Makita 9565H manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Makita 9565H, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Makita 9565H one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Makita 9565H. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Makita 9565H should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Makita 9565H
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Makita 9565H item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Makita 9565H item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Makita 9565H alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Makita 9565H, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Makita service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Makita 9565H.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Makita 9565H item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    GB Angle Gri nder Instruction Manual F Meuleuse d’Angle Manuel d’instructions D Winkelsc hleifer Betriebsanleitung I Smerigl iatrice angolar e Istruzioni per l’uso NL Haakse s lijpmachine Gebruiksaanwijzing E E smerila dora Angula r Manual de instrucciones P E smerilh adeira An gular Manual de instruções DK Vinke lsliber Brugsanvisning GR ?[...]

  • Page 2

    2 12 34 56 78 1 7 8 9 5 3 4 5 6 3 5 4 3 5 4 2[...]

  • Page 3

    3 91 0 11 12 7 11 9 12 AB 10 1 13 14[...]

  • Page 4

    4 ENGLISH (Original ins tructions) Explanation of general view 1 Shaft lock 2 Slide switch 3 Whe el guar d 4 Bear ing box 5 Screw 6L e v e r 7 Lock nut 8 Depresse d center gr indin g wheel/Multi-disc 9 Inner flang e 10 Lock nut wrench 11 Abrasive cut- off whe el/diamo nd wheel 12 W heel gu ard f or ab ras ive cut-o ff wheel/diamond wheel 13 Exhaust[...]

  • Page 5

    5 7. Do not use a da maged accessor y . Before each use inspect the accessory such as abrasive wheels for c hips and cracks, backing pad f or cracks, tear or e xcess wear , wire brush for loose or cracked wir es. If power tool or accessory is dropped, inspect for damage o r install an undam- aged accessory . A fter inspecting and installing an acce[...]

  • Page 6

    6 e) Do no t use worn do wn wheels fro m larger powe r tools. Wheel inten ded for large r power tool is not suitable for the hi gher spee d of a sm aller too l and may burst. Additional S afety Wa rn ings Specif ic for Abrasive Cutt ing-Off Ope ratio ns: a) Do not “ja m” the c ut-off wheel or app ly excessive pressu re. D o not a ttem pt to ma [...]

  • Page 7

    7 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CA UTION: • Alwa ys be sure tha t the tool is switched off and unplu gged before a djusting o r checking fun ction on the tool. Shaft loc k (Fig. 1) CA UTION: • Nev e r actua te the shaft lock when th e spindle is mov- ing. The tool ma y be dam aged. Press the shaft lock to p rev ent spind le rotat ion when installing o[...]

  • Page 8

    8 Operat ion with abra sive cut-off / diamo nd wheel (opti onal accesso ry) (Fig. 11) The di rection for mou nting th e lock nut and the inn er flang e vari es by wheel th ickness. Refer to the table below . W ARNING: • W hen usi ng an abrasive cut-of f / diamo nd whee l, be sure to u se only the speci al wheel g uard d esigned for use wit h cut-[...]

  • Page 9

    9 A CC ESSO RIES CA UTION: • These access orie s or a ttachments are r ecommend ed for use with your Makita too l specifie d in this manual. The use of any othe r accessor ies or attachmen ts might present a risk of in jury to person s. Only use acce ssory or attach ment for its st ated pu rpo se. If you need any assistanc e for mor e detail s re[...]

  • Page 10

    10 FRANÇAIS (Instru ctions originales ) Descripti f 1 Bloc age de l’arbre 2 Int errupt eur à gl issièr e 3 Car t er de meule 4 Boîti er d’en grenage 5V i s 6L e v i e r 7 Con tre- écrou 8 Meu le à mo yeu d éporté/ multidisque 9 Flasque intéri eur 10 Clé à cont re-é crou 11 Meule de tro nçonnage ab rasive/ meule d iamant ée 12 Car [...]

  • Page 11

    11 8. P ortez des disp ositif s de prot ection person nelle. Suivant le ty pe de travail à effectu er, util isez un écran facial, des l unet tes étan ches o u des lu net- tes de sé curit é. Selon le cas, por tez un ma sque antipo ussière s, des prot ecteurs d’ oreilles , des gants ou un tabli er de t rav ail as surant une pr o- tection cont[...]

