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ENGLISH 1 O WNER’S MANU AL F RE N CH DO OR R EF R I GE R A T O R Please read this o wner ’s manual thor oughly bef ore operating and keep it handy for r ef erence at all times. LF C2277 0** LFC24770** LFC24786** GF24BGS GF22BGS GM-B223RSNM P /No.: MFL67851601-4 www .lg. com ENGLISH ESP AÑOL Model Name/Nombre del modelo ** =color number/número[...]
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2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS 3 PRODUCT FEA TURES 4 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 7 COMPONENTS 7 Refrigerator Exterior 8 Refrigerator Interior 9 INST ALLA TION 9 Installation Overview 10 Specications 11 Unpacking Your Refrigerator 11 Choosing the Proper Location 11 - Flooring 12 - Ambient Temperature 12 - Measuring the Clearances 12 Removing/Assembling [...]
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3 PRODUCT FEA TURES PRODUCT FEA TURES * Depending on the model, some of the following functions may not be available. DOOR ALARM The Door Al arm fun ction is desi gned to preve nt r efrige rator m alfunc tionin g tha t c ould occ ur if a refri gerato r door or freeze r d raw er remain s open. If a ref rige rator door or freeze r draw er is left ope[...]
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4 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE. This guide contains many important safety messages. Always r ead and obey all safety messages. W ARNING Y ou can be killed or seriously injured if you do not f ollow instr uctions. CA UTION Indicates an imminently hazardous situation w[...]
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5 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS This product is not to be used for special purposes suc h as the storage of medicine or test materials or for use on ships, etc. Unplug the pow er plug before cleaning or repairing the refrigerator . Whe n you r epl ace t he l igh t bul b in t he r efr ige rat or , u npl ug th e re fri ge rat or or tur n[...]
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6 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CA UTION Installation The refrigerator must be properly installed in accordance with the Installer Instructions that were taped to the front of the refrigerator. Be careful when you unpack and install the refrigerator. Immediately dispose of plastic and other packing materials out of the reach of children. ?[...]
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7 COMPONENTS COMPONENTS Us e t hi s p a ge t o b e co m e mo r e f am i li ar w i th t he p ar t s an d fea tur e s o f yo ur r ef r ig e ra t or. Pag e ref erences are included for your con venience. *The appearance and specications of the act ual product may di er depending on the model. Refriger ator Exterior Handle O p e n s a n d c l o s[...]
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8 COMPONENTS Refriger ator Interior LED interior lamps The int erior lamps ligh t up th e ins ide of the refrigerator . Durabase® and Durabase® Divider T h e D u r a b a s e i s a s t o r a g e s p a c e re c om m en de d fo r t he pr e se r vat io n o f l ar g e food it ems . The Du rab ase Di vid er is us ed to o r g a n i z e t he D u r a b a [...]
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9 INST ALLA TION INST ALL A TION Installation Overview Please read the follo wing inst allation instructions rst af ter purc hasing this product or transporting it to another location. 1 Unpacking your refrigerator 2 Choosing the proper location 3 Disassembling/ Assembling 4 Connecting the water supply and wat er line 5 L eveling and Door Alignm[...]
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10 INST ALLA TION Specifications Th e a p p e a r an c e a n d s p e c i c a t io n s l i s t e d i n t h i s m a n u a l m ay va r y d u e t o c o n s t an t p r o d u c t improv ements. Dimensions 32 3/4" (W) X 35 1/2" (D) X 69 7/8" (H), 46" (D w/ door open) 833 mm (W) X 901 mm (D) X 1 775.5 mm (H), 1168.5 mm (D w/ door o[...]
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11 INST ALLA TION Unpacking Y our Refriger ator Re m ov e t ap e a n d an y te m po r ar y la b el s f ro m you r r efri ger ator be for e u sin g. Do no t r emo ve an y wa rn ing -t yp e la bel s, t he m od el a nd s er ia l number label, or the Tech Sheet that is located under the front of the refrigerator. To remove any remaining tape or glue, r[...]
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12 INST ALLA TION Ambient T emperature Install this appliance in an area where the tem- p e r a t u r e i s b e t w e e n 5 5 ° F ( 1 3 ° C ) a n d 1 1 0 ° F (43°C). If the temperature around the appliance is t oo l ow or h ig h, c oo l in g a b il it y ma y b e ad - versely aected. Measuring the Clearances T oo s m a ll o f a d i st a n c e[...]
