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Copyright © 201 3 YEALIN K NETWORK TECHNOLO GY CO ., L TD. Copyright © 201 3 Y ea link Network T echnolo gy CO ., LTD . All rights reser ved. No parts o f this publicatio n ma y be reproduc ed or transmitted in any form or by any means, e l ectroni c o r mecha nical, photoc opying, recordin g, or o ther wis e, for any purpose, withou t the ex p r[...]
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This device is comp l ia nt wi th P art 15 of the FCC Rul es. Op eratio n is subje ct to the followi ng two cond iti ons: 1. This de vice ma y not cau se har mful i nter f erenc e, and 2. This de vice mu st accep t any i nter f erenc e rec ei ved, includi ng i nterf erenc e that ma y cause undesired op era tion. This equ ip ment i s tested and comp[...]
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This tele pho ne is co mpl iant wi th the DEC T 6.0 standar d whi ch op era tes in the 1.9 2G Hz to 1.93GH z freque ncy rang e. Instal l ati on o f this eq uipment i s subjec t to noti fication a nd coo rdinati on with UT AM. Any relo ca tio n of thi s equi pme nt must be coordinated thro ugh and ap pro ved by UT AM. U T AM may b e conta cte d at 1[...]
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Yeali nk W52P fi rmw are conta ins thir d-p a rty software unde r the GNU Genera l Publ ic Lice nse (GPL). Yeali nk uses softwa re und er the spe cif ic terms of the GPL. Plea se refe r to the G PL fo r the exa ct terms a n d co ndi tio ns of the l i cense. The ori gi nal GPL li cense, sourc e cod e of comp one nts licensed under GPL and used in Ye[...]
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About This Guid e vii Y ea link W52P IP DECT phone i s a ful l-featured mobile d evice, which can provi de re lia ble and convenien t wireless voic e communic ations. In ad ditio n, it provides many widely accepte d benefits of th e DECT st anda rd, inclu ding high secu rity , scalab ility , and low power consumption to bette r meet yo ur req uirem[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e viii Major u pda tes have oc cu rred to the follo wing sections: Ba se Statio n Description on pa ge 9 Displaying In form ation on LCD Sc ree n on pa ge 12 Lang ua ge on p age 24 Auto Intercom on pa ge 43 Handse t R ese t on page 44 Ba se R e set on page 44 T r ou bleshooting on [...]
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T able of Con ten ts ix About This Guide ................................................................ . vii In T his Guid e ................................................................................................................... vii Sum mar y of Chan ge s ...............................................................................[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e x R eturning to Idl e Scr e en ............................................................................................. 22 Phone Settings ..................................................................... 23 Hands et Nam e .............................................................................[...]
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T able of Con ten ts xi Placing In tern al C alls .................................................................................................. 48 Placing Ex tern al Calls ................................................................................................ . 48 Answ ering Calls ......................................................[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e xii[...]
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Getting Sta rted 1 This chap ter provide s basic installation instruc tions and inf ormati on for o bta ining the be st performa nce with the W52P IP DECT phone. T o pics inclu de: P ackaging Contents Connecting th e W52P Base Stat ion Setting up the W52P/W52H Handset Setting up th e Charger Cradle Cha rging the H andset If you [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 2 W52P/W52 H Handset Cha rger Cradle P o wer Ada pter T wo R echarge able Batt eri es[...]
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Getting Sta rted 3 Etherne t Cable Be lt Clip Q ui ck Insta llation Guide & Quick R eference Guide CD -R OM Che ck the packa ge bef ore installation. I f you find a ny thing missing, c ontact you r sy stem adm inistr ator. Y ou have two o ptions f or power and net work co nnection of the base station . Y our syst em administrato[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 4 AC P owe r T o connect the AC power: 1. Connect the DC plug on th e power adapter to the DC5V port on the bas e statio n and connect the other end of t he p ower adapter into an e lectrical power ou tlet. 2. Connect the sup plied Ethernet ca ble b etween the I nternet port on the bas e s tation and t he I[...]
