13-19 13 Advanc ed Exposur e Compensation Expos ure compe nsati on is a pho togra phic tech nique that enabl es you to var y the f inal expos ure se ttin gs fro m tho se measu red by t he camera’ s light meter . 3D Col or Ma trix Meter ing empl oys methods of expo sure c alcul ation that automatic ally a pply expos ure comp ensat ion, de pendin g[...]

  • Страница 225

    13-20 Ob ta i n in g the Me te r Re ading in Ma nua l E xpo sure Mode If you a re usi ng Manual Exposur e mode a nd want t o set an e xposur e for a speci fic bright nes s va lue within the scen e, swi tc h the mete ring sy stem to Cen te r- W eighted or Spot and use the fo llowin g method. 1 Center the mai n subj ect i nside the vi ewfind er and/o[...]

  • Страница 226

    13-21 13 Advanc ed ☛ If you are using S ingle Servo AF mod e and r ecomposing t he pic ture c ould c hange subj ect- to-ca mera dist ance, r efo cus by bri efly removi ng your fi nger fr om the Shutt er Rele ase but ton t hen li ghtly pressi ng again. ☛ Conti nuous S ervo AF i s not r ecommende d if t he subj ect be comes of f-cente r after rec[...]

  • Страница 227

    13-22 Ex posure Comp ensatio n Func tion T o modify exposur e cont rol ( from the ISO st andard) , use t he expo sure c ompensat ion button . Compensat ion c an be a pplie d from – 5EV to +5EV i n 1/3 EV steps . After captu ring your ima ges, be s ure to r eset t he compe nsati on to “0 ” to r esume nor mal oper ation. ☛ If Auto Exp osu re/[...]

  • Страница 228

    13-23 13 Advanc ed When you r emove your finge r from th e butt on, the symbo l in t he vie wfinder stay s on to i ndicate t hat e xposur e compe nsati on is o n, bu t the compe nsati on valu e disa ppe ars. T o display the co mpensati on value, press the button a gain. 2 After you have captur ed the desir ed images , reset th e amount of comp ensa[...]

  • Страница 229

    13-24 A uto Expos ure /Fla sh Ex pos u re Brac keti ng In si tuati ons where you might fin d it d if ficult to obt ain a prope r expos ure, Au to Expos ure/ Flash Ex posure bracke ting l ets you s hoot t he same s ubject at two or three dif fer ent exposur es, wit h a var iable exposu re compen sati on degre e of 0. 3 EV , 0. 7 EV or 1 EV . If you [...]

  • Страница 230

    13-25 13 Advanc ed 2 While pr essing t he but ton, ro tate th e Sub -Com m and dial to selec t the desir ed n umber of shots and the compe nsati on value from one of tho se shown in the tabl e below . MODE L CSM BKT ISO BKT # Shots Compensated EV value Back Status LCD panel T w o 0 a nd +1/ 3 2F0.3 T w o 0 and -1/3 2F0. 3 T w o 0 a nd +2/ 3 2F0.7 T[...]

  • Страница 231

    13-26 3 Compose t he pic ture, conf irm the f ocus and exposure, the n full y depress the Shutt er Releas e butto n. 4 W ith the Dr ive m ode at Singl e- frame sho oting ( S ), fully depress the Shu tter Releas e butt on the set nu mber of ti mes. W ith the Dr ive m ode at conti nuous s hooting ( C H , C L or C S ), ful ly de press the Shutter Rele[...]

  • Страница 232

    13-27 13 Advanc ed In Aut o Exposu re/Flas h Exposur e brac ketin g, the f ollowing are va ried: ✔ Shut ter sp eed and ape rture in Pro grammed Aut o mode ✔ Apertur e in Shutter -Priority Auto mode ✔ Shut ter sp eed in Aper ture-P riorit y Auto mod e an d Manual E xposure mode ✔ Flash ou tput lev el with a dedi cated NIKON Spe edlight. If t[...]

  • Страница 233

    13-28 Self-T imer 1 Whil e pressin g the Lock rel ease, set t he Dr ive mode /Se lf-ti mer selec to r to (sel f-ti mer ) posit ion. 2 Compose t he pic ture. L ightly press the Shutte r Release bu tton, and c onfir m f ocus and exposur e. Refer to “Sel ec ti ng the Focu s Area” o n page 9- 1 and “ Setti ng Exposur e Mode” on page 8- 17. C S [...]

