QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP инструкция обслуживания


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Законодательство обязывает продавца передать покупателю, вместе с товаром, руководство по эксплуатации QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP. Отсутствие инструкции либо неправильная информация, переданная потребителю, составляют основание для рекламации в связи с несоответствием устройства с договором. В законодательстве допускается предоставлении руководства в другой, чем бумажная форме, что, в последнее время, часто используется, предоставляя графическую или электронную форму инструкции QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP или обучающее видео для пользователей. Условием остается четкая и понятная форма.

Что такое руководство?

Слово происходит от латинского "instructio", тоесть привести в порядок. Следовательно в инструкции QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP можно найти описание этапов поведения. Цель инструкции заключается в облегчении запуска, использования оборудования либо выполнения определенной деятельности. Инструкция является набором информации о предмете/услуге, подсказкой.

К сожалению немного пользователей находит время для чтения инструкций QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP, и хорошая инструкция позволяет не только узнать ряд дополнительных функций приобретенного устройства, но и позволяет избежать возникновения большинства поломок.

Из чего должно состоять идеальное руководство по эксплуатации?

Прежде всего в инструкции QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP должна находится:
- информация относительно технических данных устройства QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP
- название производителя и год производства оборудования QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP
- правила обслуживания, настройки и ухода за оборудованием QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP
- знаки безопасности и сертификаты, подтверждающие соответствие стандартам

Почему мы не читаем инструкций?

Как правило из-за нехватки времени и уверенности в отдельных функциональностях приобретенных устройств. К сожалению само подсоединение и запуск QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP это слишком мало. Инструкция заключает ряд отдельных указаний, касающихся функциональности, принципов безопасности, способов ухода (даже то, какие средства стоит использовать), возможных поломок QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP и способов решения проблем, возникающих во время использования. И наконец то, в инструкции можно найти адресные данные сайта QNAP, в случае отсутствия эффективности предлагаемых решений. Сейчас очень большой популярностью пользуются инструкции в форме интересных анимаций или видео материалов, которое лучше, чем брошюра воспринимаются пользователем. Такой вид инструкции позволяет пользователю просмотреть весь фильм, не пропуская спецификацию и сложные технические описания QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP, как это часто бывает в случае бумажной версии.

Почему стоит читать инструкции?

Прежде всего здесь мы найдем ответы касательно конструкции, возможностей устройства QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP, использования отдельных аксессуаров и ряд информации, позволяющей вполне использовать все функции и упрощения.

После удачной покупки оборудования/устройства стоит посвятить несколько минут для ознакомления с каждой частью инструкции QNAP TS-EC1680U-RP. Сейчас их старательно готовят или переводят, чтобы они были не только понятными для пользователя, но и чтобы выполняли свою основную информационно-поддерживающую функцию.

Содержание руководства

  • Страница 1

    QNAP Turb o NAS TS - EC x 80 Ser ies H ardw are User Manual © 2014. QN AP S ystems, Inc. All R ights R eser ved.[...]

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    2 Thank you for choos ing QNAP pro ducts ! This user manual pro vides descrip tion of the hardwar e of the T urbo N AS a nd relev ant guidelin e of certa in fun c tions. Please read carefully and stric tly adher e to t he instru ctions o f the ma nual. This user ma nual is applicab le to the followi ng T urbo N AS model s: TS -EC8 80 Pro , TS -EC 1[...]

  • Страница 3

    3 DISCLAI MER In no event shall QN AP Syste ms, I nc. (QN AP) l iabili ty ex ceed the p rice pa id for the prod uct from d irect, indirec t, specia l, incidenta l, or co nseque ntial damage s resu ltin g from t he use of the product, its accompa n ying so ftware, or its docume ntation. QNAP make s n o warr anty or represe nt a ti o n, e xpres sed, [...]

  • Страница 4

    4 Regulato ry Noti ce FCC Noti ce The QNAP NA S comp li e s w ith di ffere nt FCC comp liance classes. Please refer to 0 for details. Once t he class of the dev ice is de termined, refer t o the following correspo nding stateme nt. =========== ==== ======= ======= ======= ===== ==== ======= === FCC Class A Notice This device complies with Par t 1 5[...]

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    5 FCC Class B Notice This device complies with Par t 1 5 of the FCC Rules. Operat ion is subjec t t o th e f ollow in g two conditio ns: 1. This devi ce may no t cause ha rmfu l interfere nce. 2. This devi ce must accep t any interfere nce rece iv ed, includ ing interf erence that ma y cause u ndesired o pera tion. Note: T his equipme nt ha s been [...]