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Getting Sta rted 5 T o inse rt batteries into the handset: 1. Open t he batter y cover . 2. Inse rt the batteri es in the correct pol arity . 3. Close the battery cover . Note Batte ry In formation T e chnology : Nic k el M eta l Hydride (NiMH ) Size : A A A V ol tage : 1.2 V Cap acity : 800mAh W e st rongly r ecommend y ou use the batteries comply[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 6 T a lk time : up to 10 hours active talking time (with ful l c harg ed batteries) . 1. Connect the DC plug on th e power adapter to the DC5V p ort on th e cha r ge r cradl e. 2. Connect the other end of th e p ower adapter into an electric al power outlet. T o charge the han d set : 1. Af te r setting up [...]
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Getting Sta rted 7 50% Charged 25% Charged 10% Charged Almost Flat[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 8[...]
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Ov er view 9 This chap ter provide s the overvie w of the W52P IP DECT phone. T opics incl ude: Ba se Statio n Description Handse t De scription Displaying In form ation on LCD Sc ree n Ico n Inst ruc tions If you require add itio nal informat ion o r assistance wit h you r new ph one, co ntact your syst em administrator . Af te r t[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 10 Item Descripti on ③ Network Status LED Indicates the network status. Slo w flashe s g reen wh en the network is un available. Illu minate s s ol id gre en when the network is available. ④ P o wer Ind icator LE D Indicates the power status of the base station. Slo w flashe s g reen wh en the base s t [...]
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Ov er view 11 Hardware co mponen t instructio ns of the W52P/W52H handset are: Item Descripti on ① Earpie ce Ou tputs a udio duri ng th e e arp i ece call. ② LCD Sc reen Sho ws call information, ha ndse t status ico ns, pr omp t mes sages and so o n. ③ So f t K eys Label automatically to i dentity th eir context -sensiti ve fea tures. ④ Spe[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 12 The idle screen may be shown as belo w: The LCD screen is divided in to three pa rt s: s tatus li ne, t ext line and sof t k ey line. The informatio n shown in the s t atus line: On hoo k (idle) — displa ys the signal strength indicator , interna l handset number and batte ry s tatu s. Off hook[...]
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Ov er view 13 Ico ns a pp earing on the LCD screen are described in th e follo wing tab le : Icon Descripti on Anonymou s Ca ll Anonymou s Ca ll R ejection Misse d Call V oi ce Mail K e ypa d Lo ck Sil ent Mode Do Not Disturb Call Fo r ward Call Hol d Call Mute Una ssigned Outgoing Line Unusab le Lin e Lou dspe ak er On Heads et Mo de On[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 14[...]
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Basic Ope ra tions 15 This chap ter provide s you with the basic o pera ting instruc tio ns of the W52P IP DECT phone . T o pics incl ude: Handse t R eg istratio n Ba sic Network Settings Che cking System Status Acc ount R egistra tion Che cking Line Status T urning Handse t On/Of f Adju sting Ring er Vo lu me Loc ki[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 16 The h andset plays a warning tone and prompts “ Handset Su bscribed ” , which indicates th e regis tration has finished. Af te r successful r egistration, the inte rnal h andset num ber and handset na me appear o n the LCD screen. T o de -reg ister a handset: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Sel[...]
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Basic Ope ra tions 17 2. Select -> S yste m Settings -> Netw ork . 3. Enter th e syst em PIN (default: 0000). 4. Press the Done s of t k ey . 5. Press or to select Static f rom the IP Address T ype f ield. 6. Enter th e valid values in the IP Address , Subnet Mask , Def ault Gateway , Primar y DNS and Seco ndar y DNS fields r espectively . 7.[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 18 3. Press or to scrol l throu gh the list and view the specific information. T o check t h e n etwork status: 1. Press t o ent er the ma in menu. 2. Select -> S yste m Sta tus . The LCD screen displ ays the g ene r al information an d the More … op tion. 3. Select More … -> Netwo rk . The LCD sc[...]
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Basic Ope ra tions 19 Y ou can reg iste r up to 5 li nes to o ne b ase station. Th e status of each registered line c an be check ed using t he menu of the handset. T o check line status: 1. Press t o ent er the ma in menu. 2. Select -> Line Status . The LCD scre en d ispl ays a ll l ines regis tered to the bas e s tatio n with ico ns for indica[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 20 Y ou can loc k the h andset k eypad to prevent k eys from being acc identa lly pr essed . T o l ock the k ey pad : 1. Long press when th e ha ndset is idl e until the LCD screen prompts “ K e ypad Loc ked, P ress and ho ld ‘ # ’ to u nlock! ” . The k eypad is lock e d an d the ico n appea r s on [...]
