Rose electronic Professional Series инструкция обслуживания


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Хорошее руководство по эксплуатации

Законодательство обязывает продавца передать покупателю, вместе с товаром, руководство по эксплуатации Rose electronic Professional Series. Отсутствие инструкции либо неправильная информация, переданная потребителю, составляют основание для рекламации в связи с несоответствием устройства с договором. В законодательстве допускается предоставлении руководства в другой, чем бумажная форме, что, в последнее время, часто используется, предоставляя графическую или электронную форму инструкции Rose electronic Professional Series или обучающее видео для пользователей. Условием остается четкая и понятная форма.

Что такое руководство?

Слово происходит от латинского "instructio", тоесть привести в порядок. Следовательно в инструкции Rose electronic Professional Series можно найти описание этапов поведения. Цель инструкции заключается в облегчении запуска, использования оборудования либо выполнения определенной деятельности. Инструкция является набором информации о предмете/услуге, подсказкой.

К сожалению немного пользователей находит время для чтения инструкций Rose electronic Professional Series, и хорошая инструкция позволяет не только узнать ряд дополнительных функций приобретенного устройства, но и позволяет избежать возникновения большинства поломок.

Из чего должно состоять идеальное руководство по эксплуатации?

Прежде всего в инструкции Rose electronic Professional Series должна находится:
- информация относительно технических данных устройства Rose electronic Professional Series
- название производителя и год производства оборудования Rose electronic Professional Series
- правила обслуживания, настройки и ухода за оборудованием Rose electronic Professional Series
- знаки безопасности и сертификаты, подтверждающие соответствие стандартам

Почему мы не читаем инструкций?

Как правило из-за нехватки времени и уверенности в отдельных функциональностях приобретенных устройств. К сожалению само подсоединение и запуск Rose electronic Professional Series это слишком мало. Инструкция заключает ряд отдельных указаний, касающихся функциональности, принципов безопасности, способов ухода (даже то, какие средства стоит использовать), возможных поломок Rose electronic Professional Series и способов решения проблем, возникающих во время использования. И наконец то, в инструкции можно найти адресные данные сайта Rose electronic, в случае отсутствия эффективности предлагаемых решений. Сейчас очень большой популярностью пользуются инструкции в форме интересных анимаций или видео материалов, которое лучше, чем брошюра воспринимаются пользователем. Такой вид инструкции позволяет пользователю просмотреть весь фильм, не пропуская спецификацию и сложные технические описания Rose electronic Professional Series, как это часто бывает в случае бумажной версии.

Почему стоит читать инструкции?

Прежде всего здесь мы найдем ответы касательно конструкции, возможностей устройства Rose electronic Professional Series, использования отдельных аксессуаров и ряд информации, позволяющей вполне использовать все функции и упрощения.

После удачной покупки оборудования/устройства стоит посвятить несколько минут для ознакомления с каждой частью инструкции Rose electronic Professional Series. Сейчас их старательно готовят или переводят, чтобы они были не только понятными для пользователя, но и чтобы выполняли свою основную информационно-поддерживающую функцию.

Содержание руководства

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    1070 7 Stancliff Road Houston , Te x as 77099 Phone : (281) 933-76 73 Interne t: WW W . ROSE.COM PROFESSIONAL KVM SW IT CH W IT H ON - SCREEN DI SPLA Y T M INST ALLATI ON AND OPER ATIONS M ANUA L[...]

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    LIMITED WARRANTY C o pyrigh t  R ose Elec tronics 1 990- 2002. Al l rights r eser ved. N o part of this m anual may b e reprod uc e d, st or ed in a r etrieval s ystem, or transcrib ed in an y f o rm or an y means, el e ctr onic or mech anical, i ncluding photoc opying and r e c ording, without t h e pri or writt en per missi on o f Ros e El e c[...]

