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Rackit ® Technology Corporation 2 7 4 Madison Avenue , New York, NY 1 001 6 T el: (212) 679-0050 • Fax: (212 ) 679-0040 1.800.636.3434 www.RackitT echnology.com T echnology Corporation ® Supported by:[...]
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Copyright © 2002 Raritan Computer, In c. SCS232-0C July 2002 Raritan Computer Inc. 400 Cottontail Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 USA Tel. 1-732-764-8886 Fax. 1-732-764-8887 E-mail: sales@raritan.com http://www.raritan.com Raritan Computer Europe, B.V. Eglantierbaan 16 2908 LV Capelle aan den IJssel The Netherlands Tel. 31-10-284-4053 Fax. 31-10-284-4049 [...]
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FCC I NFORMATION This equipment has been tested and found to comply wi th the limits for a Class A digi tal device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are design ed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a commercial installation . This equi pment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and [...]
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T ABLE OF C ONTENTS C HAPTER 1: M ANUAL N OTES ........................................................................................ 1 V ERSION A PPLICABILITY ........................................................................................................ 1 I MPORTANT N OTE : P OWER R ECYCLING ............................................[...]
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C HAPTER 1: M ANUAL N OTES 1 C HAPTER 1: M ANUAL N OTES V ERSION A PPLICABILITY Contents in this manual are applicable to Con sol eSwitch™ SCS232 firmware versions 0A2 and above. Customers with 0A1 firmware s hould contact Raritan Techni cal Support for upgrade instructions. I MPOR TANT N OTE : P OWER R ECYCLING ConsoleSwitch SCS232 contains spec[...]
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C HAPTER 2: I NTRODUCTI ON 3 C HAPTER 2: I NTRODUCTION C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 F EATURES • Dual user, simu ltaneous matrixed access to 32 serial devices • Compact 1U form factor • 8kb data buffers for troubleshooting • Seamless integration wi th Raritan’s Paragon ® data center mana gement solution. • Platform and software indep endent [...]
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4 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL P RODUCT P HOTOS Figure 1 . ConsoleSwitch SCS232 Front Figure 2. ConsoleSw itch SCS232 Ba ck R ELATED P RODUCTS D EVICE A DAPTERS Each serial device connected to ConsoleSwitch will require an RJ45 to DB9, o r RJ45 to DB25, adapter. Unfortunately, standard adapte rs do not exist for this application (ser[...]
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C HAPTER 3: I NTRODUCTION R EQUIREMENTS 5 C HAPTER 3: C ABLING R EQUIREMENTS C ONSOLE S WITCH C ABLING : S ERIAL O VER UTP N OTE : The following information applies only to cabl es that attach directly to the ConsoleSwitch unit. Cables that attach to Raritan’s Paragon switches must meet st ricter requirements; if you are using ConsoleSwitch in ta[...]
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6 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL P ARAGON C ABLING : KVM O VER UTP N OTE : The following information addresses th e stricter cabl in g requirements of Raritan’s Paragon switches. These specifications are mor e st ringent than for ConsoleSwitch. If you are using ConsoleSwitch as a standalone serial access device, you may ignore this s[...]
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C HAPTER 4: I NSTALLATION 7 C HAPTER 4: I NSTALLATION C ONSOLE S WITCH S TANDALONE I NSTALLATION N OTE : The following information applies to configur ations in which ConsoleSwitch is used as a standalone serial access device. Users intending to use Cons oleSwitch in a Paragon solution should skip to the section entitled “ConsoleSwitch with Parag[...]
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8 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL C ONNECTING U SER C ONSOLES 1. In your ConsoleSwitch shipment (see Chapter 2: Introduction - Pa ckage Cont ents), you will find an assortment of nulling serial ad apters (RJ45 to DB9 / DB-25). 2. Locate the RS232 (serial) port on ea ch devi ce that you wish to use as a user console. Sele ct a nulling se[...]
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C HAPTER 4: I NSTALLATION 9 P OWER O N 1. With your user consoles and devices attached, conne ct the supplied AC power co rd to ConsoleSwitch , and switch the power on. Note th at terminals and devi ces may b e attached or disconnect ed at any time. 2. On the bottom-left of your user console, you will see a message directing you to type H ↵ to ac[...]
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10 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL This section only applies if you wish to operate Consol eSwitch with a user console (dumb term inal or terminal emulator) set to communicatio ns settings other than 9600 Baud, No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit. 1. Type U# ↵ (where # is the user port numb er of the us er console to be conf igured). 2[...]
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C HAPTER 4: I NSTALLATION 11 P REPARE D EVICES Devices to be controlled by Paragon through ConsoleSwitc h must be set at the following communications settings. Before proceeding, check all devices that you wish to connec t , and ensure that they hav e been set correctly. Consult your device’s user manual to change the co mm unications parameters [...]
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12 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL C ONNECTING C ONSOLE S WITCH TO P ARAGON All cabling performed in the fo llowing steps must confor m to the requirements specified in Chapter 3: Cabling Requirements -Paragon Cab ling – KVM over UTP. 1. In your ConsoleSwitch shipment (see Chapter 2: Introduction - Pa ckage Cont ents), you will find t[...]
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C HAPTER 4: I NSTALLATION 13 2. When the update is complete, l ogin as “ admin ” (default password is “ raritan ”). Channel numbers corresponding to Paragon device por ts connected to ConsoleSwitch SC S232 should appear in burgundy (each is a “path” to the SCS232). N OTE : If channel numbers correspondi ng to device ports connected to C[...]
