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powerware ® 9 Pr estige Ser ies User ’s Guid e 4500/6000 VA www.powe rware.c om[...]
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FCC Statement The Powerw are 9 Prestige S eries UPS c onfigurations va ry. Some config urations may or may not be cla ssif ied by the Fed era l Communic ations C ommis sion (FC C). If your Pres tige unit is clas sifie d by these s tand ards , the corre spo nding informa tion app lies: Clas s A NOTE Th is equ ipm ent has b een t ested an d fou nd t [...]
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UPS Q UICK I NSTALLATION CAUTION Read the safety ins tructi ons beginni ng on page 5 before ins ta llin g th e UPS. 1 2 3 4[...]
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UPS Q uick I nst allation 5 6 7[...]
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34 UPS with Op tiona l PPDM Quick I ns talla tion UPS WITH O PTIONAL PPDM Q UICK I NSTALLATION CAUTION Read the safety ins tructi ons beginni ng on page 5 before ins ta llin g th e UPS. 1 2 PowerPass Di str ibut ion Model N umber Des ired Outp ut Volta ge Volta ge Sel ect or Pos ition 208: ___ 120/208V 208 100/200V 200 2 4 0 110/220V 220 240: ___ 1[...]
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UPS with Op tiona l PPDM Quick I ns talla tion 5 6 78 9[...]
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i Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 .................................................... UPS Model and Battery Configurati ons 2 .............................................. Load Requi rements 2 .......................................................[...]
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Table of Con tent s ii Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 5 Communication 59 ................................................. Ini tial C ommuni cati ons Settings 59 ................................................... Front Panel Comm unic ations Access 60 .................................[...]
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1 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m CHAPTE R 1 I NTRODUCTION Congra tula tio ns on the p urcha se of yo ur Powerw ar e 9 Prestige S erie s uninte rrupt ible po we r syste m (UPS). The Pre stige U PS mee ts the tou gh es t measu res of s uper io r desi gn an d manu fact ur i ng , in cl udi[...]
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Introduction 2 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m UPS Model and Battery Configurations This UPS is d esigne d to w ork w ith single -pha se, thre e -wire , AC po we r sou r ces. Th ere ar e two i mpo rtan t co ns i derati on s w hen select in g t he UP S mod el a nd b at te ry conf igurat [...]
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Introduction 3 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 3. Add all of th e r esu l tan t VA rat in g s to geth er to obt ain th e total load r equ i rem ent s of the equ i pmen t to b e prot ected ( see Fi gu r e 2). If t he l oad con s is ts o f th e pow er- facto r cor r ected supp lies, it is[...]
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Introduction 4 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Special Symbols The fol lowin g common symbols ma y be fou nd on the UP S: LOAD ON - Pr ess the b utton wi th this symb ol to e ner giz e the out put recept acles (Ou tpu t On ). LOAD OF F - Pr ess the butto n with thi s symbol to d e-e ner[...]
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5 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m CHAPTE R 2 S AFETY W ARNINGS IMPORTANT SAFETY IN STRUCTIONS SAV E THESE INSTRU CTI ONS . This manual c ontains i mportant ins tructi ons that you shoul d foll ow duri ng ins tall ation of the U PS. Pleas e read all ins tructi ons before operating the eq[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 6 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Pleas e note that the output soc kets on the UPS are elec tric all y live w henever the UPS O utput On button i s pres sed, even i f the input c ord i s dis c onnected. To reduce the ri sk of fire, c onnect the U PS and PPD M only to [...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 7 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Netledni ngen må ikke fj ernes og st ikket må ikke t række s ud, men s UPS’en e r tændt. D ette fjerner sikk erhedsjorden fra U PS’ en og fra det udsty r, der er s at til . Stik k ontakten må høj st v æ re 2 meter fra udsty[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 8 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Nooit batteri jen i n het vuur gooi en. De batterij en k unnen ontploffen. Nooit batteri jen openen of bes chadi gen. V r ijko men d ele k troly t is sc hade lijk voo r de huid en ogen, en kan ui terst gi ftig z ij n. Teneinde de k an[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 9 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Tärkeitä turvaohjeita TÄRKEITÄ TURVAO HJEITA - SUOM I SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ O HJEET TÄMÄ OPAS SISÄL TÄÄ TÄRKEI TÄ TURVAOHJ EITA VAARA Tä mä UPS sisä ltä ä HEN GEN VAARALLISIA JÄN NI TTEITÄ. Ka ikki korja ukse t ja huollot[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 10 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Tämän lai tteen muk ana ei toi mi teta lähdön ylivi rtas uojaus ta ki inteän as ennuks en oh itu sjär jest elmissä . Tämän lai tteen muk ana ei toi mi teta lähdön j ohdonsuoj akatk a isijoit a jake luja varten k ii nteän [...