Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY инструкция обслуживания


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Законодательство обязывает продавца передать покупателю, вместе с товаром, руководство по эксплуатации Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY. Отсутствие инструкции либо неправильная информация, переданная потребителю, составляют основание для рекламации в связи с несоответствием устройства с договором. В законодательстве допускается предоставлении руководства в другой, чем бумажная форме, что, в последнее время, часто используется, предоставляя графическую или электронную форму инструкции Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY или обучающее видео для пользователей. Условием остается четкая и понятная форма.

Что такое руководство?

Слово происходит от латинского "instructio", тоесть привести в порядок. Следовательно в инструкции Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY можно найти описание этапов поведения. Цель инструкции заключается в облегчении запуска, использования оборудования либо выполнения определенной деятельности. Инструкция является набором информации о предмете/услуге, подсказкой.

К сожалению немного пользователей находит время для чтения инструкций Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY, и хорошая инструкция позволяет не только узнать ряд дополнительных функций приобретенного устройства, но и позволяет избежать возникновения большинства поломок.

Из чего должно состоять идеальное руководство по эксплуатации?

Прежде всего в инструкции Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY должна находится:
- информация относительно технических данных устройства Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY
- название производителя и год производства оборудования Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY
- правила обслуживания, настройки и ухода за оборудованием Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY
- знаки безопасности и сертификаты, подтверждающие соответствие стандартам

Почему мы не читаем инструкций?

Как правило из-за нехватки времени и уверенности в отдельных функциональностях приобретенных устройств. К сожалению само подсоединение и запуск Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY это слишком мало. Инструкция заключает ряд отдельных указаний, касающихся функциональности, принципов безопасности, способов ухода (даже то, какие средства стоит использовать), возможных поломок Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY и способов решения проблем, возникающих во время использования. И наконец то, в инструкции можно найти адресные данные сайта Rose electronic, в случае отсутствия эффективности предлагаемых решений. Сейчас очень большой популярностью пользуются инструкции в форме интересных анимаций или видео материалов, которое лучше, чем брошюра воспринимаются пользователем. Такой вид инструкции позволяет пользователю просмотреть весь фильм, не пропуская спецификацию и сложные технические описания Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY, как это часто бывает в случае бумажной версии.

Почему стоит читать инструкции?

Прежде всего здесь мы найдем ответы касательно конструкции, возможностей устройства Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY, использования отдельных аксессуаров и ряд информации, позволяющей вполне использовать все функции и упрощения.

После удачной покупки оборудования/устройства стоит посвятить несколько минут для ознакомления с каждой частью инструкции Rose electronic KVM SWITCH WITH ON-SCREEN DISPLAY. Сейчас их старательно готовят или переводят, чтобы они были не только понятными для пользователя, но и чтобы выполняли свою основную информационно-поддерживающую функцию.

Содержание руководства

  • Страница 1

    1070 7 Stancliff Road Houston , Te x as 77099 Phone : (281) 933-76 73 Interne t: WW W . ROSE.COM PROFESSIONAL KVM SW IT CH W IT H ON - SCREEN DI SPLA Y T M INST ALLATI ON AND OPER ATIONS M ANUA L[...]

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    LIMITED WARRANTY C o pyrigh t  R ose Elec tronics 1 990- 2002. Al l rights r eser ved. N o part of this m anual may b e reprod uc e d, st or ed in a r etrieval s ystem, or transcrib ed in an y f o rm or an y means, el e ctr onic or mech anical, i ncluding photoc opying and r e c ording, without t h e pri or writt en per missi on o f Ros e El e c[...]

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    FCC/IC S T A TEMEN TS, EU DECLA RA TION OF CON FORMI TY FEDERA L COMMUNICA TIONS C OMMISSI ON AND INDUS TRY CA NADA RA DIO-FREQUENCY IN TERFEREN CE STA TEMEN TS This equip ment gene rates , uses, and can radiate radio frequen cy energ y and if not ins talled and us ed properly, t ha t is, in s tri ct accorda nce w ith t he m anu facturer’ s ins t[...]

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    TABLE OF CONT EN T S Contents Disclaimer ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... 1 Introduct ion / Syste m o verview ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. 1 Features ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... [...]

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    Figures Fi gure 1. UltraView models . ... ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .. 5 Fi gure 2. Rea r Panel . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... . 6 Fi gure 3. UltraView Pro to CPU s .. .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... . 10 Fi gure 4. Cas cad ing[...]

  • Страница 7

    INTRODUCT ION ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 1 Dis c l aimer W h ile every pre caut ion has been taken in the preparatio n of this m anu al, the m anu f act urer ass umes no respo nsibility f o r erro rs or omiss i ons . Neither does t he m anu f acturer ass um e any liability f or damages res ulti ng from the us e of the [...]