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Basic Ope ra tions 21 T o switch the s ilent m ode on: 1. Long press u ntil the LC D scre en p rom pt s “ All Ri ng T o nes O ff ” . The silent mode is on. The i co n ap pears on the idle scre en. T o switch the s ilent m ode off: 1. Long press a gain until the LCD screen pro mpt s “ All Ri ng T o nes On ” . The silent mode is off . T he ic[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 22 The submenus are displayed on th e LCD screen and they are shown as a list. Y ou c a n access features of the submenu by entering the submenu. T o ac cess featu res of a s ub menu: 1. Press or to highlig ht the desir ed submenu. 2. Press o r the OK s of t ke y to acc ess features o f the submenu. Y ou ca[...]
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Phon e Set tings 23 This chap ter provide s you with some inst ruc tions on how to c hang e th e settings of you r phone . T o pics inc lu de: Handse t Name Lang ua ge Ring T one s Advisory T ones Ba cklight Sc ree n Saver Colo r Schem es K e ypa d Li ght No tificatio n Light Date a nd Time Sho rtcuts [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 24 The h andset will be assigned a name by default if succ essf ull y reg istered to the base sta tion. Y ou can pe rsonalize t he handset nam e. T o ren ame the handset: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Select -> Handset Name . 3. Edit the current va lue in the R e name f i eld. 4. Press the Save s[...]
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Phon e Set tings 25 3. Press or to highlig ht the Interco m C all o ption o r the desired line. 4. Press or to select and listen to the desired ring tone . 5. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept the change or the Back s of t k ey to cancel. Y ou can also en ter t h e menu -> Audi o -> Ri ng T ones -> V ol ume , and p r ess or to decrea se/[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 26 The screen s ave r of th e handset is designed to protect yo ur LCD screen by fill ing it with an a nalo g clo ck. Y ou can ena ble t he screen sav er to protect the LCD screen i f you do not u se yo ur hands et fo r a l ong time. When the scr e en s aver is enabled, an ana log cl oc k will be a ctivated[...]
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Phon e Set tings 27 T o configure notificati on li ght: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Select -> Displa y -> N otification Light . 3. Press or to select the desired valu e f rom the V oice Mail field. If Enab led is selected, the message k ey LED fla shes red wh en the handset receives a voice mail. 4. Press or to select the desired va[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 28 3. Press or to highlig ht the des ir ed time format, and pres s the Ch ange s of t key . The radio b ox of the hig hligh ted tim e format is m ark ed. The t im e forma t display ed on the LC D screen will be changed accordi ngly . T o configure the date format: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Selec[...]
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Phon e Set tings 29 This s ection provides t he operating instruc tio ns on how to manag e co ntacts. T opics incl ude: Loc al Directo r y Blacklist R e mote Phone B ook Network Directo r y Y ou can store the frequently used c ontacts i n the handse t ’ s lo cal directo r y , where na mes and n umbers can be freely added , deleted[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 30 T o en ter a ch a racter : Y ou can p res s the key w hic h co ntains you r des ired character a cer tain number of tim es to enter the character . T o switch the inp ut met hod: 1. Press . The cu rren t input method is indic ate d on the b ottom rig ht-hand co rner of th e L CD screen . Fo r exam ple, ?[...]
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Phon e Set tings 31 of the ne w entr y , and press t he OK s of t k e y . 6. Enter th e nam e of the new e n tr y in the Name field. 7. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept the change or the Back s of t k ey to cancel. Note T o ed it a contact in the loc al director y: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Select . 3. Press or to highlig ht the desi[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 32 Y ou can se arch for the co ntacts b y simply typing a few continu ou s characte rs of the des ired contact n ame or number , and the results of potential mat che s ar e dynamicall y filtered and displ ay ed on th e LCD screen. T o se arch for contacts in th e local directo r y: 1. Press to enter th e ma[...]