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 11 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m La pri se s ecteur doi t s e trouver à moi ns de 2 m du matériel et être acc e ssible à l’ut ilis ateur. L ’i nterrupteur de ON/ OF F ( marc he/arrêt) de l ’ onduleur n’ ass ure pas l’isola tio n é lect riq ue d es p [...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 12 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Batterien ni e öffnen oder anderwei tig bes chädi gen. Der darin enthaltene Elektrol yt wirk t ätzend auf H aut und Augen. Es bes teht Vergi ftungsgefahr! Um di e Brand- oder El ektros choc kgefahr z u verri ngern, di ese USV nur [...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 13 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 14 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Avvisi di si curezza IMPORTANTI ISTRUZIO NI DI SICUREZZA CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZION I QUESTO MANUAL E CON TIEN E IMPORTAN TI IST RUZION I DI SICUREZZA PERICOLO la TENSI O NE contenuta i n questo gruppo s tatic o di c ontinui tà è [...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 15 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m questo gruppo s tatic o di c ontinui tà c ontiene una fonte di energia autonoma ( le batterie) . Le prese di u scita p osso no c ondurre tensione energi zzata quando i l gruppo stati co di conti nuità non è c oll egato con una fon[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 16 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Viktig Sikkerhetsinformasion FAR LIG Denne U PS’ en innehol der LI VSF AR LIGE S PENNI NGER . Al l reparasj on og ser vice må kun utføres av A UTO RI SERT SER VIC EPERSO NAL E. B RU KERE KA N IK KE U TFØ RE SERVI CE PÅ NOEN A V[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 17 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Regulamentos de Segurança INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA IMPORTAN TES GUARDE ESTAS I NST RUÇÕES ESTE MANUAL CON TÉM INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA IMPORTANTES CUIDADO A UPS contém VO L TAG EM MORTAL . Todos os reparos e a ssis tência t[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 18 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Para si stem as By pass com saí das c onectadas , a proteç ão de sobrec arga para ci rcui tos de s aída de c orrente al ternada deve s er forneci da por outros. Para sis temas By pass c om saí das conec tadas, i nterruptores de [...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 19 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Для с нижения о пасно ст и пожара или по раже ния эле ктричес ким то ком ус танавливайте ИБП в закрыто м поме щении с контролируе?[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 20 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Advertencias de Seguridad INSTRUCCION ES DE SEGURIDAD IMPORTANTES GUARDE ESTAS IN STRUCCI ONES ESTE MAN UAL CON TIEN E IN STRUCCION ES DE SEGURIDAD IMPORTANTES PELIGRO Este SIE conti ene VOL TAJES MO RTAL ES. Todas l as reparaci ones[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 21 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Tenga en cuenta que l os rec eptácul os de sali da del S IE ti enen corri ente eléc tri ca si empre que s e oprime el botón puls ador de conex ión de s al ida del SIE ( Output ON) , aun c uando el c able de entrada es té des con[...]
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Sa fety Wa rnin gs 22 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Ta aldri g bort nätsl adden när UPS -enheten är påsl agen. D etta tar bort säk erhetsj ordningen från både U PS-enheten oc h den ansl utna utrustni ngen. Vägguttaget får vara högs t 2 meter från utrus tningen och mås te v[...]
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23 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m CHAPTE R 3 I NSTALLATION Th e fol lo wi ng secti on s des cri be UP S stor age r equ i remen ts and t he ins tallation a nd startu p of th e UPS. Unpacking and Inspection Ca refully unp ac k t he UPS a nd a ny ot her c ab inet s, mak ing sure t o re ta[...]
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In sta llation 24 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Selecting an Installation Option You a re n ow ready to in stall the Prestig e 6000. Us e the foll owing flow chart to dec ide which in stall ation option i s righ t for you. No No See “ UP S Hardw ired Installation” on page 29. See [...]
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In sta llation 25 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m NOTE Do not c onnect more than s ix standard battery cabi nets to the PPU . F or extended battery run times , c ontact y our l ocal dis tributor for addi tional battery cabi nets. Do not pl ace m ore than si x c abinets in one s tack (th[...]