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    2 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL All UltraView P ro m odels can eas il y be e x pand ed by chaining the units togethe r and con f iguring the s ystem using the on- scree n configurat ion menus . Using 4 port un i ts (“M” cha ss i s), you can expand the U l traView Pro to 16 computers . Using 16 p ort units (“C” cha[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 3 Compatibility Computers Indus t ry stand ard PCs , Sun, Unix co m puters such as RS/6000, HP, SGI, DEC , and othe rs. Monitors VGA, SVGA , XGA, RG B, Compos i te Keyboa rds PC/Unix US, m ost f ore i gn Qw erty keyboards , Korean and Japa nese, keyboa rds w it h or w it hout W indo w s keys [...]

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    4 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL CPU connecti o n All CPU conn ect ors on the UltraV i ew Pro are DB25F . T he CPUs are conne cted to the UltraView Pro using a CPU cable designe d to interface w i th the CPU t ype s uch as a PC, SUN or App le. A CPU cable is neede d f or each conne cted Co m puter. Casc ading Units The Ult[...]

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    MODELS ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 5 Ult raView Pro models “M” chass i s “B” chass i s “C” chass i s Fi gure 1. U l traView m ode l s Label Desc ription Pow er Pow er LED (G reen whe n uni t i s on ) On/Off “M” chas sis on l y. In = ON O u t = OFF LEDs Indicator LEDs ; Nu m bered pa irs of LEDs shows s t[...]

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    6 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL UltraView Pro models (rea r) “M” Chass i s “B” Chass i s “C” Chass i s Fi gure 2. Rear Pan e l Label Connector Desc ription Pow er “M” Chas sis only DIN 5F – Pow er adap ter connector. None “B” and “C” Chas sis IEC320 po w er receptacle w / on-o ff sw it ch. 1 – [...]

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    CABLES ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 7 Ult raView Pro Ca bles (See Appe ndix C for cab l e part nu m bers ) UltraView Pro to KVM station ca b le The KVM cable conn ects a keybo ard, video m on it or, a nd m ous e t o the UltraV i ew Pro. The KVM cable is con f igured w i th a DB25M conne ctor on one end and a conn ect or [...]

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    INS T ALLATION 8 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Organizing the sy stem It is reco mm ended that be f ore any UltraView Pro configu ration or cable conne ctions be made, plan how the sys t em w ill be l a id out, the place m ent o f the CPUs and the place m ent of the U ltraVi ew Pro. Take into cons i derat i on the cab l e[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 9 The green PO W ER LED will turn on an d the pow er-on diagnos t ic m es sage will dis play on the KVM monitor. I f the KVM mo nitor is slow t o acquire s ync, the pow er-on diagn os ti c may not be seen . Computer 1 is automa ti ca ll y con nected on po w er-up. On the front pane l, the SEL[...]

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    10 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL (4 CPUs can be con ne cted us ing a 4-po r t un i t, 16 using a 16- port uni t ) Fi gure 3. U l traView Pro to CPUs Ins ta llation - Cascading units The UltraV i ew Pro units can be cas caded together to expand the number o f computers that can be acce ss ed f rom the K VM stat ion. W hen [...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 11 * 4 un its can be cascade d using a 4-por t m a ster/16 using a 16-por t maste r Fi gure 4. Cas cading units Slave unit i n stallatio n To properly i ns tall the s lave units, f o llow the below s t eps. (See the Con fi gure Sys t e m menu s ection f or detailed i ns tructi ons ) 1. Conn e[...]

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    12 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 8. Next, select “E x pans i on w idth” from the con fi gure s ystem menu and pre ss en ter. Enter the nu m ber o f computer ports on a sla v e un i t and pres s en ter. This sett ing deter mines how m any computers are on an e x pan sion uni t and deter mi nes which computer nu m ber i[...]

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    CONFIGURAT ION ME NUS ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 13 Main confi guration men u Fi gure 5. Ma in configurat i on menu The UltraV i ew Pro uses a comma nd to estab lish co mmunication to the UltraV i ew Pro and not a CPU. This co m mand input is a pres s and releas e of the left control <Ctr l> key, then the co mm a[...]

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    14 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Configure sy stem me nu Fi gure 6. Con fi gure s y s tem menu By select ing “SYSTEM” f ro m the m ain m enu an d pres sing enter, the “Configure s ystem ” m enu w i ll d i splay. Fro m this m enu, you can configure the KVM s t ations keybo ard and mous e, the expans i on informatio[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 15 Expansion If your system consis ts of cas caded units, the expans i on se cti on o f the Con f i gure System menu m us t be proper l y con fi gure d to provide the need ed information to manage the slave units. It is reco mm ended that all sla v e units ha v e the s ame number o f CPU port[...]

