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3-060-522- 14 (1) Digital Still Camera Oper ating Instructions Bef ore oper ating t he unit , pleas e read this manu al th oroughl y , and re tain it fo r fut ure re fe renc e. Owner’ s Record The model and se rial numbers are lo cated on t he bottom. Rec ord the seri al numb er in th e spac e provided be low . Refer to these num bers when ever y[...]
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2 T o prev e nt fire or s h ock haza r d, do not e x pose the un it to rain or moisture. Never e xpose the ba tte r y pa ck to temperatu re above 140°F (60°C) , such as in a car parked in the sun or unde r direct sunlight . If you have any questions a bout t his produ ct, you may c al l: Sony Customer Information Services Center 1-800-222-SONY (7[...]
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3 The shiel ded interf ace cable recom mended in t his m anual must be us ed wi th th is equipm ent in orde r to comply wi th the limit s for a d igital device pursuant to Subpar t B of Par t 15 of FC C R u le s . DISPOSAL OF LITHIUM IO N BA T T E RY . LITHIUM ION B A TTER Y . DISPOSE OF PR OPERL Y . Y ou can return your unwant e d lith ium ion bat[...]
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4 T rial recor ding Befor e you reco rd one-tim e events, you may want to make a tria l rec ordin g to ma ke sure that th e camera is w orking correct ly . No compensation for contents of the recording Conte nts of the rec o rd in g cannot be compen sa t ed for if reco rd ing or pla yba c k is not pos sibl e due to a malf unc ti on of your camera, [...]
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5 T able of cont ents Identifyin g the p a rts ......... ........... ...... .... 6 Preparing the powe r supply ........ .......... 8 Setting t h e date and ti me ........ ........... .. 13 Inserting t h e “Memory Stick” ........... .. 15 B Recording Recording sti l l images ..... ........... ... ..... 16 Recording movi n g images ..... ... ....[...]
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6 Gett ing st arted Identifying the par ts See th e pa ges in par ent hes es fo r de tai ls of op e ration . A Display w i ndow B Flash (20) C MODE selector (30) D Shutter button (16) ( 21) E Photoc e ll wi ndow for fl a sh Do not blo ck w h ile rec or di ng. F Self-timer/recording lamp G T ripod receptacl e (bottom surface) Use a tripod with a scr[...]
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Getting started 7 A PROGRAM AE button (42) B LCD ON/OFF b utton C Finder Self-timer/recording lamp (red) AE loc k lamp (green ) Str obe char ge lam p ( orange) D FOCUS but ton (41) E Flash button F LCD screen G PO WER s witc h H V OLUM E +/– button PROGRAM AE +/– b utt on I DISP LA Y b ut ton J Hook f or lens cap/strap K Zoom b utton L Access l[...]
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8 Pr eparing the power supply Installing the battery pack Y our came ra operat es only wi th the “Inf oLITHIUM” N P-FM 50 batt ery pack * (M seri es ). Y o u ca nnot use any other bat t er y pack . T o remove the batt ery pac k Open the batter y/“Memory S tick” cover . S lide the batter y eject lever downward, and remove the battery pack. B[...]
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Getting started 9 Char ging the battery pack Y ou cann ot ch arge the ba t te ry pack w hi l e yo ur cam e ra is tu rn ed on . Be s u r e to tu rn of f your ca mera before cha r ging . Batter y remaining indicator The LCD screen on the came ra sho ws the remaini ng time for wh ic h you can still record or play back i mages. This i ndi c ation m ay [...]
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10 Approximate ti me to char ge a completely d ischar g ed battery pack u sing the A C -L10 AC p ow e r a d a p t o r. STILL mode recording* STILL mode playback** Approximate b attery lif e and number of ima ges that ca n be recorded/pla yed back with a ful l y ch arged batte r y pac k at a tem p eratur e of 77 °F ( 25° C), 640 × 4 80 imag e siz[...]
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Getting started 11 Notes • The battery li fe and number of images will be decreas ed if you use your camera at lo w temper at u r es , use th e flash, repeat edly turn the po wer on/ off or use the zoo m. • The cap acity of the “ Memory Stick” is lim ited. The abo ve fi gures are a g u ide when you continuous ly r ecor d/ play back while re[...]
