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用户手册 ユ ー ザ ー マ ニ ュ ア ル manual de instrucciones guída utente handbuch gebruikershandleiding manuel utilisateur user manual 용자 설명서 Biggest Quadra 4-Disk RAID USB 2.0, FireWire 800/400, eSA T A[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 T able of Con tent s T able of Contents Health and Safet y Pr ecautions 4 General Use Pr ecautions 4 1. Introduction to the LaCie Big gest Quadra 6 2. About the LaCie Big gest Quadra 7 2.1. Minimum System Requirements 7 2.2. P ackage Content 8 2.3. Specific ations 9 2.4. Vie ws of the Drive 10 2.4.1[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 T able of Con tent s 5. Using the LaCie Biggest Quadra 35 5.1. Disk Status and Activity Indic ators 35 5.2. LCD Display Messages 36 5.2.1. Initialization Messages 36 5.2.2. Rebuild Messages 37 5.2.3. Failur e and Error Messages 38 5.2.4. RAID and Disk Status Messages 39 5.2.5. RAID and Disk Informati[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 F orw ard Copyrights Copyright © 2007 LaCie. All r ights re- ser ved. No par t of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sy s- tem, or transmitted in any form or b y any means, electronic, mechanical, pho- tocopying, recor ding or other wise, with- out the prior wr itten consent o[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 F orw ard is sy mbol on the prod- uct or on its packaging indicates that this product must not be disposed of with your other household waste. In- stead, it is y our responsibility to dispose of your waste equipment by handing it over to a collection point for the recy- cling of electrical and ele[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 F orw ard Do not place heavy objects on top of the LaCie Biggest Quadra or use ex- cessive force on it. Never use excessive force on your LaCie Biggest Q uadra. If you detect a pr oblem, consult the T roubleshoot- ing section in this manual. Pr otect your LaCie Biggest Q uadra f rom excessive exposur[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 6 In trod uct ion 1. Introduction to the LaCie Biggest Quadra Congratulations on the purchase of your ne w LaCie Biggest Q uadra. is high-perf ormance, ex- tremely flexible RAID (Redundant Array of Indepen- dent/Inexpensive Disks) subsystem is ideall y suited for integration with databases, imaging[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 7 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra 2. About the LaCie Biggest Quadra 2.1. Minimum System R equirements TeChNICAl NOTe: Mac Users! USB Con- nectivity : F or optimal perf ormance under the Mac OS , it is recommended that you use the F ireW ire interface unless you are using a G5 or are r un- ning Ma[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 8 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra 2.2. P ackage Content ImpOrT ANT INfO : P lease save your packag- ing. In the e vent that the drive should need to be repaired or serviced, it must be returned in its or ig- inal packaging. In the event that an individual disk should need to be repaired or servic[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 9 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra 2.3. Specifications Host Interface ■ eSA T A, F ireW ire 400, Fir eW ire 800 and USB 2.0 ❖ W eight and Dimensions ■ 25.3 lbs/11.5 Kgw 152.8 x 206.4 x 268.5 mm ❖ ❖ Operation T emperature ■ 0 - 35°C ❖ Operation Humidity ■ 5 - 95%, non condensing ?[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 0 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra 2.4. Views of the Drive 2.4.1. Front View ■ 1 Disk Activit y Indicator – Indicates when the disk is being accessed. For mor e infor mation, please see section 5.1. Disk S tatus and Activity Indicators . 2 Disk S tatus Indicator – Indicates the status of t[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 1 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra 1 V ent ilation F an – e ventilation fan keeps your drive cool dur ing operation. Be sure not to bloc k the fan when using your drive. 2 P ower Switc h – e power svwitch is the main on/off switch for the LaCie Biggest Q uadra. 3 P ower S upply Connec[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 2 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra F ireWire 400, also known as IEE E 1394, is a high- speed serial input/output tec hnology for connecting peripheral devices to a computer or to each other , and F ireWire 800 is the implementation of the new IEE E 1394b standard. F ireWire 800 offers increased[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 3 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra USB is a serial input/output technolog y for connect- ing peripheral de vices to a computer or to each other . Hi-Speed USB 2.0 is the latest implementation of this standard, and it provides the necessar y bandwidth and data transfer rates to support high speed[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 4 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra 2.5.3. eSA T A Cables and Connectors ■ Y our LaCie Biggest Q uadra uses the latest in SA T A technolog y , allowing interface (or bus) transfer rates of up to 3 Gbits/s. SA T A technolog y was or iginally de- veloped to ser ve as an