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Cat. No. 13-1294 OWNER’S MA NUAL Micro Stereo Component Sy stem Plea se read before using this equipment . S y stem 746 13-1 29 4.fm Page 1 Wedne sd a y, Ju ly 14 , 1999 7:01 PM[...]
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2 FEA TURES © 1997 T andy Co r p oration . All Rights Res e rved. Op tim us an d Ra dio Sha ck a re re gi ster ed tr adem ark s us ed by T an dy Co rpo rati on. Your O pt imus System 746 Micro Stereo Comp onent System of fers all the versatile features you need f or excellent au dio entertainment, al l in one compac t package. The sy s tem include[...]
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3 Auto-Stop — protects the tape and tape-handl i ng parts by automaticall y stopping the tape when it finishes playing, rewindi ng, or fast-forwarding. Note: The System 74 6 requires two AAA batteries (not supplied) for the re- mote con t rol and two A A batteries (not supplied) for m emory b ack up. Imp or tan t: Mos t ma t eria l on co mpa ct d[...]
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4 FCC INF ORMA TIO N This syste m complie s with the limi ts for a Class B digital device as speci- fied in Part 15 of FCC Ru l es . The se limits provide reasonable protection against TV or radio interference in a residential area. However, your sys- tem migh t cau s e TV or radio interf er- ence even when it is operat ing properly. To eliminate i[...]
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5 CONTENTS Prep aration ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ... 7 Connecting the Speak ers . ............ ........................ ..................... ...................... 7 Connecting the AM Loop An tenna ..................................... ............[...]
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6 Recor din g from the T u ner . .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 23 Recor din g from a CD ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 24 T imer Recor ding .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... .[...]
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7 PREPARA T ION Note: Com ple te all other connections before connecting the system to AC power and turning it on. CONNECTING THE SPEAKERS 1. Lift open the red and black tabs for the right ( R ) and lef t ( L ) speaker term inals on the b ack of th e syste m. 2. Put the stripped end of th e r ight speaker ’s striped wire into the R red terminal, [...]
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8 CONNECTING TO POWER After you complete all connections, plu g the system’s pow er cord in to a standard AC ou tl e t . STANDBY lights an d AM 12 :00 app ears on the display. Warning: To prevent el ectr i c shock, the power cord plug ’ s blades are p o- larized and fit a pol arize d A C outlet only one way. If you have diff i culty in- serting[...]
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9 2. Insta l l the batteries as indicated by the polarity sym bols ( + and - ) marked inside the compartm ent . 3. Replace the cover. Caution: I f you are n ot going t o use the remot e control fo r a mo n t h or more, rem ove its batteries. Batteries can leak damagin g chemical s. You can use the remote cont rol up t o a dist ance of a bout 20 fe [...]
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10 BASIC O PERATION Warnin g : To protect your he aring, adjust VOLUME to th e low est leve l before you turn o n the system . Follow these s teps to op erat e your syste m. 1. Press POWER / ST ANDBY ( POWER on the remote control). ST ANDBY t urns off, t he di s- play lights, and the las t selected system s ettings ap pear . 2. Slide FUNCTION to TA[...]
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11 USIN G THE RE MOTE CONTR OL The remote c ontrol’s b ut tons have the same func t ions a s the corre- spon ding buttons on the main sys- tem. To use the rem ote c ontrol, point it to- ward t he remote s e nsor on t h e rig ht of the s y s tem’s display and p ress the desired button s. Notes: • M ak e s u r e yo u ha v e a c le a r p a th be[...]
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12 TIME R OP ERA TIO N SETTI NG TH E CLOCK 1. With power t urned on, press CLOCK unt il the hour and mi nute digits appear . 2. Press MEMOR Y . The hour an d minute di gits flash. 3. Within 10 seconds , press HOUR (or TUNING on the re- mote control ) to set the desired hour. 4. Press MIN (or TUNING on the re mot e c ont ro l) to se t th e d e- sire[...]
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13 Note: If TI ME ON disappea r s before you f i nish setting the hour and mi nute, start again from Step 1. 3. Press CLOCK until TIME R OF F and the l ast set end time appear . 4. Press MI N and HOUR (or TUNING and on the re- mote con trol) to set t he e nd time. Note: If TIME R OF F disappea rs before you f i nish setting the hour and mi nute, st[...]
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14 4. T o set the sleep tim er , repeat- edly press SLEEP un til th e desired sle ep time appears. Each time y o u press SLEEP , the displayed sleep t ime decreases in 10-minute steps. The system t u rns off after the amount of time you set. To turn o ff the sleep timer sooner, rep eat edly press SLEEP unt il SLEE P disap- pears. 13-1 294. fm Pa ge[...]
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15 TUNER OP ERATI ON 1. Slide FUN C TIO N to TUNER . The system automatically tunes t o the station th at wa s p laying when the system was turned off or when it was l ast s e t t o TUNER . 2. Repeat edly press BAND to se- lect the A M or FM band. The l ast selected station in that band ap- pears. Notes: • For the bes t AM rece ption, ro- tate th[...]
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16 AUTOMA TIC T UNIN G You can use autom at ic tuning to quickly mov e up or down t o the next available station in your area. Hold down TUNING or (or TUNING and o n the re mo te c on - trol) f or about 1 second. The tu ner automatical l y moves up or down th e band and stops when it finds t h e next act ive station. MEMORY T UNING You can st ore u[...]
