Lexmark E321 инструкция обслуживания


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Хорошее руководство по эксплуатации

Законодательство обязывает продавца передать покупателю, вместе с товаром, руководство по эксплуатации Lexmark E321. Отсутствие инструкции либо неправильная информация, переданная потребителю, составляют основание для рекламации в связи с несоответствием устройства с договором. В законодательстве допускается предоставлении руководства в другой, чем бумажная форме, что, в последнее время, часто используется, предоставляя графическую или электронную форму инструкции Lexmark E321 или обучающее видео для пользователей. Условием остается четкая и понятная форма.

Что такое руководство?

Слово происходит от латинского "instructio", тоесть привести в порядок. Следовательно в инструкции Lexmark E321 можно найти описание этапов поведения. Цель инструкции заключается в облегчении запуска, использования оборудования либо выполнения определенной деятельности. Инструкция является набором информации о предмете/услуге, подсказкой.

К сожалению немного пользователей находит время для чтения инструкций Lexmark E321, и хорошая инструкция позволяет не только узнать ряд дополнительных функций приобретенного устройства, но и позволяет избежать возникновения большинства поломок.

Из чего должно состоять идеальное руководство по эксплуатации?

Прежде всего в инструкции Lexmark E321 должна находится:
- информация относительно технических данных устройства Lexmark E321
- название производителя и год производства оборудования Lexmark E321
- правила обслуживания, настройки и ухода за оборудованием Lexmark E321
- знаки безопасности и сертификаты, подтверждающие соответствие стандартам

Почему мы не читаем инструкций?

Как правило из-за нехватки времени и уверенности в отдельных функциональностях приобретенных устройств. К сожалению само подсоединение и запуск Lexmark E321 это слишком мало. Инструкция заключает ряд отдельных указаний, касающихся функциональности, принципов безопасности, способов ухода (даже то, какие средства стоит использовать), возможных поломок Lexmark E321 и способов решения проблем, возникающих во время использования. И наконец то, в инструкции можно найти адресные данные сайта Lexmark, в случае отсутствия эффективности предлагаемых решений. Сейчас очень большой популярностью пользуются инструкции в форме интересных анимаций или видео материалов, которое лучше, чем брошюра воспринимаются пользователем. Такой вид инструкции позволяет пользователю просмотреть весь фильм, не пропуская спецификацию и сложные технические описания Lexmark E321, как это часто бывает в случае бумажной версии.

Почему стоит читать инструкции?

Прежде всего здесь мы найдем ответы касательно конструкции, возможностей устройства Lexmark E321, использования отдельных аксессуаров и ряд информации, позволяющей вполне использовать все функции и упрощения.

После удачной покупки оборудования/устройства стоит посвятить несколько минут для ознакомления с каждой частью инструкции Lexmark E321. Сейчас их старательно готовят или переводят, чтобы они были не только понятными для пользователя, но и чтобы выполняли свою основную информационно-поддерживающую функцию.

Содержание руководства

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    www.lex mark.c om Setup Guide Octob er 2002 E321, E323 Printer[...]

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    Edition: October 2002 The following p aragrap h do es no t ap ply to a ny coun try where s uch pro visions are inconsi stent wit h local law: LEXMARK INTERNA TION AL, INC., PRO VIDES TH IS PUBLI CA TION “AS IS ” WITHOUT W ARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EITHER EXPRESS OR IM PLIED , INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED T O, THE IMPLIED W ARRANTIES O F MERCHANT ABIL[...]

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    iii Conten ts Contents Introductio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi About th e printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Other so urces of information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Step 1: Unpack the printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Страница 4

    iv Conten ts Attaching a network cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Step 7: Ins tall driv ers f or lo ca l pr inting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Macintosh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Страница 5

    vi Introdu ction Intr oduction Abou t the pr in ter Y our pr int er is availab le in t hree m odels : the Lexmark ™ E321 , the Lexmar k E32 3, and th e Le xmar k E323n. The differences between these three m ode ls are liste d in the following table. Feature Le xmark E32 1 Lex mark E323 Lex mark E323n Base mem ory 8MB 16MB 16MB Max imu m memo r y [...]