  • Страница 234

    13-29 13 Advanc ed In Singl e Servo AF wi th Focus-P riority , the self-t imer opera tes only when t he green in- focus indic ator • appe ars i n the view finde r . Once th e sel f-ti mer st arts , t he shut ter wil l be rel eased even if th e subj ect i s out o f focu s at t he ti me of shutt er rel ease. Whe n you sel ect b uLb the shutt er spe[...]

  • Страница 235

    13-30 Long Time E xposure At buLb se tt ing, t he shut ter s ta ys open as lon g as the Shu tter Releas e butt on rem ains depres sed. Use a tr ip od to av oid ca mera shake wh ich may blur the i mage. Use of remot e c ontrol access ories , such as the Niko n Remote Cor d MC-20, MC-30, or Mo dulite Remot e Contr ol Se t ML -3 is al so r ecom mend e[...]

  • Страница 236

    13-31 13 Advanc ed 1 Press and hol d the MODE butto n and ro tat e the Main - Command dia l to sele ct M for Manual Exposu re mode. M app ear s in t h e T o p Statu s LCD panel. 2 Remove your fing er fr om the MOD E butt on and r otate the Main-Command d ial unt il buLb (Bulb e xposure ) appe ars i n the T op Status LCD panel and viewfi nder . 3 Fu[...]

  • Страница 237

    13-32 Custom Settings Y ou can use th e Cus tom Sett ing f eatur e to cr eate a co mbinati on o f func tions that are dif fere nt from the fa ctory setting s. Use t he metho d descr ibed be low or t he Cust om Setti ngs menu, avail abl e thro ugh Prop erti es (pa ge 4-7) ☛ In gene ral, the Cu stom Set tings menu is eas ier t o u se, sin ce the se[...]

  • Страница 238

    13-33 13 Advanc ed Reset Fa ctory Settings T o reset all Custom Setting s, press t he and butto ns sim ult aneousl y for more tha n two sec onds. Al l Custo m Setti ngs but #0 rev ert to t he fac tory s ettings . (If 0 -b is sel ected when you r eset the fa ctory sett ings, i t wil l remai n sele cted.) T o reset an ind ividu al Cust om Sett ing, s[...]

  • Страница 239

    13-34 Cust om Set tings T able The fol lowing t able describe s Cus tom Sett ings functi ons an d opti ons, and ind icate s the values that are di splaye d in t he Back S tatus LCD pan e l. Number Function Y our Option LC D Pa ne l 0 Se lect in g Cu sto m Setti ng: T o store a combi nation o f your Cu stom Settings , select 0- A or 0-b then s et Cu[...]

  • Страница 240

    13-35 13 Advanc ed 4 Autofoc us ac tivat ed when t he Shu tter Releas e button is li ghtly pre ssed: At the de fault sett ing, aut ofocus is acti vated and the l ens st arts focu sing wh en the Shutte r Releas e butt on is l ight ly pre ssed. T o dis able autof ocus , se le ct 4-1 . Use t he AF st art bu tt on t o star t auto foc us in t his c ase [...]

  • Страница 241

    13-36 10 Drive rate in C L (DCS 620 a nd 620x onl y) At the defaul t setti ng, th e fram e ra te is 2.0 f ps. T o change t he fra me ra te to 2.5 f ps, se lec t 10- 1. Custom S ett i ng # 10 is not a vai la ble o n th e DCS 660 or 660M. Th e fra me r ate is alway s 0.15 fps. 2.0 fps 10-0 2.5 fps 10-1 11 Alert LED in b uLb exposur e : T o enable the[...]

  • Страница 242

    13-37 13 Advanc ed 17 Bracket ing in Manu al Exposu re mode : At the defaul t s etting, the shutt er sp eed shi fts with ea ch im age ca ptured when bracke ting i s perfo rmed. T o change the s hifti ng facto r to a shutt er spe ed/ape rtur e combina tion, shutt er speed, apert ure, or flas h output l evel respe ctive ly , select 11 A , 10A , 01A ,[...]

