Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Hotpoint Ariston service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Hotpoint Ariston KEC 647 X item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    IT Istruzioni per luso PIANO Sommario Installazione, 2-3 Posizionamento Collegamento elettrico D es c rizione d ellappare cch io, 4 Pannello di controllo A vv io e utilizzo, 5 - 8 Accensione del piano cottura Accensione delle zone di cottura Funzione booster Spegnimento delle zone di cottura Programmazione della durata di una cottura Il conta[...]

  • Page 2

    2 IT Installazione  È importante conservare q uesto libretto per poterlo consultare in ogni momento . In caso di vendita, di cessione o di trasloco, assicurarsi che resti insieme allapparecchio per in f ormare il nuovo proprietario sul f unzionamento e sui relativi avvertimenti .  L eggere attentamente le istruzioni : ci sono importanti i[...]

  • Page 3

    IT 3 Fissaggio L installazione dellapparecchio deve essere e ff ettuata su un piano dappoggio per f ettamente piano . L e eventuali de f ormazioni provocate da un errato f issaggio potrebbero alterare le caratteristiche e le prestazioni del piano cottura . L a lunghezza della vite di regolazione dei ganci di f issaggio va impostata prima d[...]

  • Page 4

    4 IT Descrizione dellapparecchio Pannello di controllo T asto A U MEN T O P O T EN Z A per accendere la piastra e regolare la potenza ( vedi A vvio e u t ilizzo ). T asto DI M I N UZ I ONE P O T EN Z A per regolare la potenza e spegnere la piastra ( vedi A vvio e u t ilizzo ).  Spia Z ONA DI CO TT U RA S ELE Z I ONA T A indica che la zo[...]

  • Page 5

    IT 5 Avvio e utilizzo  L a colla applicata sulle guarnizioni lascia alcune tracce di g rasso sul vetro . Prima di utilizzare lapparecchio, s i raccomanda di eliminarle con un prodotto speci f ico per la manutenzione non abrasivo . Durante le prime ore di f unzionamento è possibile avvertire un odore di gomma, che comun q ue scomparirà p res[...]

  • Page 6

    6 IT 2 . Agire sui tasti - e + per impostare il nuovo tempo . 3 . Con f ermare premendo il tasto . Per cancellare una programmazione, agire come sopra . Al punto 2 premere il tasto - : la durata scende progressivamente f ino allo spegnimento 0. L a programmazione si azzera e il display esce dalla modalità programmazione . I l c o n t am i n u t i [...]

  • Page 7

    IT 7  Adoperare pentole di diametro su ff iciente a coprire completamente la zona riscaldante, in modo da garantire lo s f ruttamento di tutto il calore disponibile .  Accertarsi che il f ondo delle pentole sia sempre per f ettamente asciutto e pulito, per garantire la corretta aderenza e una lunga durata, sia alle zone di cottura che alle pe[...]

  • Page 8

    8 IT C onsigli pratici per la cottura ª Co ttura a Pressio ne Pento la a pressione Frittu ra Cott ura a fuoco vivissimo  Grigliat a Ebol lizione  Cottura a fuoco viv o ¶ Crê pe Co ttura a fuoco v ivo e doratura (Arr osti, Bis tecc he, S ca loppin e, Fi letti di pesce, Uova a l te g a m ino) ¶ § Addensa m ent o ra p i do (Sughi liquidi ) [...]

  • Page 9

    IT 9 P recauzioni e consigli  L apparecchio è stato progettato e costruito in con f ormità alle norme internazionali di sicurezza . Queste avvertenze sono f ornite per ragioni di sicurezza e devono essere lette attentamente . Questa apparecchiatura è con f orme alle seguenti Direttive Comunitarie : - 2 006 /95/CEE del 12/12/ 06 ( Bassa T e[...]

  • Page 10

    10 IT M anutenzione e cura E scludere la corrente elettrica Prima di ogni operazione isolare lapparecchio dalla rete di alimentazione elettrica . P u l i r e l  appar e cch io   Evitare luso di detergenti abrasivi o corrosivi, q uali i prodotti in bombolette spray per barbecue e f orni, smacchiatori e prodotti antiruggine, i detersiv[...]

  • Page 11

    IT 11 Descrizione t ecnica d ei modelli Il sistema a induzione è il procedimento di cottura più rapido che esista . A d i ff erenza delle piastre tradizionali, non è l a zona di cottura che si riscalda : il calore viene generato direttamente allinterno della pentola, la q uale dovrà possedere necessariamente un f ondo in materiale f erromagn[...]