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    vii Introdu ction Tr a y 1 P aper suppor t P aper suppor t T op output bin Operator panel lights P aper guide Manual f eed F ront output door Optional 250-sheet tra y Use t hi s fea tur e: When y ou want to: T ra y 1 Load up to 150 sh eets o f paper or 10 sheets of othe r media. P aper support Suppo r t media i n tra y 1 or the top outpu t bin. Man[...]

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    viii Introdu ction Other sour ces of inf ormation If you need m ore i nformat ion af ter you hav e co mplete d setup, ref er to the oth er pri nter d ocumentat ion. Le xmark E321 and Lexmark E323 Le xmark E323n P arallel cable connector USB cable connector P ower cord connector Po w e r s witch P ower cord connector Po w e r s witch Ethernet cable [...]

  • Страница 8

    ix Introdu ction Publicatio ns CD The Publications CD , which i s pa c kag ed with th e Setu p Guide, pr ovides inf or m ation abou t choo si ng med ia, underst anding the ope rator p anel ligh ts, clear ing p aper jams, and s olving pr in ting problems. The infor mation on the Publications CD is also available on Le xmark’ s Web site at www .l e[...]

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    1 Unpack the prin ter Step 1: Unpac k the printer 1 Sel ect a l ocat ion f or y our pri nter . • Leav e en ough r oom to open the pr inter c ov er , output d oor , and op tional 250 -she et tra y . It is als o impor tant to allow sp ace around th e pr inte r f or prope r v entil ati on. • Provide th e prop er environment: – A fir m , lev e l [...]

  • Страница 10

    2 Unpack the prin ter If any item s are m issing or dam aged, refer to the Publications CD for the designa ted Lexmar k su ppor t phone number for y o ur c ountr y . Sav e th e car ton an d packing mate ria l in case you nee d to re pack the pr inter . Attaching an operator pane l o verlay If you ha ve a non-Engli sh opera tor pane l ov e rlay in y[...]

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    3 Insta ll the opt ional 250-she et drawer Step 2: Install the optional 250- sheet dra wer Y ou can inc rease pa per capac ity with th e option al 250-s heet d ra wer , which attach es under neath the p r inter . A draw er con sists of a tra y and a sup por t unit. 1 Remov e the tra y from the suppo r t unit. 2 Remo v e all pa c king ma terial an d[...]

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    4 Insta ll the opt ional 250-she et drawer Note: If you install t he opti onal 25 0-sh eet drawer at a later ti me, be sure to tur n o ff the pr inter before install ing i t. 4 Align th e pr inte r with the front of the suppor t unit and place it on top of the sup por t unit. Make sure th e suppor t unit is fir mly in pl ace. When you compl ete set[...]

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    5 Install p r inter suppl ies Step 3: Install printer supplies Installing th e print car tridg e Remo ving print cartridge pack aging 1 Use the fin ger tab to pull down the pri nter cover . 2 Grasp the c ar tridge handle and pull the pr int c ar tridge straig ht up. 3 Remov e the pr otective f oam packaging fro m t he pr int c ar tridg e. Car tridg[...]

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    6 Install p r inter suppl ies 4 Pull off the plastic piece att ached to the e nds of the pr int c ar t ri dge. Di sca rd the pl astic piec e, f oam and pa per . Note: Do not touc h the p hotoc onduct or dr um on the bottom of the pr int c ar tridge. 5 Shake the car tr idge to distr ibute the ton er ev enly .[...]

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    7 Install p r inter suppl ies 6 Inser t the pr in t car tridge : a Align th e col ored a rrows on either si de of the car tridge with the co rrespo nding ar rows in the pr inter . b Holding t he car tri dge by the handle, tilt t he car tr idge down and gu ide it between the pri nt car tridge grooves . c Push down on the car tridg e until it is fi r[...]

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    8 Inst all me mory car ds Step 4: Install memor y car ds Y ou can customi ze your printe r mem or y capaci ty and co nnec ti vi ty by adding option al ca rds. CA UTION: If yo u are i nstal ling m emory cards s ometi me after set tin g up the prin ter , turn the pr inter off and unplug the power co rd before continui ng. Remo vin g the printe r side[...]

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    9 Inst all me mory car ds 2 Fir mly push in the two oval tabs as you pull open the side cover . 3 Gently pull o ff the cover and se t it asid e.[...]