  • Страница 243

    13-38 20 Flash Sy nc spee d: T o lock the flash sy nc spee d at 1/ 300, 1/ 250, 1/200, 1/160, 1 /125, 1/ 100, 1/ 80 or 1/ 60, sel ect 3oo , 25o , 2oo , 16o , 125 , 1oo , 8o , or 6o . Y ou can s et the f lash sy nc speed to only1 /300 in Shutt er -Prior ity Au to or M anual exposu re mode. (T o sel ect 1/ 300, se lect a fla sh sync speed of x25o, th[...]

  • Страница 244

    13-39 13 Advanc ed 24 Auto Expos ure/ Flash Ex posur e brack eting: At the defaul t setti ng, when b racket ing i s acti vated, b oth A uto Expo sure a nd Flas h Exposur e brac keting ar e perf ormed. T o perform o nly Auto Exposur e brac keting or Flash Exposure brack eting , sel ect 01E or 10E . Default: Aut o Exposur e/Fla sh Exposur e bracke ti[...]

  • Страница 245

    INS ER T PHOT O HERE 14-1 14 Connecting Connecting to Y our Computer 14 There are t wo ways to ac cess c amera i mages fr om you r comput er: ✔ Connec t the camera t o the computer using an IEEE 13 94 connect ion, th en acce ss the i mage s usin g the DC S Host softw are . ✔ Rem ove th e PC C ard f rom th e cam era, inser t it in to a PC C ard [...]

  • Страница 246

    14-2 C on nec t in g Y ou r Came ra to th e Co m put er Y ou conn ect you r camer a to the c omputer using an IEEE 13 94 cabl e. This cable moves images fr om the camer a to the compu te r at a very rapi d ra te. The IEEE 139 4 cabl e is eas y to use— you can plug eit her end into t he came ra or t he compu ter , and you do n’t need t o turn of[...]

  • Страница 247

    14-3 14 Connecting 4 Connect the ot her en d of th e cable into a ny avai lable port on the IE EE 1394 ada pt er car d on your co mputer . The adap te r card may ha ve mult iple ports . ☛ Y ou may c onnect more tha n one camer a or o ther I EEE 1394 dev ices t o the card as long as you avo id a cl osed loop co nfigur atio n. (The drawing indicat [...]

  • Страница 248

    14-4 Quitting—Disconnecting from the Computer Complete these steps when your work wit h the camera a nd the computer i s comp lete . Y ou ca n c onne ct or disc onnect the camera without t urnin g the ca mera or t he compu ter Of f. 1 If the DCS Host So ftware is runni ng, cli ck the Done but ton i n the I mage windo w . 2 Disconne ct th e camera[...]

  • Страница 249

    15-1 15 T ransmitting T ran smit ting Data 15 Y ou can use th e s eri al po rt on your camera to t ran sf er dat a b etwe en your ca mera an d ot her devi ces . In add it io n, the re i s a pur cha sab le op ti on th at enables you to tr an sm it image s to a remot e loca tion u sing a cellu lar ph one. Connecting a Device to the S e ri al Port Y o[...]

  • Страница 250

    15-2 Accessing Ser ial Por t Options Sett ing the Bau d Ra te Before trans mit ting data betw een t he camer a and a c onnect ed devi ce, you must set the correc t baud rate requir ed by t he devi ce. Choos e fro m 300, 600, 1 200, 2400 , 4800, 960 0, 19200, 384 00, 57600 , and 1 15200. 1 Se lect th e Me nu ic o n, t h en choose Main Menu from t he[...]

  • Страница 251

    15- 3 15 T ramsmitting Serial In Mode Using Se rial In mo de, your camera acc epts text str ings f rom a con nec ted ext ernal devic e. The inf orma tion i s the n added t o spec ified i mage head ers. ☛ Seria l In an d Seri al Out mod es can work at the same time. 1 Selec t Seri al In from the Se rial Po rt menu (page 15-2 ). The Ser ial In Mode[...]

  • Страница 252

    15-4 Seri al In Status When you se lect New Images or Pre vious I mage fr om the Seri al In Mode menu , the Serial In S tatus choice becom es ava ilable. Select Seri al in Sta tus from the Seria l Port menu . If th e conne cted de vice i s send ing data, a mes sage i ndicat es the most recen t data receive d. If th ere i s no dev ice co nnecte d or[...]