  • Page 12

    Mode demploi Somm a ire I n st a ll a tio n , 13-14 Positionnement Raccordement é lectri q ue D e s c r i p t io n d e l  appar ei l , 15 T ableau de bord M i s e e n mar ch e e t u t i l i sa t io n , 1 6 - 19 Mise sous tension de la t able de cuisson Allumage des f oyers Fonction booster Extinction des f oyers Programmation de la dur é e [...]

  • Page 13

    1 3 FR Installation  Conserver ce mode demploi pour pouvoir le consulter à tout moment . En cas de vente, de cession ou de d é m é nagement, veiller à ce q uil suive lappareil pour in f ormer le nouveau propri é taire sur son f onctionnement et lui f ournir les conseils correspondants .  L ire attentivement les instructions : el[...]

  • Page 14

    14 FR Autres types de b ranchement Si linstallation é lectri q ue correspond à une des caract é risti q ues suivantes : T ension type et f r éq uence r é seau  4 00 V - 2 +N ~ 5 0 H z  2 2 0 - 24 0 V 3 ~ 5 0 H z  4 00 V 3 - N ~ 5 0 H z  4 00 V - 2 + 2 N ~ 5 0 H z S é parer les câbles et proc é der au raccordement des f ils en[...]

  • Page 15

    15 FR D es c ription d e lappareil Ta b leau d e b or d T ouche A U GMENT A TION D E P U ISS A NCE pour allumer le f oyer et r é gler sa puissance ( voir M ise en m arc h e e t u t ilisa t ion ) . T ouche D IMIN U TION D E P U ISS A NCE pour r é gler la puissance et é teindre le f oyer ( voir M ise en m arc h e e t u t ilisa t ion ) . ?[...]

  • Page 16

    16 FR M i se en marche et ut ili sat io n  L a colle utilis é e pour les joints laisse des traces de graisse sur le verre . N ous conseillons de les é liminer avant dutiliser lappareil à laide dun produit dentretien non abrasi f . U ne odeur de caoutchouc peut se d é gager au cours des premi è res heures dutilisation, elle[...]

  • Page 17

    17 FR Pour annuler une programmation, proc é der comme indi q u é plus haut . Au point 2, appuyer sur la touche - : la dur é e diminue progressivement jus q uà lextinction 0. L a programmation est remise à z é ro et la ff icheur q uitte le mode programmation . L e m i n u t e u r L a table de cuisson doit être allum é e . L e minut[...]

  • Page 18

    18 FR V eiller à ce q ue la base des casseroles soit toujours par f aitement s è che et propre pour garantir un bon contact et une longue dur é e de vie des f oyers mais aussi des casseroles .  Eviter dutiliser les mêmes casseroles q ue sur les brûleurs à gaz . la concentration de chaleur sur les brûleurs à gaz peut d éf ormer le [...]

  • Page 19

    19 FR C onseils utiles pour la c uisson ª Mi se e n pr es si on Au to cu is se r Frit ure Cu ic co n t rès viv e  Gri llade Eb ulliti on  Cuiss on vive ¶ Crepe s Saise et col orat ion (Rot is, St eack, Esc alo pe, F ile ts de po iss on, Oe uf s au p la t ) ¶ § Ré du c ti on r ap i de ( Sau ce l i qu ide s ) Eau Fr ém i ssant e (P at es[...]

  • Page 20

    2 0 FR Pr é c autions et c onseils  Cet appareil a é t é conçu et f abri q u é con f orm é ment aux normes internationales de s é curit é . Ces consignes de s é curit é sont tr è s importantes et doivent ê tre lues attentivement . Cet appareil est con f orme aux Directives Communautaires suivantes : - 2 006 /95/CEE du 12/12/ 06 ( Bas[...]

  • Page 21

    21 FR Netto y a g e et entretien M ise h ors tension Avant toute op é ration de nettoyage ou dentretien couper lalimentation é lectri q ue de lappareil . N e tt o y a g e d e l  appar ei l   N e jamais utiliser de d é tergents abrasi f s ou corrosi f s, tels q ue des bombes a é rosols pour grilloirs et f ours, des d é tacheur[...]

  • Page 22

    22 FR D escr i pt io n techn i q ue des m o dè l es L induction est le proc é d é de cuisson le plus rapide . Contrairement aux pla q ues traditionnelles, le f oyer n é met aucune chaleur : la chaleur est produite à lint é rieur du r é cipient à condition q ue le f ond de ce dernier soit en mat é riau f erromagn é ti q ue . Tab l[...]