internal inter face, deliv[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 5 Ab out the L aCi e Bi gge st Q uad ra 2.6. Drive T ray Locks e Biggest Q uadra ’ s dr ive trays can be locked into place with the provided keys to prevent accidental drive tray removal and damage. L aCie recommends that you keep your dr ive tr ays loc ked while the Biggest Q uadra is in use. T[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 6 Un ders tan ding RA ID 3. Understanding RAID Y our L aCie Biggest Q uadra is shipped with a pre- configured RAID level of 5, but it suppor ts four dif- ferent RAID levels: 0, 0 + 1, 5 and 5 + Hot Spare. is section will help you decide which RAID le vel is r ight for you. 3.1. RAID 0 Str iped Di[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 7 Un ders tan ding RA ID 3.2. RAID 0 + 1 High Data T ransfer P er for mance is le vel combines str iping and mirroring, which provides ful l data redundancy and protects data in the event that multiple drives fail (provided that the data on one of each mirrored pair of drives is inta ct). Storage [...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 8 Un ders tan ding RA ID 3.3. RAID 5 I nd e pe n de n t D at a D i sk s Wit h D i st ri bu te d P a rit y Bl oc k s is is the most versatile RAID level and offers high I/O transaction rates, which greatl y helps applications that perfor m large numbers of concurrent requests. If one drive in a RA[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 1 9 Un ders tan ding RA ID 3.4. RAID 5 + Hot Spare is le ve l is th e sa me a s R AI D 5, b ut on e d is k is de s - i gn a te d a s a “H ot Sp ar e ,” w hi c h m ea n s t ha t i n t he ev en t of a di sk f ai l ur e, th e “ Ho t Spa re ” di s k wo u ld au t o ma t ic al ly be a ct iv at ed[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 0 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 4. Setting Up Y our LaCie Biggest Quadra is chapter covers the instal lation and configura- tion of your LaCie Biggest Q uadra. A relatively easy process, you will be guided through the five following steps: Step 1 4.1. Setting e R AID L evel – e La[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 1 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 4.1. Setting the RAID Level e La C ie Bi gg es t Qua dr a i s pr e- c on fig ur ed at R A ID l ev e l 5 , bu t it ma y be r e- c on fi gu r e d. e RA ID le v el is se t u si n g th e R AI D Lev e l Sw it ch S el e ct o rs o n th e r ea r pa n el o f t h[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 2 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra is is the default setting of the LaCie Biggest Q uadra. F ollow these steps to set the RAID le vel at RAID 5. P ower off the LaCie Biggest Q uadra. Move switch 1 and 2 of the RAID Le vel Switch Se- lectors to the OFF position. 1. 2. 4.1.1. RAID 5 ■ CAUTION[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 3 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra P ower off the LaCie Biggest Q uadra. Move switch 1 and 2 of the RAID Le vel Switch Se- lectors to the ON position. 1. 2. 4.1.3. RAID 0 ■ P ower off the LaCie Biggest Q uadra. Move switch 1 of the RAID Le vel S witch S electors to the ON position. Move switc[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 4 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 4.2. Creating an Array T o initialize the disks in your array: Make sure the Biggest Q uadra is turned off and the power cable is not connected. Ensure that the RAID level is correctly set and configured. Refer to section 4.1. S etting the RAID Le vel . Ensure[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 5 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra If you are resetting the RAID level af ter having used the LaCie Biggest Q uadra at another RAID level, the LaCie Biggest Q uadra will display a warning on the LCD , asking if you are cer tain that you want to initial- ize the new RAID arr ay . e initializ at[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 6 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 4.2.2. Managing V olumes over 2TB in Windows ■ ImpOrT ANT INfO: e Lacie Biggest Q uadra suppor ts over 2TB c apacity on all oper ating systems except W indows 2000 and Windows XP which are limited to 2T B . In W indows 2000 and W indows XP , the maximum cap[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 7 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 4.3. Connecting to a Host Computer Once the LaCie Biggest Q uadra has finished the initialization of the array , you will be ready to connect the LaCie Biggest Q uadra to a host computer . is sec- tion is divided into the three different interface connec- t[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 8 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra F ollow the steps in sections 4.1. S etting e RAID Le vel and 4.2. Creating an Array to establish a RAID array . Connect the 9-pin end (A) of the F ireW ire 800 cable into the F ireW ire 800 port on the back of the LaCie Biggest Q uadra (F ig. 4.3.1.A/B). Con[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 2 9 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra F ollow the steps in sections 4.1. S etting e RAID Le vel and 4.2. Creating an Array to establish a RAID array . Connect the Hi-S peed USB 2.0 cable into the Hi- Speed USB 2.0 port on the back of the L aCie Big- gest Q uadra (A). Connect the other end of the [...