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C HAPTER 5: O PERATING C ONSOLE S WITCH 15 C HAPTER 5: O PERATING C ONSOLE S WITCH P ARAGON O PERATION : V IEWING S TORED D ATA When using ConsoleSwitch in tandem with Raritan’s Paragon server ma nagement solution, users access and operate serial devices conne cted to ConsoleSwitch via Paragon’s me nus and functions. Ch annel switching, naming,[...]
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16 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL A CCESSING THE M AIN M ENU • At any time while in Hot Key mode, you may invoke the main men u by pressing H ↵ . • When interacting di rectly with a connected device, press the < ESC > key twice to enter HotKey mode, and the main menu will appear. Raritan Console Switch Commands (SCS232 v0A2[...]
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C HAPTER 5: O PERATING C ONSOLE S WITCH 17 S ELECTING A C HANNEL By Channel Number. To s elect a channel by number from the m ain menu, simply enter the keys trokes C# ↵ , where # is a number between 1 and 32, indicating the Consol eSwitch port to which the desired serial device is connected. You will immediat ely exit HotKey mode and be directly[...]
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18 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL D — Display Scan List To see a list of all channels on your scan list, press D ↵ . This screen is identical to th e channel selection and display screen referenced earlier in this manual (Figure 10). From this screen, you may still invoke any Chan nel Scanning command, or press S ↵ to redisplay t[...]
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C HAPTER 5: O PERATING C ONSOLE S WITCH 19 F# — Forward # Lines Moves the display cursor a user-det ermined number of lines forward to a new screen starting point, # number of lines forward. R# — Reverse # Lines Moves the display cursor a user-determined numbe r of lines backward to a new screen sta rting point, # number of lines backward. P# ?[...]
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22 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL A PPENDIX B: P IN -O UT D IAGRAMS In order to provide maximum port density and to enab le simple UTP (Category 5) cabling, ConsoleSwitch provides its 32 serial connections vi a co mpact RJ45 ports. However, no wide ly adopted industry -standard exists for sending serial data over RJ45 connections. For [...]
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A PPENDICES 23 SCSDB9F N ULLING S ERIAL A DAPTER P IN -O UT RJ45 (Female) DB9 (Female) 1 8 2 1, 6 3 2 4 SHELL 5 5 6 3 7 4 8 7 SCSDB9M N ULLING S ERIAL A DAPTER P IN -O UT RJ45 (Female) DB9 (Male) 1 8 2 1, 6 3 2 4 SHELL 5 5 6 3 7 4 8 7 C USTOM , N ULLING RJ45 C ABLE ( FOR MOST S UN AND C ISCO RJ45 DEVICES ) Like ConsoleSwitch, many newer devi ces al[...]
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24 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL A PPENDIX C: U PDATING P ARAGON F IRMWARE N OTE : This Appendix does not apply to users deployi ng Co nsoleSwitch as a standalone serial switching device. This Appendix applie s only to users deploying ConsoleSwitch with Raritan’s Paragon™ data ce nter management solution. Refer to Chapter 4: Insta[...]
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A PPENDICES 25 P ARAGON F IRMWARE U PDATE I NSTRUCTIONS 1. Download the Paragon Firmware distribution file (ParagonFirmware.zip), available at the Raritan web site: http://www.raritan.com . 2. Unzip the downloaded file, and read the rele ase notes for any ad ditional or update d instructions. Update User Stations 1. On any active Paragon User Stati[...]
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26 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL 5. Click the “Test Hex File” butto n to ensure file integrity. 6. Click “Check Device Information” to confirm successful communication with the Paragon Matrix Switch, as well as to confi rm that the firmware upgrade is applicable. 7. Click “Send to Paragon” to begin uploading the fir mware.[...]
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A PPENDICES 27 A PPENDIX D: U PDATING C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 F IRMWARE I NTRODUCTION To take advantage of the l atest feat ures an d ensure the best performanc e of your Consol eSwitch SCS232 unit, you may upload the newest l evels of firmware – availabl e on the Raritan w eb site – to ConsoleSwitch using any standard Windows terminal emulato [...]
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28 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL 10. ConsoleSwitch SCS232 will clear the screen an d display the following: Transmit the update file using the XMODEM protocol now. N OTE : Steps 9 & 10 describe the XMODEM file transfe r procedures using the standard Wi ndows terminal application, HyperTerminal. Si milar proc edures c an be followe[...]
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A PPENDIX E: P ARAGON WITH C ONSOLE S WITCH FAQ 29 A PPENDIX E: P ARAGON WITH C ONSOLE S WITCH FAQ This section addresses questions specific to operat ional issues when using ConsoleSwitch SCS232 with Raritan’s Paragon KVM system. Q: After configuring ConsoleSwitch to work with Pa ragon as per the instructions in this manual, all the ConsoleSwitc[...]
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30 C ONSOLE S WITCH SCS232 U SER ’ S M ANUAL A PPENDIX F: C ONSOLE S WITCH FAQ Q: My device has a serial console port jack that is RJ45. Can I use a normal Cat5 network cable to connect it to ConsoleSwitch’s device ports? A : No. Pleas e consult your device manual to determ ine its console port pin-ou t specification; and cross- reference the p[...]
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