  • Page 12

    12 c) Les me ules do ivent ê tre ut ilisées exclusiveme nt pour le s applica tion s recom mandé es. Par exemple : une meule tron çonneu se ne d oit pas être u tilisée p our le meulag e la téral. Les meule s tronçonne uses abrasives étant conçues pour l e meu- lage pér iphé rique, el les risq uent de voler en éclats si on leur appliqu e[...]

  • Page 13

    13 30. Vérifiez que la piè ce à travailler est adéqu ate- ment su pportée. 31. N’oubli ez pas que la meule cont inue de tour ner une fois l’ou til ét eint. 32. Si le lieu de travail est extrêm ement chaud et humide, ou fo rtement po llué de poussiè res con- ductr ices, u tilisez un disj onct eur (30 mA) p our assure r la sécu rité de[...]

  • Page 14

    14 UTIL ISA T ION A VERTISSE MENT : • Il n’est jam ais néc essaire de forcer l’ou til. Le poids de l’outil lui-mê me suf fit à assu rer un e pressi on adéqua te. En forçant l’out il ou e n appliqu ant une pr ession exces- sive dessus vous courre z le ris que dange reux de cas- ser la meule. • Remp lacez TOUJOURS l a meul e si vous [...]

  • Page 15

    15 A VERTIS SEMENT : • Lors de l’utilisation d’une meule de tronçonnage abra- sive / diamantée, assurez-vous d’utiliser le car ter de meule spécia lement conçu p our les me ules d e tronço n- nage. • N’utilisez JAMA IS une meu le de tron çonnage pou r faire du meul age l atéral. • Évite z de “bloquer ” la meu le ou de lui [...]

  • Page 16

    16 DEUTSCH (Originale Anle itungen) Übersi cht 1 Sp indel arreti erung 2 Schiebe schalter 3 Schutzh aube 4 Lage rgehäuse 5 Schraub e 6 Hebel 7 Sicher ungsmutt er 8 Gekröpfte T rennschle ifschei be/ Multischeibe 9 Innenf lansch 10 Sicher ungsmutt erschlüsse l 11 T rennsch leifscheib e/Diaman t- scheibe 12 Schutzha ube fü r T rennschleif - schei[...]

  • Page 17

    17 8. T rag en Sie Schu tzaus rüstun g. Benut zen Si e je nach der Arbeit eine n Gesic htssch utz bzw . eine Sicherh eits- od er Schu tzbrille . T rag en Sie b ei Bedarf ein e Stau bmaske , Ohrensch ütz er , Hand - schuhe u nd e ine A rbei tsschü rze , die in de r Lag e ist, klein e Schlei fpar tikel ode r Werkstücksplitte r abzuweh ren. Der Au[...]

  • Page 18

    18 d) Verwenden Sie stets un beschäd igte Sc heiben- flan sche de r ko rrekten Größe und Form fü r die ausgewäh lte Schle ifschei be . K orr ekte Sc heiben- flansche stüt zen die Schleifs cheibe und red uzieren somit d ie Mögl ichkeit ein es Sche ibenbr uchs. Flan- sche für T rennscheib en könne n sich von solchen für Schleifs cheiben unt[...]

  • Page 19

    19 29. W enn eine T r enns cheibe mit Gewind eboh rung an der Ma schine montiert wer den soll, ac hten Sie da rauf, das s ihr Ge winde tie f genug für die Spindell änge is t. 30. V ergewis sern Sie s ich, d ass das Werkstück sicher a bgestü tzt is t. 31. Beachten Sie , dass sich die S chleifs cheibe nach dem Ausschal ten der Masch ine noch weit[...]

  • Page 20

    20 BETRIEB W ARNUNG: • Die Masch ine darf auf keinen F a ll gewaltsam ange- drückt werde n. Das Eige ngewicht der Ma schine üb t ausrei chenden Druck aus. Gewaltanwen dung und über mäß iger Dr uck können zu einem gefähr lichen Schlei fscheibenb ruch führen. • Wechseln Sie di e Schleifsc heibe IMM ER aus, falls die Maschine währen d der[...]

