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I VIAYIAG Series Twelve PC INTELLIGENT ELECTRIC WATE R H EATE R _ o _ , Numbers USER'S GUIDE _ : _ 0 _ FOR P O TABLE WATER HEATING O NLY GA M A certi f ication applies to a ll residential e l e ctric water h e at e rs with ca p aciti e s of 2 0 to N O T SUITABLE F O R 120 Gall o ns. Input rating o f 12 Kw or less at a SPACE HEATING voltage no [...]
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Safety Instructions Im p rope r i ns tallatio n , adju s tm en t , alt e ratio n , service | At the time of m a n ufactur e thi s wat e r heater was p r o - | or maintenance can cause DEATH, SERI O US B O DILY |vided with a combination t e mperatur e -pressur e s reli e f | INJURY, O R PR O PERTY DAMAGE. Refer to this manu- /valve c e rtified by a [...]
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Safety Instructions (cont'd) _ ,WARNING WATER HEATERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE V O LTAGE O NLY: This water heater is equipped for one type voltage only. Check t he rating plate near the bot- tom access panel for t he correct voltage. DO N O T use this water he a ter with any voltag e other than the one shown on th e model rating plate. Failure to use [...]
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Table of Contents Safety Instructions ........................................................................................................................................... 2-3 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Custom[...]
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Customer Information Thank Y o u for purchasing a Ma y tag water heater. • The installation must conform with the instructions in this Properly installed and m a intained, it should give you years o f manual; electric compan y rules; and Local Codes, or in the trouble free service. It is st r ongly suggested that this new absence of Local Codes, [...]
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Accessories and Tools Needed Accessories To simpfify the install a tion M ayt a g has available the install a - ti o n pa r ts s hown below. You m a y or may not need all of these a ccessories depending on your type of installation. Call Maytag Customer Ser v ice at 1-800-788 - 8899 for an autho- rized inst a ller. DRAIN PANSAVAILABLE IN 22 " [...]
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Installation I nstr u ctio n s Removing the O ld Water Heater Tu r n "OFF" electrical supply to the water heater. @ a. If you have copper piping to the water heater, the tw o copper water pipes can be cut with a hacksaw approxi- _ mately four inches away from where they connect t o the water heater. This will a v oid cutting off the pipes[...]
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In st r uctio n s fo r I nstallation (cont'd) Locating The New Water A CAUTI O N I Heater WATE R HEATE R S EV E N T UALLY LEAK: Inst a llation of the water heater must b e accomplished in s u ch a i You s hould carefian y choo s e an indoo r location fo r the new manner t h at if the tank or any connections shou ld I water h eater, becau s e t[...]
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Instructions for Installation (cont'd) The Convertible Lower Element The Upper Element, is a conventional 3800 watt element which only operates at its rated wattage on 240 v olts. (See rating plate on water heater). The Lower Element of the water heater can be converted from operation at 3800 watts to 5500 watts on a 240 volt system. Read and [...]
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In structio n s for I n sta l lation (co n t'd) Water Piping A WARNING N OT E: Y our wa t er h e at e r is super i nsulate d t o minim i ze HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water he aters ar e h e at lossfrom the tank. Fu r ther reduction i n heat losscan intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a be accomplishe d by insulating the hot w a ter li[...]
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Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Te mperature-Pressure Relief Valve & WARNING J A WARNI N G At the time of manufacture this water heater was provid - 7he temperature - pressure relief valve must b e manu - ecl with a combination temperature - pressures relief va ve ally operated at least once a year. Caution should be taken to ensure[...]
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Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Filling the Water Heater T o £dl the water h e ater with water: [ A WARNING ] 1. Close the water heater d rain valve by turning the handle to ti Before making the conversion to 5500 wa t ts , checkll the right (clockwise). The drain valve is on the lower front I the (1) power supply...must be 240 volts ,[...]
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In struc t ions for In stallation (co n t'd) Convert ing the l o wer Element (cont'd) 1. Before beginning the conversion turn "OFF" electric 4 . Rem o ve the screws fr o m t e rfninal 2 of the element, and power supply to the water heater, move the lo o ped end of the wire aside. @i, WARNING 5. The buss bar is l a beled 5500 W. [...]
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Instructions for Installation (cont ' d) Converting the Lower Element (cont ' d) 8. Press th e insul a tion back in pl a ce s o th at it co m pl e tel y cov- 10. Co m plete wiring to the w a ter h e ater , or if complet e d, tur n e rs the thermister and element. "ON" electric power to the water h e ater after filling the tank w[...]