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In sta llation 26 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Battery C ircuit Br eaker Battery Cabi net Battery Cabi net Battery C onnector Vol tage Selector Swit ch REPO R eceptacle Battery C onnector G uard Serial Port PPU Battery C onnector Br eaker Tie Input Plug Input B reaker Output R ecepta[...]
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In sta llation 27 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 5. If addi tio nal batter y cabi n ets ar e to b e us ed, pl u g th e bat tery cor d of the s econ d cabin et i nt o the bat tery con n ector of the fi r st cabin et aft er piv oti n g th e battery co nn ecto r gu ard ou t of th e way. F[...]
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In sta llation 28 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 9. If you are using a Remote Eme rgency Power-Off (REP O) switc h, follo w the inst ruct ions in the fo llowing se ctio n, “REPO Insta llat ion.” 10. Star t th e UP S accordin g to th e “UP S St art up” pr ocedu re o n page 36. R[...]
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In sta llation 29 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Mounting H oles Plug/R eceptacle PPU Connector Three Foot Cord Terminal B lock Access H ole for Condui t Figure 6. O ptional REPO Cord Junction Box Opti onal REPO Cor d Junct ion Box Connections Wi re F unct ion Term inal Posi t ion Term[...]
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In sta llation 30 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m PPU Battery Cabi nets Air V ents Battery C abinets PPU Figure 7 . Cabinet Setup NOTE You can i nstal l addi tional battery c abinets whi le the U PS i s operati ng, but confi rm the U PS is not in B attery m ode (s ee page 51). 2. Veri f[...]
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In sta llation 31 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Battery Cir c ui t Br eaker Battery Connector PPU Battery Cabi nets Battery Connector Vol tage Sel e c to r Swit ch Br eaker Tie Serial Port Panel Cover S crew s Input C able Entry Input Br eaker REPO C able Entry Output Cabl e Entry Pan[...]
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In sta llation 32 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Vol tage Sel e c to r Swit ch Figure 9. Voltage S elector Switch 5. Re move t he four scre ws on the PPU rear pa ne l with a Phillips sc rew drive r and rem ove t he PPU bac k p ane l cove r. Input C able Connecti ons (TB 1 -1 to TB 1-3)[...]
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In sta llation 33 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 6. Ha rdw ire t he input (T B1 -1 thro ugh TB1 -3) a nd outp ut te rmina tions (TB 2) for the PPU. See t he follo wing hard wire d ter min ati on s t abl e for speci fi catio ns . See Fi gu r e 11 f or a de ta iled vie w o f the t ermina[...]
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In sta llation 34 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Ground TB1 TB 2 Ground Line 1 Input C onnection Output C onnection Input Connecti ons REPO Connecti ons Line 2/Neutral Line 1 Line 2/Neutral REPO Line 1 REPO Line 2 REPO G round Figure 11 . Hardwired PPU Terminal Bl ocks 7. Deter mi ne y[...]
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In sta llation 35 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 9. If you are using a REPO swit ch, hardw ire the te rminal blo ck TB1, position s TB1-4 throug h TB1-6. See the hardwired te rminat ion table o n page 33 fo r pro pe r conne ctio ns. Figure 10 on page 32 s ho ws t he co nn ecti on locat[...]
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In sta llation 36 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m UPS Startu p To start up the UPS: 1. Veri fy th e inpu t breaker on t he PP U rear pan el is in t he OFF (O) posi tion (see Fi gur e 4 on page 26). 2. Con f ir m th e corr ect UP S ou tpu t v ol tage i s sel ected (s ee Step 7 on page 27[...]
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In sta llation 37 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m The indica to r rema ins lit a nd the Self T est ind ic ato r turns on . T he f ro nt panel displ ays th e percen tag e of f u ll load bei n g ap plie d to the U PS. The UPS is now in Nor mal mo de w ith the load onl in e. See “Nor mal[...]
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In sta llation 38 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m PPDM PPU Battery C abinets Air Vents Figure 12. UPS with PP DM NOTE You can i nstal l addi tional battery c abinets whi le the U PS i s operati ng, but confi rm the U PS is not in B attery m ode (s ee page 51). 2. Ve rify t he B ypa ss s[...]
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In sta llation 39 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Utility Input To PPDM (C ord Provided) Input B reaker Bypass S w itch 5-15R Receptacl es L5-30R , L6 - 20R, L6-30R , or L14 - 30R Receptacl es (Model D ependent) 5-15R Cir c ui t Protectors Power C ords To PPU Circuit Protectors for Lock[...]