  • Page 21

    21 W ARNU NG: • Ben utze n Sie beim A rbeit en mit eine r T rennschleifsc heibe / Diamantscheib e nur die speziel le Schutzh aube, die für den Einsatz mi t T rennscheib en ausgel egt ist. • Benu tzen Sie T rennsch eiben NIE MALS für Fläche n- schleifen. • V e r meiden S ie “V erka nten” der T rennsch eibe ode r die Ausübung überm ä?[...]

  • Page 22

    22 ITALIANO (Istr uzioni originali) Vis ione gene rale 1 Bloc co alber o 2 Interr uttor e scorr e vole 3 Pr otezi one d isco 4 Scatola cuscinetti 5V i t e 6L e v a 7 Contr odado 8 Disco/multidisco con centro depresso 9 Flangia inter na 10 Chiave controd adi 11 Disco a brasivo scanalato/d isco diaman tato 12 Protezio ne disco per dis co abrasivo sca[...]

  • Page 23

    23 8. Indoss are l ’equi paggiamen to di p rotezione . A second a del lavor o, u sare un o scher mo per il viso, o cchiali di protezio ne od occhia li di sicu- rezza. Sec ondo il neces sario, i ndossare una masc herina an tipolve re, pro tezioni pe r le orec- chie , guanti e grem bial e di lavoro in grado di fer- mare pi ccoli fram menti ab rasi [...]

  • Page 24

    24 c) I disch i devono essere usati soltan to p er le a ppli- cazioni raccom andate . Per e sempio: non s i deve smerigliar e con il l ato del d isco di t aglio. I dischi di taglio ab rasivi sono pro gettati p er la smer igli atura peri ferica, e le forze la terali app licate a ques ti dischi potrebb ero causar ne la rot tura. d) Us are sempr e fla[...]

  • Page 25

    25 35. Accerta rsi che l e aper ture di ve ntilazi one rim an- gano libe re durant e il lavoro in condizion i di pol- vere . Quand o è nec essario toglier e la polvere, staccar e prim a l’ute nsile dal la presa di cor rente (usa re ogge tti non me tall ici) ed evita re di dan- neggiare l e par ti interne . 36. Usando i dis chi diam antati, lavor[...]

  • Page 26

    26 Operazi one di smerigl iatura e di le vigatura (Fig. 10) T ene re SEMP RE salda mente l’utensile con u na m ano sull’alloggiamento e l’altra sull’impugnatuta laterale . Met- tere in moto l’ute nsile e quindi avvi cinare la m ola opp ure il disco alla superficie del p ezzo da lav orare. Mantene re gen eralmen te il bor do del d isco/mul[...]

  • Page 27

    27 A VVERTIMENT O: • Quan do si usa un disco abrasivo scanalato/d iamant ato, si deve usare soltanto la spe ciale pro tezione de l disco progetta ta appo sitamen te per l’uso con i dischi scan a- lati. • MAI usare un disco scanala to per la sme riglia tura late- rale. • Fare attenz ione a n on incep pare il disc o e a no n appli - care una [...]

  • Page 28

    28 NEDERLANDS (Originele ins tructies) V erklaring van alge mene geg evens 1 Asblokkering 2 Schuifsch akelaar 3 Bescher m kap 4 Kussenblokkast 5 Schroef 6 Hendel 7 B orgmoe r 8 Afbraamschijf/multischijf 9 Binnenfl ens 10 Borgmo ersleute l 11 Doorslijp schijf/diamantschijf 12 Bescher mkap voor doorslijp- schijf/diamantschijf 13 Lucht uitlaatop ening[...]

  • Page 29

    29 8. Gebruik pe rsoonlijke-v eiligheid smiddele n. Afhanke lijk van de toepa ssing g ebruikt u e en gezicht sscher m, een be scherme nde b ril of een veilighe idsbril . Al naar g elang van to epas sing draa gt u een stof masker , gehoor besche rmers , handsch oene n en ee n werkscho rt d ie in sta at zijn klein e stukje s slijps el of w erkstu kfr[...]