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12 Using the AC power adaptor Using a car battery Use Son y DC adap tor/char ge r (not supplied ). Not e While using the AC po wer adap ter i f you do n ot operat e the came ra for ab out 30 minutes with the MODE se lector set to STILL o r MO VIE, the camer a turns o ff automatically . T o use the camera again, slide the PO W ER switch to turn on t[...]
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Getting started 13 Setting the date and tim e When you f irst use your came ra, set the date and time. If these are not set, the CLOCK SET scr e en appears whenev er you turn on your camera for record ing. 1 Slide down t he PO WER switch to turn on the power . The POWER l amp lights up. 2 Pres s v on the con trol b utton. The menu bar ap pea rs on [...]
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14 T o cance l the date and time setting Select [CANCEL] with v / V / b / B on the control bu tton, then p ress the center z . 4 Select [CLOCK SET] with v / V on th e control button, then pr ess the center z . 5 Select the de sired dat e di sp lay f ormat w ith v / V on the control button, then pres s th e center z . Select f rom [Y/M/D] ( year/mon[...]
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Getting started 15 Inser ting the “Memor y Stick” Open the battery/“ Memory Sti c k” cov er, the n press th e “Memor y Stic k” once ligh tly . Notes • Inser t the “Memory Stick ” f irmly until it cl icks, other wise a m essage such as “MEMOR Y STICK ERROR” will be displayed. • Nev er remove the “Memory Stick” or turn off[...]
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16 Basic ope rations B Recording Recor ding still images Still images are re co rded in JPEG form at . T o record stil l i mages, slide the P O WER switch do wn to turn on t h e po wer and insert a “Mem ory St ic k. ” ∗ Exposu re and fo cus a re auto matical ly adj u sted. The number of images you can record on a “Memor y Stick” See page [...]
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B B B B Recor ding 17 Notes • Do not touch the len s por tion wh ile it is op erati ng. • While the im ag e is being recor d e d on the “M em or y S tic k, ” do no t sha ke or strike th e c ame ra. Also, do not turn the power off, or remove the battery pack or “Memo ry Stick .” • When reco rding a bright subj ect, th e LCD scree n col[...]
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18 Y ou can check the last rec orded image b y clearin g the men u ba r fro m the screen (page 32) and pres si ng b on the control b ut t on. T o return to the normal recordi ng mode , pre ss ligh tly on the s hut t er butto n or sel e ct [RE T U RN ] with b / B on the control b utton and then p ress the center z . Y o u c a n al so d e le te th e [...]
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B B B B Recor ding 19 Notes • Zoom doe s not work while recording moving images . • Digital zo om doe s not work for moving ima ge s. • Digitally zoome d im ages do no t app ear in the finder. Press DISP LA Y t o turn on/ off the in dica to rs on the L C D sc reen . See page 65 for a deta iled des cript i on of the ind icated items. Notes •[...]
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20 The initial se tting is auto (no indicato r) . In this mode, the flash au to mat ic ally st ro be s when the surrou nding s bec ome dark . When you ch ange the f lash m ode, pr ess the (flash) re peatedly so that the flash mode indi cator ap pears on th e LCD scree n. Each t i me yo u press the (flas h), the indi ca tor change s as follo ws. (No[...]
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B B B B Recor ding 21 Recor ding moving images Movi ng im ages w ith audi o ar e reco rded in MPE G forma t. T o record mo ving images, slide the PO WER switch do wn to turn on the po wer and inse rt a “Me mory Stick .” See page s 18 an d 19. Press DISP LA Y t o turn on/ off the in dica to rs on the L C D sc reen . These indi cators ar e not re[...]
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22 Playing back still images When the menu bar is not displayed Y ou can d i re ctly se lect and play b ack the i m ag e wi th b / B on the co ntrol button. Not es • Y ou mig ht n o t b e able to cor r ect ly pl ay b a ck im age s r e co rd ed wi th thi s ca m era o n ot h e r equipmen t. • Y ou ca nnot p lay back on th is c amera images larger[...]