  • Страница 253

    15- 5 15 T ramsmitting Se rial O ut Mo de When t he ser ial p ort i s in Ser ial Out mod e, your cam era s ends da ta to a r emotely connect ed devi ce. ☛ Seria l In an d Seri al Out mod es can work at the same time. 1 Selec t Seri al Out f rom the Ser ial Po rt menu (page 15-2 ). The Ser ial Out Mode menu appear s. 2 Selec t your choice (d escri[...]

  • Страница 254

    15-6 Image T r ansmi t Y ou can trans mit imag es fr om your ca mera to a remot e comput er usi ng a cell phone. Th e DCS T ransmission k it (a vail able from y our dea ler of Kodak pr oducts ) includ es har dware and docu mentati on to b e used wh en you co nnect your ca mera to a c ell phone. It also contai ns a c ertif icat e with in for m at io[...]

  • Страница 255

    16-1 16 Camera Care Came ra C ar e 16 Handling W i th care ful han dling, yo ur camera shou ld produ ce images of the hi ghest qu alit y for yea rs to c om e . ✔ Be car eful not to drop yo ur camer a or subje ct it to sh ock. (W hile the ca mera has been design ed for durabi lity , it is a p recis ion in strumen t and s hould b e handl ed with ca[...]

  • Страница 256

    16-2 Cl ean i ng 1 Turn off th e ca m era. 2 Disconne ct th e camera from t he AC adapt er an d from the c omputer if t hey are connect ed. 3 Using a d amp clot h, cle an only the out side cab ine t, the T op St atus LCD panel, the Back S tatus LCD panel , and th e Image L C D pane l. ☛ Do not us e liquid cleane rs or aeros ol cle aners on the ou[...]

  • Страница 257

    16- 3 16 Camera Care Anti-aliasing Filter and IR F i lter Y our c amer a c ont ai ns an anti- al ia si ng o r IR f il t er . It may be ne ces sar y t o remov e t h e f il te r for cl eanin g. Altho ugh it is not es senti al, you can wear lint -free, s tati c-free gloves , avail able fro m your ca mera dealer . ☛ The anti -a liasi ng or IR fi lt e[...]

  • Страница 258

    16-4 4 Ca re ful ly rem ove t he filt er bracke t fr om the camera . 5 Gently blow of f the dust us ing commerci ally avai l abl e canne d air . If the anti -aliasi ng fi lter is stil l dir ty , contac t your dea ler or servi ce re pre sentat ive. 6 T o re-ins tall , place th e fil ter bra ck et tabs into t he u pp er t wo notche s on th e camera l[...]

  • Страница 259

    16- 5 16 Camera Care The Imager The image r rec ords l ight whe n yo u capt ure an i mage. If it s hould g et dir ty , the qua lity of your i mages ca n be af fec ted. Deter mining if the Imager is Di rt y Even tho ugh the imager is lo cated insid e the c amera, it c an get dirt y . There a re two ways to det ermin e whet her it needs clean ing : ?[...]

  • Страница 260

    16-6 V isually inspe cting the Im ager 1 Turn off th e ca m era. 2 Remove the le ns fr om the came ra. 3 R em ove t h e anti- alia sing or IR f ilte r . 4 In sert a b att ery , if on e is no t p res ent. 5 Connect the ca mera to an AC a dapter , if one i s not alrea dy conne cted. 6 T urn on t he camer a. 7 Select the Menu icon, t hen cho ose Ma in[...]

  • Страница 261

    16- 7 16 Camera Care If t he batt ery an d AC adapt er ar e in place , the Ope n Shutt er scr een appear s in t he Image LCD panel . 9 Selec t OK to pr oce ed, or Ca nce l to ca ncel t he proc es s. If yo u chose Cancel, you can tur n off the came ra and repla ce the filt er and le ns. If yo u chose OK, the mir ror rais es and the shu tter opens. T[...]

  • Страница 262

    16-8 Cle anin g the Im ager If the imager is di rty , check t he Kodak W eb site for in struc tions on cle aning. Re asse mb ling t he C ame ra Y ou must reass emble yo ur c amera a fter ins pecti ng or c leani ng the imager . 1 Selec t Y es in the Close Sh utter scree n. The mirr ors l ower and th e shutt er cl oses. 2 T ur n of f the camera. 3 Ca[...]