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Phon e Set tings 33 5. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept the ch ange or the B ack s of t k ey to cancel. Y ou can also ad d an entr y to th e blacklist from the call histor y . F or more information, refe r to Call H istory Ma nagement on page 35 . T o de lete an entry f rom the blacklist: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Select -> T ele [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 34 3. Press or to highlig ht the nam e of your c orporate director y , and press th e Enter s of t k ey . The handset co nnects to lo ad the corporat e director y , and th en display s th e contact list on the LCD scree n. To p lace a call from the corporate directo r y: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2[...]
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Phon e Set tings 35 Enterp rise , Enterpr i seCommon and P e rsonal . The se parameter s d ecide the type of network c ontact li sts t o be displayed o n the hand set. 4. Cl i ck Confirm to acc ept the change. T o ac cess the network direct or y: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Select -> Network Dir . 3. Press o r to highlig ht the des ir [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 36 sorted b y date and tim e of the call, st arting with the latest call e ntr y . Y ou c an check t he deta il ed inform ation o f a n entr y in the call histor y . Y ou c an als o dial a call , add a n en tr y to the b lacklist or de le te entries from the call histor y . T o check t h e local call histor[...]
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Phon e Set tings 37 and Accepte d Calls . 2. Press or to highlig ht the desired list, and press the OK s of t k ey . The LCD screen displ ays all entries of the selected list. 3. Press the Options so f t k ey , and select Delet e All . The LCD screen prompts “ Delete Al l? ” . 4. Press the Y e s sof t key to del ete all entrie s of the s electe[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 38 2. Press o r to highlig ht the des ir ed list, and press the OK sof t k ey . The LCD screen displ ays all entries of the selected list. 3. Press o r to highlig ht the des ir ed entr y , and p r ess t he View soft k ey . The LCD scre en d ispl ays t h e de t ail ed informatio n of the e ntry . T o pla ce [...]
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Phon e Set tings 39 “ 5123 ” and then dialed out. “$2” means th e chara cters in th e se co nd pa renthesi s, tha t i s, “123”. Note Y ou can configure one or more re pla ce rules (at most 20) to remove the speci fied s tri ng and r eplace it with anoth er st rin g. Y ou can configure a pat tern with wildc ards (ref er to the e xpressio[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 40 Area codes a re also known as Number in g Plan Areas (NP As) . Th ey u sually indic ate ge ographic al areas in a cou ntr y . Th i s feature is necessary only wh en dialing the num ber ou tside th e code a rea. F or ex amp le, are a code is configured as “ Code: 011 , Minimu m Length : 4, Maximum L eng[...]
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Phon e Set tings 41 T o sp ecify emergency numbers via web us er interf ace: 1. Click on Ph one -> Featu res . 2. Enter th e emerge ncy ser vic es numbe r in the Emerg enc y Nu mber s f ield. F or mul tiple numb ers , ente r a c o mma between ever y two emergency numbers . 3. Click Confirm t o acc ept the change. Af te r the h andset is reg is t[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 42 9. R e peat s t ep s 5-8 to assign inc oming lines for other hand set s . If a li ne is assigne d to multiple handset s as an inco ming line , an inco ming call to t his line will cause the se handsets to ring simultaneously , but the incoming call can be ans wered only by one of them. Speed dial allows [...]
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Phon e Set tings 43 The LCD screen displ ays a ll av ailable speed dial key s. 3. Press or to highlig ht the desired speed di al k e y , which is already ass igned a nu mbe r . 4. Press or the Clear K ey sof t k e y to delete the as signed speed dial number . T o pla ce a call using the speed dial k ey: 1. Long press th e speed dial k ey (dig it k [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 44 call by pre ssing th e Accept sof t k e y . T o configure auto intercom: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Select -> T ele phony -> Au t o Intercom . The LCD screen displ ays three configuratio n types. 3. Press or to highlig ht the desir ed configuration type , and press the Cha nge sof t k e [...]
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Phon e Set tings 45 Y ou can trigg er t h e a uto provisio ning p rocess using the wiza rd. Af ter you enter the us er nam e and password in the wi zard and confirm to p er f orm an up da t e, the base station tries t o c onnect the RPS (R edirection and Pro visio ning Ser vic e) s er v er . If the base stati o n succ essf ull y co nnects th e RPS [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 46 Eco mode gre at ly red uc es the transm i ssion power a n d signal ou tput when the phone is in the talk mode. The attenuation range is 20 m. When the distance be tween th e b ase station and the handset is over 20m, the eco mode is disab led auto mat icall y . T o configure e co mode: 1. Press to enter [...]