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    10 Inst all me mory car ds Remo vin g the system board shield Use a No. 2 Phillips sc rewdriver to remov e the system b oard shi eld. 1 Remov e the top screw and se t it asid e. 2 Loose n th e bottom three s crews , but do not remove them. 3 Slid e the sys tem bo ard s hield along the top and bott om groov es and set i t asid e. Installing a me mor[...]

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    11 Inst all me mory car ds W arning: Memor y cards a re ea sily damag ed by stati c electr icity . T ouch someth ing me tal on the pr in ter be f o re you touch a me mor y c ard. 1 Comple te the s teps in “Re moving the sy stem board s hield ” o n page 1 0. 2 Unpack the pr in ter memor y card . A v oid to uchin g th e con necti on points a long[...]

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    12 Inst all me mory car ds Reinstalling the system b oard shield 1 Align th e me tal shiel d betwee n the top an d bottom groov es and slide it all the way back. 2 Tighten the bot tom three s crews and reatta ch the top screw to k e ep the sh ield in pla ce.[...]

  • Страница 21

    13 Inst all me mory car ds Reattaching the printer side cover 1 Align the top and bottom tabs with the co rrespo nding slots. 2 As you close the pr i nter sid e cov er , push the ov al tabs fir mly into th e slot s. 3 Close the pr inter fron t cov er . Ta b Ta b[...]

  • Страница 22

    14 Load pape r Step 5: Load paper Y our pr int er has two s tandard p aper sourc es: tray 1, which ho lds u p to 150 sheets of pla in paper, and a single- sheet manual feed. Use tra y 1 f or mos t pri nt job s. Us e the man ual f eed t o f eed a single page, transp arency , env el ope, label , or car d sto ck. Y ou can incr ease your pr inter paper[...]

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    15 Load pape r Loading tray 1 Use tra y 1, which is behind the ma nual f eed, to feed paper a nd spe cial me dia. T ra y 1 hol ds up to 150 shee ts of paper , 1 0 sheet s of tran sparenc ies or la bels,10 env e lopes,10 s heets of ca rd st ock. 1 Extend th e rear pa per s uppor t until you hear a clic k . 2 Flex the sheet s back and f o r th to loo[...]

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    16 Load pape r 3 If loadin g: • letterhe ad pape r , inser t letter head with th e top of the page pointi ng down, f acing you • env e lopes, inse r t them ver tica lly , flap side down with the st amp area in the top lef t cor ner T o r educe pa per j ams, do not use en v elo pes th at: – Ha v e e xcessiv e curl – Are stuck together – Ar[...]

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    17 Load pape r 4 Extend th e front p aper sup por t on the top output b in until you hear a click . 5 If you are pr in ting on legal size paper , compl etely ex t end the fron t paper s uppor t. 6 Open the front output d oor for a straight- through p aper path if you are pr int ing on spec ial me dia. 7 Slid e the paper guide s again st the edges o[...]

  • Страница 26

    18 Load pape r Loading th e optio nal 250-sheet tray 1 Grasp the tabs on eit her sid e of the tra y and pul l it com ple tely out o f the pr inter . 2 Make sure the me tal pl ate is press ed down bef ore ins er ting the tra y into the pri nter . After t he tra y i s inse r t ed, the meta l plate spr ing s b ack up so the pa per can feed into the p [...]

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    19 Load pape r 3 If loadin g A4 or lega l size pape r , e xtend the p aper suppo r t on the front of th e tra y . 4 Flex the sheet s back and f o r th to loosen them , f an the sheets on all f our sides, and flex them agai n. 5 If loadin g letter head paper , inser t letterhe ad face down with the top of the p age ent erin g th e pri nter first.[...]

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    20 Load pape r . 6 Make sure the p aper is un der bo th cor ner buc klers and lyi ng fla t in the tra y . Note: When you loa d the tray , do not exceed t he maximum s tack height in dicat ed by the la bel in the tray . Overfilling th e tray ma y caus e paper jams. 7 Slid e the pa per guid es flu sh again st the e dges of the pa per . Corner buckler[...]

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    21 Load pape r 8 Reinstal l the tra y , m aking sure i t is pushed a ll the wa y i n. 9 Sele ct the pape r si ze and type from your softwa re appli catio n. 10 Star t your pri nt job . Loading th e ma nual f eed Us e the ma nual feed to f e ed med ia, one sheet at a time, into your printe r . If you e x per ience p roblems feeding en vel opes o r c[...]