  • Страница 263

    16- 9 16 Camera Care St o r i n g ✔ When stor ing yo ur camer a, wrap i t in a clean, s oft cl oth an d place it i n a well - venti lated , coo l, dry , dust -fre e plac e. ✔ Keep the camera out of direc t sunl ight, and away from hot spots such a s the t runk or rea r windo w she lf of a car . ✔ A void plac es where che mical agen ts suc h a[...]

  • Страница 264

    16-10 Installing Cam era Firmware on Y our Compute r Firmwa re is the so ftw are pr ogram t hat ru ns within the cam era and cont rols its o per ation . Access ne w fir mware v ers ions them from t he Koda k WWW sit e (h ttp:/ /www .kodak.com). Before you updat e the firmwar e on you r camer a, instal l it on your computer . Download the firmwar e [...]

  • Страница 265

    16-11 16 Camera Care Upda ti ng Fro m the PC Card 1 Insta ll the f irmware on your compute r . 2 Inser t a PC Card i nto th e card reade r on your compute r . Refe r to “ Using t he Card Reader” on page 14-4. 3 On your c omputer , copy t he fi rmware fil e (dcs 6xx.bin ) to the c ards r oot dire cto ry . 4 Inser t the car d in yo ur camer a. Re[...]

  • Страница 266

    Appendix A A- 1 Appendix A - Specificatio ns T ype of cam era Inte gral-motor a u tofocus 35 m m single-lens reflex Imager si ze D CS 620 an d 620x: 2 mil lion pixe ls DCS 660 and 660 M: 6 mi llion pixe ls Lens mo unt Nikon F mount Lens Refer to Appe ndix C Foc u s m od e Autof ocus and Ma nual with Electronic R angefind er AF area m ode Singl e Ar[...]

  • Страница 267

    A-2 Shutte r speed s Lithiu m niobate oscillato r-controll ed speeds fr om 1/80 00 to 30 seconds (i n 1/3 stop increm ents); elec tromagnetic ally contro lled Bulb sett ing Vi ew f i n d e r Nikon mult i-meter finder DP-30 pr ovided as s tandard f or the DCS 660 an d 660M, modi f ied for the DCS 620 and 620x; fixed eyelevel pentapr ism high-e yepoi[...]

  • Страница 268

    A-3 Appendix A Reflex mi rror Automa tic, ins tant-re turn type Accessor y shoe Standard IS O-type ho t-shoe conta ct; ready- light contact, monitor cont a ct; mount re ceptacle for SB-28D/S B-28/SB -27/SB-2 6/SB-25 ’ s Posi - Mount System provided Flash s ync con tr ol Slow Syn c and Rea r- Curta in Sync built-in Fl as h sy nc hr oniz at io n I [...]

  • Страница 269

    Appendix B B-1 Appendix B - T r oub lesho oting If y ou run i nto a prob lem operatin g your c amera, c heck th e foll owing t able to s ee if you can f ind th e caus e of th e problem. I f the troubl e per sists, t ake th e camera to your near est deal er or servi ce cent er . T op St atus LCD Panel Viewfi nder Shutte r Cause and Remedy No ind ica[...]

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    B-2 P or S blinks A appear s Ca n be rel eased Progra mmed Aut o or Sh utter -Prio rity Aut o expos ure mode i s set eve n though attached lens has no CPU. Ca mera au tomatic ally rese ts exposur e mode to Aper ture-Priority Au to. — blinks Locked Autofo cus (and manual fo cus wit h Electron ic Rang e fi nder) is no t possible . Focus m anually .[...]

  • Страница 271

    B-3 Appendix B Othe r sy mpt o ms, ca use s and rem edi e s : Symptom Caus e Remedy The ca mera setti ngs cannot be change d. Th e camera is turned Of f T urn o n the camer a. Autofo cusi ng does not operat e. The Focu s Mode s elector is set t o M. Set t he Focus Mode se lect or to C or S. The s hutter d oes not r elease. The camera is busy wr iti[...]