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B B B B Pl ay ba ck 23 Playing back movin g images T o p ause playb ack Sele ct X (pause) on t he LC D scr een wi th v / V / b / B on the co ntrol butt on, th en pres s the ce nt er z . 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . The last r ecorded ima ge (still o r moving) appe ars on the L CD screen. 2 Pres s v on the con trol b u tton to displ ay the men[...]
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24 When the menu bar is not displayed Y ou c an di rec t ly se lec t the im ag e wit h b / B o n th e co ntro l button , a nd p lay ba ck the ima ge and sou nd by pres sing t he center z . When you pres s th e cen ter z during playb ack, pl aybac k i s pa used . Moving im ages recorded with the image of [320 (HQ)] The images a re disp layed o ver t[...]
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B B B B Pl ay ba ck 25 V iewing images using a personal computer Y ou ca n view data reco rded with your camer a on a pe rsonal com puter and a ttach it to e-mail. This section describes the method for installing th e USB dri ver and vie wing imag es on a per so nal co m pu ter . Be s ure to al so see th e op erat io n m a nuals fo r your pers onal[...]
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26 Before connec ting your camera to y our pers onal computer , inst a ll the USB dri ver to the computer . The USB dri ver is contai n ed together with a pplicatio n softw are for vie win g images on a CD-R OM wh ich is supplied with your camera . For Window s 98 users Not e Be sure to inse r t a “Me mo ry Sti ck ” in to your c am e ra be fo r[...]
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B B B B Pl ay ba ck 27 For Window s 98 users 3 Double-cli ck the CD-ROM drive icon to open the window . 4 Double-cli ck the icon of the hard disk containing the OS to open the w ind ow. 5 Move the f ollowing two files fr om the window opene d in step 3 to the “System Folder” icon in the window opened in step 4 (drag an d d rop) . • Sony USB D[...]
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28 “Memor y Stick ” • “Memory Stick” operations on you r camera c annot be assure d if the “Memor y Stick” has be en formatted on your persona l compute r . • Do not op timiz e the “ Memor y Stick” on a Windo ws machine. This w ill sh orten the “Mem ory Stick” lif e . • Do not compres s the data on the “Mem ory Stick.”[...]
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B B B B Pl ay ba ck 29 Image file storage destinations and image files Imag e files r ecor ded with y our ca m era ar e gr ou ped i n fo lder s by rec or ding m ode. The meanings of the f ile names are a s follo ws. ssss stands for an y num b er within t he range from 000 1 to 99 99. For Window s 98 users (The drive recognizing the cam era is “D.[...]
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30 Advanc ed op eratio ns Befor e per for ming advanced operations This sect ion describe s the basi c cont rol meth ods that are frequ entl y used f or “Advance d op erat io ns ”. How to use the MODE selector The MO D E se le ctor se lect s w h ethe r yo u can us e your cam er a to re cord o r to play back an d edit i m age s. Se t the sele ct[...]
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Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 31 Note Y ou cannot cl e ar the menu ba r duri ng INDEX sc ree n dis play (pag e 45). The “Advan ced operations” section of t his manual refers to selecting and entering items by the ab ove proced ure as “Select [(item name)] .” T u rning on/off the ope ra tion buttons (me nu bar) on the LCD sc reen [...]
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32 How to change the menu settings Some of th e adv anced o peration s fo r your camera are e xec uted b y sele cting me nu items displ a yed on the LCD screen wi th the control b utton. Pres s V o n the c on tro l button until the LCD screen re tu rn s t o the menu bar disp lay in step 1 . T o clea r the m enu bar, press V again. 1 Press v on the [...]
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Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 33 Menu settings Menu i tems tha t can be m odified differ depe nding on t he setti ng of the M ODE selec tor . T he LC D s cree n sh ows only the item s you c an o perate at th e m oment . Initi al set tin gs are ind ica ted wi th x . (SELF TIMER) Records with t he self-t ime r (page 1 9). EFFECT FILE Item [...]
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34 IMA GE SIZ E x 2048×1 536 2048 (3: 2) 1600×1 200 1280×9 60 640×48 0 Selects the image si ze when recording sti ll images . STILL 320 (HQ ) 320×24 0 x 160×11 2 Select s t he M P EG ima ge size when recordi n g movin g im a ges. MO VIE REC MODE TIFF Records a TIFF (uncompressed) file in additio n to the JPEG fi le . STILL TEXT Records a GIF [...]