  • Page 23

    O per a ti ng I n str uc tio n s C o n te n ts I n st a ll a tio n , 2 4 - 2 5 Positioning Electrical connection D e s c r i p t io n o f t h e app l i an c e , 2 6 Control panel S t ar t - u p an d u s e , 2 7 - 3 0 Switching on the hob Switching on the cooking zones Booster f unction Switching o ff the cooking zones Programming the cooking durati[...]

  • Page 24

    24 GB I n s t a ll a t io n  B e f ore operating your new appliance please read this instruction booklet care f ully . It contains important in f ormation concerning the sa f e operation, installation and maintenance o f the appliance .  Please keep these operating instructions f or f uture re f erence . Pass them on to any new owners o f t h[...]

  • Page 25

    25 G B F i x in g T h e a pp lian c e mu st b e installed on a p er f e c tl y le v el s upp ortin g s u r f a c e . An y de f or m ities c a u sed by i mp ro p er f ixin g c o u ld a ff e c t t h e f eat u res and o p eration o f t h e h o b . T h e t h i ck ness o f t h e s upp ortin g s u r f a c e s h o u ld b e ta k en into a cc o u nt wh en c[...]

  • Page 26

    2 6 GB D es c r i pt io n o f t h e a pp li anc e Co n t r ol p an e l  INCRE A SE PO W ER button switches on the hotplate and controls the power ( see S t ar t- u p and use ) .  RE D U CE PO W ER button controls t he power and switches o ff the hotplate ( see S t ar t- u p and use ) .  C OO K ING Z ON E S E L EC TOR button shows a particu[...]

  • Page 27

    27 G B Start-up an d use  T he glue applied on the gaskets leaves traces o f grease on the glass . B e f ore using the appliance, we recommend you remove these with a special non - abrasive cleaning product . During the f irst f ew hours o f use there may be a smell o f rubber which will disappear very q uickly .  A f ew seconds a f ter the h[...]

  • Page 28

    28 G B T o cancel a programme, f ollow the above instructions . At step 2, press the - button : the duration decreases progressively until it reaches 0 and switches o ff . T he programme resets and the display exits programming mode . T i m e r T he hob must be switched on . T he timer can be used to set a duration up to 99 minutes . 1 . Press the [...]

  • Page 29

    29 G B  Avoid using the same cookware which has been used on gas burners : the heat concentration on gas burners may distort the base o f the pan, causing it not to adhere correctly . S a f e t y d e v i c e s P an s e ns o r Each cooking zone is e q uipped with a pan sensor device . T he hotplate only emits heat when a pan with suitable measure[...]

  • Page 30

    3 0 G B P ract i ca l c oo k i n g ad v i ce ª Pressure cooking Pressure cooker Fr y in g Very high-flame cookin g  Grilling Boili ng  Hig h-flame cookin g ¶ Crêpes Cooki ng o n a high flame an d browning (ro ast s, st ea ks, e sca lo pe s, fi sh fil lets, fried e ggs) ¶ § Fast t hic k eni ng (l iquid juices) Boil ing wat er (past a, ri [...]

  • Page 31

    3 1 G B Pre c autions an d tips  T his appliance has been designed and manu f actured in compliance with international sa f ety standards . T he f ollowing warnings are provided f or sa f ety reasons and must be read care f ully . T his appliance con f orms t o the f ollowing European Economic Community directives : - 2 006 /95/EEC dated 12/12/ [...]

  • Page 32

    3 2 G B C are and ma i ntenance S w i tch i n g the app li ance o ff Disconnect your appliance f rom the electricity supply be f ore carrying out any work on it . C l e an i n g t h e app l i an c e   D o not use abrasive or corrosive detergents (f or example, products in spray cans f or cleaning barbecues and ovens ) , stain removers, anti -[...]

  • Page 33

    33 G B Te c h ni c al d es c ription o f t h e mo d els T he induction system is the q uickest existing way o f cooking . U nlike traditional hotplates where the cooking zone heats up, with the induction system heat is generated directly inside pans which have f erromagnetic bases . Hobs KE C 647 B KE C 647 X Co ok i ng z o ne Power (W) Diam eter ([...]

  • Page 34

    D E B e d ienun g sanleitun g In h alts v erzei c h nis Installation, 3 5 -3 6 Au f stellung Elektroanschluss B e s ch r ei b u n g d e s G e r ä t e s , 3 7 Bedien f eld I nb e t r ie bs e t z u n g u n d G e bra u ch , 3 8 - 41 Einschalten des Koch f eldes Einschalten der Kochzonen Booster - Funktion Ausschalten der Kochzonen Programmierung der [...]