  • Страница 272

    Appendix C C-1 Appendix C - Lens and V iewfin der Compatibil ity Compati ble Le nses Y our camera works with the following NIKKOR lens es. Some work with the camera’ s anti alia sing o r IR filt er in place , so me work withou t it, and some wo rk in e ither sit uatio n. (Us e the t abl e b elo w as a r efere nce . ) Y ou cannot u se non- AI or m[...]

  • Страница 273

    C-2 Ai 20/3.5S x Ai 20/4 x Ai 24/2 x x Ai 24/2S x Ai 24/2.8 x x Ai 24/2.8S x Ai 28/2 x x Ai 28/2S x Ai 28/2.8 x x E 28/2.8 x Ai 28/2.8S x x Ai 28/3.5 x x Ai 28/3.5S x x Ai 35/1.4 x x Ai 35/1.4S x x Ai 35/2 x x Ai 35/2S x x E 35/2.5 Series E x Ai 35/2.8 x x Ai 35/2.8S x x Ai 50/1.2 x x Ai 50/1.2S x x Ai 50/1.4 x x Ai 50/1.4S x x Ai 50/1.8 x x Ai 50/[...]

  • Страница 274

    C-3 Appendix C Ai 55/3.5 Micro x Ai 58/1.2 Noct x Ai 58/1.2S Noct x x Ai 85/1.4S x x Ai 85/2 x x Ai 85/2S x x E 100/2 .8 x x Ai 105/1.8S x x Ai 105/2.5 x x Ai 105/2.5S x x Ai 105/2.8S Micro x x Ai 105/4 Mic ro x x Ai 105/4S Micro x x Ai 105/4.5S Ultra V iolet x x Ai 135/2 x x Ai 135/2S x x Ai 135/2.8 x x Ai 135/2.8S x x E 135/2 .8 x x Ai 135/3.5 x [...]

  • Страница 275

    C-4 1 Lenses wit h product num ber 906200 a nd before cann ot be use d. 2 Lenses wit h product num ber between 142361 and 14 3000 canno t be used. 3 Lenses wit h product num ber between 2001 1 1 an d 200310 cannot be used. Ai 300/ 2.8S x x Ai 300/ 4.5 x x Ai 300/ 4.5S x x Ai 300/ 4.5 x x Ai 300/ 4.5 x x Ai 300/ 4.5S x x Ai 400/ 2.8S x x Ai 400/ 3.5[...]

  • Страница 276

    C-5 Appendix C M anu al Zoom Le nse s Lens Name Lens T ype Wor ks w i th Antial iasing Filter Wo rks without Antial iasing Fil te r Ai Zoom25-50/ 4 x x Ai Zoom25-50/ 4S x x Ai Zoom28-45/ 4.5 x x Ai Zoom28-50/ 3.5 S x x Ai Zoom28-85/ 3.5 - 4.5S xx Ai Zoom35-70/ 3.3 - 4.5S xx Ai Zoom35-70/ 3.5 x x Ai Zoom35-70/ 3.5 S x x Ai Zoom35-105 /3. 5- 4.5S xx [...]

  • Страница 277

    C-6 Auto focus Sin gle Foc al Length L ense s Ai Zoom100- 300/ 5.6S xx Ai Zoom180- 600/8 S x x Ai Zoom200- 400/4 S x x Ai Zoom200- 600/ 9.5S xx Ai Zoom360- 1200/ 11 S xx Ai Zoom1200 -1700/ 5.6-8S xx Lens Name Lens T ype W orks with Antial iasi ng Filt er Works without Antial iasing Filt er AF 16/2.8 D Fish Ey e x x AF 18/2.8 D x x AF 20/2.8 x x AF [...]

  • Страница 278

    C-7 Appendix C Auto focus Zoom Le nse s AF 60 /2.8D Micro x x AF 85/1. 8 x x AF 85/1. 8D x x AF 85/1. 4D x x AF 105/2 D Defocus Contr ol x x AF 105/2 .8 Mic ro x x AF 105/2 .8D Micro x x AF 135/2 Defocu s Contr ol x x AF 135/2 D Defocus Contr ol x x AF 180/2 .8 x x AF 180/2 .8D x x AF 200/4 D Micro x x AF 300/2 .8 x x AF 300/4 x x AF I 300/ 2.8D x [...]