  • Page 30

    30 b) D e bescher mkap mo et stevig worden vastgezet aan het elektris ch g ereedsch ap en in de ma xi- maal besche rmende s tand w orde n gezet zo dat het kl einst m ogel ijke deel van d e schij f is bl oot- geste ld in de ric hting va n de gebruik er . De bescher mkap helpt de gebr uiker te be scher men tegen afge broken stu kjes van de schi jf en[...]

  • Page 31

    31 27. Gebruik gee n afzond erlijke ve rloopmo ffen of adapte rs om schuu rschijven met ee n groot asg at aan dit g ereeds chap a an te pass en. 28. Gebru ik uitslui tend fl enzen die v oor dit geree d- schap zijn bestemd . 29. V oo r ger eedsch ap waarop schijven m et e en gesch roef d asga t diene n gemonte erd te wo rden , moet u ervoor zorgen d[...]

  • Page 32

    32 Instal leren of verw ijderen van de afbraamsc hijf/ multis chijf (ac cess oire) Monteer de bin nenflen s op de as. Plaats d e schijf/mul - tischijf over de b innenfle ns en schroef de borgm oer vast op de as. (F ig. 8 ) Om de borgm oer vast te draaien, dient u stevig op de asblokkering te drukken zodat de as niet kan draai en. Draai ver volgens [...]

  • Page 33

    33 W AARSCHUWI NG: • Wanneer u een doorslijpschijf o f diamantschijf gebr uikt, moet u a ltijd ee n besch ermk ap geb ruiken di e spec iaal ontwor pen is voor gebr uik met doors lijpschi jven. • Ge bruik NOOIT een doorslijpschijf om zijde lings mee te slijpen. • Laat de sch ijf niet vastlopen en oefen gee n buitenspo- rig e druk ui t. Probeer[...]

  • Page 34

    34 ESP A ÑOL (Instr ucciones or iginales) Explicación de lo s dibujos 1 Blo queo d el eje 2 Inter ruptor desliz able 3 Protec tor de disco 4 Caj a de coj inet es 5 T ornillo 6 Palanca 7 Contrat uerca 8 Disco de amolar de cent ro hun- dido/multid isco 9 Brida i nteri or 10 Llave de contratue rca 11 Disco d e cor te a brasivo/disco de diaman te 12 [...]

  • Page 35

    35 8. Póng ase equ ipo de protecc ión person al. En fun- ción d e la aplica ción, u tilice pantalla fac ial, gaf as de pr otecc ión o gafas de segurida d. Según corresp onda, pó ngase ma scarilla contra el polv o, prot ectores auditiv os, gu antes y delantal de tal ler que pu eda d etene r los pequ eños fr ag- mento s abras ivos o de pieza [...]

  • Page 36

    36 d) Utilice s iempre b rida s de dis co que no estén daña das, y del tamaño y forma co rrec tos para el disc o que ha sele ccionad o. Las brid as de dis co correctas s ujetan los di scos de ta l mane ra que redu- cen la posibilidad de que el disco se r ompa. Las bri- das para disco s de cor te pued en ser diferentes de las bridas p ara d iscos[...]

  • Page 37

    37 34. No utilice agua ni lubr icante p ara amola do. 35. Asegúrese de que las a bert uras d e ventila ción están li bres cuan do trab aje en co ndic iones pol- vorientas. S i fuera ne cesario retirar el polvo, pri- mero desc onecte la h erra mienta d e la toma de corrie nte (uti lice objet os no me tálico s) y evite dañar las par tes in terna[...]

  • Page 38

    38 Operación de am olado y lijad o (Fig. 10) Sujete S IEMPR E la herram ient a fir memente con una mano en la carcasa y la ot ra en la empu ñadura lateral. Enc ienda l a herr amie nta y de spué s apliq ue el disco a la piez a de tr abajo . En gene ral, mant enga e l borde d el dis co a un á ngulo de unos 15 grados con la superfici e de la pieza[...]