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13 INST ALLA TION Removing/ Assembling the F reezer Drawer Handle Removing the Handle 1 Loo se n t he se t s cr ew s l oc a te d o n t he low er side of the handle with a 3/32 in. (2.5mm) Allen wrenc h and remov e the handle. 2 Loosen the mounting f asteners that connect to the freezer dra wer and handle using a (6.35 mm) 1 / 4 in. Allen wrenc h, a[...]
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14 INST ALLA TION Removing the L eft Refrigerator Door 1 R emove the top hinge co ver screws . L ift the hook (not visible), located at the bot tom of the front side of the cov er . with a at- head screw driver . 2 Disconnect the wire harness 3 . 3 R emov e the grounding screw 4 . 4 R em ov e t he t hr ee b ol ts us in g a 1 0m m o r 1 3/32-inc [...]
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15 INST ALLA TION Remov ing the Rig ht Re frigerator Door 1 R emove the top hinge cover screws . L ift the hook (not visible), located at the bot tom of the front side of the cover . with a at- head screw driver . 2 Re mo ve t he t hr ee b ol ts us in g a 1 0 mm or 1 3/32-inc h soc ket wrenc h and lif t o the top hinge. Set parts aside. 3 Lif[...]
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16 INST ALLA TION Assembling the Right R efrigerator Door Install the right-side door rst. 1 M a k e s u r e t h a t t h e p l a s t i c s l e e v e i s ins erte d i n the bo t to m o f t he doo r . Low er t h e d o o r o n t o t h e m i d d l e h i n g e p i n a s shown in the gure. 2 Align the door with the cabinet 3 Line up the holes in th[...]
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17 INST ALLA TION Assembling the L eft Refrigerator Door In st a ll t he l eft re fr ig er at or d oo r afte r th e r ig ht door is installed. 1 Make sure that the plastic slee ve is inserted i n t h e b o tt o m o f t h e d o o r. I n s t a l l t h e refrigerator door onto the middle hinge. 2 Align the door with the cabinet 3 Line up the holes in [...]
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18 INST ALLA TION Removing the F reezer Drawers The top, middle and bot tom drawers are all remov ed in the same way . In the f ollowing gures, the Pullout Dra wer located abov e the freezer dra wer is not shown f or clarit y . 1 Pull the dra wer open to full extension. 2 L i f t t h e D u r a B a s e b a s k e t u p a n d o u t , making sure to[...]
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19 INST ALLA TION Assembling the F reez er Drawers Th e t o p , m id dl e a n d b o tto m d r aw e r s a r e a l l assembled in the same wa y . 1 U s i n g t w o h a n d s , p u l l o u t b o t h r a i l s simultaneously until they are fully extended. 2 G rasp the drawer on eac h side and hook the draw er supports into the rail tabs located on both[...]
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20 INST ALLA TION Connecting the W at er Line Befor e Y ou Begin This water line installation is not covered by the refr iger ator warran ty . Follow th ese ins truction s carefully to minimize the risk of expensiv e water damage. Wa t e r h a m m e r ( wa te r b a n g i n g i n t h e p i p e s ) i n h o u s e p l u m b i n g c a n c a u s e d a m [...]
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21 INST ALLA TION If y our exis ting co pper w ater lin e has a are d t ting at the end, y ou will need a n ada pt er (av ailable at plumbing supply stores) to conne ct the wate r line to t he refr igerat or O R y ou can cut o the ared t ting with a t ube cu t ter an d then use a comp ressio n t ting. Shu to ff va lve t o [...]
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22 INST ALLA TION W ater Line Installation Instructions I n s t a l l t h e s h u t o v a l v e o n t h e n e a r e s t frequently used drinking water line. 1 S H U T O F F T H E M A I N W AT E R S U P P L Y T u r n o n t h e n e a r es t fa u c e t t o r e l i eve t h e pressure on the line. 2 C H O O S E T H E V A L V E L O C A T I O N C h o [...]