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 0 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 4.3.3. Connecting to the Host Computer via eSA T A ■ F ollow the steps in sections 4.1. S etting e RAID Le vel and 4.2. Creating an Array to establish a RAID array . Connect the eSA T A cable to the eSA T A port on the back of the LaCie Biggest Q uadra (A).[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 1 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra T o change the time and date on the LCD Display , press and hold the Enter/Mute button (A) for five sec- onds. Release the button to display the date and time settings screen. T o adjust the time and date values, use the Scroll button (B) on the left-side of th[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 2 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 4.5. Formatting and P artitioning Before the L aCie Biggest Q uadra array c an be fully utilized, it needs to be formatted. D uring this process, the array can also be customized with par titions. F ormatting a disk consists of the f ollowing: the op- erating sy[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 3 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 8. Click Next . 9. Click Next . 10. Click Next . 11. Click Next . 12. In this window (F ig. 4.5.1.C), you have the option of selecting the Q uick F ormat option. is allows a much faster format; however , this will disallow Disk Management to c heck the drive [...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 4 Se ttin g U p th e B igge st Quad ra 4.5.2. Mac Users ■ 1. If it is not already on, power on the host computer . 2. As soon as the arr ay is detected by your computer , it will mount to the desktop as an untitled device. 3. F rom F inder , use the Go menu and open the Utilities folder . Double-cl[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 5 Us ing the Big ges t Qu adr a 5. Using the LaCie Biggest Quadra 5.1. Disk Status and Activity Indicators is list is a key to the messages of the Disk S tatus Indicator and Disk A ctivit y Indicator on ea ch of the in- dividual Drive Bays. Disk Status Indicator Disk Activity Indicator Controller [...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 6 Us ing the Big ges t Qu adr a 5.2. LCD Display Messages e status of the LaCie Biggest Q uadra controller and array c an be vie wed through the LCD Display . By using the Menu button to scroll through the messages, the following information is available: RAID level and capacity Disk model Disk DM[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 7 Us ing the Big ges t Qu adr a 5.2.2. Rebuild Messages ■ ese LCD Display messages may appear during a rebuild phase. LCD Display Message Message Cleared When... Dx Rebuild xx.x T otal: xxxxGB Rebuilding data to a new disk following a disk failure. Re bu il d co mpl et ed s ucc es sf ull y Re bu[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 8 Us ing the Big ges t Qu adr a 5.2.3. Failure and Error Messages ■ ese messages will be displayed in the event of a RAID or disk failure, or an error during a process. RAID Failure Messages LCD Display Message Message Cleared When... RAID Fail code: 0 e RAID array failed. ere are not enou[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 3 9 Us ing the Big ges t Qu adr a RAID Configuration Failure Message LCD Display Message Message Cleared When... RAID Level Unmatched e setting of the RAID Le vel Switch S electors does not match the existing RAID level. e L aCi e Bi gg es t Qu ad ra is s hut do wn a nd t he R AID Lev el Sw it c[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 0 Us ing the Big ges t Qu adr a Disk Initialization LCD Display Message Message Cleared When... Biggest Quadra Initialize Disks e disks are spinning up . e La Cie Bi gg es t Q u ad ra ha s com - pl et ed d isk i ni ti ali za tio n ❖ Ready LCD Display Message Message Cleared When... Biggest Qu[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 1 Us ing the Big ges t Qu adr a Firmware V ersion LCD Display Message Message Cleared When... Firmware V er: x.xx Displays the firmware version. e M en u but to n is p re ss ed ❖ Fan And T emperature Information LCD Display Message Message Cleared When... Fan: xxxx rpm T emperature: xx°C Displ[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 2 Ma inta ini ng t he Bigg est Qua dra 6. Maintaining Y our LaCie Biggest Quadra 6.1. R emoving/Replacing A Drive In the event that an individual hard disk fails in the LaCie Biggest Q uadra, please contact your LaCie re- seller or LaCie Customer Support. Additional, spare drive trays with pre-instal[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 3 T echn ical In form ati on 7. T echnical Information 7.1. File System Formats Mac Users ■ Mac OS 10.x Users Y ou ma y customize the drive by reformatting and/or partitioning the drive with separate file system f ormats. F or optimal perf ormance in Mac OS environments, for- mat and partition the[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 4 T echn ical In form ati on Windows Users ■ Use NTFS if... ...you will be using the drive only under Windows 2000 or Windows XP (perfor mance will generally be greater when compared to F A T 32). is file sy stem is compat- ible in read only mode with Mac OS 10.3 and higher . Use FA T 32 if... [...