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    FCC/IC S T A TEMEN TS, EU DECLA RA TION OF CON FORMI TY FEDERA L COMMUNICA TIONS C OMMISSI ON AND INDUS TRY CA NADA RA DIO-FREQUENCY IN TERFEREN CE STA TEMEN TS This equip ment gene rates , uses, and can radiate radio frequen cy energ y and if not ins talled and us ed properly, t ha t is, in s tri ct accorda nce w ith t he m anu facturer’ s ins t[...]

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    TABLE OF CONT EN T S Contents Disclaimer ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... 1 Introduct ion / Syste m o verview ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. 1 Features ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... [...]

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    Figures Fi gure 1. UltraView models . ... ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .. 5 Fi gure 2. Rea r Panel . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... . 6 Fi gure 3. UltraView Pro to CPU s .. .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... . 10 Fi gure 4. Cas cad ing[...]

  • Страница 7

    INTRODUCT ION ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 1 Dis c l aimer W h ile every pre caut ion has been taken in the preparatio n of this m anu al, the m anu f act urer ass umes no respo nsibility f o r erro rs or omiss i ons . Neither does t he m anu f acturer ass um e any liability f or damages res ulti ng from the us e of the [...]

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    2 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL All UltraView P ro m odels can eas il y be e x pand ed by chaining the units togethe r and con f iguring the s ystem using the on- scree n configurat ion menus . Using 4 port un i ts (“M” cha ss i s), you can expand the U l traView Pro to 16 computers . Using 16 p ort units (“C” cha[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 3 Compatibility Computers Indus t ry stand ard PCs , Sun, Unix co m puters such as RS/6000, HP, SGI, DEC , and othe rs. Monitors VGA, SVGA , XGA, RG B, Compos i te Keyboa rds PC/Unix US, m ost f ore i gn Qw erty keyboards , Korean and Japa nese, keyboa rds w it h or w it hout W indo w s keys [...]

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    4 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL CPU connecti o n All CPU conn ect ors on the UltraV i ew Pro are DB25F . T he CPUs are conne cted to the UltraView Pro using a CPU cable designe d to interface w i th the CPU t ype s uch as a PC, SUN or App le. A CPU cable is neede d f or each conne cted Co m puter. Casc ading Units The Ult[...]

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    MODELS ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 5 Ult raView Pro models “M” chass i s “B” chass i s “C” chass i s Fi gure 1. U l traView m ode l s Label Desc ription Pow er Pow er LED (G reen whe n uni t i s on ) On/Off “M” chas sis on l y. In = ON O u t = OFF LEDs Indicator LEDs ; Nu m bered pa irs of LEDs shows s t[...]

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    6 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL UltraView Pro models (rea r) “M” Chass i s “B” Chass i s “C” Chass i s Fi gure 2. Rear Pan e l Label Connector Desc ription Pow er “M” Chas sis only DIN 5F – Pow er adap ter connector. None “B” and “C” Chas sis IEC320 po w er receptacle w / on-o ff sw it ch. 1 – [...]

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    CABLES ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 7 Ult raView Pro Ca bles (See Appe ndix C for cab l e part nu m bers ) UltraView Pro to KVM station ca b le The KVM cable conn ects a keybo ard, video m on it or, a nd m ous e t o the UltraV i ew Pro. The KVM cable is con f igured w i th a DB25M conne ctor on one end and a conn ect or [...]

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    INS T ALLATION 8 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Organizing the sy stem It is reco mm ended that be f ore any UltraView Pro configu ration or cable conne ctions be made, plan how the sys t em w ill be l a id out, the place m ent o f the CPUs and the place m ent of the U ltraVi ew Pro. Take into cons i derat i on the cab l e[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 9 The green PO W ER LED will turn on an d the pow er-on diagnos t ic m es sage will dis play on the KVM monitor. I f the KVM mo nitor is slow t o acquire s ync, the pow er-on diagn os ti c may not be seen . Computer 1 is automa ti ca ll y con nected on po w er-up. On the front pane l, the SEL[...]