  • Page 35

    3 5 D E Installation  Bewahren Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung bitte sorg f ältig au f , damit Sie sie jederzeit zu Rate ziehen können . Sorgen Sie da f ür, dass sie im Falle eines V erkau f s, eines U mzugs oder einer Übergabe an einen anderen Benutzer das G erät stets begleitet, damit auch der N achbesitzer die Möglichkeit hat, darin nachs[...]

  • Page 36

    3 6 D E Rand der Kochmulde von mindestens 600 m m au f weisen . B e f es t ig u n g Das K o ch f eld mu ss a u f einer p er f e k t e b enen S t ü tz - b z w . A u f la g e f l äch e installiert w erden . D u r ch u nsa chg e mäß e Be f esti gu n g h er v or g er u f ene V er f or mu n g en kö nnten die E i g ens ch a f ten u nd L eist u n g e[...]

  • Page 37

    3 7 D E B es c h rei b un g d es G er ä tes B e d ien f el d T aste ER H Ö H EN D ER LEIST U NG : Zum Einschalten sowie zur L eistungsregelung der Kochzone ( sie h e I n b e t rie b se t zung und G e b rauc h ) . T aste H ER A BSET Z EN D ER LEIST U NG : Zur L eistungsregelung sowie zum Ausschalten der Kochzone ( sie h e I n b e t rie b se [...]

  • Page 38

    3 8 D E I n b etr i e b set z un g und G e b rauch  D e r a u f die D ichtungen au f getragene L eim könnte Fettspuren au f dem G las hinterlassen . Wir emp f ehlen Ihnen, diese vor Einsatz des G erätes mit einem herkömmlichen Reinigungsmittel ( eine nicht scheuernde Poliercreme ) zu ent f ernen . Während der ersten Betriebsstunden könnte e[...]

  • Page 39

    3 9 D E 3 . Bestätigen Sie die Einstellung durch Druck au f die T aste . Möchten Sie eine Programmierung löschen, dann ver f ahren Sie wie f olgt : Bei Punkt 2 drücken Sie die T aste -: Die programmierte Zeit wird f ortlau f end gesenkt b is zum Ausschalten bei 0. D i e programmierte Zeit wird gelöscht und das Display verlässt den Programmier[...]

  • Page 40

    4 0 D E  Achten Sie darau f , dass der Boden des Kochgeschirrs trocken und sauber ist ; nur so ist ein per f ektes Au f liegen des G eschirrbodens sowie eine lange L ebensdauer von Kochzone und G eschirr gewährleistet . V ermeiden Sie den Einsatz von Kochgeschirr, das auch au f G as f lammen verwendet wird . Die äußerst hohe H itzekonzentr[...]

  • Page 41

    4 1 D E Pra k tis c h e B a c k - / B rat h in w eise ª Schnellgare n Schnellkoch topf Fritiere n Sehr sta rk g aren  Grillen Kochen  Stark garen ¶ Crê pes Sta rk garen und bräunen (Braten , Kotele tts, Sc hnitze l, Fischfile ts, Spiegel eier) ¶ § Schnell e indic k en (f lüssig e Soßen) Kochend es Wasser (Nudel n , R eis, Gemüse) Mil[...]

  • Page 42

    4 2 D E V orsi c h tsma ß re g eln un d H in w eise  Das G erät wurde entsprechend den strengsten internationalen Sicherheitsvorschri f ten entwor f en und gebaut . N achstehende H inweise werden aus Sicherheitsgründen gelie f ert und sollten au f merksam gelesen werden . Dieses G erät entspricht den f olgenden E G- Richtlinien : - 2 006 /95[...]

  • Page 43

    4 3 D E R eini g un g u n d P f le g e A b s c h alten I h res G er ä tes v om Stromnetz V or jeder Reinigung und P f lege ist das G erät vom Stromnetz zu trennen . R ei n i g u n g d e s G e r ä t e s   D er Einsatz von Scheuermitteln oder schar f en oder chemischen Reinigungsmitteln wie Backo f ensprays, Fleckenent f erner, Rostent f ern[...]

  • Page 44

    44 D E T echn i sche B eschre i b un g der M o de ll e Kochen mit Induktion ist die schnellste und zeitsparendste Art des Kochens . Im G egensatz zu herkömmlichen Kochplatten, heizt sich nicht d ie Kochzone au f: d i e H itze wird d irekt im Innern des T op f es entwickelt, der hierzu notwendigerweise über einen Boden aus magnetisiertem Material [...]