  • Страница 6

    6 Symbol s in thi s docum ent W ar ning This icon indicates the instruc tions must be strictly followed. F ailure to do so could result in injury to huma n body or dea th. Caution This icon i ndicates t he ac ti o n may l ead to disk c lear ance or loss OR failure t o follow the instruc tions could result in data damage, dis k damage, or prod uct d[...]

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    7 Table of Contents Safety War nings ................................................................................................ . 8 Chapter 1. CPU and Memory Spe cifications ..................................................... 9 Chapter 2. Power Butto n and Reset Butt on B ehavior .................................... 11 Ch apter 3. USB One T[...]

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    8 Safety Warnings 1. The NA S can oper a te norma lly in temper atur e s of 0º C – 40º C (32ºF -10 4º F) a nd relative humidity of 5% – 95 %. Please ma ke su re the e n vironmen t is w ell-ve ntilated. 2. The power cord and devi ces conne cted t o the NA S must pro vide cor rect supply v oltage (100W , 90 – 26 4V). 3. Do n ot place th e N[...]

  • Страница 9

    9 Chapter 1. CPU and Memory Specifica tions Caution: Mo dif ying the hardware, sof tware, or firm ware of the QNAP products will void the wa rra nty . QNAP is no t respo nsible for a ny form of da mage or l oss of da ta ca used by mo dding the QN AP pro d ucts. Users sho uld b ear their ow n risks o f al l sor ts of possible data los s or system in[...]

  • Страница 10

    10 System TS - EC1280U- RP TS - EC1680U- RP TS - EC2480U- RP CPU Quad-Core Inte l Xeo n Processor E 3-1200 v3 F ami ly Quad-Core Inte l Xeo n Processor E 3-1200 v3 F ami ly Qu ad -Core In tel X eo n Processor E 3-1200 v3 F ami ly Memory 4GB DDR3 ECC RAM 4GB DDR3 ECC RAM 4GB DDR3 ECC RAM Flash 512MB ( USB DOM) 512MB ( USB DOM) 512MB ( USB DOM) CPU r[...]

  • Страница 11

    11 Chapter 2. Power Button and Reset Button Behavior  P ower bu tton: Pres s to tur n on or turn o ff . System Power button (Turn on ) Power button (Hardwar e tur n off) Power button (Force t urn off ) All mode ls Press o nce 1.5 sec 5 sec  R eset butto n: Press to rese t the sy stem settings . System Basic syst em reset (1 beep) Advanced sys[...]

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    12 Advanced system r eset ( 10 se c) Press th e reset bu tton for 10 seco n ds; yo u will h ear two b eeps at the third a nd t he tenth seconds. The NA S will re set all th e system sett ings to de fault as it does by web -ba sed system reset i n “Co ntrol Pa ne l” > “ S ystem Se ttings ” > “ Backup / R estore” > “R esto re t[...]

  • Страница 13

    13 Chapter 3. USB One Touch Copy This feat ure is on ly prov ided b y the N AS mo dels with a USB One T ouch Cop y but ton. Please vi sit http://www . qnap.co m for deta ils. System Number of seco nds (pre ss the one to uch co py b utton to trig ger data copy) All NAS models 0.5 sec Data Cop y by the Front USB Po rt The NAS suppor ts inst an t data[...]

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    14 Chapter 4. LED and Alarm Buzzer Specificatio ns The L ED i ndica tors of the N AS ind icate the sys tem s tatus a nd informa tion. W hen the NA S is turned on, ch eck the following items to make sure the sys tem s tatus i s norma l. Note that the f o llowing LED informa ti o n i s appl icable only when users hav e proper ly installed the hard dr[...]

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    15 LED Color LED Stat us Descrip tion LAN Ora nge Ora nge The disk da ta is being ac cessed f rom the network a nd a read/write error occurs d uring the proce ss. Flashes or ange The NA S is co nnected to the ne twork. 10 Gb E Green Green The 1 0GbE ne twork expa nsio n card is installed. Off No 10 GbE network expa nsi o n card i s insta ll ed. HDD[...]

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    16 Beep alarm : All NAS m odels The beep a lar m can be disabled in “Co ntrol P ane l” > “Sy stem Settings ” > “ Hardwa re” . Beep so und Number of Time s Descrip tion Short beep (0. 5 sec) 1 1. The NA S is star ting u p. 2. The NA S is be ing sh ut d own (softwa re sh utdow n). 3. The u ser presses the reset butto n to reset the [...]

