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OWNER'S MANUAL 5.8 GHz Cordless Telephone Caller ID with Call Waiting PLEASE READ BEFORE OPER ATING THIS EQUIPMENT Model : STC590[...]
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Sa fe ty I ns t ru ct io ns ........... ........... ............ .............. ............ ............ ............ .............. . 3 HA ND SET C ON TR OL S .. ........... ............... ........... ............ ............ .............. ........... .. 5 BASE UNIT Co nt r ol s .... ............ ............ .............. ............ ......[...]
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Ou tg oi n g C al ls .......... .............. ............ ........... .............. ............ ............ .... 22 Fu n ct io n S et t ing s ............ .............. ............ ........... .............. ............ ............ ...........23 A. Set ti n g t he Ri ng er L ev el ..................... ........... ............ ............[...]
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Safety Instructions IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS To reduce the risk of fire , electric shock and/ or injury, always f ollow these basic safety precaut ions when using your cordless telepho ne equipment. 1. Read and un ders tand all instru ction s. 2. Follow all warnings and instruc tions marked on the telephone. 3. Do not use this telephone near a[...]
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Safety Instructions D. If the teleph one does not op erate normall y by following the op erating instruc tions. Adjust only t hose controls that are covered by the operating inst ructions. Imprope r adjustment may r equire exten sive work by a quali fied technician t o restore the telephone t o normal oper ation. E. If the telephone has been dr opp[...]
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HANDSET Controls 5[...]
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HANDSET Contro ls 1. OGCall (Outgoing c all) button ( ): Pre ss and to view the las t outgoing ca ll number(see page 22 for d etail) 2. Voice Mail/Menu (Manual) Button: (Voice Ma il) Press t o automati cally dial t he Voice Mail Post Code in your area to access y our Voice Mail message. (Menu)Press to access the special function s operation in [...]
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15. Option (#) Button : ( Option) Press to cha nge the displayed teleph one number into 7, 10, or 11 digit DIALING mod e during Caller ID callback. 16. Microphone: 17. CHARGE CONTACTS: For chargi ng the BATTER Y PACK insid e the HAN DSE T. We recommend cle aning the CHARGE CONTACTS perio dically with a damp cloth. 7[...]
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BASE UNIT Controls 1. POWER- IN CONNECTION JACK 2. TELEPHONE LINE CONNECTION JACK 3. BASE UNIT ANTENNA 4. PAGE Button: Press to page the HANDSETS. 5. CH ARGE TERMIN ALS: F or charging the HANDSET BATTERY PACK. For best performance, clean the CHARGE TERMINALS periodically with a damp cloth. 6. TONE/PULSE Select Switch 7. IN USE/C HARGE LE D Indic at[...]
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Connecting Y our Phone This section is a reference guide to the bas ic functions and operations of your cordless telephone. For more detailed descriptions of the op erations and features of this telephone, refer to th e Contents on page 1. 1. Carefull y remove your cordless telephone from its shipping carton. If there is any visible damage, do not [...]
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7. Install the HAND SET BATTERY PACK by plugging it i nto the BATT ERY CONNECTOR inside the BATTERY COMPARTMENT. 8. Place the BATTER Y PACK inside the BATTERY COMPARTMENT. 9. Slide the HANDSET BATTERY COMPARTMENT COVER firmly into place in its closed po sition. 10. IMPORTANT : Before initial use, charge s the HANDSET for 12 hours. Place the HANDS E[...]
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Preparing for Use Before you can use your cordless telephone, y ou must charge the HANDSET fo r 12 hours. Fai lure to do so w ill require re charging of th e BATTERY PACK more often. 1. Place t he HA NDSE T on the BASE UNIT/CHARGER UNIT for 12 hours. 2. After 12 hours, remove the HANDSET from the B ASE UNIT/CHARGER UNIT. Before you can u se your co[...]
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Placing Calls 1. Press the Talk button, the Call Timer starts to count. 2. Wait until you hear a dial tone and then dial the phone number. 3. When you have finished your call, press the Talk button again or place the HANDSET on the BAS E UNIT . OR 1. Dial the phone number. 2. Press the Talk button. The number displayed will be dialed. 3. When you h[...]
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HANDSET Volume Control 1. To adjust the HANDSET receiver volume level while having a convers ation, press the Vol( Volu me) button ( ) button. The LCD Screen will display “VOLUME” 2. Press the SCROLL UP or DOWN button to select the desired setting of Low, Medium, High or Maximum. 3. After volume setting, press vol ( )button or E[...]