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Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 35 CAMERA TOOL Item Setting Description MODE select or CONVERS ION ON Set to “ON” when using the VCL- MHG 07 conversion lens ( not su pp lied). At this time, the zoom funct ion does not work an d yo u canno t tur n o ff the LCD screen . Also, not e t ha t the V AD - S70 ad aptor ring need ed to mo unt t [...]
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36 SETUP INDEX* Displays si x images at a ti me (PLA Y (INDEX) mode) (pag e 45). DELETE Item Setting Des cri pti on MODE select or DEMO x ON/STBY OFF Di sp layed only when you us e t h e A C po wer adaptor in MO VIE or STIL L mod e. Whe n ON is select ed, a demons t ra ti on will star t if you do not operat e yo ur c amera for ab out 10 minutes. T [...]
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Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 37 3 (RETURN)** Returns to PL A Y (s ingle) mode . ∗ Displayed onl y in PLA Y (sin gle) mode. ∗∗ Displayed only in PL A Y (I NDEX) mode .[...]
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38 B V ar ious recording Setting the image size (IMAGE SIZE) 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or ST ILL. 2 Select [FILE] and then [IMA GE SIZE] from the menu. 3 Select the de sired im ag e size . Still ima g e sizes 2048×1 536, 204 8 (3 :2)* , 1600×1 200, 1 280× 960, 640× 480 ∗ The image is r e cor d e d in 3:2 size to match th e pr in ting [...]
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B B B B V arious record ing 39 Recording sti ll images for e-mail (E- MAIL ) E-MAIL mode recor ds a sma ll-si ze (320×240) ima ge at t he same time as a still ima g e. Small-size i mages are con venient f or e-mail tran smission , etc. 1 Set the MODE selector to STILL. 2 Select [FILE], [ REC MODE], and then [E -MAIL] fr om the menu . 3 Record the [...]
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40 Recording t ext documents (TEXT) T e xt is re corded i n black an d white GIF format to pr ovide a clea re r im ag e. 1 Set the MODE selector to STILL. 2 Select [FI L E], [REC MODE], and then [TEXT] fr om the men u. 3 Record the imag e . The number of i mages that you can record on a “Memor y Stick” (8 MB ) in TEXT mode: T o r et urn to norm[...]
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B B B B V arious record ing 41 Recording images in macro 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or STILL. 2 Pres s F OCUS r epeat edl y until the (auto ma cro) indicator appe ars on the LCD screen . Y ou can reco rd a sub ject as clos e as abou t 1 5 /8 i n ches ( 4 cm) from the le ns surface w i th the zo om se t all the w a y to the W side, or about 8[...]
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42 Using the PROGRAM AE function 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or ST ILL. 2 Press PROGRAM AE rep e atedl y to select t h e desired PR OGRAM AE mode . Aper ture pr iority mode Makes the su bjec t s ta nd o ut against an u ncle ar backgr ou nd or makes both the subjec t and the back ground s tand out clea rly . Press +/ – repeatedly to se lect [...]
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B B B B V arious record ing 43 Adjusting the exposure (EXPOSURE) 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or STILL. 2 Select [CA MERA] and t hen [EX P OS UR E ] from t he m enu. 3 Select the des ired exposure val ue . Adjust the expos ur e v alue while checki ng the brig htne ss of the backgr ound . Y ou can se l ec t values ranging fro m +2.0 EV to –2.[...]
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44 Recording t he date and time on the still image (DA TE/TIME) 1 Set the MODE selector to STILL. 2 Select [EFFECT] and then [D A TE / TI M E] f rom th e me nu . 3 Select the date and time setti ng. DA Y & T I M E The da te, hour and m i nu tes are impo sed onto the i m a ge. DA T E The ye ar , mo n th and day are impo sed onto the i m a ge. OF[...]
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B B B B V arious play bac k 45 B V ari ous pl ayback Playing back six images at once (INDEX) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Select [IN DE X ] on the LC D screen . Six i mages ar e di spla yed at on ce (index sc reen ). The following marks a re di spl ayed on each image accord ing to t he image type and settin gs. : Mo ving ima g e file : V oi[...]