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    22 Load pape r • env e lopes, in ser t one envelope v e r tically , flap si de down with the stamp area in the top left cor n er T o r educe pa per j ams, do not use en v elo pes th at: – Ha v e e xcessiv e curl – Are stuck together – Are dam aged i n any wa y – Contain wi ndows, holes, perfor ations, cuto uts, or embossi ng – Use metal[...]

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    23 Load pape r 9 When the Lo ad P aper l ight a nd the Press Continue light com e on , place an other piece of media i n the manua l feed. 10 Press and rel ease C ontinue to pri nt anoth er page. Error Paper Jam Load Paper Toner Low Ready/Data Continue Cancel Press Continue[...]

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    24 Attach cables Step 6: Attac h cables CA UTION: Do not connec t or disc onnect a communica tion po r t, a telepor t, or a ny other conne cto r dur i ng a ligh tni ng stor m. The pr in ter can b e attac hed to a networ k or d irectly to a com puter to print lo ca lly . Attaching a local cable Y ou can attach your pr inter loca lly u sing either a [...]

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    25 Attach cables If you see a me ssag e other tha n Ready on t he displ a y , refer to the publications CD for instr uctio ns on cl ear ing the mess age. Click Printing , and then click Understa nding printer messages . 4 T ur n on your compu ter an d any other pe r ipherals. 5 Go “Ins tall dr ivers f or loc al pr inti ng” o n page 27. P aralle[...]

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    26 Attach cables Note: If yo u see a messag e ot her t han Ready o n the displa y , ref er to the publications CD for ins tructions on cleari ng the message. Loo k for inf ormati on abou t underst anding pr inter message s. 5 T ur n on your compu ter an d any other pe r ipherals. 6 Continue w ith “V e r ify pr inte r set up” on page 35.[...]

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    27 Insta ll dr ivers for local p r inting Step 7: Install driver s f or local printing A local pr inter i s a pr inte r attache d to your com puter using a US B or paralle l ca ble. If y o ur pr inte r is atta ched t o a networ k ins tead o f your compu ter , ski p this s tep and go to S tep 8: “V er ify pri nter setu p” on page 3 5. Note: F or[...]

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    28 Insta ll dr ivers for local p r inting Windows In a ddition to the following d river insta llati on inst ruc tions, you may need to refer to the doc umentation tha t ship ped with your comput er and your Windows software. Bef ore y ou install Some v ersio ns of Win dows software may already in clud e a syst em pri nter d r iver , so in stalla ti[...]

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    29 Insta ll dr ivers for local p r inting Using Windo ws 2000 with USB or parallel cable When the Found New Hardware Wizard sc reen app ears: 1 Inser t the dr ivers CD . If the C D au to launch es, ex it the CD . Click Next. Note: Y ou need admin istrative acce ss to insta ll pr inte r dr ivers on your compu ter . 2 Selec t Sea r ch f or a suitable[...]

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    30 Insta ll dr ivers for local p r inting 5 Select your pri nter a nd dr iver from the list, and then c lick OK . Make sure you sele ct the dr iver in the c orrect langua ge you want to use . D:DriversWIN_9X<LANGUAGE> 6 After the pr inter dr iver is ins talled , click Finish . 7 Use the de f ault pr in ter na me or ty pe a uni que na me f [...]

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    31 Insta ll dr ivers for local p r inting 10 Selec t Ye s to pri nt a tes t page, and t hen cl ick Finish . All the necess ar y fi les a re in stalled o n your co mputer . 11 After the test p age prin ts, click Ye s to clo se the mes sage window . 12 Click Finish to complete the insta llation. Y ou are now ready to pri nt. Using Wi ndo ws NT with a[...]

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    32 Insta ll dr ivers for local p r inting Macintosh Maci ntosh O S 8.6 or later is req uire d f or USB pr inting. T o pr int loc ally to a US B-attach ed prin ter you must crea te a desk top pr in ter icon (Macin tosh 8 .6–9.x) or cr eate a queue i n Pr int Cen ter (M acintos h OS X). Creating a des ktop printer icon (Macintosh 8.6–9.x) 1 Insta[...]

