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T echnical Man ual A-DVH-100- 11 (1) Digital Video Camera Module © 2010 Sony Corporation XCD-MV6[...]
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2 T able of Cont ents Overvie w Main F eatures ................... .................. ................... 3 System Components .................. .................. .......... 4 Connection Diagram ................................... .......... 5 Location and Function of P arts and Operation .. 6 Front/T op/Bottom ............................ .......[...]
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Overview 3 Overvie w The XCD-MV6 di gital video camera module emplo ys the IEEE 1394b-2002 st andard and is eq uipped wit h quality digi tal camera features. Despite its compact size, this camera is equ ipped with a host of feat ures such as digita l signal processing in the camera which reduces the load of image pro cessing in a PC, b us synchroni[...]
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Overview 4 System Component s The camera module i maging system comprises t he follo wing products. Product s 1 to 4 are used for th e basic conf iguration, and 1 to 6 for the opti onal conf iguration. (A ll the pro ducts except the camera modul e are a v ailable separat ely .) 1 Camera modul e This is a small-si ze, high-resolution, came ra module[...]
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Overview 5 Connection Diagra m Note T o enab le S1600 (1.6 Gbps (1600 Mbps) high-spee d transmission , you will require a S1600- compatible host adapter card and IEEE1 394b cable. F or deta ils, cont act your Son y deale r . In addi tion, thi s equipment is exc lusi v ely for bet a mode use, so it is not possible to c onnect it t o the I EEE1394a h[...]
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Overview 6 Location and Func tion of P ar ts and Oper ation Fr ont/T op/Bottom 1 Lens mount (C -mount) Attach an y C-moun t lens or ot her optical equipment . Note The lens must not proj ect more than 10 mm (13/32 i nch) from the lens mo unt. 1 Lens mount f ace 2 10 m m (13/ 32 in ch) or les s 2 A u xiliar y hol es ( top) 3 Reference holes (bottom)[...]
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Overview 7 Instal lation Fitting the lens 1 Remove the lens mount cap. 2 Screw in the lens (not su pplied), an d turn it unti l it is sec ured. Note Clean th e optica l f ilter wi th a comm ercially available blower br ush to rem ove dust. Connecting the camera cable Connect a commercially a v ailable IEE E1394b camera cable to the IEEE1394b connec[...]
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Overview 8 Notes on Operat ion P o wer supply Po wer is suppl ied to t he camera module v ia the IEEE1394b cable connected t o a PC. If the po w er suppl y is insuf ficient, u se the DC-700/ 700CE that suppli es stable po w er with l ess ripple or no ise. Foreign bodies Be careful no t to spill liqui ds, or drop an y flammable or metal obj ects in [...]
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Overview 9 Str obe/GPIO Circuit Strobe Output / GPIO Cir cuit The Str obe output an d GPIO circui t is conf igured as follows. Be sure to take note o f this before use. Str obe outp ut ci rc uit This is a strobe out put circui t diagram. This is a standa rd CMOS level output (5 V). The camera is equi pped with a protect iv e resistor of 220 Ω . Be[...]
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Functi ons 10 Functions Shutter This camera allo ws users to set manu al shutter speeds. The vari able range e xtends from 20 microseconds t o 1 seconds; relati ve val ues are indicated by a 12 -bit integer , and absolute v alues are indi cated using a 32-bit float ing point v alu e. When setting an e xposure time longer than the c ycle of the set [...]
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Functi ons 11 Tr i g g e r M o d e This ca mera support 2 t rigger mode s: 0 and 1. T rigger mode 0 T rigg er mode 0 start s exposu re by dete cting th e edge of a trigge r signal. The e xposure time is det ermined by the shutter p arameter . T rigger mode 1 T rigger mode 1 controls the exposu re time b y the width of the trig ger signal pulse. Inp[...]
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Functi ons 12 Br oadcast Command The normal 13 94 communicat ion method specif ies the node number at the host si de so that only a specif ied camera responds t o the command . If the node number is set to 63, all t he cameras connected to t he same b us can recei v e the command simultane ously , i.e., on ly one command issued from the host can co[...]