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I nstr u ctio n s fo r In s tallation (cont'd) Wiring • i_ CAUTI O N C. F l exib l e metal conduit or 3 metallic tubing shall be per- Never use this water heater unless it is completely mitted for grounding if all the following conditions are full of water. To prevent damage to the tank and m e t: heating element , the tank must be filled wi[...]
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I nstructio n s for I nstallation (co n t'd) Sele c t ing Thermostat Location 1. The pr o gra m mab le thermostat control module is shipped 6. Probe for any obstruction in the partiti o n. I n a clear area drill attached to the front of the water heater, located behind the a % " hole through the wall at the selected location. hinged cover[...]
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In structions for I nstallation (cont'd) THERM O STAT REM O VAL (cont'd) 1 0. C_t t e_u_ y d is co z ln_ wi t iR g har fl e as te rn lJfl l t l c o nne c tor 1 3. Pres s th e en d o f t he therm o st a tca ble bac k in t o th e in s u l a ti ng fro m back of thermo s ta t , bush i ng . No o t h er connectionsw ill be made t o this end of [...]
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Instructions for Installation (cont'd) 16 . Fi n d the loop of the r mos t at wiring cable (grey co l ored) i n s i de 19. Strip the th e rmos t at cable outer i n sulation bac k I_ A i n ches. the junction box and pull it out . Strip the ends % inch on each of the six colored wires. LOOP _ m u d __ J _ O _ . _ 1.250 " 20. A second termin[...]
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I nstructions for I nsta l latio n (cont'd) Selecting Thermostat Location (cont'd) 22. Guide t he end of the re m o te th e rmo s tat cabl e through t he 25. Carefully pre s s the te r minal connector and connected wir es hole where the black plug was removed in the l eft junction down into the water heater junction box. box cover . 2 6 .[...]
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I nstructio n s for In sta ll ation (co n t'd) 29. Fasten wall plate loosely to the wall in position shown using _. CAUTION th e three s c r e ws p r ov id e d in th e p la s tic bag . Wall a n ch ors ar e T h e six colo r ed insulated wi res must be installed in recommended for drywall installation. Place a leve l on t op of th e t erminal co[...]
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Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Installation Checklist 1. Whethe r or not the element conversion is made, the model rating plate must be marked. Using a hard point H_ OT __...._ _ COLD ink pen , check the appropriate block within the model rat- _ ing plate, which is located adjacent to the lower access panel. 2. Is the fuse or circuit b[...]
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Instructions for Operation Te mperature Regulat i on Programming the Thermostat A WARNING Bef ore p rogr a mm i ng the se tti ngs o n t he th ermos t a t, read HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are th e " Te mp er a t u re Regul at io n" s e cti on a g ain . inte nd e d to produce hot water. Water heated t o a This new prog r ammable [...]
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Instructions for Operation (cont ' d) Programming the Thermostat (cont'd) Normal Display Pro aram Display i _ _ PNOG I_ M , T llc _ , ll_ _ :-'--'- - TI M E _ Bu'n'O N gl D t l IP m I_ BUTT O N _ _ MAVI'AG _ L_--_ MAY r AG LJmm _" i i MAN UA L M ODE The second per i od to pro a'ramis Monday"Da y _ -[...]
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Instructions for Operation (cont ' d) ERASE is the option t ha t c a n delete al l th e sett i n g s t ha t h ad OPT IONAL SETTING CHANGES been p r ogr a m m ed previo us ly. Wh il e in the progra mm ab l e The r e are five op ti onal s et ti ng s t he owne r c an ch a nge in t he m o de , d ep r e ss ing t he " ERASE " but t on wil [...]
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Instructions for O peration (cont'd) Programming the Thermostat (cont ' d) The third optional m o de (3) setting involves the default tern- _- - -- =- perature set p o int for the control. To be in this mode, depress i ] the up ( • ) arrow or the down (•) arrow until a large number 3 _ [ appears in the l o wer right-hand corner. The d[...]
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Service and Maintenance Te mperature - Pressure Relief Draining Valve O peration The water heater should be drained if being shut down during T he tem p eratu re- pr e ssure r e l i e f v al v e m ust be manua // y op er - fr e ez in g temperatu r es. Also periodic dr a ining and c l eaning of ated at least once a year. sediment from the tank may b[...]
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Service and Maintenance (cont ' d) Element Cleaning / Replacement NOTE : T h e s e in str uc t ion s a r e w r i tt en fo r ele ment c l e ani ng 3 . A ttach a ho s e to the wate r heater drain val v e an d put the and el e m ent r ep l a ce m ent fo r t he low er elemen t. If i t is n ec - othe r end in a floor d r ain o r outdoor s . Open t [...]