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17 CD PLAYE R OPERATION LOADING A CD 1. Slide FUNCTION to CD . CD ap - pears. 2. Press OPEN to op en the C D com- partment. OPEN appears. 3. Carefully place a CD over the cen- ter hub, label side up. 4. After you load the CD, press t he right corner o f the door down unt il it clic ks shut. The syste m dis plays the number of tracks and t he CD’s[...]
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18 AUTOMA TIC SK IP The automatic skip feature lets you quickly locate the beginning of any track on a CD, including the track currently playing. You can use aut o- matic skip w hen a CD is playing or stopped. If a CD is playing: •P r e s s SKIP once to skip back to the beginning of t he cur- rent trac k . • Repeatedly press SKIP to skip b ack [...]
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19 • To rep eat th e current track , press REPEA T once while the desired track is playing. RE- PEAT appears, and the CD player con t inuous ly replays the tr ack. • To r epea t rand om pl ay , bef o r e th e last tra ck ends, press RE- PEA T until R EPEAT ALL ap - pears. • To br i efl y s t o p random play , press PLA Y/P AUSE . ap- pears. T[...]
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20 INTRO PL AY The INT RO function lets you p lay the first 10 s econd s of each track s o you can quickly find t he one you want. To use INTR O, press INT RO on th e remote control. The CD player be- gins playing. You can use random play, repeat play, an d skip durin g intro play. To cancel intro play during or after play, p r ess IN TRO . If i nt[...]
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21 8. Programmed play auto matically stops at the end of the last p ro- grammed track. T o stop the CD player at any time du ring pro- grammed play , press STOP . Th e CD’ s total number of t racks and playing t i me appear. Note: To replace a program med track, press PROGRAM/MEMOR Y (or PROG on the rem ote control) until the po s i- tion number [...]
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22 CASSETTE DECK OPERATION The sy s tem has one cas sette deck for cassette tape playba ck and re- cording. The deck has a full-release auto-stop sy stem to protect t a pes and pre v e nt pinch roller dam age. When a tape reaches the end of a side, the t ape mec hanism autom ati- cally stops and releases the tape. LOADING A CASSETTE TA P E 1. T ake[...]
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23 • T o rewi nd or fast-forward the tape, pres s then p r ess (Rewind) or (Fast For- ward). • T o stop f ast -forward or re- wind, press . 3. Adju s t the volume and set E- BASS for the d es ired sou nd. 4. T o s top play before t he tape s i de reache s the end, pres s . Press whi le th e cassett e player i s stopped to ope n the casset t e c[...]
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24 4. Select the desired b and and sta- tion, then press to release it and sta rt recordi ng. Th e cassett e records until it reaches the end of the side, then the cassette deck automatical l y stops. Notes: • T o temporarily stop recordi ng, press . Press agai n to re- sume recordi ng. • If y o u rec ord broadcasts from AM radio, y ou might he[...]
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25 T ime r Rec ord in g You can se t the syst em to automat i- call y turn on, record from a selected audio sourc e onto a cas sette tape, th en tu rn of f at t he ti me you set. 1. Follow Steps 1–5 i n “Setting a Wake-Up T ime ” o n Page 12 to set the start and end t imes and s elect the so u rce yo u w an t to re co rd fro m. 2. Load a bl a[...]
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26 If you want to rec ord on a tape side af - ter you ha v e removed the erase- protection t ab, place a piece of strong plastic tape over t h at side’s erase- protection hol e. Be sure y ou cover only the hol e originally covered by the erase-protection t ab. Note: Rem oving the erase-protection tabs does not prevent a bul k eraser from erasing [...]
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27 CARE AND MAINTENA NCE Your Optim us System 746 M icro Stereo Comp onent System is an ex ample of su- perior design and craf t smans hip. The following sugge stions will help you care for th e syste m so yo u can en joy i t fo r yea rs. Keep the sy s tem dry . If it gets wet, wi pe it dry imm ediately. Liquids might contain mineral s that can cor[...]
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28 CLEANING THE T APE- HANDLING PARTS Dirt, dust or particles of th e t ape’s coating can accumulate on the tape heads a nd other parts that the t ape touches. This can greatly reduce the cassette player’s performance . To prevent noi se and poo r high- frequency r e sponse, clean t he cas- sette playe r ’ s tape-handlin g part s aft er every[...]
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29 SPECIFICATIONS Cassette T ape S peed ....... ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ... 1 7 / 8 ip s W ow an d Flu tte r ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 0.35% WRMS Frequency Respon se .................. ..........[...]
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30 NOTES 13-1 294. fm Pa ge 3 0 W e dn esday , July 1 4, 1999 7:0 1 P M[...]
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31 13-1 294. fm Pa ge 3 1 W e dn esday , July 1 4, 1999 7:0 1 P M[...]
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Radi oSh ack A Division of T andy Co rp oration Fort Worth, T exas 76102 7A7 Prin ted in Hong Kong Limi ted N ine ty-D ay W arran ty This pr oduct is warrant ed by Ra dioShack ag ai nst man ufactur i ng d efects in materia l and workman- ship u nder normal us e for ninety (90) days from the date o f purc has e from RadioS hack comp any - owned s to[...]