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Functi ons 13 Pa n Pan i s a function used to mov e a camera left an d right. Howe v er this camera su pports a vide o mode much smaller than the image se nsor’ s effect iv e pix els by cutting ou t images from the whol e screen. Y ou can specify the portion to be cut out using P an commands. The v ariable range d iff ers according to the selecte[...]
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Functi ons 14 Pa r t i a l S c a n The partial scan is a functi on for outputt ing part of a whol e image as a reg ion of inter est on the whole image. Based on the unit cell as the unit , continuous parts can be selected . Only rectan gles can be selected. T he screen cannot be cut in co n vex and L sha pes . The minimum unit size for partial scan[...]
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Functi ons 15 Pseudo-Binn ing Mode This featur e compresses images i n units of 2 pi xels a nd multip lies the fram e rate spee d in the vertical direct ion only . There a re two types of binning: 1 × 2 bi nning whe n the output i mage is compr essed in th e vert ical direct ion only , and 2 × 2 binning when the image is compressed in both the ve[...]
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Control 16 Control Camera Command Status Register This camera complies with IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Spec ification, V ersion 1.32 (hereinafter referred to as IIDC v1.32). The standards document can b e purchased from 1 394T A (the 1394 T rade Assoc iation). As it i s very hel pful in understanding t he explan ations in this T echnical Manual[...]
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Control 17 Configurat ionR OM The Conf igurationR OM is normally use d for the OS to id entify th e dev ice. The serial n umber and f irmware v ersion of t he camera are stor ed in C onf iguratio nR OM to be used when required . Note that the sett ing method for th e serial number and f irmw are ver sion informat ion is of S ony’ s u nique spe ci[...]
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Control 18 For off set address 434h , the length o f the UnitDep endentInfo is 0Bh Quadlets. CommandRegsBase is the base address of the camera control regi ster . F0000000h + 3c0000h × 4 = F0F00 000h The of fset add ress of V endorNameLeaf is requ ired to be 43Ch + 0 0000Ah × 4 = 464h The of fset address of Mod elNameLeaf is required to be 440h +[...]
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Control 19 Contr ol Base Address Ever y regi ster address i s decided base d on the base address found in the C ommandRegsBa se fiel d of Conf igrati onR O M. F0 F00000h is t he control base address on this camera. Inquiring about Support ed Vide o Modes First, we will f ind out what video f ormats are suppor ted. Next, fo r each format, we will f [...]
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Control 20 OneShot, Mult iShot an d ImageBuff er This c amera supports both OneShot, Mu ltiSho t and ImageBuf fer commands. W ith a OneS hot command, after outp utting ju st one singl e-frame live image is output. W ith a Multi Shot command , the specif ied number of i mages are output. I mageBuf fer output s a specif ied number of images stored in[...]
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Control 21 Contr ol of IIDC Standar d Features Before tran smitting th e control com mand, check th e v ariabl e ranges of settin gs and if there is an automati c mode for each feature. As the v ariabl e ranges of the settings v a ry with video modes for t he Pan and T ilt f eatures, be sure to check t hem if the video mode i s changed. * According[...]
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Control 22 Actual cont rol can be ca rried out by se tting re gisters from F0F008 00 onward. ddd indicat es the control v alue e xpressed as a 12 bit hexadeci mal number . xxx indi cates that an y setting made will be ignored. Bright ness con tr ol Gamma cont rol Shut ter (exposure tim e) con trol Gain control T rigger c ontrol T rigger De lay cont[...]
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Control 23 Contr ol of IIDC Optional Fea tures Check if t he camera is equipped with optional features b y reading bit 3 of B ASIC_FUNC_INQ. Check the supported feat ure by readi ng Opt_Funct ion_Inq. PIO contr ol Check the off set address of PIO. F0F20400h indicat es the address of the PIO ou tput por t. F0F20404h indica tes the add ress of t he P[...]
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Control 24 Contr ol of Sony’ s Unique Featur es Displa ying the T est Chart Displa ying the gray sc ale Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence. T urning off the test chart Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence. User Free Memory Enabl ing User free mem ory Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence. Disabling User fre[...]