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23 INST ALLA TION 7 CONNECT THE TUBING T O THE V AL VE Place the compression nut and f errule (sleev e) for copper t ubing onto the end of the tubing and connect it to the shuto valv e. Make sure the t ubing is fully inserted into the valv e. Tighten the compression nut securely . 8 FLUSH OUT THE TUBING Turn the main water supply on and ush o[...]
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2 4 INST ALLA TION T urning On The Power 1 Plug in the refrigerator . Lev eling and Door Alignment Lev eling A fte r i n s t a l l in g , p l u g t h e r e f ri g e r a t or ’ s p owe r co rd i nt o a 3- pr on g g ro un de d o ut le t a nd p us h the refrigerator into the nal position. Y o ur r ef ri ge rat or ha s t wo f ro nt l evel in g le [...]
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25 INST ALLA TION Door Alignment (Type 1) Door Alignment Both t he l ef t an d ri gh t re fri ger at or d oor s have Identi fy your Ref rigerator D oors alignm ent type ac cording the accesory includ ed in your owners manu al. an adjust able nut, located on the bot tom hinge, to raise and low er them to align properly . If the space between your do[...]
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26 HOW T O USE HO W T O USE Bef ore use Clean the refrigerat or . Clean your refrigerator thoroughly and wipe o all dust that accumulated during shipping. Connect the power supply . Chec k if the pow er supply is connected before use. Read the “T urning On The P ower” section. T urn off the icemaker if the refrigerator is not yet connected t[...]
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27 HOW TO USE Control Pad F eatures R efrigerato r T empera ture Indicates the set temperature of the refrigerator compartment in Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F). F reez er T emperat ure I nd i c a t e s t h e s e t t e mp e r a tu r e o f t h e f r ee z er compartment in Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F). T o c hange the temperature mode from °[...]
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28 HOW T O USE Automatic Icemaker (F reezer Room ) * D e p e n d i n g o n t h e m o d e l , s o m e o f t h e follo wing functions may not be av ailable. Ice is made in the automatic icemaker and sent t o t h e d i s p e n s e r . T h e i c e m a k e r w i l l p r o d u c e 1 2 c ube s pe r c ycle —ap pr oxima tel y 1 20 c ube s i n a 2 4 - h o [...]
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29 HOW T O USE Au tom ati c Ic emak er ( co nt inue d) When Y ou Should T urn the Icemaker Off Wh en t he wa ter su pp ly w il l be sh ut o for se veral hours. W he n t h e i ce b i n i s r em ov ed f or m o r e than one or two minutes. When the refrigerator will not be used for sev eral days. Normal Sounds Y ou May Hear The ice[...]
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30 HOW T O USE Storing F ood F ood Preservation Location Eac h compartment inside the refrigerator is designed to store di erent t ypes of food. Store your f ood in the optimal space to enjoy the freshest taste. V egetable st orage (Cr ispers) P res erve v eg etab les an d f r uit . Ice bin Stores ice. Durabase ® Largest storage space in the fr[...]
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31 HO W T O USE F ood Storage Tips * The f ollowing tips ma y not be applicable depending on the model. W rap or store f ood in the refrigerator in airtight an d m ois tur e- pr oo f ma te ri al u nl es s o the r wi se n o t e d . T h i s p r e v e n t s f o o d o d o r a n d t a s t e tr ans f er t hro ugh ou t th e re fri ge rat or . For d ate d [...]
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32 HOW T O USE ENGLISH Humidity Controlled Crisper and Glide ’N’Ser ve Humidity Controlled Crisper * Depending on the model, some of the following functions may not be available. The crispe rs prov ide fr eshe r tast ing fruit and vegeta bles by letting you easily control humidity inside the drawer. You can control the amount of humidity in the[...]
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33 HOW T O USE T o Remove the Glass (P antr y dra wer not shown f or clarit y) Li ft u p t h e g la ss un de r t h e c ri sp er cove r , a n d pull up and out. Door Bins The doo r bi ns ar e re mov a ble for eas y cl eaning and adjustment. 1 T o remove the bin, simply lif t the bin up and pull straight out. 2 T o r e p l a c e t h e b i n , s l i d[...]
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34 HOW T O USE A d j u s t i n g t h e R e f r i g e r a t o r Shelves The s helves in your refrigerator are adjustable to meet your individual storage needs. Y our model may ha ve full or split shelves. Adj us ti ng th e s he lve s t o t i te m s o f d iere n t he i g ht s wi l l ma ke n di n g t h e ex ac t it e m y ou w a n t e a s i [...]