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Call F ea tu res 47 The W52P IP DECT phone is designed to be eas ily used li ke a regular phone on a pub lic switched te le phone network (PSTN). Y ou can place interna l and ext erna l calls, ans w er calls, trans fer a call to so meone else, or condu ct a co nfe rence call. This chap ter provide s operating instr uc tio ns of the call features . [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 48 the cu rrently engaged audio devices (earp i ece, headset o r lou dspe ak er). The call duration is display ed on t he LCD screen while the call is in progress. Y ou can m ak e free internal calls between the hand sets registered to the same base sta tion. Y ou can place a n internal call to one handset [...]
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Call F ea tu res 49 T o pla ce a n ew call d uring an active call: Y ou can p lace a t most two calls on yo ur handset. 1. Press the Ext.Ca ll soft k ey . The active call is placed on hol d. 2. Enter th e desired nu mber in th e Call T o field using th e k eypad. 3. Press or to dial ou t. Note Y ou can a nswe r a call in three w ays: Using the [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 50 T o en d a call: Do one of the f oll owi ng: - Press . - Place the handset in the ch arger cradle. The redial number list stores the twenty last dialed phone numbers . Wh en the memory of the re dial n um ber list is ful l, the ha ndset will auto matically erase the oldest dialed numbe r when a new numb [...]
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Call F ea tu res 51 T o un -m ute a call: 1. Press a g a in. The i co n disap pears from th e LCD screen. Y ou can pla ce an a ctive call o n hold. At any time, at most one active call can be in progre ss o n your hands et. Another call can be ans w ere d and made while pla cing t h e original call on hol d. T o pla ce a call on hold: 1. Press the [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 52 4. Press or to select the desired valu e fr om th e T one fi eld. 5. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept the ch ange or the B ack s of t k ey to cancel. Note T o an swer a ne w inco ming call during a call: If call waiting f eature is enabled, a new inc oming call c an b e answe r ed during a call. 1. Pr[...]
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Call F ea tu res 53 T o en ab le call for ward f eat ure for a specific line: 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Select -> Call F orwa rd . The LCD scre en d ispl ays t he inco ming lines cu rrently as signed to the handset. 3. Press or to highlig ht the desir ed line , and press the OK sof t k ey . 4. Press or to highlig ht the desir ed for [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 54 T o pe r f orm a sem i- attended transfer: 1. Press the Options so f t k ey during a call, and select T ra nsf er . 2. Do one of the f oll owi ng: - Enter th e number or select the handset you want to transfer the c all to. Press or the T ran sfer sof t k ey to dial ou t. - Press the Di rect or y s of t [...]
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Call F ea tu res 55 - Press the Di rect or y s of t k e y , and select the desired co ntact. Press the Call so f t k ey . If b oth the of fic e numbe r and the mobile number of the co ntact a re stored , sele ct the desired nu mber and p ress or th e OK s of t k ey to dial o ut. 4. When the seco nd pa r ty answers the call, you can consul t with hi[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 56 Y ou can use a nonymous call rejectio n fe ature to re ject inc oming calls from an onymo us callers. Anonymous call rejectio n automatically rejects incoming calls from callers who delibe rately bloc k the ir identities and numbers from showing up. Y ou c an configure anonymous call rejectio n fea ture [...]
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Call F ea tu res 57 T o configure fast a ccess f or voi ce mail: Y ou can configure fast access to co nnect straigh t to t he vo ic e mails of t he de sire d l ine by lo ng p res sing th e digit k ey 1 , wh en the handset is idle withou t hav ing t o scro ll thro ugh the m enu . 1. Press to enter th e ma in menu. 2. Select -> S et K ey 1 . The L[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 58[...]