  • Page 39

    39 MAN TEN IMIE NTO PRECA UCIÓN: • Asegúr ese siemp re de que la he rramien ta esté ap a- gada y d esenchu fada antes de intentar reali zar una inspecc ión o ma ntenim iento. • No utilice nunca gasolina, bencina, disolvente, alcohol o similare s. P odría pr oducir descol ocació n, deforma- ción o gr ietas. La herramie nta y sus aber tu r[...]

  • Page 40

    40 P OR TUGUÊS (Instru ções orig inais) Expli cação geral 1T r a v ã o d o v e i o 2 Inter ruptor desliz ante 3 Resgu ardo d a roda 4 Caix a dos rolame ntos 5 Parafuso 6A l a v a n c a 7 P orca de bloqu eio 8 Roda de reba rbação depri mida ao centro/Disco múltiplo 9 F alang e inter ior 10 Chave de por cas 11 Disco abrasivo de cor te/disco [...]

  • Page 41

    41 8. Utiliz e equ ipamen to de protecção pess oal. Ut i- lize um p rotector facial , óc ulos de se gura nça ou protectore s ocula res, c onforme a aplica ção. Ut i- lize uma má scara contra pó, p rote ctore s auri cu- lares, lu vas e avental c apaz es de res guardar contr a estilh aços ou abra sivos pequ enos da peça de trabalh o. Os pro[...]

  • Page 42

    42 Advert ência s de seg urança adicion ais espec íficas para c orte abrasi vo: a) Não entrave o disco de cor te ne m aplique força excessiva. N ão tente efectuar um corte muito pro- fundo. Sujeitar o disco a esforço e xcessivo aumenta a carga e a suscetibilidade de torção ou emperra- mento do disco no corte e a possibilidade de contra- go[...]

  • Page 43

    43 A VISO: NÃO p ermita q ue conf or to ou familia ridade c om o pr oduto (ad quirido c om o uso rep etido) s ubstitua a aderên cia estrit a às regr as de segu ranç a da ferra- menta. MÁ INTERPRET AÇÃO o u não segu imento das reg ras de segu rança es tabel ecidas neste ma nual de instru ções pode ca usar dano s pesso ais sé rios . DESCR[...]

  • Page 44

    44 Rebarbação e lixamento (Fig. 10) Agar re SEMP RE na f erra ment a firmeme nte co m uma mão no cor p o e a outra na pega la teral. Ligu e a ferra- menta e em segu ida apl ique a ro da ou di sco na pe ça de trabalh o. Em geral, manten ha a extremid ade da r oda ou di sco num ângul o de cer ca de 1 5° com a super fície da peça de trabalh o.[...]

  • Page 45

    45 MANUTENÇÃO PRECA UÇÃO: • Cer tifi que-s e semp re de qu e a f errame nta est á desl i- gada e a fi cha reti rada da tomad a antes de tentar e xe- cutar qu alquer inspecção ou ma nutenção. • Nunca utilize gasolina, benzina, diluente, álcool ou pro- dutos semelhante s. P ode oc orrer a descoloração, deformaç ão ou rachaduras. A f[...]

  • Page 46

    46 D ANSK (Oprindelige an visninger) Illustrationsoversigt 1 Sp indel lås 2 Skydeaf bryd er 3 Beskytte lsesskær m 4 Lejeu nder par t 5 Skrue 6A r m 7 Låsemøtrik 8 F or krø ppet cent erslibeskive/ multi-skiv e 9 Indvendig fl ange 10 Låsemøtriknøgle 11 Af skæring sskive/diamantskive 12 B eskyttelsesskæ rm til afskæ- ringsskive/diamantskive[...]

  • Page 47

    47 10. Hold kun mas kinen i de isolered e hånd tagsfla- der , når der u dføres et ar bejde, hv or det skæ- rende t ilbehør kan kom me i berøri ng med skjult e ledning er eller d ets eg en lednin g. Skæren de tilb e- hø r, som kommer i berøring med en strømfø rende ledning, ka n bevirke, at ud satte m etaldele af maski- nen bliver ledend [...]