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    17 Chapter 5. Upgrade Memory on QNAP Turb o NAS (RAM M odule Installation) Warning:  The fol lowing instr uctio ns should only be perfor med b y a n authori zed and trai ned technic ian .  Strictly ad here to th e instruc tions to ins tall a R AM module on t he NA S. F ailure to do so cou ld result in injury to huma n body or dea th. QNAP pro[...]

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    18 1. T urn off the NA S. D isconnec t the po wer adap tor , network cable(s), and a ny o ther connector s or cab les fro m the N AS. 2. Before i nstalling the networ k exp ansion card, pu t on an ant istatic wr ist s trap to preve nt elect rostatic discharge. The cro codile c lip shou ld b e connected to t he ground. 3. Loosen the 2 screw s on the[...]

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    19 5. R elease the ejector clips ge ntly by p ulling t hem out of the sides of the R AM slot. 6. Grasp the edg e of the RAM mod ul e. Align the notch o n the gold edge of the RAM module w ith t he no tch in the R AM s lot. Insert the RAM mod ule to the RAM slo t until it cannot go a ny f urther . 7. Insert t he Mo therboard Dr awer , push the ha nd[...]

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    20 5.2 TS - EC880 Pro, TS-EC 1080 P ro 1. T urn off the NA S. Disco nnect the power ad ap tor , netwo rk cable( s), a nd any other connector s or cab les from the NA S. 2. Before i nstalling the networ k exp ansion card, pu t on an antista tic wrist s trap to preve nt elec trostatic d ischarge. The croco dile c lip sho ul d be con nected to the gro[...]

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    21 4. R emove the case co ver of the NA S gen tl y . 5. Loo sen the cable[...]

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    22 6. R elease the ejector clips ge ntly by p ulling t hem out of the sides of the R AM slot. 7. Grasp the edg e of the RAM mod ul e. Align the n otch on the gold edge o f the RAM module w ith t he notch in t h e R AM s lot. In sert t he RAM modu le to the RAM slo t until it cannot go a ny f urther . 8. Insta ll ed o n the N AS en closure, locking [...]

  • Страница 23

    23 Chapter 6. Network Expa nsion Card Installation Warning:  The fol lowing instr uctio ns should only be p erfor med b y a n authorized and trai ned technic ian .  Strictly ad here to the instructio ns to insta ll a network expa nsion card o n the NA S. F ailure to do so could result in injury to huma n body or dea th. The T S-x 80 series pr[...]

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    24 Network Expansi on C ard Com patib ility Bra cket A ( X52 0- T2 ) Intel® Etherne t Server Adap ter X52 0 - T2 ( E10G42B) Bra cket B (X520-SR 2/X 520-DA2) 1. Intel® Etherne t Server Adap ter X5 20-SR2 (E10G42 BFSR) 2. Intel® Etherne t Server Adap ter X5 20-DA2 (E10G42 BTD A) Bra cket C ( Emulex) 1. Emulex O neCo nnect 1 0GbE Ne twork Adap ters[...]

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    25 4. Remov e th e case co ver of the N AS gently . 5. Loosen the screw s a nd remo ve the exp ansion s lo t cover .[...]

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    26 6. G ra sp t he edge of the net wor k e xpansion card. Align the no tch on the go ld edge of the card with the notch in the PC Ie s lot. Insert the network expans ion card to the PCIe s lot until it can not go a ny further . 7. F asten the screws. 8. Close the case cover and fasten t he screws. Co nnect the power adaptor a nd cables to the NA S.[...]

  • Страница 27

    27 6.2 TS - EC2480U- RP , TS -EC168 0U- RP , TS - EC12 80U- RP , TS -EC880U- RP 1. T urn off the NA S. D isconnec t the po wer adap tor , network cable(s), and a ny o ther connector s or cab les fro m the N AS. 2. Before i nstalling the networ k exp ansion card, pu t on an antista tic wrist s trap to preve nt elect rostatic discharge. The cro codil[...]

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    28 5. Loo sen the screw and re mov e the expans ion slo t cover . 6. Insert the ne twork e xpansio n card to the PC Ie sl ot unti l i t can not go a ny f urther . Then fasten t he screw . 7. Push back Mot herboard Dr aw er . Then fa sten t he scre w . 8. Connect the power a dap tor and cables to the NAS. 9. T o c heck th a t t he ne twork e xpan si[...]