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    10 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL (4 CPUs can be con ne cted us ing a 4-po r t un i t, 16 using a 16- port uni t ) Fi gure 3. U l traView Pro to CPUs Ins ta llation - Cascading units The UltraV i ew Pro units can be cas caded together to expand the number o f computers that can be acce ss ed f rom the K VM stat ion. W hen [...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 11 * 4 un its can be cascade d using a 4-por t m a ster/16 using a 16-por t maste r Fi gure 4. Cas cading units Slave unit i n stallatio n To properly i ns tall the s lave units, f o llow the below s t eps. (See the Con fi gure Sys t e m menu s ection f or detailed i ns tructi ons ) 1. Conn e[...]

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    12 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 8. Next, select “E x pans i on w idth” from the con fi gure s ystem menu and pre ss en ter. Enter the nu m ber o f computer ports on a sla v e un i t and pres s en ter. This sett ing deter mines how m any computers are on an e x pan sion uni t and deter mi nes which computer nu m ber i[...]

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    CONFIGURAT ION ME NUS ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 13 Main confi guration men u Fi gure 5. Ma in configurat i on menu The UltraV i ew Pro uses a comma nd to estab lish co mmunication to the UltraV i ew Pro and not a CPU. This co m mand input is a pres s and releas e of the left control <Ctr l> key, then the co mm a[...]

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    14 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Configure sy stem me nu Fi gure 6. Con fi gure s y s tem menu By select ing “SYSTEM” f ro m the m ain m enu an d pres sing enter, the “Configure s ystem ” m enu w i ll d i splay. Fro m this m enu, you can configure the KVM s t ations keybo ard and mous e, the expans i on informatio[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 15 Expansion If your system consis ts of cas caded units, the expans i on se cti on o f the Con f i gure System menu m us t be proper l y con fi gure d to provide the need ed information to manage the slave units. It is reco mm ended that all sla v e units ha v e the s ame number o f CPU port[...]

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    16 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL To change the scan t ime, high li ght “Scan t ime” and pre ss en ter. An input bo x wi l l display f or a new v alue. Enter t he new scan tim e in se conds an d press enter. Val id entries are 1 to 999. Scan mode This value turns s canning on or off. To change this v alue, se lect “S[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 17 Delay This se tti ng is for PC keyboa rds only. It is us ed to adjus t how long, after a key i s dep ress ed and held, t hat key s tart s to repea t. To chang e the delay value, s elect “De l ay” and pres s enter. A list bo x w il l display sh ow i ng the choices av a il able . Us e th[...]

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    18 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Configure com pu ter me nu Fi gure 7. Con fi gure co m puter m enu The “Con fi gure co m puter” menu allow s you to assign unique na m es to each co m puter an d change the keyboard and m ous e t ype f or each con nected co m puter. Use the pa ge up/do w n keys if t here are m ore t ha[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 19 Keyboard To change a computers keyboard and/or mous e, us e the up/dow n arrow keys to select (highlight) w hich computer to chan ge the keyboa rd or mous e. Use the left/right arrow keys to select eithe r the keyboa rd or mous e to change and press enter. A windo w w il l appea r listing [...]

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    20 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Configure over lay Fi gure 8. Con fi gure o v erlay menu The “Con fi gure o v e rlay” menu i s us ed to confi gure t he color of the m enu s, the res olution o f the video w hen no computer v id eo is pres ent, the scre en s av er type and time, the computer se lect w indow app earance[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 21 Resolution Us e this configuration to s et the res ol ut ion for the KVM stati ons video i f no computer video is pres ent. To cha nge the s ett ing, s elect “Res ol ution” and pres s enter. A selection bo x will app ear listing the choices . The de f ault setting is PC2, 640 x 480 @ 6[...]