  • Страница 279

    C-8 AF Zoom 24- 50/ 3.3-4.5 D xx AF Zoom 24- 120/ 3.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 28 - 70/ 3.5-4.5 xx AF Zoom 28 - 70/ 3.5-4.5 D xx AF Zoom 28- 80/ 3.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 28- 85/ 3.5-4.5 S xx AF Zoom 28- 85/ 3.5-4.5 xx AF Zoom 28-2 00/ 3.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 35- 70/2.8 x x AF Zoom 35- 70/ 2.8D xx AF Zoom 35- 70/ 3.3-4.5 xx AF Zoom 35- 80/ 4.0-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 35-[...]

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    C-9 Appendix C Compatible V iewfinders AF Zoom 70- 300/ 4.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 70- 300/ 4.5-5.6 xx AF Zoom 80- 200/ 2.8 x x AF Zoom 80- 200/ 2.8D xx AF Zoom 80- 200/ 4.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 75- 180/ 4.5-5.6 D Micro x x IX Zoom 20-60/3.5- 5.6 IX Zoom 24-70/3.5- 5.6 IX Zoom 60-180/ 3.5-5.6 Viewf inder Numb er Multi -meter finder DCS 620, 620 x: Mo dified [...]

  • Страница 281

    Appendix D D- 1 Appendix D - Glossary AE (Auto matic Exposure ) loc k Used t o ho ld an a utoma tica lly co ntrol led sh utter sp eed and/ or ap ertur e. Recommend ed when t he phot ographe r wants to con trol an e xposur e based on a scen e’ s part icula r bri ghtnes s area with Ce nter -W eight ed or Sp ot Me teri ng. Anti alia sing filte r Hel[...]

  • Страница 282

    D-2 EV Exposure V alue: A nu mber repre senti ng the avail able c ombinat ions of shutt er speeds and a per tur es t hat gi ve the same ex posu re ef fect und er co ndi ti ons of s imi lar scene b right ness an d ISO. At ISO 100, the combi nati on of a one-se cond shut ter spe ed and an apertu re of f/1 .4 is def ined a s EV1. The camer a may be us[...]

  • Страница 283

    D-3 Appendix D F-number The num bers o n the l ens ape r ture r ing and in the ca mera’ s LCD that i ndica te the relat ive s ize of the l ens ape rtur e openi ng. The f -numb er ser ies i s a geo metric progre ssion based o n ch anges i n the s ize of the l ens ap ertur e, as i t is o pened a nd close d. As th e sca le ri ses, e ach num ber i s [...]

  • Страница 284

    D-4 Guide number The guid e nu mber ind ic ates t he pow er of a fl ash in relat ion t o IS O. Gui de num bers, quoted in ei ther meters or f eet, are u sed to ca lcula te t he f/ stop for c orrec t expo sure as fol lows: guide number f/ st op = ———— ———— ——— f lash-to-subje ct distance Usin g a sel ected apert ure, w e can c [...]

  • Страница 285

    D-5 Appendix D Manual flash Flash o utput is con troll ed ma nuall y in manu al fl ash mode, unlik e in au to fl ash mode, wher e flas h outpu t pow er var ies a utoma tica lly ac cordi ng to t he sel ected apert ure. Some Speedli ghts, inclu ding t he Nikon SB-28, SB- 27, SB-26, SB-25, SB-24 and SB- 20, provi de sel ectable manu al outp uts (f ull[...]

  • Страница 286

    D-6 R el eas e-Pri ori ty for aut ofocu s Shutte r c an be rel ea sed an yti me ( i . e., even w he n s ubj ect i s n ot in fo cus ). H elp s y ou avoid mi ssed op portun ities whe n you ar e not c oncern ed with absolu te foc using preci sion. Release -Pri ority is given to Co ntinu ous Serv o AF mode whi le Focu s-Prior ity i s given t o Single S[...]

  • Страница 287

    Appendix E E-1 Appendix E - Pr ob lem Repo rt KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS 600 Series Digital Camer as Customer Return Address Name____ _________ ________ ____ _________ ________ _________ ________ ___ Company_ _________ ________ _____ ________ _________ ________ ________ ___ Addres s______ ________ _________ ________ ____ _________ ________ ________ ___[...]