  • Страница 29

    29 Chapter 7. Install an mS ATA Flash mod ule to the NAS. Warning:  The fol lowing instr uctio ns should only be perfor med b y a n authori ze d a nd tr ained technic ian .  Strictly ad here to the instructio ns to insta ll a mS A T A mod ule o n the N AS. F a ilure to do so co uld resu lt in injur y to h uman body or de ath. 7.1 TS - EC2480U[...]

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    30 1. T urn off the NA S. D isconnec t the pow er adap tor , network cable(s), a nd a ny ot her connector s or cab les fro m the N AS. 2. Loosen the 2 screw s on the rear of the NA S as s hown in the i llustrat ion. 3. Hold t he handle and pull back wards to remo ve the Mot herboard Dra wer .[...]

  • Страница 31

    31 4. Carefully gr asp the edg e of t he mS A T A Flash Mo du le. A li g n the no tch o n the gold edge of the mSA T A module w ith the notch i n the mSA T A slot. Insert the m SA T A Flash Mod ul e to the mS A T A s lot unt il it canno t go an y fur ther . 5. Insert t he modu le fixing 6. R eturn the Mo the rboard Dr awer to i ts norma l po sition[...]

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    32 8. T o chec k that the mS A T A F lash Modu le is recogn ized by the N AS, pow er up the N AS and log in to the w eb inte rface as a n ad ministra to r . Go to “Co n trol P anel” > “ Stora ge Manager” > “Disk” a nd chec k the “ Inter nal Ca che P ort ” .[...]

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    33 7.2 TS - EC880 Pro, TS-EC 1080 P ro 1. T urn off the NA S. D iscon nect the power adap tor , netwo rk cable( s), a nd any other connector s or cab les fro m the N AS. 2. Before i nstalling the networ k expans ion card, p u t on an an tistatic wr ist str ap to preve nt electrosta tic discharge. The crocod il e clip sh o uld be connected to a grou[...]

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    34 5. Carefully gr asp the edg e of t he mS A T A Flash Mo du le. A li g n the no tch o n the gold edge of the mSA T A F lash Mod ule w ith the notch in the mS A T A slot. I nsert the mSA T A Flash Mo dule to the mS A T A s lot until i t cannot g o any furthe r . 6. Insert and faste n sc rews in p lace as indicated.[...]

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    35 7. Close the case cover and fasten the screws. Con nect the power adap tor and cables to the NA S. 8. T o chec k that the mS A T A F lash Modu le is recogn ized by the N AS, pow er up the N AS and log in to t he web inte rface as an ad ministra tor . Go to “C ontrol P ane l” > “ Storage Manager” > “Disk” a nd chec k the In tern[...]

  • Страница 36

    36 Chapter 8. Hot-swap Hard Drives The QNAP N AS is compa tible wi th 2.5-inch/ 3.5-inc h S A TA hard dr ives f rom major hard drive br a nds. F or the updat ed hard d rive comp atibility list, please visit http://www .q nap. com . Caution:  QNAP disc laims a ny re sponsib ility for pro duct da mag e/malf unction o r data loss/reco very due to m[...]

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    37 The NAS suppor ts h ot-s wappi ng the hard drives when 1 member drive cras hes in RAID 1 or 1 – 2 member dr ives cr ash i n RAID 5 or RA ID 6. F ollow the step s below to hot-swap the hard dri ve whe n a me mber d rive fai ls in a R AID configur atio n. 1. Log in the N AS a nd che ck the stor age poo l s tatus in “ Stor age Ma nager ” >[...]

  • Страница 38

    38 Chapter 9. RAID Recovery The QNAP NA S s upports r eco very of a failed RA ID group fro m uninten tional d isconne ction or remov a l of the hard dr ives f rom th e system. Users can re cover a n ina ctive R AID 1, RAID 5, o r RAID 6 g roup to degr aded mode, o r a n inactive RAID 0 and JBOD config urat ion to normal. Disk v olume Supports RAID [...]

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    39 Standard RAID 5 QNAP RAID 5 Standard RAID 6 QNAP RAID 6 Degraded mode N-1 N-1 N-1 & N-2 N-1 & N-2 Read only protecti on (for imm ediate d ata backup & hard drive replacem ent) N/A N-1, bad b locks found in the survivi ng drives of the arr ay . N/A N-2, bad b locks found in the survivi ng drives of the arr ay . RAID re covery (RAID st[...]