  • Page 48

    48 e) Understøt paneler eller alle a rbejdse mner i over- større lse for at minim ere ris ikoen for fa stkle m- ning af skive n og ti lbage slag. St ore arbej dsemner har tenden s til at synke sa mmen unde r deres e gen vægt. Der skal de rfor anbringes støtteanordnin ger under arb ejdsemn et i nær heden af sni tlinj en og nær kanten på arbej[...]

  • Page 49

    49 SAML ING FORSIGTIG: • Sørg altid for , at maskinen er afbr udt og ta get ud af for- binde lse, inden der udføres noget arbej de på maski- nen. Montering af sidegreb (håndtag) (Fig. 3) FORSIGTIG: • Sørg altid for , at sidegrebet er ordent ligt monter et inden brug en. Skru sidegrebe t ordentli gt på de t sted p å maskin en som vises p?[...]

  • Page 50

    50 An vendelse med afs kæringsskive /diamantski ve (ekstraudst yr) (Fig. 11) Den retni ng, hvori låsem ø tr ikken o g den indvendi ge fla nge skal mo nteres, er forskellig alt efte r skivens tykkelse. Se skemaet her under. ADV ARSEL: • N år en afskær ings- /diamantski ve anv endes, skal man sø rge for kun at anvende den speciel le beskyttel[...]

  • Page 51

    51 TILBEHØR FORSIGTIG: • De t i denne manu al speci ficerede tilbeh ø r og anordn in- ger anbe fales til br ug samme n med Deres Maki ta maskin e. Brug af and et tilbehør og andre ano rdning er kan udgøre en risiko f or person skade. Anv end kun til- behø r og an ordn inger til de be skre vne f ormål. Hvis De behø ver assistance eller yder[...]

  • Page 52

    52 ΕΛ ΛΗΝΙΚΑ (Αρχικές ο δηγίες) Περιγραφή γε νικής άποψης 1 Κλεί δωµα άξονα 2 ∆ιακ πτ ης ολ ίσθη σης 3 Προφ υλακτ ήρας τροχού 4 Κιβώ τιο ρουλ εµάν 5 Βίδα 6Μ ο χ λ  ς 7 Παξ ιµάδι κλει δώµα τος 8 Τ ρ οχ[...]

  • Page 53

    53 6. Τ ο µέγε θος της οπή ς προσ αρµ ογής σε άξον α των τροχών, πελµάτων (π ατούρες), βάσ εων υποστήριξης ή τυχν άλλων εξα ρτηµάτων πρέπει να τα ιριάζει απολ ύτως στον ά ξονα µετάδ οσης κ ίνηση ς τ?[...]

  • Page 54

    54 γ) Μη το ποθετήσετε το σώ µα σας στη ν περιοχή που το ηλεκτρικ εργα λείο θα κι νηθεί εάν συµβε ί οπισ θολάκτ ισµ α. Τ ο οπισθολάκ τισµα θα οδηγήσ ει το εργαλεί ο σε δι εύθυ νση αν τίθετ η της κ?[...]

  • Page 55

    55 β) Εάν συνιστάτα ι η χρήση προ φυλακτ ήρα για εργ ασίε ς καθα ρισµ ού µε συ ρµατ βο υρτσα , µην επι τρέπ ετε παρεµπ δισ η της λει του ργία ς του συρµάτ ινου τροχ ού ή της βούρτσ ας απ τον προφ?[...]

  • Page 56

    56 ΣΥΝΟΛ Ο ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: • Πάντο τε βεβαιώνε στε τι το ερ γαλεί ο είναι σβηστ και απο συνδεδ εµένο π ριν εκτ ελέσετ ε οποιαδ ήποτε εργ ασία στο ε ργαλείο . Τ οποθέτησ η πλάγιας λαβής (λαβ ή) (Εικ. 3) ΠΡ?[...]

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    57 Λειτουργία µε τροχ λείανσης κοπής / διαµαντ οτροχ (προαιρετικ π αρελκµενο) (Ε ικ. 11) Η κατε ύθυνση σ τερέωσ ης του παξ ιµάδιού κλειδ ώµατος και της εσω τερική ς φλάντζας ποικίλ λει ανάλ ο?[...]