  • Page 45

    M anua l de i n str ucc io n es S u m a rio I n st a l ac i ó n , 4 6 - 4 7 Colocación Conexión el é ctrica D e s c r i p c i ó n d e l apara t o , 48 Panel de control Pu e s t a e n f u n c io nam ie n t o y u s o , 4 9 - 5 2 Encendido de la encimera Encendido de las zonas de cocción Función booster ( acelerador ) Apagado de las zonas de co[...]

  • Page 46

    46 E S I nstala c ión  Es importante conservar este manual para poder consultarlo en todo m omento . E n el c aso de venta, de cesión o de mudanza, veri f i q ue q ue permanezca junto al aparato para in f ormar al nuevo propietario sobre su f uncionamiento y sobre las advertencias correspondientes .  L ea atentamente las instrucciones : con[...]

  • Page 47

    47 E S L os muebles situados a un costado, cuya altura supere la de la super f icie de trabajo, deben estar situados a 600 m m . , como mínimo, del borde de la misma . F i j a c i ón L a instala c i ó n d el a p arato se d e b e reali z ar so b re u na s u p er f i c ie d e a p o y o p er f e c ta m ente p lana . L as d e f or m a c iones q u[...]

  • Page 48

    4 8 ES De s cr i p c i ón de l a p a r a t o P an e l de c o n t r ol  Botón A U ME N T O D E PO TE NC I A para encender la placa y regular la potencia ( ver Pues t a en f unciona m ien t o y uso ) .  Botón D ISMI N U C I Ó N D E PO TE NC I A para regular la potencia y apagar la placa ( ver Pues t a en f unciona m ien t o y uso ) .  Pi[...]

  • Page 49

    49 E S Puesta en f un c ionamiento y uso  L a cola aplicada sobre las juntas deja algunas trazas de grasa en el vidrio . Antes de utilizar el aparato, se recomienda eliminarlas con un producto especí f ico para el mantenimiento, no abrasivo . Durante las primeras horas de f uncionamiento, es posible advertir un olor a goma q ue pronto desaparec[...]

  • Page 50

    50 E S tiempo . 3 . Con f irme la operación presionando el botón . Para cancelar una programación, realice las operaciones indicadas . En el punto 2 presione el botón - : la duración disminuye progresivamente hasta el 0. L a programación se anula y la pantalla sale de la modalidad programación . E l c onta d o r d e m in u tos L a encimera d[...]

  • Page 51

    51 E S  V eri f i q ue q ue el f ondo de las ollas est é siempre per f ectamente seco y limpio para garantizar una correcta adherencia y mayor duración, no sólo de las zonas de cocción, sino tambi é n de las ollas .  Evite utilizar las mismas ollas utilizadas en los q uemadores a gas : la concentración de calor en los q uemadores a gas [...]

  • Page 52

    52 E S C o nse j o s práct i c o s para l a c o cc i ó n ª Cocción a presión Olla a pr es ión Freído Cocció n a fuego muy fuerte  Asado Ebullic ión  Cocció n a fuego fuerte ¶ Crêpe Co cción a fuego fue rte y dorado (Asad os, Bi stec, Es calopes, Fi letes de pescado , Huevo frito) ¶ § Espesamient o rápido (Salsas lí quidas) Ag[...]

  • Page 53

    53 E S Pre c au c iones y c onse j os  El aparato ha sido proyectado y f abricado en con f ormidad con las normas internacionales sobre seguridad . Estas advertencias se suministran por razones de seguridad y deben ser leídas atentamente . Este aparato es con f orme con las siguientes N ormas Comunitarias : - 2 006 /95/CEE del 12 . 12 .06 ( Baj[...]

  • Page 54

    54 E S M anten i m i ent o y cu i dad o s I nterrump i r e l sum i n i str o de c o rr i ente e l é ctr i ca Antes de realizar cual q uier operación, desconecte el aparato de la red de alimentación el é ctrica . L i m pia r e l apa r ato   Evite el uso de detergentes abrasivos o corrosivos, como aerosoles para barbacoas y hornos, q uitama[...]

  • Page 55

    55 E S D es c rip c i ó n t é c ni c a d e los mo d elos El sistema por inducción es el procedimiento de cocción más rápido q ue existe . A d i f erencia de las placas tradicionales, no es la zona de cocción q ue se calienta : El calor es generado directamente dentro de la olla la cual deberá poseer necesariamente un f ondo de material f er[...]

  • Page 56

    56 E S 10/2009 - 195065961 . 02 X ER O X F A B RI A N O[...]