  • Страница 40

    40 Chapter 10. Use the LCD Panel This feat ure is on ly prov ided b y the N AS mo dels with LC D panels. Please visit http://www .q nap.co m for deta ils. The N AS pro vide s a ha ndy LCD pa nel for users to perfo rm di sk co nfigura tio n and v iew t he system informat ion. When t he NAS has star ted up , the server name and IP address w ill be s [...]

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    41 For exa mple, w hen 5 ha rd d rives installed a re a vailab le on the N AS, t he LCD pa ne l show s: C o n f i g . D i s k s ? → R A I D 5 Press th e “Select” b utto n to bro wse mo re op ti o ns, for e xamp le, RAID 6. Press th e “Enter” b utto n and the following mess age shows. Pres s the “Se lect” b utto n t o select “Yes” [...]

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    42 Note: Th e data encryp tion funct ions ma y not be ava ilab le in a ccorda nce to the legislative restrict ions of som e co untries. View sy stem inf ormation b y the LCD p anel When t he LCD pa nel sho ws t he serve r name and IP addr ess, p ress t he “E nt e r” butto n to enter th e Main Me nu. Th e M ain Me nu consi sts o f the follow ing[...]

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    43 2. Physical d isk The fol lowing opt ions are availab le:  Disk I nfo  Back to M ain M enu The disk info sho ws the te mpera ture and the ca pacity of the hard drive. D i s k : 1 T e m p : 5 0 ° C S i z e : 2 3 2 G B 3. Volume This sec tion show s the di sk conf iguration of the NAS. The first line shows the RA ID configura tion and stora[...]

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    44 6. Reboot Use t hi s o ption to re start the N AS. Press t he “S elect” b utton to select “Yes”. The n press t he “Enter” butto n to con firm. 7. Password The defa ult pa ssword of the LCD pane l is blank. E nter t hi s o ption to c ha nge the passwo rd of the LC D pa nel. Sele ct “Yes” to con tinue. C h a n g e P a s s w o r d Y[...]

  • Страница 45

    45 System Me ssage s When the N AS encou nters a syste m error, an error m essag e will be show n o n the LCD panel . Press the “ Enter” but ton to view the m essage. Press t he “En ter” but ton again to view t he next messag e. S y s t e m E r r o r ! P l s . C h e c k L o g s System Me ssage Descrip tion Sys. Fa n Failed The sys tem fa n [...]

  • Страница 46

    46 Chapter 11. Install Power Supply Unit Note: Th e followi ng instru ctions s hould on ly be perfo rmed by an a uthorize d a nd tra ined technic ian . T o replace a fa iled power supply unit o n the TS -EC2 480U- RP , TS -EC16 80U- RP , TS -EC1 280U- RP , TS -E C 880U- RP T urbo N AS T urbo N AS, follow the s teps below . 1. T urn off the NA S. Di[...]

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    47 3. Unplug t he failed power s upp ly . 4. Plug in a new powe r suppl y to t he NA S. 5. T urn on the NA S. 6. Connect the power a dap tor and cables to the NAS.[...]

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    48 Enable war ning alert f or redu ndant pow er suppl y on the web-bas ed i nterfac e: If two power supply units (PSU) h a ve been installed on th e NAS and connecte d t o the power socke ts, bo th PS U w ill supp ly the p ower to the NAS (applied to 1U and 2U models). User s can enab le redu ndant power s upply mo de in “Contro l Pa nel” > [...]

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    49 Technical Su pport QNAP prov ide s dedica ted o nlin e s upport and c ustomer service v ia insta nt messe nger . Online Suppo rt: h ttp://ww w. qnap .com Fo ru m: htt p: //for um.qnap. com Technical Supp ort in the U SA a nd C anada: Email: q_ supportu s@qnap. com TEL: + 1-909-595- 2782 Address: 168 Un ivers ity Pa rkwa y , P omo na CA 917 68 Se[...]

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    50 Product Compliance Class NAS Mod els FCC CE TS -EC2 480U- RP Class A Class A TS -EC1 680U- RP Class A Class A TS -EC1 280U- RP Class A Class A TS -EC8 80U- RP Class A Class A TS -EC1 080 Pro Class B Class B TS -EC8 80 Pro Class B Class B[...]

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    51 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V ers ion 3, 29 June 2 007 Copyrig ht © 20 07 Free Softwar e F ou ndation, Inc. < http://fs f .o rg/> Everyo ne i s pe rmitted t o cop y a nd d istri b ute v erba tim copies of t his l ice nse d oc ument, but changing it is not a llowed. Preambl e The GN U Gener al P ublic Licen se is a free, cop yle ft license [...]

