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RoyalTek Data Log GPS Receiver RGM-380 0 User Manua l Version 1.0 Published on May 2007 by R oy alT ek Compan y Ltd. Design and specification are subject to change without notice.[...]
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Content 1. Product Introdu ction ......... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ... 3 1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Main Features................................................................................................... 3 1.3[...]
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1. Product Introduction 1.1 Overview Ro y alT ek Data log GPS receiver, RG M-3800 , is the successor of well-know n Data log GPS receiver in 2 007. RGM-3800 can receive and record time, date, position and altit ude informatio n. It uses SIRF Star III extreme fast TTFF GPS engine and provide accurate position tracki ng solution. 1.2 Main Features ?[...]
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2. Specification 2.1 Specification Specifica tion GPS Chipset Sirf GSC3f/LP Frequency L1, 1,57 5.42 MHz Channel 20 par allel C/A Code 1,023 MHz Fix time (Open SKY ,typical ) Reacq uisi tion: less than 1s Hot start: l ess than 1s W arm start: less th an 35s Cold st art: less than 42s Accur acy P osition: wi thin 10m for 90 % V el ocity: 0. 1m/s Inte[...]
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(when used at 25ºC) *Oper ating tim e may differ d epending on the si tuation or the envi ronment conditi on. Mechanical Dimension Dimension: 7 0mm x 36.6 mm x 24mm Wei ght <=50g (without batt ery) Location Log Log data UTC Time, L ongitude, Latitu de, Altitude, V elocit y Log Interv al 5secs ~ 60secs, user confi gur able (Defaul t 15secs) Stor[...]
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2.2 Check the Package Content Before you start using RGM-3800 , p lease check out if your package includ es the following items. If an y i tem is damaged or missed, please contact y our reseller at on ce. ● RGM-3800 Dat a log GPS r eceiver ● CD (user manual , SW utilit y) ● USB Cable ● String (optiona l)[...]
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2.3 Hardware Overview Mini USB Connec tor Power Button Memory Clear Butto n LED for GPS Status, Battery Stat us And Memory Sta tus Antenna Locatio n[...]
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2.4 Detailed Hardware Function 2.4.1. Power Switch Power ON / P ower OFF 2.4.2. USB Jack Using the su pplied USB cable to connect wi th the GPS receiver ‘s USB connector for data t ransfer. USB Cabl e is without the ch arging fu nction. 2.4.3. Memory Clear button While the power turn on, you can push the clear button for 3 seconds to erase the GP[...]
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lower than 1%), the Battery LED f lashes more frequentl y an d please repl ace the batteri es. If Battery low, The RGM- 3800 will stop to log GPS position data. 2.5. Usage Tip 2.5.1. Inserting the Battery Insert the b atteries w ith the correct p olarity +/- 2.5.2. Turn on Receiver and Wait for GPS Fix When user use the GPS Recei ver, direc[...]
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Place n ew AAA battery i nto the room of RGM-3800 . Be sure not to d rop the batter y. Battery duration can last Approx. over 10 hours in continuous operation mode (when used at 25ºC). Cautions: Remove the batteries when you do not use the RGM-3800 for a long time. O therwise, it may result in leakage of the batteries.[...]
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3. Softwar e Installation and Usage The Main Menu of Installati on CD shows as ab ove. Click the Install USB Driver to i nstall the USB Driv er , which is needed when y ou connect the RGM-380 0 to your PC or Notebook. Click the PC Software to i nstall the softw are appli cation. Click the User Manual t o open the user ma nual of RGM-38 [...]
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3.1 Install USB Driver Install the USB Driv er from CD . When screen show s the i nstallation win dow as foll ows: Click “Next> to next page” , or click ”<Back” to back last stage or “Cancel” to give up i nstallation. Please cli ck “Finish” to fi nish the Install ation.[...]
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3.2 Install Data download Utility Click “Next> to next page” , or click ”<Back” to back last stage or “Cancel” to give up i nstallation. T o the License Agreem ent page: Cli ck “ I accept the term s in t he license ag reement” then click “Next>” to n ext page, or cli ck”<Back” to back la st stage or “Cancel ”[...]