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    22 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Configure over lay - Com p uter se l ect win dow The “Co m puter select w i ndo w ” secti on allow s you to cha nge the backgro und an d tex t co l ors of the co m puter s elect w i ndow , and the text position on the screen . Us e the up/dow n arrow keys to select the item to con f ig[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 23 Back ground color To change the backgroun d co lor, se l ect “Backgrou nd c olor” and press enter. A color selection bo x will disp l ay show ing the av a ilable backgro und colors . Use the arrow keys to se lect e i ther a s olid or trans paren t col or and pre ss enter. The de f au l[...]

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    24 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL This ite m sets the font t ype f or the co m puter labe l. T o cha nge the f on t , selec t “Font” and pres s enter. Use the up/dow n arrow keys to se lect a new f ont type and pre ss enter. The font cho ices are:  8 x 16 modern  8 x 16 clas sic  16 x 24 m odern  16 x 24 c [...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 25 Configuratio n passw o rd To ass i gn a “Con fi gurat i on pas sword ”, sel ect it f rom the “Configure se curity” m enu an d pres s enter. An input box will appe ar. Type in the des i red con f i gurat ion pas sw ord (case s ensitiv e, 8 c hars/max) and pre ss en ter. A con f irma[...]

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    OPERAT ION 26 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Selecting a computer To connect to a compu ter, you can s el ect it from the Ul traView Pro’s front panel , select it by keyboard commands , select i t through the RS232 serial port, or yo u can s elect the co m puter f ro m a co m puter se lect w i ndow a s s ho w n in Figure[...]

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    KEYBOARD COMMANDS ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 27 Keyboard commands The follow ing table des cri bes the available keyboard co mm ands . The <Ctr l> key sequ ence is a pres s and release of the left contro l key. Co mm ands f ollow i ng <Ctr l > must be en tered w i thin 2 secon d s. Command Key sequence Desc[...]

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    28 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Mode value Desc ription M1 CPU keyboard = PC mode 1 (So m e IBMs & PS/1’s ) M2 CPU keyboard = PC mode 2 (Mos t PCs ) M3 CPU keyboard = PC mode 3 mo st (RISC ) Un i x w/s tations M4 CPU keyboard /mouse = Ap ple ADB M5 CPU keyboard /mouse = Su n M6 CPU mouse = PS/2 mo use – any br an[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 29 Keyboard c o mman d usage W hen using keyboa rd co mm ands t o enter informat i on to the UltraView Pro, pleas e obse rv e t he f o ll ow ing guide li nes to a v oi d entering incorrect v al ues or no v alues . 1. All command s start w it h a pres s and releas e of t he left control key. 2[...]

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    RS232 PORT 30 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Serial Port (RS232) The RS232 serial port on t he UltraV i ew Pro’s rear pan el is us ed f or se nding sw i tchi ng co mm ands f rom a s t and-a lone computer or terminal or to load flas h firmwa r e upg rades to the unit. A serial cable and an RJ to DB9 ada pter are included [...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 31 To update the U l traView P ro’s f irmware, fi rs t down l oad the lates t re vi sion f rom Ro se El ec tronics w eb site and sa v e it to a s tand-alone computer that is not connected to the U lt raV iew Pro. Connect the se rial cable f rom the U ltraView Pro to the se rial port o f the[...]

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    32 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL If any of these errors occur, check the RS23 2 cable, th e connectors , and the ad apter. Make sure they are in good wo rking order. Verify the co mm un i cation prog ra m is con f igured cor rectly. En ter “Y” to try upgra ding the flas h again. If prog ra mming i s un su ccessful, th[...]

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    T ROUBLESHOO T I NG ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 33 TRO U BLE SHOO TING Computer d oes not boot, keyb oard or m ouse error r eceive d.  Cable is loose , reseat cable and on PC hit F1 to contin ue or reboo t computer.  W ro ng cable or keyboard and m ous e cables re v erse d.  Cable is de f ective; try us i ng ca[...]

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    34 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Mouse does not move  Mous e not confi gured .  UltraView Pro turned o ff after or not connected wh en computer booted or applicat ion using m ous e run. Exit and re-enter application us i ng mous e or iss ue reset command.  PS/2 mous e w as not connected wh en UltraVi ew Pr o po w[...]