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46 Enlar ging a part of the still image (Zoom and trimming) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Di spla y th e ima ge to be enlarged. 3 Zoom in/out the image with the zoom button. The zoom scali ng indica tor appe ars on t he LC D scr een. 4 Pres s the co ntro l b utto n rep e atedl y to select t h e desired pa rt o f the image . v : The i mage mo[...]
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B B B B V arious play bac k 47 Rotating a still image (ROT A TE) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Displa y the ima ge to ro ta te. 3 Select [F IL E] an d th en [R O T A T E] fr o m th e men u . 4 Rotate the image cloc k wise or counterc lock wis e , then sel ec t [ RETU R N]. Notes • Y ou may not be able to r o ta te pr ote c te d imag es o r[...]
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48 Not e The [INTE R V AL] setti ng tim e i s appr oximat e, and may v ary d epe nding on the played ba ck image s ize or oth er f actors. V iewing images on a TV scr een Before c onn ectin g your came ra , b e sure to turn of f the TV . 1 Connec t the A / V conn ec ting cable to the A/V OUT jack of your camera and to th e audio/video input jacks o[...]
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B B B B Editing 49 B Editin g Preventi ng accidental erasure (PROTECT) The - (protect) indicato r appears on prot ected imag es. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , then display the image to protect. 2 Se l e c t [F IL E], [P ROTECT], and then [ON] from the menu. The di splaye d image i s pr otecte d and - appear s. T o release protection Select [OF[...]
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50 Deleting images (DELETE) Y ou can no t delet e pr otec t ed files. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , the n displa y the ima ge to de le te . 2 Select [DELETE] and then [OK] fr om the menu. The image is deleted. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , then display the INDEX screen. 2 Select [DELETE] and then [AL L ] o r [SE LE C T ] f rom t h e men u[...]
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B B B B Editing 51 Changing the recor ded still image size (RESIZE) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y an d di spla y the ima ge to resi ze. 2 Sel ect [TOOL ] an d th e n [RESIZE] fr om the me nu. 3 Select th e des ired im ag e size. 2048× 15 36, 16 00 ×120 0, 1280× 960 , 64 0×480 The c h an ged i m ag e is re co rd ed, then the di splay returns [...]
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52 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , then display the INDEX screen. 2 Select [T OOL], [COPY], and then [S E L E C T] f rom th e men u. 3 Select the ima g e to copy . The ( sel ec t) indi ca tor ap pe ars on the ima ge. 4 Select [ENTER]. “MEMOR Y STICK ACCESS” appears . 5 When “CHANGE MEMOR Y STICK” is disp layed, eject the “Memo r y St i[...]
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B B B B Editing 53 Selecting stil l images to print (PRINT MARK) Y ou can mark a print mark on still images rec orded with y our camer a. This mark is c on venie nt when you hav e images printed a t a shop that con fo rms wi th the DP OF (D igi ta l Pr in t Orde r Forma t) st a ndard . 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y an d di spla y the ima ge you [...]
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54 Additional information Precautions Cleaning the L CD screen Wi pe the screen surf ace with a cleaning cloth (not suppli ed) or a LCD cleaning kit (not supp lied) to rem ove fingerprints , dust, etc. Cleaning the camera surface Clean th e came ra surf ace wit h a soft cloth sligh tly moi s tene d wi th w a ter , the n wi pe the surface dry . Do n[...]
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Additiona l informatio n 55 • Use onl y the s pecif ied ch arger with the charging fun ction. • T o pr ev ent accident from a short circuit, do not allow metal obj ects to co me into contac t with th e batt ery te rm inals. • K ee p the batter y pack awa y from fire. • Nev er expose the battery pa ck to temp erat ures ab ove 14 0°F (60 °C[...]
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56 “Mem ory Stic k”, , “Magic Gate Memory Stic k” and are trademark s of Sony Corpora tion. “M agic Gate ” and are tradem arks of Sony Corpor ation. Using your camera abroad P ower sour ces Y ou can use yo ur camer a in any count ry o r ar ea with t he suppl ied battery char ger within 100 V to 240 V A C , 50/60 Hz. Use a commercially a[...]