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T roubles h oo ting 59 This chap ter provide s so me general troubleshooti ng inf ormation to help you solve the problem s you might encou nter wh en us ing you r W52P IP DECT ph one . If you require add itio nal informat ion o r assistance with yo ur new phone, co ntact your syst em administrator . Why doesn ’ t th e ha n dse t ring? En sure[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 60 Why can ’ t I turn the handset on ? En sure the batt eries are inserted into the h andset. If the batteri es a re alre ady inserted into the ha ndset, place the handset into th e charger cradle . Why do I hear some no ise during a call? En sure that you are no t using the h andset or base station i[...]
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Append ix 61 Y ou can upgra de you r base station to the latest firmware version. Th e latest firmware vers io n not only improves the pe rforman ce of t he base station, but also provides mor e fea tures c ompare d to the p revio u s ver sion. T his sectio n provides you with instruc tion of upgra ding the base station via web user inter face. Fo [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 62 Call Features Directory Settings Intercom Voice Mail Status Anon. Call Rejection Play Message Set Voice Mail Set Key 1 Do Not Disturb Anonymous Call Call Forward Call Waiting Screen Saver Colour Schemes Display Backlight Keypad Light Notification Light Time Format Date Format Input Method Always Busy No [...]
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Append ix 63 Time Zone Time Zone Name − 11:00 Samoa − 10:00 United Stat es -Hawaii-Aleutian − 10:00 United Stat es -Alaska-Aleutian − 09:00 United Stat es -Alaska T i m e − 08:00 Can ada(Vancou ver, Whitehorse ) − 08:00 Mex ico (Tij uana, Me xicali) − 08:00 United Stat es -Pacific Time − 07:00 Can ada(Edmonton, Cal gary ) − 07:00 [...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 64 Time Zone Time Zone Name 0 United Kingdom(London) 0 Moroc co +01:00 Albania(T irane) +01:00 Austria(Vienna ) +01:00 Be lgium(Brussels) +01:00 Caicos +01:00 Cha d +01:00 Croatia(Zag reb) +01:00 Czech Rep ublic (Prague) +01:00 Denma rk( Ko penhagen) +01:00 Fran ce(Par i s) +01:00 Germ any(B erlin) +01:00 H[...]
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Append ix 65 Time Zone Time Zone Name +05:00 Kazak hstan(Aqtobe) +05:00 Kyrgyzsta n(Bish kek) +05:00 Pak istan(Isla mabad) +05:00 Ru ssia(C helya binsk) +05:30 India(C alcutta) +06:00 Kazak hstan(Astana, Almaty) +06:00 Ru ssia(Novosibirsk, Omsk ) +07:00 Ru ssia(Kras noyars k) +07:00 Tha iland( Ba ngkok) +08:00 China(Beijing) +08:00 Singapore( Singa[...]
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User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 66[...]
Страница 79
R eg ula to r y No tices 67 T o red uc e risk of fire, sev ere perso nal inju r y a n d damage to prop erty , re ad the fol lo win g saf ety information ca refull y bef ore using the produc t. Envir onmental R e quirements Place the produc t on a stable , level and non-slip surface. Do not place th e p roduc t cl ose to hea t sourc es, in d[...]
Страница 80
User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 68 When the re is smoke e mitte d from the produ ct, or some ab normal noise o r sme ll, disco nnect the produ ct from the power su pply, a nd u nplug the power ada pter immediately. Remove the el ectrical c ord from an outlet by p ull ing ge ntly on the power ada pter, not by pul ling the cord. Bat[...]
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Index 69 A Abou t This G uide vii Acc ount Registra tion 18 Adding Conta cts 30 Adju sting Ringer Volu me 19 Advisory Tones 25 Always Forward 52 Anonymou s Ca ll 55 Anonymou s Ca ll R ejectio n 56 f Answering Calls 49 Appe ndix 61 Area C ode 40 Assigning a Speed Di al Number 42 Attende d Transfer 53 Auto Answer 43 Auto Intercom 43 Auto Provision 45[...]
Страница 82
User Guid e fo r the W52 P IP DECT Phon e 70 M Main Me nu 21 Menu Guidance 21 Menu Struc ture 62 N No Answer F orward 52 No tificatio n Light 26 O Overview 9 Ou tgoing Line s 41 P Packa ging Contents 1 Phone Settings 23 Placing a C all from Loc al Directo ry 32 Placing a C all Using Spe ed Dial Key 43 Placing Calls 47 Placing Extern al Call s 48 Pl[...]