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    16 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL To change the scan t ime, high li ght “Scan t ime” and pre ss en ter. An input bo x wi l l display f or a new v alue. Enter t he new scan tim e in se conds an d press enter. Val id entries are 1 to 999. Scan mode This value turns s canning on or off. To change this v alue, se lect “S[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 17 Delay This se tti ng is for PC keyboa rds only. It is us ed to adjus t how long, after a key i s dep ress ed and held, t hat key s tart s to repea t. To chang e the delay value, s elect “De l ay” and pres s enter. A list bo x w il l display sh ow i ng the choices av a il able . Us e th[...]

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    18 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Configure com pu ter me nu Fi gure 7. Con fi gure co m puter m enu The “Con fi gure co m puter” menu allow s you to assign unique na m es to each co m puter an d change the keyboard and m ous e t ype f or each con nected co m puter. Use the pa ge up/do w n keys if t here are m ore t ha[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 19 Keyboard To change a computers keyboard and/or mous e, us e the up/dow n arrow keys to select (highlight) w hich computer to chan ge the keyboa rd or mous e. Use the left/right arrow keys to select eithe r the keyboa rd or mous e to change and press enter. A windo w w il l appea r listing [...]

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    20 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Configure over lay Fi gure 8. Con fi gure o v erlay menu The “Con fi gure o v e rlay” menu i s us ed to confi gure t he color of the m enu s, the res olution o f the video w hen no computer v id eo is pres ent, the scre en s av er type and time, the computer se lect w indow app earance[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 21 Resolution Us e this configuration to s et the res ol ut ion for the KVM stati ons video i f no computer video is pres ent. To cha nge the s ett ing, s elect “Res ol ution” and pres s enter. A selection bo x will app ear listing the choices . The de f ault setting is PC2, 640 x 480 @ 6[...]

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    22 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Configure over lay - Com p uter se l ect win dow The “Co m puter select w i ndo w ” secti on allow s you to cha nge the backgro und an d tex t co l ors of the co m puter s elect w i ndow , and the text position on the screen . Us e the up/dow n arrow keys to select the item to con f ig[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 23 Back ground color To change the backgroun d co lor, se l ect “Backgrou nd c olor” and press enter. A color selection bo x will disp l ay show ing the av a ilable backgro und colors . Use the arrow keys to se lect e i ther a s olid or trans paren t col or and pre ss enter. The de f au l[...]

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    24 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL This ite m sets the font t ype f or the co m puter labe l. T o cha nge the f on t , selec t “Font” and pres s enter. Use the up/dow n arrow keys to se lect a new f ont type and pre ss enter. The font cho ices are:  8 x 16 modern  8 x 16 clas sic  16 x 24 m odern  16 x 24 c [...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 25 Configuratio n passw o rd To ass i gn a “Con fi gurat i on pas sword ”, sel ect it f rom the “Configure se curity” m enu an d pres s enter. An input box will appe ar. Type in the des i red con f i gurat ion pas sw ord (case s ensitiv e, 8 c hars/max) and pre ss en ter. A con f irma[...]

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    OPERAT ION 26 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Selecting a computer To connect to a compu ter, you can s el ect it from the Ul traView Pro’s front panel , select it by keyboard commands , select i t through the RS232 serial port, or yo u can s elect the co m puter f ro m a co m puter se lect w i ndow a s s ho w n in Figure[...]

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    KEYBOARD COMMANDS ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 27 Keyboard commands The follow ing table des cri bes the available keyboard co mm ands . The <Ctr l> key sequ ence is a pres s and release of the left contro l key. Co mm ands f ollow i ng <Ctr l > must be en tered w i thin 2 secon d s. Command Key sequence Desc[...]

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    28 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Mode value Desc ription M1 CPU keyboard = PC mode 1 (So m e IBMs & PS/1’s ) M2 CPU keyboard = PC mode 2 (Mos t PCs ) M3 CPU keyboard = PC mode 3 mo st (RISC ) Un i x w/s tations M4 CPU keyboard /mouse = Ap ple ADB M5 CPU keyboard /mouse = Su n M6 CPU mouse = PS/2 mo use – any br an[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 29 Keyboard c o mman d usage W hen using keyboa rd co mm ands t o enter informat i on to the UltraView Pro, pleas e obse rv e t he f o ll ow ing guide li nes to a v oi d entering incorrect v al ues or no v alues . 1. All command s start w it h a pres s and releas e of t he left control key. 2[...]

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    RS232 PORT 30 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Serial Port (RS232) The RS232 serial port on t he UltraV i ew Pro’s rear pan el is us ed f or se nding sw i tchi ng co mm ands f rom a s t and-a lone computer or terminal or to load flas h firmwa r e upg rades to the unit. A serial cable and an RJ to DB9 ada pter are included [...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 31 To update the U l traView P ro’s f irmware, fi rs t down l oad the lates t re vi sion f rom Ro se El ec tronics w eb site and sa v e it to a s tand-alone computer that is not connected to the U lt raV iew Pro. Connect the se rial cable f rom the U ltraView Pro to the se rial port o f the[...]