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Caller ID System This tele phone automatica lly di splays an incomi ng calle r’s nam e and te lephone number together w i th the date and t ime of th e call. It record s up to 50 ca lls and stores th e data in Memory. IMPORTA N T: You must subscribe t o the Caller ID service from your lo cal telephone company to utilize this fea ture. Viewing Cal[...]
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Caller ID System Operation Caller ID with Call Waiting When you subscr ibe to Call Waitin g service from your loc al telephone com pany, this telephone will display the name and number of the second caller while y ou are having a phone con versat ion with the firs t caller . When a new call come s in while you are tal king, yo u will hear a noti fi[...]
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Caller List This phone auto matically stores t he last 50 calls received. It reco rds call informa tion such as caller’s name and telephon e number together with the date and time of the call. The NE W CALL LED indi cator wi ll blink to indicate th at you have a new Calle r ID call st ored in memory. Viewing the C aller List 1. With the HAND SET [...]
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Caller ID Syste m Operation Storing Caller ID Rec ords into the DIRECTORY (PHONE BOOK) 1. Press t he SCROLL U P or DOWN button to f ind the recor d you wish t o store into the DIRECTORY (PHONE BOOK). 2. Press and hold the Re/Pa/Sav e bu tton. 3. The display will show “SAVED.” SA VE D SA VE D 4. If you wish to edit the newly stored nu mb[...]
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Caller ID Syste m Operation Name and Telephone Number DIRECTO RY (PHONE BOOK) This DIRECTORY (PHONE BOOK) lets y ou scroll through the list to find the person you need for one touch dialing. Y ou can store up to 40 names and telephone numbers in the Memory. Viewi ng th e DIRECT ORY (P HONE BO OK) 1. Press the Dir/Esc button. 2. Press the TELEPHONE [...]
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Caller ID System Operation Teleph one K eypad Cha ract ers The TELEPHONE KEYPAD buttons are used to enter characters when entering names and numbers . Press the appropria te TELEPHONE KEYPAD bu tton to get th e following charact ers. You can st ore a maximu m of 18 chara cters on t he letter ic on and a maximum of 22 digi ts on the nu mber icon. EX[...]
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Placi ng Call s from the DI RECT ORY (PHO NE BOO K) 1. Press the Dir butt on. 2. Pre ss the SC ROL L U P o r D OWN button to find the record you w ant to call. OR Press a TELEPHONE KEYPAD (2/AB C to 9/WXYZ) that corresponds to the first letter of a Caller’s name. Press the SCROLL UP or DOWN button to fin d the record you wish to cal l. 3. Press t[...]
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Dele tin g a Stor ed Num ber in t he DI RECTO RY (PH ONE BO OK) 1. Press t he Dir bu tton , the LCD display “PHONE BOOK”. 2. Press the SCROLL UP or DOWN button to find the record you wish to d ele te . 3. Press t he Scan/ De l button. The LCD screen will display “ERASE ITEM?” 4. To de lete the r ecor d, pre ss the Scan/Del button ag[...]
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PREFERRED CALLS You can as sign stored numbers a PREFERRED CALL status. When an i ncoming call is matched to a st ored number desig nated as pr eferred, the phone will generate a special rin ger sound after the Caller ID informatio n is received. When you are sa ving the name and number in to the DIRECT ORY (PHONE BOOK), add a “#” sym bol at th[...]
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Function Settings You can c hange the s etting on the HA NDSE T in the functions menu . Access th e functions menu by pressing the Voice Mai l/Menu butt on. There are 11 settin gs in the functions menu wh ich can be changed. You ca n scroll through the function menu in the listed orde r by pressing the SCROLL DOWN button . Settings can be acces[...]
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TELEPHONE Function KEYPAD Voice Mail: Programs the one- touch nu mber t hat enab les eas y acces s t o th e voice mail s ervice provid ed by your tel ephone compa ny. MSG Waiting Delet e: Clears curr ent message waiting indic ation. Area Code: Allows the program ming of a home Area Code where 7-di git dialing is used for ease of cal lback and other[...]
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Caller ID Syste m Operation 6. Continue with progr amming or press the Dir/Esc button to re turn to STA NDBY mode. C. Turning the FIRST R ING ON or OFF 1. Press the Voice Ma il/Menu button to ent er the menu. 2. Press the 3 button o r press the S CROLL DOWN bu tton 3 t ime to go to the FIRS T RING prog ramming o ption. 3. Press the Flash/Edit butto[...]