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Control 25 5 Genera te the data Writ e the following 3 c ommand s in seque nce. 6 Regenera te the mo ving ima ge. Specify the follo w ing - Forma t7 Mode0 Mon o8 768 × 480 P acket S ize 3072. 7 Sa ve th e data Writ e the following 3 c ommand s in seque nce. Enabling b lemish correction (default data) Write th e following 3 comm ands in sequ ence. [...]
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Control 26 Flipping Images H orizontally and V er ticall y Enabling ima ges to be flipped vertically Write th e follo win g 3 commands in se quence. Disabling v er tical flipping of images Write th e follo win g 3 commands in se quence. Enabling ima ges to be flipped horizontally Write th e follo win g 3 commands in se quence. Disabling horizontal [...]
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Control 27 7 Read F0F400 00 to check the recording stat us. 01000000 in dicates duri ng recordi ng, and 010100nn in dicates recordi ng has stopped. 8 Set tr igger mo de to OFF . 9 Secure th e isochronous r esource and start vide o. The recorded images are o utput conti nuously . If trigger mod e remains ON, one i mage is output each time a tr igger[...]
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Control 28 This is attributable to the basics of the im age sensor a nd is not a mal function. Pseudo-binning mode sensitivity Binnin g mode inclu ded in XCD-V60/ SX90/U100 can increase sensiti v ity beca use it adds a v ertical direction signal. In cont rast, the pseudo-bi nning mode include d in this camera outputs dark pixel s or the av erage v [...]
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Specific ations 29 Specificati ons Specifi cations XCD-MV6 Image sens or 1/3-typ e CMOS sensor Number of effectiv e pixels Approx. 360 ,000 752 (H) × 480 (V) Cell siz e 6.0 (H) × 6. 0 (V) µm Chip size 4.51 (H) × 2.88 (V) mm Interface format IEEE1394b-2002 T ransf er speed 1600, 800 Mbps Protoc ol IIDC 1394-based Digital Came ra Specif ication V[...]
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Specific ations 30 Video Modes Supp or ted Fixed format Format Mode Image Size Color Coding Frame Rate XCD-MV6 0 5 640 × 4 80 Mono8 1.875 3.75 7.5 15 30 60 6 640 × 480 Mono16 1.875 3.75 7.5 15 30 60 1 2 8 00 × 600 Mono8 7.5 15 30 5 102 4 × 768 Mono 8 1.87 5 3.75 7.5 15 30 6 800 × 600 Mono16 3.75 7.5 15 30 7 1024 × 768 Mono 16 1.875 3.75 7.5 1[...]
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Specific ations 31 S800 ba nd is requ ired. Free f ormat The frame rates in dicate the values in 8-b it mode and un der S80 0 condit ions. T o ope rate with a frame r ate of 120 fps, the shutter spe ed should be f aster than 1/120 s. T o ope rate with a frame rat e of 60 fps, the shutter speed should be f aster than 1 /60 s. 2 2 12 80 × 960 Mono8 [...]
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Appendix 32 Appe ndi x Spectral Sensit ivity (Relative Respons e) P arameters XCD-MV6 Spectral sensitivity (relati ve response) parameters (without l ens and li ght source par ameters) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0. 9 1.0 40 0 50 0 60 0 70 0 80 0 9 0 0 100 0 Relative Response W av e Length [nm][...]
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Appendix 33 Dimensions 12 ( 1 / 2 ) 2 - M2, depth 3 14.1 ( 9 / 16 ) 29 (1 3 / 16 ) 29 (1 3 / 16 ) 31 (1 1 / 4 ) (12 ( 1 / 2 )) (8.9 ( 3 / 8 )) 20 ( 13 / 16 ) Unit: mm (inches) 2 - M3, de pth 5 3 - M3, depth 3 19 ( 3 / 4 ) 4.9 ( 7 / 32 ) 27. 3 ( 1 1 / 8 ) 27.6 (1 1 / 8 ) 16 ( 21 / 32 ) (14.7 ( 19 / 32 )) (13 ( 17 / 32 ))[...]
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Sony r eserves t he right to ch ange specif i cations o f the prod ucts and di scontinue pro ducts without notice. T echnical i nformatio n contain ed herein is for refe rence only and does not con ve y any l icense by an y impli cation or otherwise under an y inte llectual pro perty rig ht or other right of S ony or t hird pa rties. Sony cannot as[...]