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    52 distribu te and/or modify it. F or the de velopers' a nd a uthor s' prote ction, t he GPL c learly expla ins tha t there is no warr anty for this free sof twar e. Fo r bo th users' a nd a uthors' sake, t he GPL r equire s that modified versio ns be ma rke d as cha nged, so tha t their prob lems w ill not be a ttribut ed erron[...]

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    53 A “co vered w ork” means e ither the unmod ified P rogr am or a wo rk based on the Progr a m. T o “ propaga te” a w ork mea ns to d o a n ything wi th it that, w ithout perm ission, wo uld ma ke you d irectly o r secondar ily liab le for in fringemen t under app licable copyrig ht law , excep t execu ting it on a comp uter or modify ing [...]

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    54 needed t o gener a te, inst a ll, and ( for an exec utable work) run the objec t code and t o modif y the work, including scrip ts to con trol those ac ti vi ti es. However , it does not inc lude the work's S yste m Libra ries, or gener a l -purpose tool s or gener ally ava ilable free prog rams which are used un modified in perform ing tho[...]

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    55 meas ures . When yo u co nvey a co vered w ork, you wa ive a n y legal power to fo rbid c ircumv entio n of techno logical meas ures to the e xtent s uch circu mven tion is eff ected b y e xercisi ng rig ht s under this License with r espec t to t he covered wo rk, and you d isclaim any i nt ention to l imit oper ation or modifica tion of the wo[...]

  • Страница 56

    56 by their nature exten si o ns of the covered work, and which are not comb ined with it such as to form a larger progr am, in or on a volume of a stor age or distributio n medium, is called a n “aggrega te” i f the comp ilation and its resulting copyrig ht are not used t o limit the acces s or legal rights of th e compilatio n's users be[...]

  • Страница 57

    57 A separa ble portion of the obj ect co de, whose so urce code is exc luded fro m the Correspo nding So urce as a S ystem Librar y , need not be included in co nvey ing the o bject code wo rk. A “User Pro duct” is either (1) a “co nsumer prod uct” , wh ich means a ny tangib le perso nal propert y which is norma lly used for perso nal, fam[...]

  • Страница 58

    58 Correspo nding Source co nvey ed, a nd Installatio n Informatio n p rovided, i n acco rd with thi s section m ust be in a forma t tha t is pub licly doc umen ted (and with an impleme ntatio n av ailable to the p ublic in so urce code form), and must req uire no spe cial pas sword o r ke y for unpac king, read ing or copyi ng. 7. Additiona l T er[...]

  • Страница 59

    59 All other non- permi ssive additional terms a re co nsidered “furt her res trictions” wi thin th e meaning of section 10 . If the Progr am as you received it, o r any part of it, co ntains a n o ti ce stating tha t it is go v erned by t his License al o ng with a t erm that is a further rest riction, you may remo ve that term. If a licens e [...]

  • Страница 60

    60 Y ou are not required t o a ccept this L icense in o rder t o rece ive or r un a cop y of the Progr am. Ancillary propa ga ti o n of a co vered wo rk occur ring sole ly as a conseque nce o f using peer- to -peer t ra nsmiss ion to receive a cop y likew ise does not require accep tance. However , nothing o ther than this Lice nse gr ants you per [...]

  • Страница 61

    61 the righ t to gr an t paten t subl icenses in a man ner con sisten t with th e require ments o f t his License. Each co ntributor gra nts you a non-exc lusive, wo rldwid e, roy a lty-free pa te nt licens e under the con tributor's essen ti a l pate nt claims, to ma ke, use, se ll , offer for sale, i mport and otherwise run, mo dify a nd pro[...]

  • Страница 62

    62 copies), or (b) pr imarily fo r and in conne ction w ith spec ific produc ts or com pilat ions tha t contain the co vere d work, unless you entered into t hat arra ngeme nt, or that patent li cen se was gr a nted, prior to 28 March 2007. Nothing in this L icense s hall be con strued as ex c lu d in g o r limiting a ny implied license or other de[...]

  • Страница 63

    63 If the P rogr am sp ecifie s that a pro xy can deci de which futu re version s o f the GN U Gener al Public L icense ca n be us ed, tha t proxy' s pub lic stateme nt of ac cepta nce of a vers ion perma nently a uthorizes yo u to choo se tha t ver sion for t he Prog ra m. Later licen se ver sions may gi ve yo u add itional o r differe nt pe [...]