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Click “Instal l” to start i nstallation. Or cli ck”<Back” to back last stage or “Cancel ” to give u p installation.[...]
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Start i nstallation. Please cli ck “Finish” to fi nish the Install ation.[...]
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Finall y you will see the i con on Prog rams menu. 3.3 Install locr PC Client Utility T o the License Agreement page: C lick “ Accept” to start installation, or click ”Don’ t Accept” to giv e up install ation. Then[...]
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Start i nstallation. Click “Next> to next page” , or click ”<Back” to back last stage or “Cancel” to give up i nstallation.[...]
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Select Installation folder and Cli ck “Next> t o next page” , or click”< Back” to back last sta ge or “Cancel ” to next step . Click “Next> to start installati on” , o r click”<Back” to back last stage or “Cancel” to give up i nstallation.[...]
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locr PC Client is being installed Installation Complete[...]
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Finall y you will see the i con on the wi ndows desk.[...]
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3.4 Transfer data to your PC or Notebook Usage Notes: (1) When you tu rn on the power b utton, it starts to search the GPS Signal. After the GPS position f ixed, it will begin to record and save the position d ata. (2) If you want to stop recording the GP S data, just tu rn the power off. (3) W hen downloa d or erase data form RG M-3800, Receiver s[...]
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Step 2: Push the “Connect” Button Step 3: W ait the “Get All Datalogger Head” finished then change to the “Data Download” menu bar If you don’t want to download the logger data, please choose the “Dis-Connect” button 3.4.2 Download Data Step 1: Change page to “Data Download” menu bar[...]
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Step 2: Select the download data items, which you w ant to load from RGM-3800 Step 3: Push download the conv ersion button Select F older or set a new folder for saving NMEAData. Step 4: W ait the get Data action Finish. Data from RGM-3800 was success tr ansferred to NMEA sentence.[...]
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3.4.3 Get and Set RGM-3800 Device Status Step1: Change to “Device Status” menu bar Step 2: Y ou can review the RGM-3800 default setting configurat ion. ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Time I nterval (user ad justable) Defaul t setting i s 15secs 5secs ~ 60secs, us er adjustabl e[...]
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◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Data Type (user adjusta ble) There are 3 option s for user to choose these data i tems to be saved in the RGM-3800. 1: UT C Tim e, Longitude, Lati tude, will be sa ved. 2: UT C Tim e, Longitude, Lati tude, Altitu de, will be sa ved. 3: UT C Tim e, Longitude, Latitud e, Altitude, V elocity will be sa ved. ◆ Memory Full Option (user[...]
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Finally , these setting take effect. 3.4.4 Get the Data Logger Data Downloader revision information Step1: Change to “ About” men u bar User can get the R oy altek Data Logger Data Download er version. 3.4.5 How to connect the Photo Match Tool -locr Step1: Change to “Data download” menu bar and Press the Photo Match T ool button[...]
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Step 2: Y ou can connect to the Photo match tool-locr[...]
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4. locr PC Client int roduction P C Client – Automatic Ge otagging Mad e Easy – locr PC Client Quick Installation Guide © locr GmbH 2007 All rights reserved. No part o f th is manual may be reproduced or transfe rred to other media without explici t written permissi on from locr G mbH, Br aunschwei g, Germany . All brand or product names are t[...]
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First steps … How to sign up at locr Signing up at lo cr is easy . • T o sig n up for t he first time open the lo cr we b sit e: http://www. locr .com. • Click on “Sig n up” . • On the next pag e, please fill t he compul sory fiel ds (with *). • The Anti spam verificatio n is obligatory , too. Therefore, in t he list box pleas e selec[...]
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How to install the locr PC Client If you want to download, install, a nd use th e locr P C Client you need a n a ccount a nd a pass word, so si gn up (“How to sign u p at lo cr” , see page 1). T o i nstall the l ocr PC Client, you can either download an d open the install ation pro gram from t he lo cr w eb site, or open it on the i ncluded CD [...]