  • Страница 288

    Appendix F F-1 Appendix F - Remote Contr ol Accessories The f ollowi ng acce ssori es (av ailab le fr om Nik on) are co m p atible wi th your camera : Nikon Code Name Comp atibilit y Notes Adapt er MC-20 Remote ca rd Y es MC-21 Extension cor d Y es MC-22 Remote co rd wi th banana t ermina l Ye s MC-23 Connecting cord f or simult ane ous shut ter re[...]

  • Страница 289

    F-2 ML -2 Mo dul it e r emo t e contr ol set Ye s M C - 2 5 ML -3 Mo dul it e r emo t e contr ol set Ye s AC-1WE Computer li nk soft ware packag e (for W indows) Out of use Necessary si gnal do es not p rovide from 10 pin term inal AC-1ME Computer link soft ware packag e (for Macinto sh) Out of use Necessary si gnal do es not p rovide from 10 pin t[...]

  • Страница 290

    Index- 1 Index Numerics 3D Co lor M atrix Mete rin g 8-10 A AC Adapter 3-13 , 7- 5 Connec ting 3-1 4 , 7-5 Acces sory Sh oe 2-3 0 Actua tions 4- 6 AE/AF Loc k 13 -16 AF Area Mode Sele cting 9- 4 An ti -a li asi ng Fil te r 2-2 5 , 16-3 Clea ning 16 -3 Eff ect on F ocus 9- 15 Re-in sta lling 16- 3 Removi ng 16- 3 Aperture Loc kin g 13-7 Set ting 13 [...]

  • Страница 291

    Inde x-2 Co n ser ving B att er ies 3- 11 Contin uous Ser vo AF wit h Releas e- Pr iority 9-9 Contin uous Shoo ting 10- 12 Custom Sett ings 13-32 Descri ption 13-34 Making 13-32 Resett ing t o Facto ry Setti ngs 13-33 Using t he Prop erti es Men u 4-7 D Data 6-8 Date and Ti me 4-1 , 7-7 DCS 600 Ser ies Camera Ba ck 2- 4 Camera Bott om 2-5 Camera Fr[...]

  • Страница 292

    Index- 3 Index Flas h Sync Mode 11 -13 Rear Curtain Sy nc 11- 15 Slow S ync 11-13 Flex ib le Prog ram 13- 13 Foc us A r ea Loc kin g 9-3 Sele cting 9-1 Focus Loc k for Of f-cen ter Subje cts 13-14 Focus Mode Autofocus 9-6 Conti nuous S ervo AF wi th Rele ase-Pr iori ty 9-9 Sing le Servo AF with Focus- Pri or ity 9-6 Manual Focus 9-10 Usin g a Clea [...]

  • Страница 293

    Inde x-4 Removing 2-2 4 Locking Shutt er Spee d 13 -3 Locking Shutt er Spee d/Ap ertur e 13- 11 Long Time Exposur e 13-30 M Ma ci nto sh System Re quirement s 1-2 Main-Command Dial 2-1 7 Manua l Exposu re Mode 8- 16 Captur ing Imag es In 13-8 Obta ining Mete r Re ading 13- 19 , 13- 20 Manua l Focus 9- 10 Us in g a C l ear M atte F ield 9- 13 Using [...]

  • Страница 294

    Index- 5 Index Sele cting Ima ges 7- 13 , 12-7 Sele ctor B utt on 2-10 Sel f T i m er 13- 28 Sel f-Dia gnos tic Sh utte r Sys tem 2-31 Ser ial In Mode 15-3 Sta tu s 15-4 Serial Out Mode 15-5 Seri al Por t Opti ons 15 -2 Seri al Por t, Conne cting 15-1 Shar pening 4-4 Shut ter Spe ed Loc kin g 13-3 Shut ter Spe ed/Aper ture Loc kin g 13-11 Shut ter-[...]

  • Страница 295

    EASTMAN KODAK COMP ANY Kodak P rofessional Division Roc hester, New Y ork 1 4650 www.kodak.com/go/professional © Eastman Kodak Compan y , 2000. Kodak and K odak P rofessional are trademarks. P/N 4E1627[...]