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Service and Maintenance (cont'd) 6. Upper Element Only - Lift out the tab as shown to unclip 10 . A new gasket should be used in all cases to prevent a pos- the terminal cover from the high fimit. The terminal cover sible water leak. (See Element Gasket in the Repair Parts can now be removed from the high fimit. Chart). Place the new element g[...]
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Service and Maint e nance (cont ' d) El e m e n t Cleaning / Replacement (cont'd) 15. Reconnect the two wires to the element and then check 18. Replace access panel. to make sure the high limit remains firmly against the surface of the tank. 19. Turn "ON" electric power to water heater. % 16. U pper High Limit Only - Replace ter[...]
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Service and Maintenance (cont'd) Drain Valve Washer Replacement NOTE: For replacement , use a ' %1 ' x ly ,, x %" thick washer avai l abl e at your near e st hardwar e stor e . F or ord e r i ng a r e placem e nt wash e r , refer t o th e "R e pa i r Parts" s e cti o n. 1. Before beginning turn "OFF " t h e e[...]
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Troubleshooting Start Up Conditions THERMAL EXPANSION SmeUy water may be eliminated or r ed uced in some wate r heater m od els by r eplacin g the an od e(s) with one o f l ess acti v e material, W ate r supply systems may, be cause of such e v ents as hi g h line and th e n ch l orinatin g the wate r heate r tank a nd a ll hot wate r pressu r e, f[...]
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Troubleshooting (cont'd) O perational Conditions (cont'd) HIGH TEMPERATURE SHUT O FF SYSTEM NOT EN O UGH OR NO HOT WATER 1 . B ef o re begin n i n g, ea rn "OFF" electri c al p ow er supp l y to 1. In a new installation, the water heater may not be proper- the water heater, ly connected. Make sure the cold water supply valve is [...]
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Troubleshooting (cont'd) O perational Conditions (cont'd) THERMO STAT DIAGN O STICS 4 . U ppe r E le m ent F a i lu re - Tests af t er 90 mi n u t es o f c on tin - uous upper e l ement heating wit h o ut an increase in upper The programmable thermostat will use the upper and lower water temperature. The thermostat turns off the upper ele[...]
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Troubleshooting (cont ' d) Leakage Checkpoints Use this guide to check a "Leaking" water heater. Many sus- [ _ CAUTI O N ] pected "Leakers" are not leaking t a nks. Often the source of I Read this manual _ efore checking t he I the water can b e found and correcte d . [ water heatermakesur e th e ele c tric supply hasbeen [[...]
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Repair Parts List MAYTAG E L ECTRIC WATER HEATERS MAYTAG / STATE PART NUMBER CONVERSION K EY MAY T AG S TATE 660 0 1010 9002403 6600101 1 9001609 66001012 9001608 66 0 0 1013 ETC2X 66001014 ETC5X 66001016 9002402 66001021 9001584 66001034 9002445 66001053 9000308 66001054 9000309 66001055 9001591 66001056 9002439 66001059 9002406 66 0010 6 1 9 0024[...]
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Repair Parts L ist (cont'd) MAYTAG ELE CTRIC WAT E R HEAT E RS NOT E : MODEL NUMBERS UPPER ELEMENT: These wat er heaters are equipped HE21250PC 50 GALLON wit h 3800 wa tt elements. HE21282PC 8 0 GALL O N LO WER ELEME N T: These water h e aters ar e eq uipp e d with factory install ed convertible e l e m e nts, which can b e o pe rated at 3 800[...]
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Repair Parts List (cont ' d) MAYTAG ELEC TRIC WATER HEATERS MODEL NUMBERS HE21250PC 50 GALLON HE21282PC 80 GALLON M O DEL NUMBERS KEY PART HE21250PC HE21282PC NO. DESCRIPTI O N NUMBERS 1. Te mp e r ature-Press u re Re lie f V a l v e 6 6001010 66001010 2 , Heat Trap N i p p le 66001 108 66001108 3. _ Insulation (2 each) 6600 1034 66001034 4. D[...]
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Warranty FULL O NE YEAR W ARRANTY F o r O ne Yea r from t he da t e o f O r igin al Re t ail P u r cha s e, any part which fails in no r mal home u s e wil l be r epai r ed o r r eplaced f r ee o f cha r ge. Ifa l e ak occurs in the T ank, a new w a te r hea t e r o f t he clos e st ca p ac ity a nd q uality t h en a v a ilabl e, will b e r eplac e[...]