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 5 T echn ical In form ati on 7.2. A vailable Storage Capacity A gigabyte (GB) means 1,000,000,000 bytes. In or- der to utilize a hard disk drive, it has to be for matted first. Formatting a disk consists of the following: the operating system erases all of the bookkeeping infor- mation on the disk, [...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 6 T echn ical In form ati on 7.3.1. FireWire 800 P orts and P erformance ■ T o utilize the newl y enhanced Fir eW ire 800 per- formances, your computer must be equipped with a F ireWire 800 host bus adapter c ard (either sold sepa- rately , or integrated b y your computer’ s manufactur- er); thes[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 7 T echn ical In form ati on 7.3.2. Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Ports and P erformance ■ T o utiliz e the enhanced Hi-S peed USB 2.0 per- formance, your computer must be equipped with a Hi- Speed USB 2.0 host bus adapter card (either sold sepa- rately , or integrated by your computer ’ s manufacturer) and t[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 8 F ire Wir e Qu est ions & Ans wer s 8. FireWire Questions & Answers What Does IEEE 1394 Mean? IEE E (the Institute of Electr ical and Electronics Engineers) refers to the engineer ing cor ps that de vel- oped the 1394th standard, defining the high-perfor- mance serial input/output (I/O) bu[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 4 9 F ire Wir e Qu est ions & Ans wer s both the computer and consumer electronics industries. W hether connecting game consoles, personal video recorders, home stereo equipment, digital TVs, hard drives, CD/DVD-R W drives, printers, sc anners, tape drives or other digital hardwar e equipment, F ir[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 0 US B Qu est ions & Answ ers 9. USB Questions & Answers What Are The Benefits Of The USB Interfaces? Cross-platform: Use your USB per ipherals on both Mac and Windows platforms. “Hot Swappable”: No need to shut down or restart your computer when adding or removing a USB de- vice. P lug [...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 1 US B Qu est ions & Answ ers If y ou buy a hub , make sure that it supports per-por t switching. is function prevents the entire chain of pe- ripherals f rom f reezing up if one of them is not working properly or is down. Will Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Devices W ork On USB Hubs And Vice V ersa? Y ou c[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 2 US B Qu est ions & Answ ers What is eSA T A? Y our LaCie d2 Q uadra Hard Dr ive uses the latest in SA T A technology , allowing interface (or bus) transfer rates of up to 1.5Gb/s. SA T A technolog y was or iginally developed to ser ve as an internal interface, delivering improved performance to[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 3 US B Qu est ions & Answ ers and sof tware compatibilit y with P aral lel A T A, and should be transparent to both the BIOS and oper- ating sy stem. S imply add more S erial A T A links to increase the number of connectivity points in your system. What are the ideal uses of Serial A T A? Althoug[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 4 T r oub lesh oot ing In the event that your LaCie hard drive is not work- ing correctly , please refer to the following chec klist to find out where the pr oblem is coming f rom. If you have gone thr ough all of the points on the checklist and y our drive is stil l not working correctly , please h[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 5 T r oub lesh oot ing Problem P ossible Solutions e LaCie Biggest Q uadra is not recognized by the host computer . Ensure that the interface cable (either F ireW ire 800 or Hi-Speed USB 2.0) is securely attached to both the LaCie Biggest Q uadra and the host computer . Check the LCD Display of th[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 6 Co ntac tin g Cu sto mer Sup port 12. Contacting Customer Support Read the User Manual and r evie w the T roubleshoot- ing section. T r y to isolate the problem. If possible, make the drive the only external device on the CPU , and make sure that all of the c ables are correctl y and firmly at- ta[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 7 Co ntac tin g Cu sto mer Sup port 12.1. LaCie T echnical Support Contacts LaCie Asia, S ingapore, and Hong Kong Contact us at: http://www .lacie.com/asia/contact/ LaCie Australia Contact us at: http://www .lacie.com/au/contact/ LaCie Belgium Contact us at: http://www .lacie.com/be/contact/ (F ranç[...]
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L aCi e B igge st Quad ra Us er M anu al pa ge 5 8 W arra nty In form ati on 13. W arranty Information LaCie warrants your LaCie Biggest Quadra and Drive Bays against any defect in material and work- manship , under normal use, for the per iod designated on your warranty certific ate. In the event this product is found to be defective within the w[...]