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    33 Insta ll dr ivers for local p r inting 9 Specify a pr i nter nam e, and then c lick Save. Yo u r printer is no w sav ed as a de sktop pr inter . Creating a qu eue in Print Cen ter (Macintosh OS X) 1 Install a pr inte r P os tScr ipt P r inter De scr ip tion (PP D) fi le on your compu ter . a Inser t the drivers CD . b Doub le-cli ck Mac OS X , a[...]

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    34 Insta ll dr ivers for local p r inting in each package gi v es d etailed i nstr uc tions f o r insta lling and using Le xmar k pr inte rs in UNI X and L inux environm ents. All the p r inter dri ver packages sup por t local pri nting using a parallel conne ction . The dr iver package for Sun So lari s su ppor ts USB conne ction s to S un Ray app[...]

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    35 V er ify pr inte r setup Step 8: V erify printer setup Tu r n i n g o n the printer 1 Plug one end of the p rint er co rd in to the p ower cord con nector at the b ack of the pr int er and the other end in to a pr oper ly grounded ou tlet. 2 T ur n on the pr inte r . All ind icato r lights cycle ( each lig ht blinks, from top to bottom, and the [...]

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    36 V er ify pr inte r setup What do I do next? Ta s k Go to page… Configu re f or TCP/IP 37 Distrib ute inf or mation to users 42[...]

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    37 Con figure f or TCP /IP Step 9: Configure f o r TCP/IP If you hav e T CP/IP a vailable on your networ k, we recom mend th at you assign an IP a ddress to the p r inter . Assigning a prin ter IP address If your network is using D HCP , an IP addres s is au tomatic ally as sign ed after you con nect the ne twor k cable to the pr inter . 1 Look f o[...]

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    38 Con figure f or TCP /IP Ve r i f y i n g t h e IP settings 1 Pri nt anot her Ne twork S etup pag e. Look un der the “ TCP/IP” heading and make sure the IP addr ess, netmask , and gatewa y are what you expected. See “Pr inti ng se tup pages” on pa ge 3 5 if you need h elp. Note: On Windows compu ter s, click Star t Programs Command prom p[...]

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    39 Install d r ivers for networ k pr intin g Step 10: Install driver s f or netw ork printing After you hav e assigned an d veri fied the TCP/ IP set tings, you are ready to inst all the pr inter d r ivers on eac h networ k com pute r . Windows In Wi ndows environmen ts, network pr inters can be configur ed for direct pr intin g or sha red pr inti [...]

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    40 Install d r ivers for networ k pr intin g Supp orted net wor k pri nter ports • Micros oft IP por t —Wind ows NT 4.0, Wind ows 2000 , and Wind ows XP • Le xmar k networ k por t—Win dows 95/98 /Me, Windows NT 4 .0, Windows 2000, an d Windows XP Supp orted pri nter d river s • Wind ows syst em p r inter dr iver • Le xmar k cus tom pr i[...]

  • Страница 49

    41 Install d r ivers for networ k pr intin g Note: The Su n Sola r is and Linux package s are available on the dr ivers CD and on Le xmark’ s We b site at www .l e xmark .com. Le xmar k provid es a pr inte r dr iver package f or eac h suppor ted UNIX and L inux platform . Th e User’ s Guide in each pa ckage giv es detailed instr uct ion s f or [...]

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    42 Distr ibute informati on to users Step 11: Distrib ute inf ormation to user s Identifying printer users Se veral types of us ers may need ac cess to the inform ation sto red on the publications CD: • Use rs se nding pri nt j obs • Network pri nter a dministrator s • Help desk per son nel • Inf orma tion te chnol ogy suppo r t s taff Loca[...]

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    43 Distr ibute informati on to users Distributing the inf ormation Y ou can gi ve users acc ess to the infor matio n on the Pu b licati ons CD in several wa ys: • Give the Pu b licati ons CD to a syste m admi nistrator or the Help desk. • Cop y the ent ire con tents o f the CD ( or just s pecific topics) to a shared networ k dr ive or intrane t[...]

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    44 Unders tanding the ope rator pane l ligh ts Under standing the operator panel lights The opera tor panel light s mean different thin gs, depend ing on their sequenc e. They indicate tha t the pr inter is ready to pr in t, the pr inte r needs in ter vention , or th e pr inter needs ser vicing. Some of the mo re comm on lig ht seq uence s are show[...]