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E. Adjusting the Contrast 1. Press the Voice Mail /Menu button to enter the menu. 2. Press the 5 bu tton or press the SCROLL DOWN but ton 5 time to go to the CONTRAST programmin g option. 3. Press the Flash/Edit button to chan ge the sett ing. “4” will begin flashing. 4. Press the SCROLL UP or DOW N button or number 1-8 to sele ct from 1 to 8 l[...]
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5. W hen the desired s etting is displayed, press and hold the Re /Pa/Save button to save the s etting. A lon g “beep” will sound to co nfirm the setti ng has been saved. 6. Con tinue with progra mming or press the Dir/Esc bu tton to retu rn to STAND BY m ode. NOTE: The s tandard and default flash time setting is 600 msec. This is the setting y[...]
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J. Deleting Message Wai ting Indication 1. Press the Voice Mail /Menu button to ent er the me nu. 2. Press the 0 but ton or pre ss the SCROLL D OWN button 10 time to go to the MESSAGE WAITING programmi ng option. “M SG WA IT IN G O N” wi ll di sp la y in LCD To t al 11 M S G W AIT IN G ON 10 # To t al 11 M S G W AIT IN G ON 10 # 3. Press the Fl[...]
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Prepare for use If you ha ve more than on e HAN DSE T , you have a multi-handset system. This system can support up to 5 HANDSETS for the BASE UNIT . The us er ca n have the option to a dd more HA NDSET . An added HANDSET comes with CHA RGER, CHARGER AC AD APTOR, BETTERY PACK and BELT CLIP. NOTE: USE ONLY WITH CL ASS 2 POWER SOURCE 9V DC, 300mA for[...]
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Security System Sec urit y Sys tem Your cordless telephone u ses a digital coding securit y system t o prevent unauthorized use of your tele phone line by ano ther nearb y cordless telephone. T he system h as its own iden tifying sig nal created by microcompu ters in both the BA SE UNIT and the HA NDSET. Security Code This te lephone has an interna[...]
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Rechargin g the BATTERY PACK Recharging the BATTERY PACK The nick el metal hy dride (Ni-MH) BATTERY PACK in the HANDS ET ca n be recharge d many times usin g the built -in charg er in the BASE UNIT or CHARGER UNIT. When the BATT LOW symbol appears on the LCD Scre en, a “beep” sound will be heard ever y 10 seconds. This ind icates that the BATTE[...]
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Problem Solvin g Section For you r assistan ce, we have l isted below a few commo n problem s. Phone does not work, chec k the following: 1. BASE UNIT is pl ugged into a power sou rce. 2. HANDSET is charged. 3. TONE/ PULSE Sele ct Switc h is in the right posi tion. 4. TELEPHONE LINE CORD is plugged in to the TELEPHO NE JACK. Range of phone limited,[...]
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If after pressing the Tal k button, you receive three “ beeps” and no dial ton e, check the followi ng: 1. BASE UNIT is p lugged int o a power sou rce. 2. If y ou had a power fai lure or had unplugged the BASE UN IT, repla ce the HANDSET on the BASE U NIT for 2 to 5 sec onds to reset the system. NOTE: If none of the tele phones in th e house a [...]
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Technical Informat ion Technical Information This cordless telepho ne uses rad io frequencies to allo w mobility. T here are certain difficulties in u sing ra dio fr equencies with a cordl ess tele phone. W hile these are normal, the follow ing could af fect the operatio n of you r system. Noise Electrical puls e noise is present in most hom es at [...]
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FCC NO TICE The FCC requires that you be adv ised of cer tain requir ements involv ing the use of this telephone. 1. This telephone is hearing aid compatible. 2. This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. A label on the BASE U NIT of this equipment contains, a mong other information, the ACTA Product Number and the Ringer Equivalence Nu[...]
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RINGER EQUIVA LENCE NUM BER NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provide s an indication of the maximum numbe r of terminals all owed to be connect ed to a telepho ne interface. The termination on an inte rface may consi st of any combinat ion of device s subject on ly to the requ irement tha t the sum of the[...]
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NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to compl y with the limits for a class B digital device , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are desig ned to provide reasonable pr otection against harmful interfe rence in a residential inst allation. This equipment generate s, uses, and can radiate radio freque ncy energy and, if not[...]
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IMPORTANT In order to get maximum life from the HANDSET BATTERY PACK, be sure to charge the HANDSE T for 12 hours before initial use. IMPORTANT Placing your BASE UNIT near appliances such as televisions, refrigerators, radios, or microwave ovens may cause interference. IMPORTANT The AC ADAPTOR must always be plugged into an electrical outlet. IMPOR[...]