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    32 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL If any of these errors occur, check the RS23 2 cable, th e connectors , and the ad apter. Make sure they are in good wo rking order. Verify the co mm un i cation prog ra m is con f igured cor rectly. En ter “Y” to try upgra ding the flas h again. If prog ra mming i s un su ccessful, th[...]

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    T ROUBLESHOO T I NG ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 33 TRO U BLE SHOO TING Computer d oes not boot, keyb oard or m ouse error r eceive d.  Cable is loose , reseat cable and on PC hit F1 to contin ue or reboo t computer.  W ro ng cable or keyboard and m ous e cables re v erse d.  Cable is de f ective; try us i ng ca[...]

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    34 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Mouse does not move  Mous e not confi gured .  UltraView Pro turned o ff after or not connected wh en computer booted or applicat ion using m ous e run. Exit and re-enter application us i ng mous e or iss ue reset command.  PS/2 mous e w as not connected wh en UltraVi ew Pr o po w[...]

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    SERVICE AND MAINT ENA NC E ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 35 Service Informati on Maintenance an d Re pair This Unit does not contain any i nternal us er-servic eab le parts . I n the e v ent a Un i t nee ds repair or maintenan ce, you mus t fi rst obta i n a Return Author i zat ion (RA) nu m ber from Ros e El ec t ronics [...]

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    SA FET Y 36 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Safety This UltraV i ew Pro KVM sw it ch has been tested for conforman c e to sa f ety regu l ations and req uirem en t s , and has been certified for internationa l us e. Like all electron i c equ i pment, the U l traView Pro sh ould be us e d with care. To protec t yours elf fro[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 37 Safety and EMC Regulatory State ments Saf e t y In f ormation Documentat ion referen ce symbo l . If the product is m arked with this s ym bol, refer to the product documentat ion to get mo re in f ormation abou t the produ ct. WA R NING A W ARNING in the m anu a l deno t es a hazard that [...]

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    38 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Informations concernant la sécuri té Symbole de ré f érence à l a docu m entation. Si le produ it es t marqué de ce symbo l e, reportez -vous à la docu m entat i on du produ it a fi n d’ob tenir des informations plus dé taillées . WA R NING Dans la documentation, un W A RNING in[...]

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    APPENDICES ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 39 A ppend ix A . Initial fact ory settings Setting Default value KVM keyboard/ m ouse type PC – PS/2 CPU keybo ard/mous e t ype PC – PS/2 Computer names Computer xxx Scan ti m e inter v al 5 se conds Pow er on scan Off Type m at ic ra te 2 0 (10.9 chars /sec.) Type m at ic de [...]

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    40 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL A ppend ix B. Parts an d cables Part number Desc ription CAB-CX0606Mn nn ** Coax VGA-PS/2 Kbd- PS/2 m ou se to DB25M CAB- W X 0606Mn nn * VGA-PS/2 Kbd-PS/2 m ou se to DB25M CAB-CX0509Mn nn ** Coax VGA-AT Kbd-Seri al mou se to DB25 CAB-VX05 09Mn nn* VGA-AT Kbd- Serial m ous e to DB25M CAB-C[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 41 A ppend ix C. General Specificati ons The UltraV i ew Pro part number is U x y-zUB W here x = p latfor m , E = PC, SUN , Apple, Un ix (Mu lti-plat f orm) P = PC and Un ix compu t ers (PC) W here y = chas sis s ize, M ( mi ni), B (low ), C (high) W here z = nu m ber o f ports (2, 4, 8, 12, [...]

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    42 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL A ppend ix D. Rac k m ount instr uctions The UltraV i ew Pro can be mounted in a rack us i ng the Rackmount kit s from Ros e El ectron ics. The optiona l rack m ount kit inc ludes the following ite m s:  Two black anodized mount i ng bracke ts.  Four 6-32 x 3 / 8” flat he ad m ount[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 43 A ppend ix E. Rack mo u nt illustr ation A ppend ix F . Keyboard ma pping Sun / App le keyboard e m ulation (10 1/102 keyb oard) PC key Sun function A ppl e functi on Left alt Left meta Left apple / clo v erlea f Right alt/al t graph Al t grap h Right option Right contro l Pow er key Pow e[...]

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    44 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL A ppend ix G . Video distance ca pability The table be low s ho ws the distances , reso luti on, and q uality o f video that can be expected w ith normal or coa x c abling . This tab l e applies to the MASTER un i t only . There w il l be so m e degra dation w hen units are chained toge th[...]

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    1070 7 Stancliff Road Houston , Te x as 7709 9 Phone : (281) 933-76 73 WWW .R OSE .C OM[...]