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    SERVICE AND MAINT ENA NC E ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 35 Service Informati on Maintenance an d Re pair This Unit does not contain any i nternal us er-servic eab le parts . I n the e v ent a Un i t nee ds repair or maintenan ce, you mus t fi rst obta i n a Return Author i zat ion (RA) nu m ber from Ros e El ec t ronics [...]

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    SA FET Y 36 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Safety This UltraV i ew Pro KVM sw it ch has been tested for conforman c e to sa f ety regu l ations and req uirem en t s , and has been certified for internationa l us e. Like all electron i c equ i pment, the U l traView Pro sh ould be us e d with care. To protec t yours elf fro[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 37 Safety and EMC Regulatory State ments Saf e t y In f ormation Documentat ion referen ce symbo l . If the product is m arked with this s ym bol, refer to the product documentat ion to get mo re in f ormation abou t the produ ct. WA R NING A W ARNING in the m anu a l deno t es a hazard that [...]

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    38 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL Informations concernant la sécuri té Symbole de ré f érence à l a docu m entation. Si le produ it es t marqué de ce symbo l e, reportez -vous à la docu m entat i on du produ it a fi n d’ob tenir des informations plus dé taillées . WA R NING Dans la documentation, un W A RNING in[...]

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    APPENDICES ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 39 A ppend ix A . Initial fact ory settings Setting Default value KVM keyboard/ m ouse type PC – PS/2 CPU keybo ard/mous e t ype PC – PS/2 Computer names Computer xxx Scan ti m e inter v al 5 se conds Pow er on scan Off Type m at ic ra te 2 0 (10.9 chars /sec.) Type m at ic de [...]

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    40 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL A ppend ix B. Parts an d cables Part number Desc ription CAB-CX0606Mn nn ** Coax VGA-PS/2 Kbd- PS/2 m ou se to DB25M CAB- W X 0606Mn nn * VGA-PS/2 Kbd-PS/2 m ou se to DB25M CAB-CX0509Mn nn ** Coax VGA-AT Kbd-Seri al mou se to DB25 CAB-VX05 09Mn nn* VGA-AT Kbd- Serial m ous e to DB25M CAB-C[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 41 A ppend ix C. General Specificati ons The UltraV i ew Pro part number is U x y-zUB W here x = p latfor m , E = PC, SUN , Apple, Un ix (Mu lti-plat f orm) P = PC and Un ix compu t ers (PC) W here y = chas sis s ize, M ( mi ni), B (low ), C (high) W here z = nu m ber o f ports (2, 4, 8, 12, [...]

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    42 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL A ppend ix D. Rac k m ount instr uctions The UltraV i ew Pro can be mounted in a rack us i ng the Rackmount kit s from Ros e El ectron ics. The optiona l rack m ount kit inc ludes the following ite m s:  Two black anodized mount i ng bracke ts.  Four 6-32 x 3 / 8” flat he ad m ount[...]

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    ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL 43 A ppend ix E. Rack mo u nt illustr ation A ppend ix F . Keyboard ma pping Sun / App le keyboard e m ulation (10 1/102 keyb oard) PC key Sun function A ppl e functi on Left alt Left meta Left apple / clo v erlea f Right alt/al t graph Al t grap h Right option Right contro l Pow er key Pow e[...]

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    44 ULTR AVIEW PR O INST ALL ATION A ND OPERATI ONS M A NUAL A ppend ix G . Video distance ca pability The table be low s ho ws the distances , reso luti on, and q uality o f video that can be expected w ith normal or coa x c abling . This tab l e applies to the MASTER un i t only . There w il l be so m e degra dation w hen units are chained toge th[...]

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    1070 7 Stancliff Road Houston , Te x as 7709 9 Phone : (281) 933-76 73 WWW .R OSE .C OM[...]