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In sta llation 40 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m PPU Battery C abinets Cir c ui t Br eaker Battery Connector Br eaker Tie Battery Connector G uard Vol tage Sel e c to r Swit ch Input Plug Input B reaker Output Receptacl e REPO Receptacl e Battery Connector S erial Port Battery Cor d Fi[...]
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In sta llation 41 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 4. Sel ect th e corr ect UP S ou tpu t v olt age accor din g t o th e PP DM model: PPDM Model Number UPS Volt age Sel ector Switch Pos i ti on* 208: 120/208 Hardw ired Set t o 208V for 120/208V PPDM output Set to 220V for 127/220V PPD M [...]
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In sta llation 42 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Vol tage Sel e c to r Swit ch Figure 15. Voltage S elector Switch 5. Plug the inp ut and out put p owe r co rds o f the PPDM int o the input a nd o utp ut p owe r c onne ct ors o n the PPU re a r pa nel ( see Figure 13 and Figure 1 4). F[...]
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In sta llation 43 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 8. Re move t he scre ws on the PPDM rear pa ne l with a Phillips sc rew drive r and rem ove t he PPDM bac k p ane l cove r. WAR NING Only q ua lifie d se rvice personnel (s uch as a li cens ed elec tric ian) shoul d perform the hardwired[...]
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In sta llation 44 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 9. Ha rdw ire t he inp ut (TB1 ) and outp ut te rmina tio ns (TB2 ) for the PPDM. Se e the follo wing hard wire d te rmina ti ons tab le for speci fi cati on s. See Fi g ur e 17 f or a detail ed vi ew of the t ermi n al blocks. PPDM Hard[...]
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In sta llation 45 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m TB1 Input C onnection Output C onnection TB2 N eutral Bondi ng Jumper TB2- 1 TB2- 2 TB2- 3 Neutral Ground Line 1 Ground Line 2/Neutral Figure 17 . Hardwired PPDM Terminal Bl ocks NOTE Model 240: 120/240E only. The neutral bonding j umper[...]
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In sta llation 46 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 11. As p art o f the b ranc h circ uit that sup plie s this unit, insta ll a n insulat ed g rounding c ond ucto r. Use the fo llowing sp ec ific atio ns for t he g round ing co nd uct or tha t c onne c ts t o inp ut gro und terminal TB1-[...]
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In sta llation 47 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m UPS with PPDM Startup To start up the UPS: 1. Ve rify the PPD M input bre ak er is in the O FF (O ) po sition (se e Fig ur e 13 on pa ge 39) . 2. Con f ir m th e corr ect UP S ou tpu t v ol tage i s sel ected (s ee Step 4 on page 41). 3.[...]
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In sta llation 48 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 12. Pres s and hold t he Out put On button un til you h ear the UPS beep (approximately on e second). The indica to r rema ins lit a nd the Self T est ind ic ato r turns on . T he f ro nt panel displ ays th e percen tag e of f u ll load [...]
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49 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m CHAPTE R 4 UPS O PERATION Th is ch apter co ver s th e operati on of th e UPS i n clu di ng f ro nt pan el fu n ctio ns , oper ati ng m odes, u s in g th e Batter y Star t featu re, s h ut ti ng do wn the UPS, a nd us ing the Po we rPass Dis tribut ion[...]
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UPS Operation 50 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Operating Modes After y ou i n stal l an d apply power to th e UP S, th e UP S fil ter s an d regula te s inco ming A C po we r, elimina ting no ise a nd vo ltage sp ike s, a nd pro vide s co nsistent p owe r to your e quip ment (se e Fig[...]
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UPS Operation 51 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Bypass Mode The i ndi cator an d the indic at or illumina te simult ane ously, in di catin g Bypas s m ode (s ee F ig ur e 21) . Wh en t he U PS is in B yp ass mod e, t he lo ad is p owe re d by utilit y pow er. H owe ver, ut ility p owe [...]
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UPS Operation 52 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m When s hutdo wn is im mine nt, t he Se lf T est ind ic ato r fla she s. The se warni ngs are app roximate, a nd th e actual ti me to sh utdown may vary si gn if ican tl y. Once th es e warn i ng s ar e in di cated, immedi ately complet e [...]
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UPS Operation 53 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m UPS Shutdown Perf orm ing a U PS shutd ow n turns of f the p ow er t o yo ur pro te ct ed equ ipm ent . Co nf ir m th e equ ipm ent i s pr epared f or a power- o ff bef or e shutt ing d ow n the U PS. NOTE Do not perform a U PS s hutdown [...]