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Geotaggin g with the locr PC Cli ent T o geotag your photos a utomatically you ha ve to download and in stall the lo cr PC Client. Manual or automatic geotagging? There are two ways to geotag your photos: The p hotos can be tag ged manually or automati cally . For automatic geotagging you n eed a datalo g GPS receiver in addition to your digital ca[...]
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Tip: If a locati on c annot be fou nd, omit the street information. Or , in additio n, s pecify the country . If you specify t he countr y , you shoul d always use t he English spelling. Doing so, the location will be fou nd reliably . If you are not sure of t he right E nglish spelling, there i s a simple trick t o fi nd out. Have a loo k at th e [...]
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• T o view th e photos in Google Eart h, first cli ck the “Show in Goo gle Eart h” , and the n the “ Y es” b utton. • Now select th e photo/s you want to upload and cli ck the “Upload Photo s” button. • At least determine th e privacy status, click “ OK” , and then have a look at the locr web site. Please note: Upl oading the [...]
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• Click the “ Manual Geot agging” button to save th e new informati on. • The marker will be set right into t he middle of t he section of the m ap. • If necessary , you can drag the marker to the desired position for a final adjustm ent, a nd click “Ma nual geotagging” a gain. • Clicking the “Sho w Photos on Ma p” button, shows[...]
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double-clicki ng the ri ght mo use butto n (zoom o ut) makes zooming much fas ter . How to use automatic geotagging • Connect the datalog GPS r eceiver to your PC. • Start the loc r PC Client.: “S tart” > “Programs” > “locr ” > “locr Clien t” . On the left you see the “Photos” area . • T o o pen a photo, click “[...]
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“()” in the “Lat itud e” and “Lo ngitude” co lumns will disappear . • Clicking the “Sho w Photos on Ma p” button, shows your p hotos in combinati on with th eir position on the map. Note: T o show th e position on the map, locr uses Goo gle Maps, which m eans you need a fast Internet co nnection. • The “Clear EXIF loca tion ta[...]
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effect after a map ’ s reload. Upload a Resized Copy of the Original Photo During th e upload your phot os will be uploaded with a maximum resolution of 1024 pixel s as de fault . This accelerates the uplo ad procedure! If you’d li ke to upload your photos with maximum q uality and r esolution, you’ll have to de- act ivate the “Uploa d a re[...]
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Important note : F or an exact calculatio n o f t he position during the auto matic geo tagging you s hould alw ays s et and keep th e camera time s et a ccording to the sy stem ti me of your co mputer — regardless, whe re you are drivi ng or fl ying to! The locr PC Client and Google Earth T o be able to view locr p hotos in Go ogle Earth, Google[...]
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• Moving the seg ment of the map Mouse click on one of the res pective buttons: , , , . Th e visi ble section of th e map wil l be moved left, right, up, or down. Note: Y ou can als o zoom using t he scroll wheel o f your mouse - if you mouse has a scroll wheel. T r y out . Exception: the overview page (Photo, Map, More information, More photo s)[...]
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I have a questio n … What does “Geotagging” actually mean? The t erm “geotagging” is sometime s al so referred to as “geocoding” . Using “geotagging” e.g. photos, or videos, can be complemente d with geographical coordinate s (l atitude and longitu de, or physical a ddress). This geographical identification data is save d together[...]
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Datalog GPS receivers Contrary to a “p ure” GPS receiver the datalog GPS receivers sto re t he received data to an int ernal memory . Being switched on, datalog GPS rec eivers start writing the po sition, dat e, and tim e int o a l og file. This logged data can be read and saved on e.g. a PC. So t he data is also available for other appli catio[...]
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FCC Notices This device complie s with Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) T his device must accept a ny interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.[...]
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Revision History Data Rev ision Note May 9 th , 2007 V1.0 Final Release Contact information Headquarters 1071 Chung Cheng RD . , Suite 9F-1 T ao Y uan City , T a iw an. T el: 886-3-256 -9666 F AX : 886-3-35 8-0050 Branch Office – Sales Department 8F , 256, Y ang Guang St. , Nei Hu Chiu, T aipei, T aiwan. T el: 886-2-7721-5 000 F AX : 886-2-77 21-[...]