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    58 ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: • Πάντο τε βεβαιώνε στε τι το ερ γαλεί ο είναι σβηστ και αποσυν δεδεµέν ο πριν επι χειρήσε τε να εκτελέσ ετε επ ιθεώρη ση ή συ ντήρηση. • Μην χρησιµοπο ιείτε ποτέ β ενζίν[...]

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    59 ENH101-14 For European countries only EC D eclar ation of C onf ormity We Makita Corporation as the responsible man ufacturer declare that the follo wing Makita machine(s): Designation of Machine: Angle Grinder Model No./ T ype: 9563H, 9564H, 9565H are of series production and Conforms to the follo wing European Directives: 2006/42/EC And are ma[...]

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    60 ENH101-14 Alleen voor Europese landen EU-Verklaring van Conformit eit Wij, Makita Corporation, als de verantwoordelijke fabrikant, verklaren dat de volgende Makita-machine(s): Aanduiding van de machine: Haakse slijpmachine Modelnr./T ype: 9563H, 9564H, 9565H in serie zijn geproduceerd en V oldoen aan de volgende Europese richtlijnen: 2006/42/EC [...]

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    61 ENH101-14 Μνο για χώρες της Ευρώπης ∆ήλωση Συµµρφωσης ΕΚ Η Makita Corporation, ως ο υπεύθυνος κατασκευαστής, δηλώνει τι το/τα ακλουθο(α) µηχάνηµα(τα) της Makita: Χαρακτηρισµς µηχανήµατος: Γ ωνιακς λ[...]

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    62 ENG905-1 Noise The typical A-weighted noise lev el determin ed according to EN60745: Model 9563H Sound pressure lev el (L pA ): 85 dB (A) Sound power le vel (L WA ): 96 dB (A) Uncertainty (K): 3 dB (A ) Model 9564H, 9565H Sound pressure lev el (L pA ): 84 dB (A) Sound power le vel (L WA ): 95 dB (A) Uncertainty (K): 3 dB (A ) Wear ear protection[...]

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    63 ENG905-1 Geräusch T ypischer A-bewerteter Geräuschpegel er mittelt gemäß EN60745: Modell 9563H Schalldruckpegel (L pA ): 85 dB (A) Schalleistungspegel (L WA ): 96 dB (A) Ungewissheit (K): 3 dB (A) Modell 9564H, 9565H Schalldruckpegel (L pA ): 84 dB (A) Schalleistungspegel (L WA ): 95 dB (A) Ungewissheit (K): 3 dB (A) Gehörschutz tragen ENG9[...]

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    64 ENG905-1 Geluidsniveau De typisch, A-gewogen geluidsniv eaus vastgesteld v olgens EN60745: Model 9563H Geluidsdrukniveau (L pA ): 85 dB (A) Geluidsenergie-niveau (L WA ): 96 dB (A) Onnauwkeurigheid (K): 3 dB (A) Model 9564H, 9565H Geluidsdrukniveau (L pA ): 84 dB (A) Geluidsenergie-niveau (L WA ): 95 dB (A) Onnauwkeurigheid (K): 3 dB (A) Draag o[...]

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    65 ENG905-1 Ruído A característica do nível de ruído A determinado de acordo com EN60745: Modelo 9563H Nível de pressão de som (L pA ): 85 dB (A) Nível do som (L WA ): 96 dB (A) V ariabilidade (K): 3 dB (A) Modelo 9564H, 9565H Nível de pressão de som (L pA ): 84 dB (A) Nível do sum (L WA ): 95 dB (A) V ariabilidade (K): 3 dB (A) Utilize p[...]

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    66 ENG905-1 Θρυβος Τ ο τυπικ Α επίπεδο µετρηµένου θορύβο υ καθορίζεται σύµφωνα µε το EN60745: Μοντέλο 9563H Πίεση ήχου ( L pA ): 85 dB(A) ∆ύναµη του ήχου (L WA ): 96 dB (A) Αβεβαιτητα (Κ) : 3 dB (A) Μοντέλο 9564H, 9565H Πίεση ή[...]

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    Makita Cor poration Anjo, Aichi, Japan www .makita .com 884675C 998 IDE[...]