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    45 Unders tanding the ope rator pane l ligh ts Operator p anel terms Continue Cancel Light is on Light is off Light is blinking Light is b linking slowly Press Conti nue • Press Conti nue br iefly (approximatel y one se co nd) to restar t the pr inte r . • Press and re lease Continue twic e quickly to displ a y an err or code. Press Cancel • [...]

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    46 Unders tanding the ope rator pane l ligh ts The pr in ter is r eady to r eceive and pr ocess data. The pr in ter is busy re ceivi ng or pr ocessi ng da ta . Error Paper Jam Load Paper Toner Low Ready/Data Continue Cancel Press Continue Error Paper Jam Load Paper Toner Low Ready/Data Continue Cancel Press Continue[...]

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    47 Unders tanding the ope rator pane l ligh ts The pr in ter is wai ting unti l addi tional data i s rece ived. T ra y 1 or the opt ional 250-she et tra y is ou t of med ia or the media did not f eed proper ly . Error Paper Jam Load Paper Toner Low Ready/Data Continue Cancel Press Continue Error Paper Jam Load Paper Toner Low Ready/Data Continue Ca[...]

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    48 Unders tanding the ope rator pane l ligh ts The pr int er promp ts you to lo ad anoth er sh eet of me dia in the manual f e ed. The pr inte r detects a jam. Press and r eleas e Continue twice qui ckly to disp la y the seco ndar y paper jam li ght seque nce. Error Paper Jam Load Paper Toner Low Ready/Data Continue Cancel Press Continue Error Pape[...]

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    49 Unders tanding the ope rator pane l ligh ts The pr inter ale r ts y ou that the tone r is getting low . T o us e the remaini ng toner , r emov e the p rint car tr idge, gently shake it ba ck and f o r th, and reinse r t it. When the pr in t fades or no l onger pr i nts sati sfactori ly , replac e the pr int car tr idge. (On the Le xmar k E 321, [...]

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    50 Unders tanding the ope rator pane l ligh ts The pr inter h as a se r vice er ror . T u r n the pr inte r off and back on. If the lig hts are st ill b linking , contac t your point of pu rcha se . Error Paper Jam Load Paper Toner Low Ready/Data Continue Cancel Press Continue[...]

  • Страница 59

    51 T ro ubleshooting t ips T r oubleshooting tips Proble m: What to do: Installi ng a print cartridge Chara cte rs app ear lig ht or b lu rred. • The p rint cartridge ma y be lo w on to ner . Replac e the c ar tridge. The p rinter se ems to be printing , but p ages are b lank. • The p rint cartr idge has an error . Replace t he cartr idge . The[...]

  • Страница 60

    52 T ro ubleshooting t ips The pa per f ails to f eed from tray 1. • Mak e sure tra y 1 i s selec ted from the printe r driver . • Remo ve the pap er from tra y 1 and f an the pape r . The pa per f ails to f eed f rom the option al 250-shee t tra y . • Mak e sure opti onal 2 50-sheet t ra y is se lected from t he printer dri ver . • Mak e s[...]

  • Страница 61

    53 Stateme nt of Li mited Warranty Statement of Limited W arranty Lexma rk Inte rnational, Inc., Le xi ngton, KY This warranty applies to the Un ited S tates a nd Canada. F or custom ers outside th e U .S. and Canada, ref er to th e coun tr y-sp ecifi c warranty inf or mati on that came wi th your pr inter . Lexmark E321 , E323 This S tatemen t of [...]

  • Страница 62

    54 Stateme nt of Li mited Warranty off ers a variety o f extended warranty pro grams that include an e x tension of tech nical supp or t. For product s no lo nger covered by a Le xmar k warranty , technic al su ppor t ma y only be av ailable for a f ee. Extent of warra nty W e do not warrant uni nterr upte d or error -free operation o f a produc t.[...]

  • Страница 63

    www.lex mark.c om Le xmark and Lexmark w ith diamond d esign are trademar ks of Lexmark Inter national, Inc ., registered in the United States and/or other countries. © 2002 Lexmark Inter national, Inc. 740 West New Circle Road Le xington, K entucky 40550 P/N 21S 026 0 E.C . 1SP004[...]