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35 MAINTENANCE General Cleaning Tips Unplug refrigerator or disconnect pow er . R e m ov e a l l r e m o v a b l e p a r t s , s u ch a s shelves, crispers, etc. Us e a c le an sp on ge o r s oft c lo th an d a m i l d d e t e r g e n t i n wa r m w a t e r . D o n o t use abrasive or harsh cleaners. H a n d w a s h , r i n s e a n [...]
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36 SMART DIA GNOSIS SMAR T DIA GNOSIS (Some models). Should you experience an y problems with your refrigerator , it has the capabilit y of transmit ting d a t a v i a y o u r t e l e p h o n e t o t h e L G s e r v i c e center . This gives you the capabilit y of speaking directly to our trained specialists. The specialist records the data transmi[...]
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37 TROUBLESHOO TING TROUBLESHOO TING Re view the T roubleshooting section before calling for service; doing so will sav e you both time and money . s n o i t u l o S s e s u a C e l b i s s o P m e l b o r P Refrigerator and Freezer section are not cooling. The refrigerator control is set to OFF (some models). Turn the control ON. Refer to the Sett[...]
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38 TROUBLESHOO TING s n o i t u l o S s e s u a C e l b i s s o P m e l b o r P Refrigerator or Freezer section is too warm. Refrigerator was recently installed. It may take up to 24 hours for each compartment to reach the desired temperature. The air vents are blocked. Cold air circulates from the freezer to the fresh food section and back again t[...]
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39 TROUBLESHOO TING s n o i t u l o S s e s u a C e l b i s s o P m e l b o r P Interior moisture buildup. Doors are opened often or for long periods of time. When the doors are opened often or for long periods of time, warm, humid air enters the compartment. This raises the temperature and moisture level within the compartment. To lessen the ee[...]
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40 TROUBLESHOO TING s n o i t u l o S s e s u a C e l b i s s o P m e l b o r P Frost or ice crystals on frozen food (inside of sealed package). Condensation from food with a high water content has frozen inside of the food package. This is normal for food items with a high water content. Food has been left in the freezer for a long period of time.[...]
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41 TROUBLESHOO TING s n o i t u l o S s e s u a C e l b i s s o P m e l b o r P Icemaker is not making enough ice (continued). Refrigerator was recently installed or icemaker recently connected. It m ay tak e up to 24 ho urs for each comp artmen t to reac h the desired tempe rature and fo r th e icem aker to b egin m aking i ce. Icemaker not turned[...]
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42 TROUBLESHOO TING s n o i t u l o S s e s u a C e l b i s s o P m e l b o r P Clicking The defrost control will click when the automatic defrost cycle begins and ends. The thermostat control (or refrigerator control on some models) will also click when cycling on and o. Normal Operation Rattling Rattling noises may come from the ow of refri[...]
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43 TR OUBLESHOO TING s n o i t u l o S s e s u a C e l b i s s o P m e l b o r P Doors will not close correctly or pop open. Food packages are blocking the door open. Rearrange food containers to clear the door and door shelves. Ice bin, crisper cover, pans, shelves, door bins, or baskets are out of position. Push bins all the way in and put crispe[...]
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44 W ARRANT Y L G ELECTRONICS U .S. A., INC. L G REFRIGERA T OR LIMITED W ARRANTY - U.S.A. Should your L G Refrigerator (“Product ”) fail due to a defect in materials or workmanship under normal home use, during the warranty period set f orth below , L G will at its op tion repair or replace the product. This limited warranty is valid only t o [...]
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45 W ARRANT Y L G ELECTRONICS CANAD A , INC. L G REFRIGERA T OR LIMITED W ARRANTY - Canada W ARRANTY : Should y our L G Refrigerat or (“Product ”) fail due to a defect in material or workmanship under normal home use during the warranty period set f or th below , LG Canada will at its option repair or replace the Product upon r eceipt of proof [...]
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1-800-2 43-0000 1-888-865- 3026 1-888- 54 2 -2623 USA, Consumer User USA, Commercial U ser CANAD A F or inquiries or comments, visit www .lg.com or call: www .lg.com Regist er your pr oduct Online! L G Customer Inf ormation Center[...]