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Additiona l informatio n 57 T r oubleshooting If you e xperience trouble with your camera, f irst check the follo wing items. Should your ca mera st ill no t operat e prop erly af ter you have mad e these ch ecks , consul t you r Son y dealer or local authoriz ed Sony service fac ili ty . If code display s (C: ss : ss ) app ear on the L CD scre en [...]
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58 The pictur e is too dar k. • Y o u are shoo tin g a s ubject with a li ght so urce behind th e su bject. t Adj us t the exposu re (p age 43) . t Adjust the brightness o f the LCD screen (pag e 36). The flas h d oes no t work . • Th e flash is set t o . t Set the fl ash to auto (no ind icator), or (page 20 ). • PR OGRAM AE is set to the T w[...]
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Additiona l informatio n 59 Nothing ap pears in the displa y w i nd ow or the indica to rs fl as h dur ing charging. • The A C po wer adapto r i s di sconnect ed. t Firmly connect the po we r cor d to the w all outlet (page 12 ). • The battery pack has malfunctio ned. t Contac t you r So ny dealer or loc al auth orized Sony serv ice facili ty .[...]
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60 The LCD s cree n fr ee zes momentaril y . • This is a ch aract e ristic of the s yst e m and is not a ma lfun ct ion . The pictur e is monochrome (blac k and white). • The camera is s e t to TEXT mode. t Can cel TEX T mode (p age 40) . • P .EF FE C T is se t t o B& W m od e. t Can cel B& W mod e (pag e 44). Y o ur p ersona l com pu[...]
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Additiona l informatio n 61 W ar ning and notice m essages V arious m es sages app ear o n th e LCD scree n. Che ck the cor r espon di ng descri pt io ns in the follo wing list. Messag e Meani ng NO MEMOR Y STI CK No “Mem ory Stick ” has be en i nser ted. SYSTEM ERROR T ur n t he p ower off and on again . MEMO R Y ST ICK ER ROR The ins er ted ?[...]
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62 Self-diagnosis display Y our camer a h as a s elf-d iagn osis disp lay . This function di splays th e camera co ndition o n the LCD screen with a c ombination of a lett e r and four di gi ts of number s. If t h is occurs, ch eck the followin g code ch art. Th e cod e infor ms y ou of th e came r a’ s cur r ent co nditi on. The last two di gi t[...]
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Additiona l informatio n 63 Specifications System Image device 1/1.8 type color CCD Lens 3× zoom lens f = 7 – 21 mm (34 – 102 mm when converted into a 35 mm still ca mera ) F = 2.0 – 2.5 Exposur e control Automatic exposure White balance Automatic, Indoor, Outdoor , Hold Data sys te m Movi e: MPEG1 Still: J PEG, GIF ( in TEXT mode), TIFF Aud[...]
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64 Display window indicators A Macro/f ocu s mode ind icator B Battery remai ni ng indicator C Recording/EV level indicator D Image size indicator E Flash mode/flash level indic ator F PROGRA M A E indi cato r White balance indicato r Picture effect indicator Date/ti me indicato r G Battery us able ti me indicator (displa yed o nl y durin g cha rgi[...]
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Additiona l informatio n 65 LCD screen indicators A Battery remain ing indicator B PROGRAM AE/flash level/flash mode indi cator C White balance/EV level/ sharpness/con ve rsion mode indicator D Picture effect indicator E Date/time indicator F Aper ture/shutter s peed indicator G AE loc k indi cator/Focus loc k indicator H Record ing mode indicato r[...]
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66 A Protect indicator B Print mark indica tor C File n a m e D Recor ding mode in dicator E Image size indicator F Imag e num ber G Number of stored images in “Memory St ick” H Remaining memory capacity indic ator I Recor ding dat e of the pla ybac k image/menu bar and guide menu A V OL. (V olume) in dicator B Playbac k/pause buttons B : dur i[...]
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Additiona l informatio n 67 Index A A/V OUT ............ ...........48 Adjusting the e xposure ..43 AE (Auto Exposu re) ......16 Aper tu re prior it y mode .. 42 Auto power- off func ti on ..9 Auto red-eye reduc t ion .. 20 B Batte r y pa ck battery life ...... .......... .10 chargin g ........ .......... .....9 instal ling ....... ..... ....... ..[...]
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Sony Corporation Printed in Japan[...]