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UPS Operation 54 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Using the PPDM The PP DM provi des continu ous on lin e powe r for you r equipment. W ith the PPDM, you ca n repl ac e or upgr ad e the PPU wit hout los ing pow er to your eq uipm ent. Figure 23 sho ws the op era tio n of the UPS with the[...]
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UPS Operation 55 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m 4. Remove the cord conn ections to the back of the PP U. 5. Swi tch th e cir cui t breaker on al l batt ery cabi n ets to the OFF (O) pos iti on. 6. Di scon n ect th e battery co nn ecto r on th e PP U rear pan el. 7. Remove the P PU. 5-1[...]
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UPS Operation 56 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Use t he follo wing pro ce dure t o reinst all the PPU and t ransfe r the cr itica l loa d fr om Ma inte nanc e B ypa ss (A C Line o pe ra tio n) to t he PPU: 1. Recon n ect the batt ery cab in et to th e batter y con nect or on t he PPU [...]
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UPS Operation 57 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Vol tage Sel e c to r Swit ch Figure 25. Voltage S elector Switch 4. Plug the input a nd out put c ord s of the PPDM into the p ow er co nnec to rs o n the PPU a s s hown in F igure 2 4 o n pa ge 5 5. 5. Swi tch the P P U i npu t br eaker[...]
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UPS Operation 58 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m[...]
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59 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m CHAPTE R 5 C OMMUNICATION Th e UP S i s eq ui pped wi th a commu n icati on s i n ter face por t th at allow s commu n i catio n wit h a wide vari ety of exter n al devices i n clu di ng : V i d e oo rd u m bt e r m i n a l Seria l printer Com put er w[...]
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Communication 60 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Front Panel Communications Access Bef ore y ou access the f ron t pan el , r ev iew t he f ol low in g conf ig ur ati on s and n ot e th e in di cator that corr espon ds with th e comm un i catio n m ode. NOTE Only the Printer m ode front[...]
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Communication 61 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m To acces s the f ro nt pan el co mmu n icati on opt ion s , p erf orm th e fo ll owi ng step s: 1. If the UPS is po we red on, pre p are yo ur equip me nt for shutd ow n. Pres s and hold t he Out put Off button un til the long beep ceases[...]
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Communication 62 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m UPS Serial Communications Menu With t he UPS S eria l Co mmunic a tions (Ma in) Me nu, you c a n vie w o r sel ect UP S co mmu n icat ion modes , b aud r ates , an d L AN con fi gu r ati on s. To ch an ge or dis play the cu r ren t co mmu[...]
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Communication 63 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m NOTE Catalog #, Serial #, and V ersi on # are all identi fic ation numbers unique to your UPS and can als o be found on the UPS nameplate. 1 > Continuous Dump T he UPS re gularly t ransm its sta tus infor mation t o the computer. Baud [...]
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Communication 64 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Sel ect th e AS400 optio n if you are using OnliSafe so ftw are to monitor th e UPS. The Custom Configuration o ption ha s two sc ree ns: the first sc ree n has o pt ions a vaila ble for inve rte r shutd ow n, and t he secon d scr een h a[...]
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Communication 65 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Z > Set Baud Rate allows y ou to s elect a n ew baud r ate. Th e Sel ect Baud R ate Me nu displa ys a list of ba ud rate o ptio ns. 5. To save th e configu ration settings, type S at the Mai n Men u prom pt. Th e UP S operat es and com[...]
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Communication 66 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m UPS Communications Interface Port In a dd itio n to c onfiguring t he UPS fo r sp ec ific c om munic at ion op tio ns, you must als o ensure p rop er use of the se rial p ort whe n conne ct ing the UPS to yo ur netw ork o r monit oring e [...]
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Communication 67 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Communications Mode Reference Chart Th e fol low in g ch ar t defi nes the U PS s er ial po rt con tact s. Ser ial commu n i catio n is n ot avai labl e with 3 Com an d AS/400 n etwor k con fi gu r atio ns . Use on l y th e appl icabl e p[...]
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Communication 68 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m[...]
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69 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m CHAPTE R 6 S PECIFICATIONS Prestige 6000 Specifications Th e foll owi n g model s pecif icat ion s ass u me: 88% ef fi cien cy at fu ll l oad (No rmal m ode) Inpu t power fac tor of 0.95 84 % effic ie ncy running o n bat te ry Model 6000 UP S (N o min [...]
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Sp ecificat ions 70 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Model 4500 UP S (N o min a l O pe ra tin g S pecif icat i ons) Output VA Output Volt age Output Wa tts Input Cur r ent Out put Curr ent Normal (BTUs / hr) On Batt ery (BTUs / hr) 3750 200 2500 14.6A 19.0A < 1200 < 1600 3900 208 2[...]
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Sp ecificat ions 71 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Technical Specifications Input Vol t age Range 170 to 276 Vac Input Power F act or 0.95 Typical Fr equency Range 50/60 Hz ±3 H z Su rge P ro tec tion IEC 801-4 Output W avef or m Sin e wa ve Output Vol t age 200/208/220/230/240 Vac ±[...]
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Sp ecificat ions 72 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Electrical Specifications for the Prestige 6000 with PPDM Use t he follo wing tab le s to det erm ine loa d wiring req uirem ent s when the PPD M is used wit h the UPS. The d ist ributio n of y our loa d o n the avai lab le ou tpu ts o[...]
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Sp ecificat ions 73 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Pre stig e 6000 PPD M Ra tin gs with a M odel 4500 U P S PPDM Model Input Ut ility Vo ltag e and Select ed UPS Output Vol t age Input Curr ent Output Vol t age and Max imum C urr ent Max imum O utput Apparent Pow er* * 208:120/208 Hard[...]
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Sp ecificat ions 74 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m[...]
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75 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m CHAPTE R 7 T ROUBLESHOOTING Th e Pr es tig e UP S i s des i gn ed fo r du r able, aut omat ic oper ati on and al so aler ts y ou wh en ever po ten ti al oper atin g pr obl ems may o ccur . Us e the follow ing tro ubles hoot ing cha rt to d et ermine th[...]
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Troubles hooting 76 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Acti on Poss i ble Caus e Condit i on Rem ote E me rge ncy Powe r-O ff swi tch doe s not shut down the UPS. RE PO sw itch is n ot w ired p rop erly. Check con nect ion s and con tact y ou r serv ice rep resen tat ive. Pow erP ass Distr[...]
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Troubles hooting 77 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Acti on Poss i ble Caus e Condit i on BATTER Y Weak bat ter y wh ile in By pass mode. Th is usu ally in dicat es th at t he bat ter ies need r eplacin g or th e UPS r equ ires serv ice. Con tact y our ser vice rep resen tat iv e. SELF [...]
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Troubles hooting 78 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Service and Support The tr oublesh ootin g char t on pa ge 75 covers most of th e difficul ties y ou ma y enc ount er d uring norm al o pe ra tions . If yo u have a ny que st ions o r prob lems wi th th e UPS , call y our Local D istri[...]
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79 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m I NDEX Numeric 3Com Netw ork Interface fron t panel conf igurat ion, 60 LA N Config uration Men u, 64 A AC Line Byp ass switc h, 54 operation , 54 alarm silen cing , 77 UPS , 76 Alarm Condition s Batter y Faul t, 76 Ov erload, 76 Ov ertem perature, 76 [...]
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Index 80 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m Cont rol Keys Cont rol-C, 62 Cont rol-E, 63 cord, pow er, 36 , 47 , 71 Cus tom LA N Config uration Me nu, 64 cus tom er service, 78 D Data Du mp Modes, 63 diagn ost ics, 52 Display Con fig uration S creen, 63 E exitin g Main Menu , 65 F fron t pa[...]
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Index 81 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m M Main Menu , 62 Maint enan ce Bypass f eatu re See a lso Powe rPa ss Distri bu tio n Module (PP DM) activ atin g, 54 deactiv atin g, 56 Menu Cus tom LA N Config uration , 64 LAN Co nfigura tio n, 64 Main, 62 Serial Commu n ication s, 62 Set Bau [...]
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Index 82 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m REPO con nect ors, 26 serial port , 26 Polled Du mp Mode, 63 Pow er Managem ent S oft ware LanSa fe, 60 , 65 On liNet, 60 , 65 On liSaf e, 60 , 64 Pow erPas s Dist ribut ion Module (PPDM ) AC L ine operation , 54 block diagram, 54 chan gin g out [...]
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Index 83 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m troubles hoot ing chart , 75 tip s, 48 U un in terru ptible pow er sy st em, 1 UPS alarm silen cing , 77 alarms , 76 block diagram, 50 chan gin g out put v oltag e, 53 commu nicat ion, 59 Comm un ication s Mode Reference Chart , 67 fron t panel, [...]
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Index 84 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa re.co m[...]